
Chapter 90 Worthy Enough To Deserve Her Love.

Those words were enough to have Leonica racing out of the company without second thoughts. Leonardo was confused, but during the drive, she had taken the initiative to explain the call to him.

“Well, did they say what the bad news was about?” He questioned as they got closer to the hospital. Currently, they were stuck in a traffic that looked like it hadn’t moved for the past two hours, but in reality, they had only been there for five minutes.

“No. And I never said it was bad news. They never said it was bad news, just an emergency.” She tapped her finger on the steering wheel as she corrected and waited for the traffic to free. At some point, she contemplated jumping out from her car and just jogging the remaining mile or two to the hospital.

She could make it; after all, what was a little stress for Ashley’s safety.

Was the emergency even about Ashley? Fuck, she should have asked questions before hanging up the call and skidding to the lift. She cursed in her mind.

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