
-Chapter 24-

-Chapter 24-

-18th day of the 6th moon of the year 111 AC-

-POV 3rd-

Throughout the week, all the nobles present took advantage of the festivities to get closer to the young dragon riders, who seemed more impressionable than the formidable Rogue Prince, rider of Caraxes.

Those who thought they could exploit the fractures between the royal family and House Velaryon to whisper poison into their young ears were quickly put in their place.

It was now clear that Rhaenyra Targaryen's future partner would not be Aemon Targaryen, but the handsome heir Laenor Velaryon.

How did such a political turnaround occur?

The explanation is rather simple: after the minor bravado of Prince Aemon Targaryen and the rider of Vhagar, the king and his restless council met to discuss the marriage of Princess Rhaenyra.

When the Hand of the King, Lyonel Strong, voiced his opinion in favor of the betrothal between Princess Rhaenyra and Laenor Velaryon, Corlys Velaryon, having regained his position as Master of Ships, opposed it, stating that he intended to marry Laenor to the daughter of the current Sea Lord of Braavos.

The king, struck by this statement, realized he had no choice. This indicated that the betrothal between Laena and Aemon was finalized.

If he did not act quickly, House Velaryon would become the most powerful house in the realm and could even challenge the decision of his predecessor and the Great Council of 101, thanks to their four adult dragons capable of fighting.

The king was not foolish enough to believe that after the humiliation suffered by Prince Aemon and the way his mother had been repudiated, these offenses would be forgotten in his nephew's mind.

Without delay, he began negotiations with the Sea Snake to unite his heir with the Sea Snake's heir.

Thus, on the last day of the tournament, in front of everyone, the betrothal between Laenor and Rhaenyra Targaryen was publicly announced.



"So, I heard that your family finally got what they desired so much," I said, looking at Laena, who was walking beside me in the royal gardens.

"Father is very happy, and mother wanted to thank you for the role you played. She is not blind, in fact, none of us are."

I smiled and then said, "And you, how do you plan to thank me for ensuring your brother becomes our next king?"

Laena smiled and then said:

"I don't know yet, maybe I will visit you once in the Vale."

"Only one visit?" I asked, feigning shock, before adding, "Wouldn't it be cruel to leave your future husband in such solitude?"

She smiled and then said, "I don't have a fiancé yet but…"

"But?" I asked.

"If a handsome dragon rider proposed and my father consented, I don't see why I would oppose it. I would hate to know he was forced to talk to his sheep for a bit of company," she said with a teasing smile before wrapping her arm around mine.

We continued to discuss entirely trivial subjects afterward, but I knew now, thanks to Laena's not-so-subtle hints, that it was time for me to start advancing my own pieces.

'Otherwise, I would really end up having to honor the pact between my father and my grandfather.'


-POV Gunthor Royce-

"So, when is it?" Arnold asked, glaring at the bitch who was looking at us haughtily.

I shrugged and then said, "We are not important enough yet."

"What are you talking about? We are knights, and I am now of age. I have passed my 16 name days, I can claim what is rightfully mine," said Arnold, excited and confused by my reluctance.

"The Lady of the Eyrie is Jeyne Arryn," I said, my hand still resting on my sword, looking into the distance.

Arnold began to get angry and said, "That's nonsense, she's a woman, she can't rule in my place over House Arryn."

"She can and she already does," I said, still indifferent, keeping my cool, a quality I had learned in the service of my nephew, Prince Aemon Targaryen.

"I don't understand, you agreed with me," said Arnold, confused.

I took a deep breath and then said:

"I did and I still do, but don't deceive yourself, she hasn't usurped your position."

"It's your nephew who made you think this way," said Arnold, clenching his teeth in frustration.

"I won't deny that Prince Aemon opened my eyes to your situation, and I'm trying to do the same for you. Think, if you ever go against your cousin, what will happen?" I asked Arnold.

"I will defeat her and reclaim…," he said before I cut him off and said:

"How will you defeat your cousin if she barricades herself in the Eyrie?"

Arnold, quickly destabilized, said:

"She will eventually lose her advantage when she runs out of supplies."

"I agree with you on this point, she can't lock herself up indefinitely. But once all the allied houses like the Redforts and the houses seeking to unite with her like the Corbrays come to her rescue, who will come to your aid?" I asked, knowing his answer perfectly.

Arnold stared at me and I shook my head, saying:

"I can't do anything. I may be next in line, but I am loyal to my family and will protect my nephew by any means necessary. I am completely loyal to him and will not undermine his authority."

"But if you ask him, he could try to…" Arnold tried to say.

"Believe me when I tell you he won't," I said, shaking my head.

Faced with Arnold's confusion, I added, asking him a question:

"Think, why has he endured this bitch all this time?"

"Because she is the cousin of the Princess Heiress," said Arnold in a low tone, his fire suddenly extinguished, finally understanding the relationships benefiting Jeyne Arryn.

I nodded and then said:

"If my nephew ever rebelled against his liege lady, he would undoubtedly win…"

Arnold looked up, full of hope, but I crushed his illusions just as quickly by adding:

"But the problem would become something else entirely because to legitimize his act, he would have to invoke the precedent of the Great Council of 101 AC. This precedent is often used to justify the rise to power of men rather than the reign or regency of a woman. Prince Daemon used it to make his son the Lord of Runestone instead of my cousin Rhea, but if he does it for you, it will cause unprecedented turmoil throughout the realm."

Arnold's eyes widened in understanding and then he said, completing my thoughts:

"The Queen Alicent's party will use this to destroy the legitimacy of the Princess Heiress in order to place Hightower blood on the throne, and Princess Heiress Rhaenyra Targaryen will never accept that the only woman with a blood tie to her, who also holds one of the seven kingdoms, be deposed in this manner. The symbolism would be too strong."

I nodded but also added:

"Whether she wants to or not, she will be caught up in this. Either she will have to fight to defend her interests, or she will have to accept bowing to Prince Aemon."

"And what do you think will happen?" Arnold asked.

"I think it could lead to a succession war even before the King's death. That's why, as long as my nephew doesn't bring up the subject, never mention it again. I will ensure he doesn't forget you, and you will make sure to perfect your skills with the sword and other matters. Become a useful and indispensable member of his entourage and prove your loyalty to him because don't forget, besides being a lord, he remains Prince Aemon Targaryen, rider of the Dragon Urrax, expected to even surpass Balerion the Black Dread in size," I said before standing abruptly as I saw my nephew returning from the gardens with the Sea Snake's daughter on his arm, which ended our discussion.

'An alliance with the Sea Snake would be a boon for my nephew's plans,' I thought, nodding to my nephew, who nodded back.

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