
Wing It Like Witches

Boscha looked at herself in the mirror, in her room. Multiple trophies are lining the wall behind her. "You… are talented. You… are a star," Boscha said to herself as she lifted her downed hair into a ponytail. "You may be hated, so long as you are feared." She put on a varsity jacket as she walked towards her door. "Most important of all, you are… a winner." Boscha ripped off a page from her calendar, the page underneath it had the words "Grudgby season", with the whole month marked.

As Boscha walked towards Hexside, the people in Bonesborough watch her mesmerized as she's dribbling a ball.

"There she goes, captain of the Banshees. Off to win another championship for Hexside," said an old woman.

"Why can't you be more like her?" Another old woman asked her child, who simply looked down as he breathed in with an annoyed expression.

As Boscha arrived at Hexside, a large banner unfurls with the words "Go get 'em, Banshees" written on it.

As Boscha arrives at the entrance, she snaps her fingers and two of her friends, Cat and Amelia, form up behind her. As she looked behind her, she noticed that one of her longest friends, Skara, hadn't shown up. She couldn't fault the bard since she'd made it clear that she wasn't planning to participate in any more activities for Grudgby that didn't involve her role as a strategist.

She quickly shook it off as she composed herself before addressing the other two. "Alright, girls. You know the drill. Captain goes first." Boscha opened the door before stepping into the school. "Hello, Hexside! Your star has arrived. Groveling line starts here."

Boscha looked around in confusion. "Something's not right. Nobody's here!" she cried out as she noticed the empty hallway. As Boscha heard laughter, she peeked around the corner and saw Willow with multiple students as she held up a plotted plant.

"No way!"

"Do me next. Do me!" A potion student said in excitement as Willow created a quick spell circle growing an eggplant in the shape of his head.

"Welcome to the world, little buddy. You're the coolest, Willow," the student said as he cradled the eggplant.

"Aw, shucks," Willow said with an embarrassed blush

"Yeah! Willow rules!" An oracle student with a bird head cheered happily

"Wow, she has to make friends out of plants. How sad," Boscha said as she walked past Willow with her friends causing Willow to deflate slightly.

"Oh, please," Amity said as she caught up to Boscha. "You know, I used to be like you, Boscha, obsessed with status, challenging my competition. But I grew up. When will you?"

As Amity walked away, she left Boscha stunned as the student that were crowding around Willow began to laugh.

"Oh, this is not gonna fly," Boscha said angrily as she narrowed her eyes.

Outside of Hexside, Eda and Luz land as Cruz lands closely behind the two. "My first Grudgby season! I'm so excited, I have more school spirit than the school spirits!" Luz said in excitement

"Why do I even bother," a blue ghost said as they threw down a pair of black pompoms before floating away.

"I guess you can hurt a spirit's feelings," Cruz commented watching the ghost float away.

"Ah, grudgby season is the best. You know, I used to play, back in my gory days," Eda said reminiscing

"You mean, 'glory days'?" Luz asked

"Well, that too. I was unstoppable on the field. I had the best moves and… the best cheats."

"Cheating isn't anything to brag about. How do you know you were any good if all you did was cheat your way to victory?" Luz pointed out

"She's right you know. Cheating will end up making your skills rusty and make you more likely to mess up," Cruz added in

"Ugh. What do humans know, with your goody-goody attitude? If 'cheaters never prosper', why was I the star player?"

The Noceda twins looked at each other before shrugging. "Well, can't argue with crazy," Luz said as she pulled King out from her hood. "Bye, King. You little snoozers."

Luz gave King a quick kiss on his skull before putting him on Eda's staff. "See ya later, you guys," Cruz said as he and Luz headed towards class.

King quickly scurried off into Eda's hair. "Ugh. Eda, when was the last time you cleaned up in here?" King said as he threw away a bag of chips and a rat with an eye on its back. "Get your own scalp, buddy. This one's taken." King wrapped himself in Eda's hair as if it were a blanket.

"All this talk of grudgby has me feeling nostalgic. Whaddya say you and me take a little trip down memory lane?"

"Hard pass," King said sinking further into Eda's hair.

"That's the spirit."

"You mean me?" The ghost from earlier asked feeling hopeful

"Ugh. Come on!" Eda said as she flew away leaving the ghost feeling sad.

"Over fifty years ago, Emperor Belos appointed a head witch to each coven," said a salamander looking teacher as the students in history class looked on bored.

