
Miraculous Part 1: The End

[Aiden's Car]

Alya's heart beats rapidly as she gazes out the car window. The pressure of the moment begins to affect her, and although she tries to maintain her composure, her hands tremble slightly. Aiden, noticing the change, extends his hand and gently takes Alya's.

"Are you okay?" Aiden asks, his voice calm, with a hint of concern.

Alya doesn't deny it. She slightly shakes her head, squeezing Aiden's hand a bit, seeking comfort.

"You'll be fine," Aiden says, smiling with some confidence. "I've heard from a reliable source that one of the evaluators likes you."

Alya raises an eyebrow and lets out a small huff. "Really? Is that the best you've got to calm me down?" she asks, but can't help but smile a little, relieved by his relaxed tone.

"It worked, didn't it?" Aiden replies, smiling back, satisfied with his attempt.

Alya relaxes a little more and laughs softly. "Thanks," she says, appreciating the effort.

"You're welcome."

The car stops in front of an imposing building. Alya takes a deep breath before stepping out of the car, following Aiden.

They don't need to identify themselves, as the automatic doors open as they approach, and a guard greets them, already knowing they are expected. The atmosphere inside is formal and somewhat intimidating, but Aiden stops before continuing.

"Wait," Aiden says, turning to her with a serious look. "Alya, I want you to know what this is going to be like. There will be two evaluators in the room: me and another evaluator. If you see me change my attitude a little, don't worry, it's part of my job."

Alya nods, waiting for him to continue.

"Inside, you'll present your work, talk about your strengths, and explain why they should invest in you. When you're done, they'll probably say something like, 'Thank you for your time, we'll call you.' Don't worry, they say that to everyone. After that, just stay here and wait."

Aiden gives her one last smile. "I trust you," he says before heading down another hallway.

Alya is left alone for a few minutes, trying to calm her nerves while mentally reviewing what she needs to say. Finally, a male voice pulls her out of her concentration.

"Alya Césaire," an employee calls, waiting for her near a hallway.

With steady steps, Alya rises, takes a breath, and follows the employee into the room.

As she enters, she walks toward the podium she can see. From there, Alya can spot two people sitting a few meters in front of her. One is a woman she doesn't know, and the other is Aiden. Both have serious, professional expressions, which feels strange to Alya, especially in Aiden, who is usually much more relaxed.

" You may begin," says the evaluator, breaking the silence.

Alya nods and connects her laptop to the stage, feeling her heart race. The pressure takes over, but before she starts, she grabs the bracelet Aiden gave her as a small reminder of his support. As she touches it, a wave of calm washes over her. She closes her eyes for a moment, takes a deep breath, and with more confidence, begins to speak.

The presentation flows naturally. She talks about the organization of her blogs, how she generates ideas, and showcases exclusive interviews with Paris's most famous heroes, including never-before-seen images of Ladybug, Cat Noir, and Rena Rouge. When she finishes, the interviewer says the words she had already expected: "Thank you for your time. We will contact you."

If Aiden hadn't warned her that they would say something like that, Alya is sure she would have broken down at that moment.

With a slight sense of relief, Alya bows and thanks them for the opportunity before leaving the room and waiting in the reception area. A few minutes pass before Aiden appears, and his serious expression has disappeared, replaced by his usual relaxed face.

Alya bites her lip, debating whether to ask about the result.

"They announce the results in a few days," Aiden responds, already anticipating her question.

That answer doesn't reassure her, but Aiden steps a little closer and whispers to her, "But I know for sure that you impressed them."

Alya can't help but smile immediately. The anxiety fades away, and in a burst of excitement, she jumps towards Aiden, shouting, "Yes!"

He holds her for a moment, enjoying her happiness, before gently lowering her. "Pretend to be nervous," he says, laughing softly. "I wasn't supposed to have told you that."

Alya nods, trying to contain her joy, though it's hard not to show her happiness.

They're about to head to the car when a report appears on a nearby TV. The reporter talks about an ongoing fight with a new akumatized villain, who continues wreaking havoc in the city.

Alya stops and watches the screen, her attention focused on the fight. The akumatized villain seems familiar, but she tries not to focus on that feeling. Instead, her mind turns to the worry that they still haven't managed to stop him. Although she wants to leave with Aiden, she knows she can't ignore Marinette.

