
A Few Days of Learning

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For the next few days I stayed in the The Radiant Emissary and looked around the city. Lilianna didn't show up again within the establishment and many of the Aasimar who were here previously never came back, only a couple of the more shady black-winged people coming back to have some drinks. Deciding that it would be unwise to wait for people to help me learn or gain anything I began to scour the city for a martial trainer. At the beginning I was lost hopelessly but eventually found a training yard next to a rather gaudy looking building that held a crest that I did not know of.

Going in an speaking with the men inside I was able to purchase a couple lessons in using a longsword and longbow. For my first lesson they simply taught me the stances for the separate weapons, basic combat drills and some sparring. I soon found that I wasn't as fast or strong as the men I was learning from but they were nice enough in the way that they continued to guide. There was no lack of respect from them despite my inexperience, in fact, they were very gentlemanly. By the end of the two days learning I had gotten a basic understanding of Longbows and Longsword, to the point that I wouldn't be humiliated if pushed to use them.

Unfortunately my Training Montage mission wasn't complete as I needed to handle each of the simple weapons for it fully finish, at least, that was my estimation. My money was running low however as the majority had been used for those two days of training... I was broke without any skills that could really allow me to get a job to pay for anything. Lilianna had already helped me with my inn stay, but that too would run out eventually and I would be left to fend for myself.

'I need a section that could speed up my learning speed when exposed to different skills... Maybe even one that takes those base skills and allows evolutions to them whilst including experience points?'

There was no response from the framework, a probable likelihood because I hadn't fully chosen what I wished my next section was. Deliberating on it as I walked along the energetic streets of Iriaebor I soon found myself at the edge of the marketplace I had ventured to on the day when I first found the bookshop. It was still as chaotic and splendorous despite it being mid day by this point.

'Hold on... What is the limits to sections?'

{The limit of sections is categorised by the amount of section slots that the host wishes to spend.}

{Current Setting has the spending on :1: point.}

{Categories of Usage are as such: | 1 point- Basic Systems | , | 2 points- More Powerful effect and less restraints| , | 3 points- Allows for the implementation of Passive system affects| , | 4 points- The Creation of Enhanced Senses| , The fifth point is currently locked until ?????????????}

'That would have been handier to know earlier... Is there any way to make pre-selected sections into higher point costs?'

{No. The Host has to select the point cost when originally creating the section}

'Hmmm... Interesting... Then, could I use three of my points?'

{3/10 are remaining, using these point will disallow the implementation of sections until the host had gained new section numbers}

'Okay... Then tell me... Is it possible to link reading of books to section limit and amount, with three points?'

{... Processing ...}

{It is possible. The section would link with \Mission/ section and create a daily quest that would give a minimum of 1 section point per day. It is suggested not to take this action as it is heavily limiting and could have future restrictions and consequences.}

'Damn. Okay, then what about tying them to my mission section completely?'

{This is also possible. Restrictions would be almost non-existent and you would be able to direct the missions as you require. This action is suggested if you wish to gain more sections.}

'Would the mission section simply merge with the new addon?'

{Yes, the points that were spent on the original Mission System :1: will be given back to the host as the :3: points are used to fill the new features and maintain old features.}

'So I have 1 point left... Can I create a skill system of some sort? Allowing me to see what skills there are and what I know?'

{Request for a 'SKILL TREE' section has been accepted... Confirmed... Implementing alongside Section revivification Section.}

In moments my entire screen was split into sections. One was my stat sheet with a 3D representation of myself, another was the proficiencies or as they were called in the tab; Skills, the last was my inventory sheet where I could see small icons that were literal representations of the items I had stored earlier. Tapping on the skill section I was blow away as the section from before were still maintained but underneath laid an entire 3D structure that when hovering my finger over opened. Each time it opened I saw hundreds, thousands of different boxes that represented skill. The 3D structure was actually made up of thousands of pages of skills, as if it were a book made into origami.

Looking at the pages I eventually found one skill that was highlighted. It was a campfire image within the box as spectral writing emerged above it. |Campfire Setter| . It was a skill I had learned from Lyria before her death. A small pain ached within my heart at the acknowledgement of that terrible day but I shifted through the off-putting feelings, concentrating on my new section. Hundreds of skills were arrayed on this page and they all seemed to be survival related... From starting a campfire to tracking, to making a wooden cabin to setting tents... It was all there. Now I had my own personal list of shit that I could do missions for, and it was great!

