
Chapter 23 - Let me help you out

[I just made a small hole...]

'Why do I get the feeling that it wasn't just a small hole'. "If it's a 'small' hole like you said, then there's nothing to worry about. Besides, it's not like anyone saw you right?".


"Where did they find me exactly?".

[ Now... As for why you can hear my voice in your head...]

"Are you seriously ignoring my question?".

[It's because you and I now share this body]

"What!". You know what, forget my earlier question. "How is that even possible?".


'Is that a sigh of relief?'.

[ Like I said before. Your body has a unique constitution that allows it to easily adapt to anything]

"How come I didn't know this".

[This is not something one can just learn on their own]

"I see... continue".

[Because of your body's unique constitution, I was able to merge with it, without it self imploding due to my vast power]

"What kind of power? And can I use this power too?". I asked curiously.

[ That would be discussed later]

"Uhm... Okay". It's not like I really wanted to know or something.

[To simplify it, you and I share a single body. With you solely in control since you are the original owner of this body. I can only have control when you hand it over to me 'willingly']

"And if I refuse?".

[I will remain a voice in your head]

"Thank you for the explanation... At least now many things make sense, like how I survived having my heart destroyed".

[That would be my passive healing ability at work. No limb nor organ cannot be regrown]

"Doesn't that make me..."

[Immortal? Yes... Unless there's someone who's capable of destroying both your body and soul within the human world]

I leaned on the door behind me, feeling it's wooden surface on my back. ' Immortality... It would have been nice if I had this when that demon showed up, I would have at least stood a fighting chance and maybe... Maybe Alora would have survived too. Unfortunately a 'what if' won't bring my sister back'.

"Zyran... My name is Zyran".

[Yes... Zyran]

"Your a demon aren't you?".


"You don't have to be shy about it. I have known for a while now anyway".

[I'm incapable of feeling an emotion like shyness, And yes, I am a demon]

"And your goal?"

[To exterminate those that have wronged me]

"Exaggerated but okay... Mind if I join?".


"Heh... We share a body and besides, I have a bone to pick with your kind".

[In that case, I thank you for your aid] The voice carried a tone of gratitude.

"Alright, don't get all emotional on me".

[Again... I'm incapable of feeling certain emotions in my current state".


"It was a joke". I stood up and stretched my hands, "Now that we have that out of the way, can you tell me why this place is so weird".

[That is because this place isn't actually real]

"What do you mean?".

[Your under the influence of a powerful ability that masks the real world with a fake one]

"Some sort of allusion?".

[ More than that. The ability is a mixture of a dream and an allusion. Everything in here is real but at the same time it isn't. Do not be fooled by the words dream and illusion though. This place is extremely dangerous. Dying here would mean dying in the real world too]

"Aren't I immortal?"

[ Did you maybe consider the fact that there might be a 'something' within this fake world that can kill an immortal]

"Err... No". I scratched the back of my head as I was now confused at what to do."Is there a way out of here".

[There is]

"Why are you telling me this now, you could have warned me about what was behind those doors but you didn't".

[Human... I did warn you. I even led you in the right path]

"Ooh! Was that you?".


"My bad". Now I feel kinda bad.

[ It's not an issue. Now, if you'd follow my instructions]

"Lead the way". 'Now I can finally leave this nightmare'.

[Take the path you took before]

I began to walk through the assumably endless hallway. "What I'm I looking for exactly".

[A door or to be more precise... An exit]

"You mean to say this whole place can be left through an exit. Why would the user of this ability put an exit in here? Is there someone really that stupid?".

[Wrong, I do not believe that the wielder of this ability is a fool. Instead I believe this was purposely done. Whoever did this to you, wants you to find the way out. Sort of like a...]



"Why in the world I'm I being tested?". 'Can't I be left alone in peace'.

[That, I do not know]


"How do you even know where the exit is".