"I can't wait for grudgby season to start!" Luz said to Willow and Gus in excitement. "Cruz and I've studied up on all sorts of magical sports."

"You two were studying Grudgby books?" Willow asked

"Well… not books, but this instead," Luz said holding up a dvd. "Good Witch Azura 2: The Field of Deadly Fates. A classic underdog tale."

Willow grabbed the dvd case as she looked at it. "Azura challenges Hecate in the smibbitch championship. But will she risk it all by taking a chance on the deadly Thorn Vault?"

As Willow opened the case, Gus looked at the dvd in interest. "Ooh, a shiny cookie." He tried to eat it before Luz stopped him.

"Not food," Luz said taking the dvd back.

"The council headquarters was built and paid for by...? Anyone? Willow?" The teacher asked as Willow stood up in attention.

"Uh, the Pixie Dust Taxes?"

"Whoo, yeah! Go, Willow!" The same bird student from earlier yelled from the hall as the teacher used a spell to close the door.

"Impressive, Miss Park." The other students began to murmur in admiration.

"What's going on? It's like all of Hexside's caught Willow fever!" Luz said looking around

"Ever since I patched things up with Amity, I've been feeling more confident," Willow shrugged as she gestured to her hair clip. "I guess it shows." The hair clip began to float out of Willow's hair as it landed in Boscha's hand.

"Aw. Willow thinks she's popular now. How cute," Boscha said with a snide.

"Hey, I agree, my friend is very cute. But give that back!" Luz said as she tried to grab the hair clip only to fall short.

"It's weird that Amity hangs out with you now. Ever since Grom, she's gone soft. But don't worry. I'm still here to show you who's boss," Boscha said as she put the clip into her hair.

"Come on, Boscha. Just give her back her hair clip," Skara said

"And why are you defending half-a-witch?"

"Because she's my friend too. Why wouldn't I say something?" Skara said with a frown as Gus came up to the two and grabbed the hair clip.

"Here, Willow," Gus said as he handed the clip back to Willow.

"Oh-ho-ho! The friends wanna get in on this too, huh?" Boscha said as she began to levitate Willow's bag dumping everything on Willow, Gus, and Luz. Boscha laughed, gaining the teacher's attention.

"Is that laughter? Hey, hey! Learning's not supposed to be fun!" The teacher said angrily

"We are having zero fun, I swear. Boscha's picking on us," Luz retorted

"My apologies, sir. I was practicing my aim for Grudgby," Boscha said innocently as she threw an eraser at Willow

"Boscha, how could you throw things at them…" the teacher grabbed a piece of chalk and drew a circle on his chest; "When you could throw things at me? Am I over here? Or am I over here? Anything for the captain of the Banshees!"

"Oh, thanks, but I already have the perfect targets," Boscha said as she threw a piece of gum at Willow's hair causing her to groan.

"Don't worry, it's not like she can follow us around all day, right?" Luz said

Luz immediately regretted saying that as she, along with Willow and Gus, were covered in trash and graffiti.

"She followed us around all day. She literally followed us around all day!" Luz exclaimed.

"What happened to you three?" Cruz asked as he joined them

"Boscha happened to them," Skara said from the top of the stairs looking rather deflated. "I tried telling her to stop, but she's more stubborn during Grudgby season."

"She's right," Willow said with a sigh. "I'm really sorry I pulled you guys into this. We should have just kept a low profile. Boscha could get away with murder if she wanted to."

"What's this? Boscha got away with murder?" Bump said as he walked down the stairs, "I can't say I approve, but at least she's trying new things." Cruz gave Bump an unimpressed look as he left.

"We will find a way out of this," Luz said as she noticed Amity walking past them.

"Amity!" Luz cleaned herself off from the trash before running up to the green haired girl.

Amity blushed as soon as Luz ran up to her. "Oh, Luz! You're here! I mean, obviously you're here, this is school, and you go here now, with, uh, me... I've been talking for too long."

"Amity, we need your help."

"Yes, I can help!" Amity said enthusiastically before pausing. "…With what, exactly?"

"Boscha won't stop picking on Willow, and no one will do anything about it because she's the 'Star Captain of the Grudgby Team'," Luz said with a frown

"Yeah, this time of year, she's extra unbearable."

"You're friends with her, can you help us?" Luz pleaded

"Uh, the hard part is, there's no reasoning with Boscha. She only speaks in Grudgby terms," Amity said as she stepped back with a blush.