Staring at this new feature would do very little for me however as I still needed to actually go learn them, but that was fine as I now had ways of gaining more sections and thus more useful and powerful abilities which would allow me to complete more missions, which give me more sections... I had essentially created a feedback loop of productivity. 

'I wish to create a mission to gain new sections.'

{The Framework does not provide random missions. Host will have to create the mission.}

'Shit... Then, I want to learn Runic Language for understanding cantrips.'



1- Find and Learn Magic | Rewards: Intelligence + 4 , Charisma + 2 , Ring of Protection, 1000 XP

2- Kill a Creature | Proficiency In Stealth , Proficiency in Animal handling

3- Lose Virginity | 1 Level, A happy ending?

4- Discover Regional Info | Intelligence + 2 , Proficiency in History, Spell Book of Cantrips

5- TRAINING MONTAGE | Proficiency in Simple Weapons, Proficiency in Longbows, Quiver of Retrieving

6-The Bridge, it moves? | Knowledge on basic Mechanics, Magical Rune Knowledge

7- Not to be a Barbarian | Charisma + 4

8- Runic Language, Cantrip Addition | Intelligence +1 , Knowledge of Basic Runes within Magic 


'That didn't give me a section gain!'

{Mission Rewards are based off of the difficulty of said mission.}

'Then... Then... Then, I want to kill Vermithraxxis !'

{Mission Added}



1- Find and Learn Magic | Rewards: Intelligence + 4 , Charisma + 2 , Ring of Protection, 1000 XP

2- Kill a Creature | Proficiency In Stealth , Proficiency in Animal handling

3- Lose Virginity | 1 Level, A happy ending?

4- Discover Regional Info | Intelligence + 2 , Proficiency in History, Spell Book of Cantrips

5- TRAINING MONTAGE | Proficiency in Simple Weapons, Proficiency in Longbows, Quiver of Retrieving

6-The Bridge, it moves? | Knowledge on basic Mechanics, Magical Rune Knowledge

7- Not to be a Barbarian | Charisma + 4

8- Runic Language, Cantrip Addition | Intelligence +1 , Knowledge of Basic Runes within Magic 

9- Kill the Tyrant of Ash and Ruin | Achievement: Dragon Slayer , Strength + 4 , Constitution + 4 , Charisma + 10 , Knowledge on Ancient Red Dragons, The Dragon Hoard of Vermithraxxis , Levels + 5 , Sword of Dragon Slaying , Knowledge of Spells at a 9th weave level (Only the knowledge, not the capability) , Section Points + 40


'Oh, oh... fuck... Vermithraxxis isn't just some monster... It's a fucking dragon...'

Looking at the rewards though, it was sure tempting to work towards that goal. Forty section points would make me very powerful, the stat bonuses would alone make it very tempting... But I also gain the money of the dragon, knowledge on seemingly powerful magic, whatever 'Spells at a 9th weave level' meant. There was also the levels I could gain which would possibly open my powers up even more...

'Could I just create another mission that is just about me becoming a mage of some sort?'

{10- Woosed Out Like a Bitch| Section Points + 5 , Immovable Rod, Soul Bound Grimoire , Proficiency in all schools of Magic , Level of Wizard + 1}

'I didn't fucking woose out! I am just not capable of killing a dragon when I barely know how to use a longsword or a longbow...'

There was no response. I was apparently left to my devices, which I was now currently walking through the market place. The one thing I did start to notice was that a lot of people here had significant money in coin purses in their pockets. An evil thought cruised through my mind, the money just being a few metres away from me... 'I could just take half of their money with my inventory.' The thought was insidious, a rather selfish one on my end but my situation was much worse than them. My gut felt off at the idea but my subconscious was certainly persuasive. How could any of them tell it was me, especially when It is a spatial storage ability? They wouldn't be able to and even if the guard did come to question me, for some reason, than I could just tell them that I brought the money from outside the city... They had no way to prove that I did it...

Pouches dangled softly in the pockets of those passing by until I saw a young man snooping around behind a noblewoman. He looked like a common man, unassuming, clothed in rather comfortable attire... The perfect guise to play off as just a random merchant in the market. Stalking closer to the noble lady who was adorned in a beautiful gold-red dress that was dangling just above her finely clad feet, he slipped his right hand into the back of his shorts. The sharp glint of metal shone out from the sun as he began to dash towards her, his right hand kept low as he attempted to mask the intent of his sprint. Beautiful and regal looking the lady was a complete lamb for the slaughter, guards no where to be seen.

