

Sebastian's life was far from ordinary. Being the oldest of his four siblings meant he had a great deal of responsibility placed on his young shoulders. His parents, for reasons known only to them, seemed to have a penchant for having children and then leaving Sebastian to care for them.

It was a complex and demanding role requiring him to mature far faster than his peers. While his friends were playing and enjoying their childhoods, Sebastian was busy changing diapers, making meals, and ensuring his siblings were safe and well cared for. Despite the weight of responsibility, he couldn't help but love each of his siblings deeply. They were his family, and he would do anything to ensure their well-being and happiness.

Sometimes, Sebastian wondered why his parents seemed so detached from their children's lives. They would disappear for extended periods, leaving him to manage the household and provide for his siblings. It was a struggle, but he had learned to adapt and persevere. His parents' whereabouts remained a mystery, but he had accepted that he was the anchor holding his family together.

Sebastian grappled with conflicting emotions. On one hand, he felt a deep resentment towards his parents for abandoning him with the responsibility of raising his siblings. Feelings of frustration towards his siblings compounded this resentment. Despite his profound love for them, there were moments when he couldn't help but feel a sense of bitterness. The endless cycle of changing diapers, mediating their fights, and constantly having to keep an eye on them was exhausting and sometimes overwhelming.

But Sebastian couldn't complain; he had been silently shouldering the burden for years. However, when he turned 17, he reached a breaking point. He had found his parents and decided it was time to confront them about the resentment and anger that had been festering within him for so long. He couldn't hold back any longer.

Sebastian poured out his heart to his parents in that tense and emotional confrontation. He told them about his lost childhood and how he had to work overnight jobs to pay for clothes and rent while they were absent. He didn't hold back the truth about his father's violent outburst when he dared to talk back. That day, his father's short fuse had erupted, and he had beaten Sebastian mercilessly until he lost consciousness.

The confrontation that Sebastian experienced marked a significant turning point in his life. It left him with scars, both physical and emotional, deeply impacting his sense of self. In the aftermath of this event, he made a vow to never allow himself to feel vulnerable again. This resolution led him to enroll in Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) classes, a discipline that he hoped would not only strengthen him physically but also provide a channel for his pent-up emotions and frustrations.

Sebastian dedicated himself to MMA with a fervor. He attended classes every day without fail, pouring all his energy and focus into the rigorous training. The physical intensity of fighting and the discipline required in the training process offered him a new kind of outlet

As his siblings matured, they began to understand and sincerely appreciate the sacrifices he had made. They recognized his love and the unwavering support he had always provided. This gratitude, though heartfelt, couldn't fill the void within Sebastian. He watched them spread their wings, embarking on journeys to college, exploring new horizons, and embracing life's adventures. Meanwhile, Sebastian remained anchored, tethered to a life that had demanded too much from him too soon.

As time passed, his siblings embarked on their journeys, pursuing education, exploring new opportunities, and experiencing life's adventures. Sebastian, however, felt stuck, bound to a life that had demanded far too much from him at a young age.

As Sebastian observed his siblings thriving and embarking on their own paths, a complex mix of emotions stirred within him. There was an undeniable sense of frustration that overshadowed his feelings. He had devoted his youth to nurturing and protecting them, sacrificing his own dreams and aspirations in the process. Now, watching them move on with their lives, he felt a pang of abandonment.

Deep down, Sebastian knew it wasn't entirely fair to view the situation in this light, but he couldn't help it. The reality was stark; he had poured his life into ensuring their well-being, only to find himself left behind as they ventured out into the world. This sense of being left behind was intertwined with a sense of jealousy. They had the freedom to explore, to live their lives unburdened, while he remained anchored to the responsibilities that had defined his existence.

So he cried, cried like he had never done before curled up on his bed, he didnt have a purpose any more a majority of his life was spent taking care of his siblings and now they were gone. The emotion he was working through double till he coudnt take it anymore.

In a moment of profound despair, he made the harrowing decision to end his suffering. Seeking solace in the solitude of the sea, he rented a boat and ventured out into the waters. As he plunged into the depths, the cold embrace of the water starkly contrasted with his calm mind. His body instinctively fought against the water, but slowly, his struggles ceased, his vision blurred, and he found release from his torment in the silent darkness of the ocean depths.


Sebastian had cocooned himself in the darkness. It had become his new home, and strangely, he had grown to like it here. He had always believed that after his death, he would end up in either heaven or hell, but he was wrong. Here, he had created his own space, a place he referred to as "the void" or "limbo."

He had lost track of time, unable to discern how long he had been in this desolate place. What he did know, however, was that being in limbo had dulled his emotions. He could still feel the pain and the memories of his past life, but they seemed more manageable now. In this timeless expanse, he had the opportunity to process his trauma, to dissect the tangled web of emotions that had haunted him in life.

Sebastian often found himself lost in moments of deep introspection. It was a way to maintain his sanity and make sense of the events that had led him here. He pondered the regrets, the missed opportunities, and the pain he had caused others. The solitude allowed him to confront his past, understand his choices, and come to terms with the consequences.

In limbo, he had only time as his companion, and he used it to explore the recesses of his mind. He couldn't escape the pain entirely, but he had learned to coexist with it. The darkness, once suffocating, had become a comforting shroud, offering solace and a respite from the chaos of the world he had left behind.

Sebastian's perception of time became increasingly abstract as the years stretched. In limbo, there were no days, nights, or seasons. There was only the eternal, unchanging darkness that enveloped him. But in this strange, timeless place, he had also discovered a newfound clarity and resilience.

With each passing moment, Sebastian grew more adept at managing his emotions. The pain and regrets were no longer overwhelming; they became stepping stones on his journey of self-discovery.

In his isolation, he also discovered a measure of peace. The darkness was no longer a prison but a sanctuary where he could confront his demons, make amends with his past, and, perhaps, find a path toward a new form of existence or enlightenment.

As Sebastian's newfound clarity washed over him, an intense wave of pain surged through his body. His vision was suddenly inundated with a blinding, brilliant light. The agony coursing through him was unbearable. When he finally opened his eyes, he was met with an overwhelming disorientation.

A bone-chilling shiver gripped his feeble form, making even the simplest movements a Herculean effort. He attempted to rise but found himself utterly weak and helpless. His vision remained hazy, but he could make out the snowy landscape that enveloped him.

Frustration welled up within him as he tried to move his limbs, but they felt like they belonged to someone else, foreign and unresponsive. As he brought a small hand to his face, a sense of profound astonishment and fear washed over him. The hand that met his gaze was not that of a grown man; it was the delicate hand of a baby.

Tears welled up in his infantile eyes, and all he could do was cry. It was a cry of confusion, fear, and relief. He didn't care about the cold anymore; it was getting unbearable, but his voice had become hoarse from crying for so long.

Suddenly, he heard the sound of approaching footsteps. Panic coursed through him as he felt defenseless in the frigid wilderness. As the footsteps drew nearer, he was seized by a mixture of fear and hope. Whoever it was, they could offer salvation from this cold and bewildering predicament.

Moments later, strong arms enveloped him, lifting him from the snow-covered ground. The savior was a beautiful, dark-skinned woman. She swiftly wrapped a warm pelt around him, shielding him from the biting cold.

"Let's get you out of here, young one," she said with a gentle and reassuring smile.

Sebastian couldn't reply in words, but he found solace in her presence.


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