
State Of Affairs 2 Affair Harder


A few days after finishing the Revenge Of The Sith trial I was meeting with everyone aboard the Aura's Revenge for a state of affairs meeting.

Rio: "Is everyone here?"

Tex: "Yes, the last guest has arrived."

Rio: "Good then I will call this meeting to order. To start let me introduce our newest member. Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn. Most of you have likely not got the chance to meet him yet as I just summoned him a few days ago."

Qui-Gon stands up and bows before sitting down. I see Ventress raise her hand.

Rio: "Yes Ventress?"

Ventress: "Is he from our universe?"

Rio: "I don't believe so. Any other questions?"

When no one asked anymore I moved things on to the next topic.

Rio: "Okay to start let's discuss our plans moving forward. To start Tex show us the updates."

Tex turns on a holo-projection that shows the Covenant fleet and estimated numbers. Everyone frowns when they see the numbers.

Tex: "As I am sure several of you are aware the projected numbers are far higher than originally expected. Recent life scanners have allowed us to get exact numbers on the Covenant ground forces. I have now concluded that the Covenant has at least 9 Million ground-based soldiers. The most they will have is 10 Million."

Lex: "What! We won't be able to fight such a massive force. We have barely a third of those numbers. We will have almost no chance at defeating them and if they take out the 4 FOBs then the entire trap could fall apart."

Rio: "Yes, that is why I will have to do something I didn't want to do but we need numbers and as such I will be unavailable for the next month except for December 22nd to 26th and New Year's Eve and Day. I will also be unavailable for the first half of January. My plan is simple. I will go all over Earth and find and kill as many heinous criminals as I can get to. Then raise them as a massive army of the Undead."

Rex: "How many are we talking about?"

Rio: "At least 4 Million but possibly more. The worldwide population of criminals caught or otherwise is around 54 Million but only around 12 Million are those of horrible or heinous crimes. The total imprisoned population is only 10 Million and of those in jail a Million or so are innocent. I also intend to withdraw a few hundred thousand B1s."

Noble 1: "Why? Shouldn't we be increasing the numbers not decreasing them?"

Tex: "Under normal circumstances but we will need more B1s to operate ships and do skilled jobs. We don't have enough personnel to do said jobs after we win the battle."

Lex: "I assume you have more weapons for us to use."

Rio: "Yes, I have another Power Ring that I will need to choose a user for. I can also transform some animals into beasts of power. I also have a few artifacts that can be used to stall the enemy. The only thing we really need to do is stall them until we can get them to fully commit. Once they do I can deliver the payload and Operation Uppercut can also commence. If we do so then the ground forces won't matter if they are all stuck on a planet."

Seto: "Who are you planning on giving the ring to?"

Rio: "I was hoping to give it to Senator Amidala."

Padme: "What? Me? Why?"

Rio: "This ring is a Blue Lantern Ring. It is fueled by Hope. I can think of no one better than you to wield the power of Hope."

Padme: "I don't know what to say."

Rio: "You can say yes. That is unless you don't want to. I would ask you to wield it if only until after the battle. You are currently one of the weakest summons. No offense meant."

Padme: "No, I know I am not that powerful. I will accept the ring but I ask to make another decision once this battle is over."

Rio: "Of course."

I send the ring and it flies onto Padme's index finger.

Rio: "Now the next thing on the list of to-do's is business updates."

I look to Lex.

Lex: "I have acquired Hammer Industries and Rand Enterprises. However, by doing so I have used up all the funds you gave me. The government also warned me not to push my luck too hard. Some in power don't like how much I have expanded the company. My most recent product Med-X has just been approved for sale to hospitals."

Rio: "Did you tweak the formula to reduce the addictiveness?"

Lex: "Yes, I worked with Cuire to ensure a less addicting version will be sold. Our estimates put it as 58% less addictive than most other painkillers on the market. It helps that the original formula was less addictive compared to this world's products. We did however lose some of its more combat-orientated abilities. The poison resistance has stayed but the 25% resistance to damage did not stay."

Rio: "That works better for us anyway. Now I wanted to tell both you and Qui-Gon to develop or release a few different automobiles. The types I want you to release are a water power car, fusion-powered car, and electric cars."

Lex: "May I know why?"

Rio: "Yes, I intend on taking away the entire planet's fossil fuels with a spell. I will be taking them for ourselves and I won't take the already gathered materials right away but I will do it likely after the Covenant is dealt with. As such I would also suggest you all sell the fossil fuel refineries and collection sites. I would also suggest either investing in nuclear or ethanol-based industries."

Seto: "I am curious why you would take away the fossil fuels. Don't we have technology that can reduce or reverse pollution?"

Rio: "We do but simply put it is more efficient to take away everything they have which will lead to numerous economies collapsing and being reliant on alternative power sources."

Anastasia: "Wouldn't taking all the fossil fuels cause a global economic collapse? Global trade will screech to a halt Millions will starve."