"I..." Alya tries to say, but Aiden gently interrupts her.

"Alya, can you wait for me here for a moment?" he asks, and she looks at him with a mixture of doubt and nervousness.

"No, I..." she starts to insist, but Aiden doesn't let her continue.

"Just a minute, I swear," Aiden says, hurrying toward a room.

Alya sighs, watching the screen. "Alright, one minute," she agrees, continuing to follow the fight on the screen.

[Center of Paris]

The battle against Rocketear rages on relentlessly, extending unnecessarily. It all started when Cat Noir refused to attack Nino. Since then, he's remained on the defensive, dodging attacks and avoiding counterattacks, choosing negotiation instead.

"Cat Noir!" Nino shouts, furious. "You took Alya from me, so I'll take your life!"

With that, he launches his tears, causing explosions around him.

"I told you, I didn't do anything!" Cat Noir yells, dodging the projectiles that explode around him. "She loves you, I assure you."

With a swift maneuver, Cat Noir leaps to a nearby building, where Ladybug is recovering.

"How are you?" he asks, approaching cautiously.

"Tired," Ladybug responds, exhausted. "We can't keep going like this. We need to counterattack."

"No," Cat Noir replies with a firm look. "He's just a confused teenager."

Ladybug watches him, concerned. "We need to counterattack, we need to take the akuma from him. We can't keep waiting for the akumatized object to magically fall into our hands."

At that very moment, a lightning bolt streaks across the scene, passing close to Rocketear, knocking his glasses off. The bolt rises toward the building and places the akumatized object in Ladybug's hands.

"A gift for Paris's best heroine," says the new figure, bowing before disappearing in a flash of light.

Cat Noir watches the akumatized object, raising an eyebrow as he looks at Ladybug.

"What were you saying?" he asks, teasing.

"Just shut up!" Ladybug snaps, furious. Without wasting any time, she breaks the akumatized object, freeing the akuma and, with it, Nino from Hawk Moth's control.

[Green Couture Building]

Alya keeps watching the screen, fully focused, when suddenly, a ray of light cuts through the scene. In the blink of an eye, Flash, the new hero of Paris, appears, steals the akumatized object, and hands it to Ladybug. In a matter of seconds, he disappears, leaving everything in silence. The broadcast cuts off right after, and the last thing seen on the screen is Ladybug restoring everything to normal.

"Well, that was quick," Alya says, letting out a sigh of relief at seeing everything end so suddenly.

"Quick? What was quick?" Aiden asks, approaching her from behind.

"The new hero!" Alya responds, tearing her gaze away from the TV to look at Aiden. "Flash appeared, took the akumatized object, and gave it to Ladybug."

"Well, shall we go?" Alya says with a smile, standing up.

Aiden looks at her with a confused expression. "Didn't you have something to tell me?"

Alya shakes her head with a mischievous smile. "No, don't worry. It wasn't anything important," she replies, gently pulling him toward the exit. "Let's go, we've got something to celebrate!" she says, winking at him as she drags him toward the door.

[Center of Paris]

Cat Noir and Ladybug stand on top of a secluded building, the city sprawling before them as the night air surrounds them. The discussion about what happened continues, with Cat Noir sharing everything he knows about Nino and the reasons behind his akumatization.

Ladybug sighs, clearly irritated. "All this destruction for something so stupid," she murmurs, still trying to understand how such a misunderstanding escalated so much. Part of her feels relieved knowing that, in the end, the blame falls on Cat Noir, not Aiden. At least that's something.

"Well, I guess that's it," Ladybug says, starting to turn, ready to leave.

"Wait!" Cat Noir exclaims, stopping her with a serious look. "There's still something else to discuss."

Ladybug halts, surprised. "What now?"

"About our secret identities," Cat Noir responds, his tone now more serious.

Ladybug looks down, exhausted. The same conversation once again. She thought she'd made it clear. "I already told you, that's private and dangerous. If we tell anyone..." she starts, but Cat Noir interrupts her, insistent.