"Hmm. Okay, okay. I'm pickin' up what you're puttin' down."

Amity looked at her book in confusion before looking back at Luz. "I'm... not putting anything down."

Back at the school entrance, Cruz had taken out a couple of rags from his bag before handing them to Willow and Gus.

"I can try to deal with Boscha if you guys want," Cruz said as he took out a sticky potion from his bag.

"Don't," Willow said, "It probably wouldn't work anyway. And besides, you might just get in trouble instead."

"She's right, Cruz. Boscha can get away with this stuff because it's Grudgby season. They'll find out it's you if you use any of your potions," Skara pointed out.

"Yeah, you might have a point there," Cruz said as he put the potion away.

"And besides, as soon as Bump realizes you ditched history class, he's going to be angry," Gus said

"What are you talking about? I didn't ditch any of my classes today," Cruz said confusing the three

"But don't you have history class at the same time as us?" Willow asked

"I did before, but I managed to make a deal with Bump. As long as I manage to pass all the exams and homework for class, I don't have to go," Cruz said with a smile. "I've been making potions that Bump's been asking me to make during class. He and Mx. Drabek helped turn an empty classroom into a potion making room for me. It reminds me a lot of the chemistry lab I had back in the human realm."

"Wait, seriously?" Gus asked in surprise. "Since when did that happen?"

"About a week ago. Didn't Luz tell you? I know I told her about it," Cruz said as he looked up and noticed garbage begin to fall from the second floor.

Cruz traced a spell circle using his new A.B.S gloves to create a shield spell over the group. As the garbage landed on the spell, Willow screamed out gaining Luz's attention as she ran back to the group.

"Willow! What happened?" Luz asked in concern

"Boscha happened," Willow said pointing towards the second floor.

From the second floor, Boscha stood by a window holding an empty trash can upside down. "Hey, Willow! I just thought all trash should stay in one spot."

"That's it!" Luz said angrily as she walked closer to the window, "Boscha! Willow challenges you to... a grudgby match!"

"She what?!" Boscha asked in surprise as she dropped the trash can

"I what?!" Willow asked in equal surprise

"She what?" Gus asked as the trash can fell on top of him covering him completely. "Seriously, what's going on here?"

"Luz, what are you doing?" Willow asked in concern

"I'm just following Amity's advice," Luz said as Boscha walked down the stairs. "Boscha only speaks in grudgby terms. Trust me, I have a plan."

"Okay, maybe it's the altitude of the second floor, but I thought I heard you say that Leaf Girl wanted to challenge me to a Grudgby match," Boscha said as she spun the Grudgby ball on her finger.

"That's right! We'll settle this once and for all on the field," Luz said in determination as Willow ran up to her

"Or we could just talk about our issues," she suggested

"Let's do this," Boscha said ignoring her

"Oh, no."

"If Willow's team wins, you don't get to pick on her anymore."

"Fine! And when we win, Willow and your team will be our water gofers."

"Ha! That's not even a punishment. I love water," Luz said bragging

"And we get to use you as target practice," Boscha said as she kicked the ball towards a tree punching a hole through the trunk. Willow and Luz looked at the tree in shock.

"See you after school, losers," Boscha said as she left with her friends before the tree caught on fire.

"Whoo-hoo! Willow versus Boscha!" cheered the same student from earlier.

As the group walked back towards the front steps, Cruz took the trash can off of Gus and threw it away.

"Luz, this isn't a good idea," Amity said with worry

"Yeah, I've never even played Grudgby before! How am I supposed to beat Boscha?"

"But you're the better witch," Luz said as she held up her Azura movie. "I don't know much about sports, but I know about sports movies."

"A movie isn't really the same thing, sis," Cruz pointed out

"Maybe not, but we too, are a ragtag team of lovable misfits joined together to defeat a powerful enemy. With a little team spirit and a training montage, we can win!"

Cruz and Willow looked at each other before shrugging. "She might have a good point, you know."

"Well, if you think this'll work, then I'm in. How about you, Gus?" Willow asked

"In seasons past, these flags have waved in support of Grudgby greats," Gus said as he lifted his two flags. "Now they will wave for the greatest: Me!" Gus began to wave his flags enthusiastically.

"What about you, Amity?" Luz asked

"Me? On a… team with… you? Running around in cute uniforms? Sweating?" Amity chuckled nervously before she blushed heavily as she began to run off. "I gotta go!"

