
Drunk On Special Occasions

It took a while for Jasmine to digest and give feedback.

'You will, in time, I am not the one pulling the strings. Therefore, be patient, there has indeed been some progress. He finally was able to ask for my number. I have been waiting for him to call me or D M.' Jasmine gave a detailed description of her occurrence.

There was a bit of noise on the phone network, which made Courtney delay her response.

'Why didn't you get his line? In that way, you could do a follow-up. How about he never calls or does not return to Lusaka Blue Hotel?' Courtney petitioned, her concern plainly stated.

Jasmine clenched her fist, lying back on her office chair.

'I am positive he will definitely call. If I did ask for his number. I could have looked desperate, and most importantly, I believe in our chemistry. At the same time, this will prove that he does want me and I will know that I am not alone in this love dilemma.' Jasmine articulated, but her voice turned squeaky, she knew Courtney was on point, she now developed a bit of concern and doubt. Jasmine was beginning to think that she had made a mistake not getting Delvin's number.

'Alright, I hear you babe, as far as I know, you are in love. Wow! I will be cheering for you. I have to go, bye and I love you.' Courtney decided to close the conversation.

Jasmine tried to figure out Courtney's feelings before her reply, 'I love you more and take care. I will come visit you soon.' Jasmine promised.

Back at Grandma Beatrice's House, 'Delvin, what kind of wine do you like?' Grandma Beatrice inquired, out of interest.

Delvin did not beat the bush nor dare lie. 'I really don't know much about wine. I have never tasted it before.' He replied nonchalantly.

Grandma Beatrice's family understood Delvin, it wasn't easy to live luxuriously in this era.

'Would you love to give it a try?' Grandma Beatrice flashed an invitation question.

Delvin beamed in his heart. I thought you would not ask?

'Absolutely, I would love to give it a try.' Delvin didn't hesitate replying.

Grandma Beatrice took one bottle of wine, removed the cork, filled the four glasses, distributed them among the group, 'George go on, say something.'

George cleared his throat, 'Thank Delvin for being an honest, hard-working friend. We are gathered here to celebrate your achievement. May you prosper at ZamCorp Base One and bring more glory to yourself and friends. A toss to Delvin!' He raised his wine glass up, and so did everyone.

'To Delvin!' They all shouted.

Next they sipped their wine, chatting and laughter followed. Delvin took the second sip, felt the taste subtle, it was so good that he didn't know what to compare it with and there was an after-taste which left tiny grains and a bit sourly. All eyes were set on him, Grandma Beatrice tried to satisfy the desires of everyone.

'How does it feel?' Grandma Beatrice broke the ice, since the rest of the team had this same question.

Delvin took some humble time to find the right words to analyze his new exhilarating feeling, 'It's literally so good, as a matter of fact, it's perfect! I have not enough words to describe its taste.'

Everyone looked at him in awe. They could understand the spot he was in. Delvin couldn't help it but ask, 'how much does it cost to buy one bottle?'

Grandma Beatrice was filled with vim and vigor, 'It cost us six thousand coins. If it was in the twenty-first century, it's equivalent to six thousand dollars. Most of these wines are the last ones and the price keeps going up. We bought these ten years ago, by now the prices must have doubled. The vineyards and other sources of wine production have already run out of wine because most trees are dead. Perhaps if the rain came maybe some trees could sprout out from the ground. So we have to cherish every moment because life is very short just like it has been for the grapevines.'

Everyone was silent, only Grandma Beatrice's voice still echoed in the room and as they listened to every word with full concentration. Grandma Beatrice continued, 'Therefore, most of these bottles can only be drunk on special occasions such as this one.'

Delvin frowned a bit and became skeptical, what's the fuss about me? Why is this occasion special? Am I that special? What is the meaning of all this?

Finally, Delvin had to clarify the lingering question in his mind.

'Grandma, why this moment?' Delvin inquired incredulously. He suspected that there was more to this dinner than he could grasp. Therefore, he had to dig deeper and extract the hidden truth from Grandma Beatrice.

Grandma Beatrice smiled broadly, before she could open up and drop some sense on these young fellows, the rest of the participants paid extra attention to what would unfold thereafter, 'Young man, every moment is very special, or should I say we need to cherish them. Today we are celebrating your life's achievement. We are aware that we didn't bring you sooner to this family, and we apologize for that, but also we have to note, that everything happens for a reason, and maybe all this was crafted because of this very moment.' Grandma Beatrice elaborated, trying to delete any suspicion Delvin was having but to also pump some important piece of information most people miss in life.

Silence occupied the house after Grandma Beatrice finished talking. She then refilled the remaining wine in the bottle into the four glasses.

The atmosphere was still very lively. Grandma Beatrice moved her delicate body to the stereo system and turned on music. They continued chatting while music played in the background. Grandma Beatrice does not like to be left out, she wants to have something she can gossip about with her friends. She couldn't miss out on this marvelous opportunity with a new employee at Zoom Multi Corporation Base One. 

'Have you started work?' Grandma Beatrice popped her burning question she had been keeping for a while.

Delvin felt jovial because of the two glasses of wine he had consumed, dizziness crept into his mind and gave him the strong feeling of happiness he had never experienced before. The feeling was thrilling. His heart was free, and he wanted the feeling to keep on going. He felt the whole world was his.

'Yes, we had an introduction yesterday, it went on quite well and Monday is my full working day,' Delvin paused momentarily, and then carried on, 'All I can say is, it's true, ZamCorp Base One stands for its reputation. It has many levels and departments inside. I am required to begin my work in engineering department but I have decided to start with the creators and innovators. According to the ZamCorp Base One rules, I can not do that, but I have an idea that could change our defense system and give us an advantage if we were under attack. I am likely to put my whole career at risk, but I have confidence in my abilities. Above everything else, I hope the creators and innovators can understand my idea instead of misunderstanding.' Delvin briefed everyone with a merry countenance.

There was a solemn moment, 'Wow! That is big, Delvin, are you sure you are up to that responsibility already?' Grandma Beatrice queried, showing forth some great concern.

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