"It would put our families and friends in danger," Cat Noir says, his voice flat, as if it's a statement he's repeated too many times. "I know that already." He pauses for a moment before continuing. "What I want to know is why the holder of the Turtle Miraculous knows the identity of the former holder of the Fox Miraculous."

Ladybug stands still, completely frozen for a moment, processing what she just heard.

"I'd like an answer," Cat Noir insists, his gaze fixed and demanding.

She looks at him now, her face serious but trying to stay calm. "It wasn't on purpose. We needed two superheroes. It wasn't planned. It was a spur-of-the-moment decision," she responds, being completely honest.

Cat Noir seems unconvinced and is about to continue his questioning. However, when Ladybug speaks, her voice becomes somewhat colder, and that stops him.

"How do you know their identities?" Ladybug asks, her eyes locked on him, her gaze full of distrust.

Cat Noir feels uncomfortable, and his response becomes more hesitant. "T-that's not important," he says, trying to steer the conversation away, but it doesn't take long for Ladybug to figure out how he learned about them.

"It was Nino, right?" Ladybug asks, her voice tense, clearly frustrated.

"No!" Cat Noir yells, with more emphasis than he intended, clearly lying. "It was someone else..."

Ladybug stares at him, her frustration growing. "That makes it worse!" she responds, frowning, her tone even sharper. "Don't blame Nino, it's not his fault. It was just a big misunderstanding." Cat Noir tries to calm her down, but Ladybug is already too upset to listen. "I always say our identities should be secret!" she yells, her voice echoing in the place, genuinely upset. "Not only did he reveal his identity, he revealed Alya's old identity!"

Cat Noir doesn't know how to respond. His gaze shifts, uncomfortable, as he processes the gravity of the situation. He can't find the right words to defend the indefensible.

"Nino can't be a holder anymore," Ladybug says firmly. "Nino isn't trustworthy."

Cat Noir tries to stop her, but Ladybug has already made up her mind. "No, wait," he says, raising his hand in an attempt to calm her down. "You need to think this through. Maybe we got a little carried away..." he says with an awkward laugh, trying to ease the situation.

"The decision has already been made," Ladybug replies without hesitation, her words firm. "People's safety comes first, and we can't risk Nino putting Alya, his family, or himself in danger."

Cat Noir falls silent. He can't defend Nino. He knows Nino shouldn't have said anything. And he can't reveal that Nino told him the identities, because that would also expose his own.

"I understand," Cat Noir says, resigned, watching as Ladybug turns to leave.

Ladybug walks away quickly, rushing to speak with Alya.


[Marinette's Room]

Marinette enters her room and picks up the phone, ready to call Alya. It's late, and her interview has probably already finished. Though she wants to know how it went, she decides to first tell her about Nino, knowing that can't wait.

With the phone in hand, Marinette dials Alya's number. The tone rings again and again until, finally, Alya answers. 

"Mmm... Marinette?" Alya responds, her voice unusually soft.

"I-I don't think I can talk... mmm... right now," Alya murmurs. Marinette pauses, a blush quickly rising to her face as she recognizes those sounds. She knows exactly what's happening.

"Alya... I think we need to talk..." Marinette tries to say, but her voice falters when a louder moan comes through the line.

"AH! Mhmm!" followed by a sound suggesting Alya is trying to cover her mouth. 

"Sorry, Marinette, it was a cramp... hehe," Alya laughs softly, though her broken tone gives her away.

Marinette hears Alya muttering on the other side, the sounds clear despite her attempt to cover them. "Stop... give me a moment, mhmm!" There's no doubt those words are directed at Aiden.

Marinette sighs, placing a hand to her forehead as a slight headache begins to form. "Alya..."

"AH! Not now," Alya replies, her voice trembling but firm. "We'll talk tomorrow... mhhhmmm... also, tell my parents I'll be staying at your house tonight."

"Alya, this is outrageous! I'm not going to..." Marinette tries to argue, but another even louder moan interrupts her.

"AH! AH! Thanks, Marinette! You're the best!" From the other side of the line, sounds like Alya has put the phone down. Marinette swallows hard, her face flushed, as the sounds of movement continue, growing more intense.

"Mhmmm! I told you to wait," Alya exclaims, trying to sound upset, but her voice cracks into a tone much more seductive than she probably intended.

