
At Least One.

He sighed and said, "I guess I'll just have to harvest these bounties without cashing them in."

He will do all the work but take no credit for it. Maybe someone else would feel bad about wasting their time like that. But not him. He only feels half bad about it because it will not be a complete waste of his time.

In fact, he seems to be gaining as the bounty list has offered useful information about plausible targets that he would need to pay good money to acquire in a normal situation. 

There is even information that he is unlikely to be able to acquire by paying. It was an anecdote about the purpose of the Count in the city. 

It was stated that one of his purposes for coming to the city is for the war between the heroes and villains. The second purpose is that the Count is looking for a shape-shifter that murdered one hero and her girlfriend. 

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