Cruz gave her a knowing smile and chuckled a bit. "Huh? Well, I guess she's out. In any case, let's get training!" Luz said as she started to run off towards the Grudgby field with the others following after her.

Cruz looked back and saw that Skara looked hesitant. "Hey, you don't have to help us out with this. I know it's a tough situation considering you're friends with Boscha."

"Yeah… but I don't want to just abandon you guys either. You're all my friends too. And besides, Boscha is taking things too far, especially during this time," Skara said as she gained a determined look. "I might not play, but I can still cheer you guys on."

"Thanks, Skara. I really appreciate it," Cruz said with a smile as the two went to join Luz.

The group stood in front of the Grudgby field as Luz stood in front of them. "So, how exactly do we play Grudgby?" Luz asked

"Well," Gus summoned an illusion of the Grudgby field with a student in the center. "There's a ball, and you score by getting the ball through the other team's goal." As Gus explained the rules, the illusion copied his words before disappearing.

"That sounds easy," Luz said

"Yeah, it sounds pretty simple," Cruz added in

"It is, except…" Willow summoned a leaf before blowing it onto the field. As the leaf landed on the field, a pillar of flames rose up making the leaf move along only to be attacked by vines, ice shards, and finally being ripped apart by rock spikes.

"Oh, right. Boiling Isles. Should have predicted this," Luz said as she placed down her phone and started to play motivational music. She then proceeded to put on a sweatband.

"Alright! Every great sports story includes a training montage," Luz said as Gus raised his hand in the air.

"What's a 'mon-tage'?"

"Well…" Luz proceeded to explain a montage. She then showed them a football game before having a tea party in animal onesies.

"Oh I get it now," Gus said before he realized something. "Wait, were we just having a tea party in animal jammies?"

"What happens in the montage stays in the montage!" Luz stated firmly. "Now let's hit the field." Luz blew her whistle before throwing the ball onto the field. As Willow prepares to kick the ball, a giant tentacle rose up from the ground knocking the ball into the air.

Willow and Gus both yell as the ball lands in Willow's hand, before the two start to run away.

As Cruz ran after the two to try and help, a hand rose up from the ground grabbing Gus. As Cruz frees Gus from the hand, flaming Grudgby balls start to chase after Willow as the same cheering student was sitting in the stands.

"Woo! Go, Willow!" As Willow runs away, a trampoline emerges from the ground sending her flying backwards. "You'll get 'em next time!"

Willow landed on the ground in front of Luz and Skara, who had a worried look on her face.

"I need a cup of water," Willow said in exhaustion as Gus and Cruz walk up to them before Gus collapses.

"You're gonna have to slow down a second, Luz," Cruz said

"Now for our big finale!" Luz said, ignoring Cruz as she took out a plant glyph. "Let's try… the Thorne Vault!" Luz activated the plant glyph and placed them on the ground.

"Luz, wait-" Willow, Gus, and Cruz were all launched into the air by a giant column of vines. As they flew in the air, Willow summoned a large plant to break her fall as Gus rolled off of it and Cruz created a spell circle to activate the wind glyph holding him up before the spell dissipated.

"Gus?" Willow said as she ran up to him, "Talk to me, Gus!"

"I-I think something's broken," Gus said, causing Cruz to run up to him and pull out a small pale blue potion from his pocket.

"I've got some healing potions I made in class," Cruz said as Gus pulled out his flag before it snapped in two. Gus gasped in horror when he saw them.

"My flags! I never should have tried to play. You were always enough for me." Gus began to sob over his flags. As Willow put her hand on the ground, she felt something broken. When she looked down she saw her hair clip lying on the ground snapped in two.

"Come on, Gus. I have some floral tape in the greenhouse," Willow said sternly. "We'll fix them."

"Okay," Gus said with a sniff as the two stood up and began to walk away.

"Guys, let's try the Thorn Vault one more time," Luz said trying to encourage them

"Not now, Luz. We're tired," Willow said

"But we're the underdogs, we have to stay upbeat and keep trying and-"

"Luz!" Willow came back walking up to Luz. "Not everything can be solved with a good attitude and a dope music soundtrack. We're going to lose. And no movie can help us against that. The game is off." Willow began to walk away again.

"Willow, wait!" Luz called out

"Sorry, hermana. It wasn't realistic to think we could win this thing. It takes too much luck and skill for us to pull this off," Cruz said as he began to follow after Willow and Gus.