The sounds continue "Slap, slap, slap". The sound of bodies colliding sharply echoes through the phone. 

The moans of Alya, intertwined with those of Aiden, echo in her ears. "Ah… Ah… AH!" Marinette knows she shouldn't be listening to this, but she can't help it. Her heart beats faster, and a wave of shame washes over her for what she is about to do.

With trembling hands, she grabs a pair of headphones and puts them on. She lies down on the bed, feeling how the tension weakens her, as if her legs turned to jelly.

She turns up the volume, and the moans intensify, now clearer than ever. "AH! AH! AH!" A shiver runs down her spine as the image of Alya with Aiden forms vividly in her mind.

Instinctively, her hand slides to her chest, lightly touching the fabric of her shirt, "Ah…" a moan escapes her lips as she begins to gently caress herself.

A whirlwind of emotions engulfs her: excitement and guilt mix, causing her to close her eyes, imagining what is happening to her friend. The memories of that night come back, bringing with them the image of Aiden taking Alya roughly, his breath quick and deep, "Mhmm…!!".

Marinette slides her hand under her shirt, feeling the softness of her skin. "Ahh… Mhmm…" Alya's moans mix with hers, "ahh… uhmm… ahh". Without realizing it, she increases the intensity of her touches, getting closer to climax.

Marinette unbuttons her pants. Her hand slides down to find her pussy, caressing it gently. A sigh escapes her lips, a soft moan she tries to silence. "Ah…" she moans, trying not to make too much noise. The tension grows as her hand continues to caress her.

Her breath quickens, but she tries to keep control. "Harder!" she can hear Alya shouting to Aiden, Marinette, with one finger, begins to touch herself softly at the entrance of her folds as she slowly inserts her finger. A shiver runs through her body. "Mhmmm…" her pussy walls tighten as she feels the intrusion.

It moves slowly at first, gradually increasing speed, while Alya's moans intensify. "Ah! Ah! Faster!" Marinette hears Alya scream, noticing how her friend is taken by Aiden. Marinette moves her fingers faster, synchronizing with Alya's moans.

The pressure in her body intensifies, and the speed of her fingers increases. Each moan from Alya and Aiden drives her to go faster. "Almost there!" Alya screams, her voice distorted by excitement. "Mmh!!!" Marinette inserts another finger inside herself, and her body responds by moving her hips involuntarily against her fingers, feeling a wave of pleasure course through her back with each movement.

Alya's moans become faster: "Ah! Ah! Ah!", blending with Marinette's. Desire grows, and control begins to fade as the intensity of sensations increases. Marinette's fingers move quickly.

"AHH! YES, FILL ME UP!" Alya screams on the other side, a pure cry of ecstasy. Marinette knows she is climaxing, and she does not hold back. She thrusts her fingers inside herself roughly, pushing her hips against them as her eyes roll back. "AHH!" she moans loudly, feeling the wave of pleasure as she reaches her climax intensely. Marinette feels dizzy; it was an intense orgasm.

She lies on the bed, with her legs slightly apart, panting. "Ah, ah, ah..." she sighs, exhausted. She hears more sounds on the other side, but there is no clear response, just laughter. Alya laughs, "Hehehe... ah... ah... mhmmm..." those laughs quickly turn into moans. Marinette is tired; she can't go on anymore. She leaves the phone on while closing her eyes, exhausted, and falls asleep.

[Meanwhile, on the other side of the call…]

Alya is on her knees, her hands gliding smoothly over Aiden's member. They rise and fall slowly, while her eyes remain fixed on his. "Hehehe." A light laugh escapes her lips, nervously. "This is the first time I've done this," she says with a trembling voice, as she brings her mouth to Aiden's member. Her body shivers slightly, but she gathers her courage and, slowly, runs her tongue over the entire length of his member, noting the salty taste, which isn't as unpleasant as she had imagined. Her tongue traces its length, feeling the veins beneath the skin, each movement making Aiden shudder slightly.

"Mhnn..." Aiden lets out a moan, encouraging Alya to continue, increasing the strength and slowness of her movements. The sensation of her tongue on him fills her with excitement as she watches how Aiden reacts.

