
Targaryen's Return

Autor: lulla_by
Contínuo · 42.4K Modos de exibição
  • 19 Chs
  • Avaliações
  • NO.200+

Linaera Targaryen, heir to an ancient, hidden legacy, is no ordinary witch. Reincarnated from Earth, she possesses the power of dragons and the gift of magic, making her a prodigy from birth. As her family steps out of the shadows, Linaera receives her Hogwarts letter, marking the Targaryens' return to the wizarding world. At Hogwarts, Linaera must navigate friendships, like with the mischievous Weasley twins, while safeguarding her family's secrets. With the weight of two worlds on her shoulders, Linaera's journey will test her strength, loyalty, and the power of the Targaryen name. Note: This is originally posted at the novel section, but I am re-uploading it here upon a suggestion.

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Chapter 1Prologue

Prologue: The Dragon's Awakening

In the hidden chambers of Dragonstone, the ancient blood of Old Valyria simmered quietly, waiting for the moment when the world would once again feel its fiery presence. The Targaryen line, forgotten by time, had never truly faded. They had merely withdrawn, guarding their secrets and nurturing their strength in the shadows. Rhaenyra and Laena Targaryen, the last scions of this ancient bloodline, knew that the time had come to step out from behind the veil. The world had forgotten the power of dragons, and now it would be reminded.

At the center of this reawakening stood Linaera Targaryen, a girl of extraordinary beauty and intelligence. Her white hair shimmered like the wings of a dragon in flight, her skin as pale as the moonlit sky, and her deep purple eyes held the wisdom and fire of her ancestors. Linaera embodied everything the Targaryen line had stood for—but there was a secret only she knew. She wasn't truly one of them, not in the way her family believed.

Linaera wasn't just the eldest daughter of Rhaenyra and Laena; she was a reincarnator.

In another life, Linaera had been an ordinary girl living on Earth. She had read stories of Westeros, of dragons, and of ancient families like the Targaryens. But that life was a distant memory now, blurred at the edges like a dream. It was the strangest twist of fate that had her reborn into the very world she once marveled at in books, as part of a family whose legacy was wrapped in both power and tragedy.

The early years of her new life had been a challenge. Adjusting to the customs and language of this world, learning about dragons, and harnessing the magic that flowed through her veins had all been overwhelming at first. But Linaera was no ordinary child. She had always been quick-witted and adaptable. By the time she was four, she was speaking High Valyrian with ease, by seven she had bonded with Adrastus, becoming a dragonrider like her ancestor Rhaenyra.

But the memories of her past life never truly left her. She often reflected on the world she came from—its mundane nature compared to the vibrant magic and danger of Westeros. The knowledge of her reincarnation was her deepest secret, one she had no intention of ever revealing. She had a role to play here, and the destiny of a Targaryen to fulfill.

As Linaera prepared for her next great journey—leaving Dragonstone for the first time to enter Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry—she couldn't help but feel the weight of two lives converging. The magical world of Hogwarts was one she had known about in her former life, a world of wands, spells, and dark mysteries. But this time, she would enter as Linaera Targaryen, the rightful heir to the Iron Throne, a girl who commanded dragons and wielded magic far older than any wand.

She thought about her siblings, the ones she had grown to love as her own. Jacaerys, the bold and daring second-born; Jahaeris and Jahaera, the fraternal twins who were as different as fire and water; and Daenerys, the youngest, whom Linaera cherished above all others. They were her heart, her strength, and her greatest responsibility. In her previous life, she had been an only child. Now, she was the eldest of five, and the protector of them all.

As she entered Hogwarts, Linaera knew she would meet people who could change her destiny further—among them, two mischievous red-haired boys with an infectious sense of humor and a penchant for trouble. But no matter what Hogwarts had in store for her, Linaera was determined. She would ensure that the world remembered the might of the Targaryens. The dragon had awakened once more, and this time, she brought with her the knowledge of two worlds.

The Iron Throne, and the future of magic itself, would one day be hers.

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