Rio: "Normally yes, but I will be ensuring that food is provided as an aid to all the countries that can't feed themselves. I will be teaming up with our partners to ensure food is delivered to those who need it. I will also be helping get many nations more self-sufficient. Many countries will be able to weather the storm without my assistance as they have friendly neighbors."

Anastasia: "I see."

Rio: "Seto tell me how long do you think it would take for countries to transition to Ethanol or other fuel sources to keep their people moving?"

Seto: "If they notice immediately and act on it, maybe 2 years or less."

Rio: "It might be closer to 1 year but do you know what people will do when all of a sudden all fossil fuels are rarer than gold?"

Lex: "They hoard it and try to profit from it. Several major companies will become bankrupt overnight. Chaos will grow and most nations on Earth will be vulnerable as most of their weapons rely on fossil fuels."

Rio: "Exactly and LexCorp with its extremely powerful and clean energy source will be swarmed with customers. Especially when you are also selling vehicles that run on water, nuclear, and electricity."

Lex: "I would become one of the most powerful people on Earth. Even Stark would be hard-pressed to compete with me. I could spread my influence across the globe and we would be in a much more stable and secure position. What about plastic won't that also become more precious?"

Rio: "While many plastic-producing avenues will be lost not all of them will be made useless. Oh, and while the world is desperate to get new vehicles that can run on things other than gas you can offer a deal to accept their old cars for in-store credit or in exchange for new cars."

Lex: "I can see how that might work."

Rio: "Next, I have completed the AIs for the social media platforms. They should also be able to help with daily activities. I will be releasing a digital assistant soon."

Monika: "I am very happy to hear that. I was starting to get annoyed by helping moderate YouTube and the other social media."

Rio: "Now to talk about our plans for Earth going forward. Tex you have the floor."

Tex: "Our current plan is to join as many countries as we can under the flag of the Crystal Imperium and make the territory under us a utopia. Then we will convince countries one by one to leave behind their previous titles and join our empire."

Neji: "I assume Japan is one of those countries that will be one of the first countries."

Rio: "Yes the beginning countries will be Russia, Japan, Korea, and Austria. Beyond that, we will try to convince the former Russian Empire territories to join us. Some will agree when they see how prosperous we are but others will prefer to remain independent."

Armstrong: "How are we supposed to unite Earth with such a strategy?"

Tex: "That is the main focus of the strategy but the other parts will be revealing Rio's true form to the masses. We will also have numerous incentive programs for those wishing to become immigrants. Beyond that Hydra will likely trigger a new world war in the next decade and we will be the place where all those looking to flee the war will come to. Hydra will make the world come to us willingly."

Rio: "Best case scenario we don't have to fire a single shot and we will end up controlling most of the world's population. Mind you we will also be showing off our massive and impressive armed forces. For deterrence mind you. Without Nukes or most fossil fuels the people of the world will be desperate for a new life. And when the ruler you are fleeing to is a being of mythological origin and can grant eternal life many will be willing to accept a new way of life."

Seto: "Won't many die?"

Rio: "It's possible but if someone does die I can resurrect them. Which I might reveal to the rest of the world. As it might sway others as well. Otherwise, we have numerous ways to find people fleeing or unhappy with their lot in life looking for something new. I will make a place where people can be whatever they want. Literally. I can transform someone's race permanently. I will make a place where they need not fear prosecution."

Snake: "Won't the world's religions denounce you?"

Rio: "Some will some won't. The followers are the ones I care about as when a human is faced with undeniable proof that a being is capable of divine things their beliefs will be challenged. Some will leave their former faith behind and join me. Some will be die-hards in their beliefs. The die-hards will likely join Hydra under the pretense of eventually attacking me and removing the false god. That will only benefit me. I intend to create a religion about harmony. It will be about looking past one's appearances and accepting our differences. After all my empire will consist of many species, not just humans."

Sendak: "That sounds quite lovely."

Orochimaru: "What about the Avengers? Won't they stop Hydra?"

Rio: "From what I have gathered the possible Avengers members are Hawkeye, Black Widow, Iron Man, and Falcon. With possible members being Spiderman and Iron Patriot. All other members will never have the chance as I will be recruiting them or I will be giving them a peaceful life away from war. Hydra will likely have several supervillains under their command to counter the Avengers. Mind you, this assumes the Avengers will be willing to confront a legal country and try dismantling their regime. Hydra will technically be a legal entity in the public's eyes. So any attack on them may constitute a crime."

Orochimaru: "So they will be unable to fight without losing their credibility. Not to mention the possible candidates are unlikely to join for various reasons. That and 1 person usually can't defeat an entire army."

Rio: "Exactly. Any other questions?"

When no one raises any I help everyone get home safely. I then go home myself to make sure Chrysalis is okay.


Authors Note:

If any of you are curious as to how Rio will take the Earth's fossil fuels, he will use the wish the Millennium Puzzle can grant. If you have any method you could think of to conquer Earth let me know. I am open to suggestions. Until next time Ciao.

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