
Chapter 41: Elevator Kiss

"Lizards are cold-blooded animals, and they prefer damp places," Ethan Hayes said, trying to guide Natasha Romanoff's next move.

"Damp places? Central Park?" Natasha's mind immediately went to the sprawling greenery in Manhattan. If Dr. Connor, now the Lizard, was hiding there, the damage he could cause would create an uproar. The residents and elites nearby would go ballistic, and S.H.I.E.L.D. would have a huge problem on its hands.

"No, I'm talking about the underground pipes in New York," Ethan clarified. He remembered that Dr. Connor had established his secret lab within the labyrinth of pipes under the city. "He'll stay hidden, ugly and dangerous."

After the events of the previous night, Ethan was sure that Dr. Connor would revise his plans and make it even harder to track him down. With Connor's intelligence, even someone like Ethan would have a hard time cornering him.

"I'll get a team to check the underground pipe network," Natasha replied, her heart sinking at the complexity of the task. New York's sewer system was an endless maze, and finding Dr. Connor there would be like hunting a needle in a haystack.

"Once you locate him, send me the information. I'll freeze him solid," Ethan offered, not elaborating on what would come next for Dr. Connor.

He wasn't worried about facing off against Connor. Lizard or not, if the creature tried to attack him, Ethan would stop him—permanently. However, Connor's true danger lay not in his brute strength, but in his intellect. He wasn't just a monstrous villain but one of the brightest minds in genetics. If left unchecked, there was no telling what kind of dark advancements he might make in the future.

Hanging up the phone, Ethan rolled over and closed his eyes. Whatever chaos was brewing, Nick Fury would handle it. As manipulative as Fury could be, Ethan respected how many crises the director had already averted for humanity. He couldn't afford to underestimate Fury.


The elevator doors opened, and Gwen and Ethan stepped inside. As the doors closed, Gwen turned and kissed him, catching him off guard. It was a heated, passionate kiss, and it didn't stop until the elevator reached the second floor. Gwen pulled away, leaving Ethan slightly dazed.

When the doors opened, they both resumed their usual, composed behavior, as though nothing had happened. Since Gwen had started sneaking into his place at night, their relationship had gotten more intense—although neither of them openly acknowledged it. Ethan couldn't help but wonder if his own writing in "Fifty Shades of Grey" was influencing his behavior.

Am I getting into this too much? He thought briefly, dismissing the idea with a shake of his head. No way… It's just stress and proximity.

As the elevator descended, Gwen checked her phone and suddenly remarked, "Looks like the Lizard has been taken care of. Hmph, that Ice Demon did a good deed."

Ethan smirked at her comment. "You kicked the Ice Demon once, remember?"

She glanced at him sideways, looking mildly guilty but still playful. "Well, I was worried he might go after my dad, George."

Your dad tried to shoot me, not the other way around, Ethan thought wryly, recalling how Captain George Stacy had nearly filled him with bullets. If not for his ability to turn into ice, he would've been riddled with holes.

"George has a lot on his plate now—dealing with the Lizard, the Ice Demon, and, of course, his daughter, the Ghost Spider," Ethan teased, giving Gwen a knowing glance.

Gwen sighed, "I'm just trying to do my part, fighting crime and keeping New York safe. I think George should give me a medal for all the good work."

Ethan chuckled. "Or maybe he's worried you'll steal his job and make him look bad in front of the press. He is the police commissioner, after all. Upholding justice is kind of his thing."

Gwen narrowed her eyes at him. "Ethan, you should really become a lawyer. You've got the spin for it. One of you can arrest me, and the other can defend me."

Ethan grinned. "It would be my honor, Miss Stacy."

They laughed together, and as they arrived at school, Ethan noticed how many of the male students watched them with envy. It wasn't surprising—Gwen Stacy was the school's sweetheart, and being seen with her made Ethan a magnet for jealousy.

"Good morning, Gwen, Ethan," called Juliet, their cheerful homeroom teacher, as she passed by.

"Good morning, Miss Juliet," they said in unison.

Juliet, glowing with happiness, went on her way.

"Do you think Miss Juliet seems different?" Gwen asked quietly.

Ethan resisted the urge to sigh. Of course, she's different. A few days ago, Juliet had been replaced by Raven, the Shape-shifter, while the real Juliet had been stashed away somewhere. But now that the real teacher was back, who knew what had been done to her memory?

"I'm sure she's just in love," Ethan lied, masking his deeper thoughts with an easy smile. The truth was far more complicated. Raven was crucial to Ethan's long-term plans—both in dealing with the Brotherhood and for… personal reasons. But now that she was gone, finding her and Magneto became his next objective.

One more heroine to win over, he mused. The ultimate conquest.


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