"He's right, Luz," Skara said. "As much as she's acting like a jerk to you guys, Boscha is way too good at this game to really think you'd win." She then began to follow after Cruz towards the green house. Luz looked down at the broken hair clip before scooping it up in her hands.

In the green house, the group walked in as Willow began to search for the floral tape. "Give me a second, Gus. I'm pretty sure that the tape is around here," Willow said as she began to look inside of the desks.

Gus gave a sad nod as he looked at his flags. "I'm sure your flags will be fine, Gus. At least nothing else was broken," Cruz pointed out.

"I was wondering about something," Gus began to say. "How did you break your fall?"

"Oh, I used this." Cruz traced a small spell circle causing a little tornado to form in the air before he clasped his hands over it smothering the spell.

"Since when can you do spell circles?!" Skara asked in surprise.

"Ever since I finished making this thing." Cruz held up his hand to show the glove. "It works like a training wand, the main difference is that it self recharges and only works with glyph magic that Luz and I have."

"So why didn't you make one for Luz?" Willow asked

"I did. She's just not used to wearing stuff like this, so she forgot to bring them with her to school today. You should've seen her face when she cast a light spell using the gloves," Cruz said with a chuckle as Willow walked over to Gus holding a roll of tape.

"There, that ought to do it," Willow said as she wrapped the tape around the flags.

"These are flags of surrender now," Gus said as the door swung open with Amity rushing in.

"Luz needs our help! I know she pushed you guys, and she always gets in over her head. She can be so stupid, which I love—I mean hate," Amity said as she blushed. "In any case, she needs you right now, which is sweet—I mean, I hate it, and it's dumb!"

Willow and Gus stared at Amity in confusion as Cruz chuckled in amusement and Skara's eyes widened in realization.

"You lost me," Gus said after a slight pause

"Just… here," Amity said as she handed Willow her broken hair clip. Willow smiled when she saw it.

"Can we resist the call to action?" Gus asked as he looked at his flags. "No! May the flags be raised once more." Gus ran out of the room with the others following after him.

Back at the Grudgby field, Luz was running as she dodged the flaming Grudgby balls that Boscha threw at her.

As Luz was running, a wall of spikes rose up blocking her path. "Having fun yet? 'Cause I'm just getting warmed up." Boscha reeled her arm back before throwing the flaming Grudgby ball.

A tree suddenly emerges from the ground blocking the ball and sending it back to a confused Boscha.

"Boscha. Your issue is with me, not Luz. Leave her be," Willow said as she stood in front of the tree and Luz defensively.

"Willow!" Luz said as she ran up to her. "Willow, I'm sorry I got you into this mess. You're right, I got my head too stuck in the movie biz."

"It's okay. I know you were just trying to help in your own Luz way. But now let's finish this... my way," Willow said with determination as she turned to Boscha. "The game is back on."

"You need three players on your team. Where's your third?" Boscha asked

"Uh, well…" Willow and Luz both turned towards the stands and saw that Gus was holding his flags with worry while Cruz and Skara tried to console him.

"Right here," Amity said

"You just destroyed your social life," Boscha said as Amity walked past her and stood next to Willow and Luz

"No," Amity looked at the two as she smiled, "I think I made it better."

"Ugh! Game on!" Boscha walked away as Willow, Amity, and Luz smiled at each other.

Both teams stood in front of each other wearing Grudgby uniforms as Gus, Cruz, and Skara stood in the stands ready to cheer on their friends.

"Go Willow!" Gus cheered, waving his flags as he jumped up.

"You've got this!" Cruz cheered on

"There's something on your shoe," Willow told Boscha

"Like I'd fall for that," Boscha said with a scoff. As the ball was launched into the air Boscha lunged for it before abruptly stopping and falling flat on her face due to a vine holding her down.

As the ball is about to hit the ground, Willow caught it before waving a spell circle and having a plant transport her underground before the other Banshees are able to get to her. Willow arrived next to the goal before scoring the first point.

As the game continues, Luz and Amity are running towards the goal before a large axe emerges from the ground. Amity traces a spell circle summoning a large abomination hand to stop the axe. Luz runs towards the goal as the two girls give each other a thumbs up before Luz scores a goal.

The trio on the bench cheer as Gus creates duplicates of himself using his illusion magic. Amelia runs past a spiked tentacle and arrows as she scores a goal for the Banshees before stopping in front of the goal and Luz.

"Nice work," Luz praised raising her hand for a high-five

"Thanks," Amelia said as the two high-five. She looked over at Boscha and saw that she was scowling before copying her expression.

