
Daphne and Harry

"Settle down and get your seats. Weasley! Ten points from Gryffindor for being unprepared." The Gryffindors in the class groaned as Professor Snape docked more points from their house, like he did in every class. Most of them had learned by now not to fight it, losing points was inevitable in this class. Ron Weasley, however, seemed to have missed that memo.

"But that's not fair! Look at Malfoy, he has less of his stuff out than me!" Ron argued. And it was true, Draco wasn't even at his table and all of his potions supplies were still put up. Not that it mattered to Professor Snape.

"Ten more points from Gryffindor for talking back to a teacher. I suggest you be quiet unless you wish to spend tonight in detention." Ron finally seemed to get the hint and sat down, clearly still angry about losing twenty points. Harry and Neville watched from their table at the other side of the room, each happy that Snape had not picked them to pick on today.

"For the next two weeks you will be split into pairs to work on a new assignment. Each pair will be given the ingredients for a type of poison, but not the name of the poison or instructions on how to brew it. You and your partners must not only identify the poison and brew it successfully, but must also determine the antidote and brew that as well. The poisons I have picked for you may be obscure, so I do not expect any of you to be successful." Snape explained. "Ever since the delegations from Durmstrang and Beauxbatons arrived the Headmaster has become obsessed with increasing cooperation amongst young wizards and witches. Therefore, he has requested that any class grops consist of students from different houses. The pairs for this assignment will all have one student from Slytherin, and one from Gryffindor."

All of the students groaned at this announcement, while Professor Snape just looked mildly amused at their unhappiness.

"All of the pairs have been randomly picked. When I call your names come to the front of the room, pick up your ingredients list, and find a table to sit at with your new partner. I suggest you use today's class to determine what poison you have been assigned." With that he began to call out names. Neville was paired with Blaise Zabini, Hermione with Vincent Crabbe, and to Harry's amusement Ron was partnered with Draco Malfoy. Harry felt relieved, he didn't want to work with the blond idiot either.

"Daphne Greengrass… and Harry Potter." Professor Snape finally called out. Harry looked over at Daphne who had an exaggerated look of disgust on her face, but when she looked at Harry he saw a small smile that was quickly hidden. They both walked up to the front to receive their list of ingredients, but when they turned to find a desk Snape stopped them. "Ms Greengrass, let me assure you that you will not be punished for your partner's ignorance."

"Thank you Professor, I had feared my grade for this assignment would be unusually low." Daphne said as she glared at Harry. Harry spotted an empty table towards the back of the room and motioned for Daphne to follow towards it. When they finally sat down Harry heard his partner start to laugh quietly.

"What was that all about?" Harry asked her.

"Sorry Potter, but look at it from my side. Professor Snape just promised me a better grade than our project deserves, what was I supposed to do? Say, 'No thanks sir, I don't want the free points'?"

Harry nodded, knowing she had a good point. "Well I'm glad it worked out like this anyway. I was trying to find a way to talk to you, and this just made it a lot easier."

"Is this about my offer a few weeks ago?" she asked, speaking in whispers so that they would not be overheard.

"Yes. I know what the first task is going to be. I probably shouldn't say much more here, but why don't we meet tonight in the library after dinner to work on this assignment. Then I can explain about the tournament and show you what I've been working on."

"Sounds interesting, just what have you been doing these past few weeks?"

"You'll see, I promise." Harry answered. Daphne realized she wouldn't be able to get anymore information out of Harry until later and decided to start working on their potions project. An hour later when the class ended none of the groups had been able to find a potion which contained their ingredients in the fourth year potions book. 'I should have known that Snape wouldn't make the assignment that easy.' Harry thought.

"Alright Potter, I'll see you in the library after dinner. Don't be late." Daphne said in her most intimidating tone of voice. Harry was laughing on the inside, knowing that she was just trying to keep up appearances. Harry thought this game was pretty funny as well.

"Fine Greengrass. Try not to get lost." Harry said in an equally harsh voice. Daphne huffed at him, turned away, and walked out the door without speaking another word. They somehow both managed to hold in their laughter.


Harry rushed into the library and began looking for Daphne. Off to one side he saw Hermione, who had not noticed him coming in. She didn't seem to notice Viktor Krum staring at her from a few tables over, either. Harry shrugged it off, deciding it was really none of his business. He was about to start looking down the aisles when he heard someone calling his name,

"Potter! Over here." Daphne was sitting at a table in the corner that was surrounded on three sides by bookshelves. It would make a good place for them to be able to talk and not be overheard. Harry set down his bag and sat down at the table. "So what took you so long? I've been here for fifteen minutes and you left dinner before I did."

"Sorry, I got stopped by Professor Moody."

"Ah. I think that weirdo has been hit with a few too many curses."

"Maybe. He kept asking what I was doing to prepare for the tournament."

"And what did you tell him?" Daphne asked, interested in how Harry would deal with the curious professor.

"Not much, I didn't want him to know that I know what the first task is."

"I'll make a Slytherin out of you yet, Potter." she laughed.

"So, how much of the project do you want to do tonight?" Harry asked, changing topics.

"Let's at least find the name of our poison and how to make it. Once we do that we should easily be able to find the antidote."

"What makes you think that?"

"I owled home today and asked my father to send his copy of '1001 Poisons and Their Antidotes'. Apparently the Hogwarts library doesn't carry it because it is a 'dark' book. Useful is more like it."

"So we could just wait and find our potion then, too."

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