With her heart racing, Alya leans forward, taking Aiden's member into her mouth, pausing for a moment to feel its warmth, while her tongue continues to work attentively. "Mhmm..." Her hand slides toward her own pussy, touching herself gently, recalling the connection they shared just moments ago. Alya enjoys the moment more than she had imagined, losing herself in the sensation.

"Slurp, slurp!" Alya slowly moves her head back and forth, initially softly, as if testing her own limits. "Mhmm?" She feels Aiden's hand resting on her head, pushing gently, setting a rhythm that she begins to follow.

The speed at which she moves her head gradually increases, as does the rate at which her tongue responds. The action becomes more intense, more urgent. Alya's hand, which is between her legs, increases the rhythm, inserting two fingers inside as she does so. Fluids fall to the floor.

It doesn't take long for Aiden to reach climax. Streams of semen shoot directly into Alya's mouth, who shudders as her mouth fills. "Mhmmm!" This is enough stimulation to push her to her own limit.

Alya's body is filled with spasms as she releases a significant amount of fluids onto the floor.

Alya does her best to swallow, repeating the process once, twice. When she thinks she is done, she pulls back slowly, her mouth still suctioning strongly. A small *pop* echoes when she separates.

Alya looks up, and her eyes meet Aiden's. A mischievous smile appears on her lips as she slowly licks them. "Tell me what else you want to do," she murmurs, her voice full of challenge. Aiden doesn't respond. Without warning, he grabs her wrist firmly and pulls her toward the bed. "Ah!" The movement is sudden, and Alya falls face down on the mattress, letting out a gasp mixed with a light laugh.


"What happened to my knight?" she asks teasingly, raising her hips slightly, as if trying to tempt him further. Aiden says nothing; he leans toward a drawer, opens it, and pulls out a bottle that Alya recognizes as lubricant. Her body tenses as she feels the cold liquid slide down her ass. "Mhmm!" A moan escapes her lips as Aiden's hands squeeze her cheeks, pulling them apart slowly.Her breathing quickens as something hard brushes against her rear entrance.

"Wait..." Alya says, trying to control her nervousness, but Aiden doesn't stop. Her body arches as he moves forward slowly, filling her inch by inch. "….!" Alya opens her mouth but can't speak, her mind clouded.

"You... " Alya whispers, turning her face slightly to look at him. Aiden doesn't answer; he simply leans over her, letting his lips brush her neck in a soft, almost warm gesture. "Mhmm!" Alya closes her eyes at the contact, a shiver running down her spine as Aiden's hands hold her firmly by the hips, keeping her in place.

Alya moans loudly as she feels a deep thrust from Aiden that makes her tremble. With her hips still elevated, she drops her face against the bed, trying to absorb the intensity. Her breathing is erratic as Aiden maintains a steady rhythm, each movement firmer and more determined. The sound of his hips slapping against her ass fills the room.

Alya tries to hide her face in the sheets. "Ah... ah... ah!" she exclaims, her voice broken by moans. "How does it feel?" Aiden asks in a deep tone, his hands firmly holding Alya's hips to maintain control of the movement. Alya, struggling to speak, responds between gasps: "Ah! Ah! It... it feels good..."

Aiden leaves one hand on her hip while the other moves over her torso, rising to firmly grasp one of her breasts. He pulls her back, making her back collide with his chest without stopping the thrusts. "Say it," he whispers into her ear, his voice low and full of desire. "Tell me what you're thinking."

Alya, letting go of any inhibition, screams. "I like it! I like it!" with a mix of pleasure and urgency. Between gasps, she lets out what she feels deep inside: "I want you to stay! Stay with me!" As soon as she finishes speaking, her body trembles, reaching a climax that leaves her breathless. "AAHHH!!!" One last thrust from Aiden fills her completely, causing Alya to moan loudly before collapsing onto the bed.

"Ah... ah..." Alya lets out short breaths as she tries to catch her breath. Her body starts to relax, and a wave of exhaustion envelops her. With half-closed eyes and a faint moan, she feels her consciousness slipping away slowly. Within seconds, her breathing becomes deep and steady, and fatigue overtakes her, falling asleep under Aiden's care.