[Because I see it]

"Right, of course you can". I stopped and ruffled by hair. 'I hate this!'. "Are you seriously going to wait for me to ask you how you see it before you actually tell me".


'Sigh'. I am getting sick and tired of all this damn sighing.

"Tell me how you see it?". I asked in resignation.

[Try asking nicely. Right now you sound like your demanding an answer]


I punched a door next to me and it freakin hurt. "Can you please tell me how you can see the exit, Oh great and powerful one". I spoke sarcastically. 'Hopefully he doesn't know sarcasm'.

[I actually do know it]

"You!". Sigh... "You could read my thoughts this entire time and now you tell me".

[You didn't ask]

"This is invasion of privacy!".

[Your point?]

"You know what?". I continued walking. "Just please answer my question".

[ An optical ability of mine that allows me to see through anything. Nothing could be hidden from me. Remember this world isn't real and it's creator is far from reaching my level]

"And your seeing this through my eyes?".


"How come I can't see it?".

[Because even though we share a body my power is still my power. And to answer your earlier question, Yes, you and I can share this abilities but only if I allow it]

"Does that mean your purposely not allowing me to use this power of yours?".


"Your not even going to deny it". This guy. "Why stop me from seeing it though".

[There is a certain condition that has to be met before you can have access to my abilities and that condition has not been met]

"And I'm assuming this 'condition' cannot be fulfilled here".


"Well, I tried—".


I immediately halted my footsteps. "What?".

[The door on your right, that is our exit]

I looked right and saw a door that looked similar to the others. "Are you sure this is the door?".

[Are you doubting me?]

"You haven't actually given me a reason not to doubt you, have you Telos?".

[Just open the door human]

I walked towards the door and grabbed the cold handle, 'This feels so real'. I took a deep breath and then opened the door.


I raised my arms and covered my eyes. 'This is the second time I'm getting blinded, Why is the world so cruel to me'.

I lowered my arms and then slowly opened my eyes, as my vision began to adapt to the light. When it finally did, I was taken aback by what I saw.

'Tight black clothing'.

'Short red hair'.

'How many red heads are in this place anyway?'. As for why I was shocked, it was because she was... she was... sleeping. 'You must either be really tired or obsessed with sleep if your capable of sleeping while standing up. Why is she even standing by the door?'.

I scratched the back of my head as my eyes began to unconsciously wander all over her body, only stopping on her bust.


My hands began to move on their own, heading for her breasts. 'Well... I have to wake her up somehow, right?'. I tried to justify my actions. ' I'm just waking her up, there's nothing wrong with that'. Just before my hand could touch heaven...

"So your a perv".


The woman's eyes slowly began to open. Their clear blue captivating me as it reminded me of my—

"Are you done ogling me?". Her sweet voice sounded good on the ears. With her annoyed expression and furrowed eye brows I was almost tempted to...

"I'm not a pervert", I said, after clearing my thoughts.

"Whatever". She turned around and started walking. "Come with me pervert, the captain's waiting for you down stairs".

'Captain?' I thought to my self as I followed behind her whilst also noticing that this was a different hallway from the one before. This one wasn't blank, it had portraits of different flowers, some resembling the one's I saw outside, vases along with other things you'd find in a house.

"By the way..." she spoke without stopping or turning around. "Good work surviving. It's not everyday I meet someone that can survive my ability unscathed".

'So it was her' I slowed down my steps. "Can I know why you did whatever you did to me?". I asked, suddenly feeling wary of her. 'I have to be careful around her, someone who just throws you in a dangerous place out of nowhere cannot be trusted. I almost died, Twice!'.

She stopped and turned around, her expression lazy and unbothered. " The fact that you realise this now just proves your an idiot. If I really wanted to harm you, we wouldn't be having this conversation. Now follow me, the captain will explain everything" she then continued walking, not bothering to check if Zyran was following or not.

Zyran contemplated for a few seconds before finally deciding to follow the woman. 'Even if she tried to kill me, it's not like she can... I think".

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