As the game continued, Boscha threw a flaming Grudgby ball at Luz who blocked it using an ice glyph. As the ball lands in Luz's hands, she grabs a fire glyph before putting it on the ball and lighting it.

"I can do that too. Amity!" Luz threw the ball at the Banshees who ran out of the way. As the ball soared in the air, Amity used an abomination arm to score a goal.

"Yeah!" Amity cheered before she laughed happily

The scoreboard showed that both teams were tied as they all huddled.

"There's time for one more play," Amity told the two.

"And this play could determine whether us underdogs win or lose," Willow added in.

"Here's what I have to offer," Luz said as she held up one of each of her glyphs.

"I think we should try… this one." Willow pointed at the plant glyph shocking Luz.

"The Thorn Vault? Are you sure?"

"I'm ready this time."

All of the Gus clones cheered, while both teams met up in the center.

The ball was launched in the air as Luz managed to catch it.

"Watch out!" Amity shouted as she pushed Luz out of the way of a charging Boscha causing her to get tackled.


"Luz!" Amity warned as Luz looked up to see the other two Banshees running towards her. Luz ran towards Willow before placing the plant glyph on the floor.

Luz held the ball in the air as Willow caught it before jumping on the plant glyph launching her towards the goal.

Willow ran on the pillar of vines towards the goal before jumping and scoring the final goal.

Willow fell off of the goal before landing in a bush that she summoned.

"Whoo!" Luz cheered as she ran towards Willow giving her a hug. "You did it, Willow! We did it! We won!"

Luz and Willow turned towards the scoreboard that read 9-10. Suddenly the nine points for the Banshees changed to a 999 confusing Luz.

"Wait, what?" Luz turned to see Boscha holding up a golden stag beetle with a large green gem in its pincers.

"Oh, thorns," Willow said sadly

"Wh-what happened?"

"She caught the Rusty Smidge."

"The what?"

Boscha stepped towards them looking smug. "Yeah, while you were celebrating your 'victory', I caught this guy. It means we automatically win. All magic sports are like this."

"No offense, Skara. But that's a really stupid rule," Cruz said as he pinched his nose

"Yeah… it's not a rule that's played in official matches. And no one said anything about not using it," Skara explained

"That just invalidates all our efforts! If catching that thing is so important, why do anything else?" Luz said angrily. "There's no reason to watch any of the other players! That's such a stupid rule!"

"Well, we beat them and proved our social dominance. All is right in the hierarchy," Boscha said as she began to walk away before Cat and Amelia walked past her and towards Willow and Luz. "Hey!"

"Good game, Willow!" Amelia said happily, "I had so much fun playing you guys."

"Oh, really?" Willow asked

"Willow, you're really good. Would you want to be on our team?" Cat asked

Willow looked towards Boscha who looked completely shocked. "Mm, thanks for the offer, but I think I'm done with Grudgby for a while," Willow said as she realized something. "Hey, where's…"

Luz and Willow looked towards the field and saw Amity struggling to stand up.

"Amity!" Both girls ran towards their downed friend.

"I think—I think I hurt my leg. But, I'll be okay," Amity said

"The healing glyph can only help out a bit more than a regular healing patch can," Cruz said as he and Skara joined them

"That's not good" Luz said with worry as she turned towards Amity. "I could help carry you if it really hurts."

Amity blushed when she heard this. "I'm fine! Who's Amity?" Amity said with a nervous chuckle as the other three smiled at the interaction

"Aaaaand, scoop!" Luz said picking her up bridal style

"Oh, wow. Sports."

"Can we have another montage?" Gus asked happily as he joined them

"Yeah! Montage, activate!"

In the montage, Gus, Willow, Luz, Skara, and Cruz all score multiple goals as they land on flowers with stems that look like springs.

The group walked up towards the scoreboard before Gus used an illusion to change the score from ten to 1000.

The group all run towards the Owl House running towards Eda and King. As Hooty goes to greet them they all step over him and continue to run towards the house.

King begins to dance while wearing a cheerleader outfit. "You're-You're not gonna show this to anyone, right?" King asked nervously

"Of course not," Eda said with a smile as Luz and Cruz chuckled and recorded him. "Keep cheering."

Amity arrived at the Owl House, now wearing a cast and holding herself up using a crutch. Hooty lifted her into the air before placing her on the couch surrounded by her friends as Luz handed her a cup of tea.

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