'Fuck stealing... Let's just ingratiate myself to a noble woman and I can possibly even become a guard for her!'

{11- Saving a Damsel! | Employment? , Dexterity + 2 , Proficiency in Unarmed Combat , Folk Hero?}

'Yeah, I'm getting those fucking stats!'

Sprinting forwards with a dagger in my own hand I heard a large amount of gasps and some low shouts as I wasn't being as discreet as the man who was trying to stab the noblewoman. Said woman turned to me and looked horrified as I was very close to her, she tried to recoil but was swept to the side by me who took my knife and struck upwards with the simple elven dagger. The man wasn't expecting a response from anyone and in such a quick way, his body stopping dead as a dagger clattered from his hands to the cobbles below. My small unsuspecting dagger had punctured up through his stomach and with the speed that he was travelling, it dragged forwards, up through the sternum. Adrenaline pumped into my system as his hand was dragged over my shoulder, blood coagulating onto my hand and arm as I held him up with the dagger itself.


He slid to the stones as he swore out his last breath. His eyes languidly stayed open, the lustre erased from within them as the sweet embrace of death grasped his soul and ferried it away no doubt. Breathing roughly as my own mind was trying to fully grasp the consequences of what I had just done, there was a round of applause from around me. No consideration was given to the poor man who had just lost his life by my own hands... No... It was as if that happened every day and was not something to be sad about. I had done it though, I achieved my goal... But the cost was the greater question... Was there intrinsic value in human life like she had been raised to believe on Earth, because if that was so, then she just committed one of the worst crimes that a human could. This world was a different story however as many people came and clapped me on the shoulder before setting off for the guard. 

After a while it all just faded, the celebration was taken over by talking and shaking of heads towards the lifeless body. The guards sprinted up the cobblestone pathways and went to grab me, only for the noblewoman to stop them and say that I was her protector and I had killed a would-be assassin. I was in the right, it seemed, from everyone else's perspective. In my own however? I didn't know. I felt nothing too intense about the act of killing itself, just a feeling of general loss. My innocence was gone now, the real world had set in fully and the actual workings of this world became much more clear to me.

'This isn't the kind world I left...'

'The death of the elves should have shown me that. But it didn't...!'

Anger coursed through my veins for a while until the noble lady finished dealing with the guards and strutted up to me, her face quite beautiful if a little more rigid than one could find beautiful.

"Unknown saviour of mine... I thank thee for thy swift action and noble bearing. Perhaps thou wouldst have time to attend thy house and reap the rewards of thy actions?"


She looked between me and the body on the floor, which was now being patted down by the guards. Her face showed a hint of sadness and sickness but she stymied both of those with a control I had never seen before.

"Dost thou weep for the life of one such as this?"

"It was my first time killing..."

"Ah, then thy actions are understandable. Why dost thou not come with me and take succour in kinder spaces?"

"Thank you... I'd be happy to have dinner with you, if you'd have me."

"Ah, truly, thou hast filled mine heart with joy! It wouldst be an honour to share in such a meal with thee."

The noblewoman was certainly bubbly in personality, her mood switching to one of jubilation as soon as I agreed to her request. Looking closer at her, the dress wasn't the only thing that was gorgeous. She had a head full of curly blonde-red hair that almost turned rose-gold at the tips as she beamed a smile towards me with not just her lips but also her radiant cobalt blue eyes that seemed to carry a slight glow within them. Magic, that is what I placed her eye colour down to... I didn't know much about magic but strange shit had thus far meant magic, thus it fit.

She talked to one of the guards before he nodded and sprinted up towards the higher levels of the city. We stayed within the roadway for a time as more guards began to gather, asking question of nearby peoples and me especially. There was nothing special in their questioning and whenever someone accused me of cooperating with the assassin the noblewoman would storm over in a huff, scolding the guard with her finger extended outwards towards him, leaving them flinching backwards and looking like children cajoled by their mother.

'Who the fuck is this chick!?'

"Yes princess..."

'ok... fuck my life...'


You all enjoyed, again, stop whining about 'assuming', making an ass out of me and you... You loved it, so shut up... And give me power stones and comments!

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