[Next Day - Afternoon]

[Marinette's Room]

The two friends are sitting on the balcony, discussing everything that happened the day before. Among the most important things, Alya had secured the sponsorship, but what really worried Marinette was that Nino had revealed his secret identity.

"So, Nino revealed his secret identity and mine to other people?" Alya asks, looking at Marinette, who still seems upset. Marinette only nods in confirmation.

"I guess I'll have to tell him that he's no longer the holder of the Turtle Miraculous," Alya sighs. "That'll be an... awkward conversation."

They sit in silence for a moment, both of them lost in thought. Marinette absentmindedly looks out at the street, but something in her line of sight makes her pause.

"Alya, Aiden was supposed to leave today, right?" Marinette asks, confused.

"Yeah..." Alya answers, not understanding why she's asking. "Why?"

"It's just that... it's weird, because I see him getting out of a car right now. But I guess it's just my imagination," Marinette shrugs, trying not to pay too much attention to it.

Alya quickly jumps out of her seat and peers over the balcony. Sure enough, it's Aiden getting out of the car.

Alya grabs Marinette's arm and pulls her without giving her a chance to react. Marinette, visibly annoyed, lets herself be dragged along without much resistance.

They quickly run down the stairs, exit through the front door, and, seeing Aiden, Alya exclaims nervously, "Aiden!"

"Aren't you supposed to have left?" Marinette asks, confused and surprised.

Aiden laughs nervously, taking a moment to clear his throat.

"Well... there were some changes in plans," he says, spreading his arms as if it were a surprise. "I'm staying for an indefinite period."

Alya is completely frozen, not knowing what to do or how to react. Marinette, on the other hand, drops into a nearby seat, covering her face with her hands, clearly wishing she could scream.

Alya, still bewildered, responds, "B-But I thought you said you had to leave... that your job was to find talents..."

"I still am," Aiden says, "It's just that I might have told the company that there are many talented people here, and it would be good to stay a while while I recruit." he says with a nervous laugh.

"There are a lot of talented people here?" Alya asks, confused.

"I hope so," Aiden replies, sweating. "I'd be in trouble if there wasn't."

"Why would you do that?" Alya asks, nervous.

"Well..." Aiden scratches his cheek, looking away. "You said you'd like me to stay."

Alya doesn't know what to say, but Aiden continues: "It was tough to get them to agree. I had to ask for a lot of favors, and my boss wasn't happy at all. I had to fill out a lot of paperwork and apologize to a lot of people for all these issues... but I think it's worth it."

Aiden approaches and hugs Alya.

"That sounds like a lot of trouble," Alya says, sweating nervously while being embraced.

"Yeah, but it's all for a good reason," Aiden replies.

Marinette, who had been watching from her seat, stands up and heads to her room. This would be a problem for tomorrow's Marinette.

[Multiversal House Unlocked]


Author's Note: Well, this is the end of the first part of Miraculous. The second part will pick up just a few days after this point, so don't worry about the timeline. A few clarifications: if anyone didn't understand, everything Aiden does is planned; he's more like an actor following a script. He's not in trouble, and he doesn't even have a salary.

Secondly, regarding the multiversal house, I'll write a chapter explaining it. I'll include some interludes with other girls from different worlds, and maybe some chapters from Aiden's perspective so we can see what he's thinking.

The next world, you already know which one it is. Some people said they were going to skip it, and you know what? That's fine! That's the magic of this: since the protagonist isn't gaining powers and the perspective is on the characters from that world, not the MC, it doesn't matter if you skip it; you're really not missing anything. Hahaha!

Also, Aiden won't be acting much in that world. It will be Saki Yoshida's adventure with Aiden's participation. It will be short, I think about 5 chapters, so I'll take a week or two to finish all the chapters and upload them all at once, though I'll probably upload an intermediate chapter, something like Tomoko trying to invade Aiden's property.

Do you think this is too long of an author's note? Well, I tried to reach 5k words, but I didn't manage it.

That's all. Leave a comment! I live to read them... I'm serious! Leave a comment or a review, or I'll take longer to post!

Kisses and hugs!

Did you find a mistake? Then tell me, I’ll probably fix it... maybe

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

SalveYingcreators' thoughts
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