
21: Move in With Me?

Ruby didn't wait a second before bolting out of the car and up the stairs to her apartment, her heart racing with worry. She fumbled with her keys, practically throwing open the door, only to find Ariel sleeping soundly on the couch, her face peaceful and unaware of any chaos.

The babysitter stood nearby, looking sheepish.

"Ma'am, I thought I told you everything was under control," she explained softly, glancing at Ruby, whose panic was quickly shifting into confusion.

Arnold followed Ruby inside, his presence taking up all the space in the small apartment as he looked around, assessing the situation with his usual intensity.

"Is everything alright?" he asked, his deep voice echoing off the walls.

The babysitter nodded, lowering her gaze. "Yes, sir. There was just a little incident—someone tried robbing the apartment across from us. The police were called, and the robber was arrested. Ariel didn't even wake up during the commotion."

Arnold's face tightened. "That doesn't mean she wasn't in danger," he said, his voice hardening as he turned to Ruby. "I think you and Ariel should come live with me. It's safer."

At first, Ruby pretended she hadn't heard him, but Arnold's steady gaze told her he was waiting for an answer. Reluctantly, she looked up to meet his eyes. "And how exactly would that work, Arnold? Should Ariel and I just squeeze in there with your ex-girlfriend living in the next room?" Her words were laced with sarcasm, but the hurt was real.

Arnold's eyes widened, a flash of embarrassment crossing his face. "I—I didn't mean that. In fact, I'll ask her to leave immediately," he stammered.

"You'd just throw a vulnerable woman out on the street?" Ruby shot back, her anger rising. "How noble of you."

Arnold rubbed a hand across his forehead, his frustration building.

"Damn it, Ruby! I'm trying to help you, but you're making it so difficult!" he growled.

Ruby's temper flared. "Do you think we're some kind of charity case?" she snapped. "I don't need your help, Arnold Aagaard. I've protected and provided for Ariel just fine on my own!"

Arnold's face softened, his frustration giving way to a more pleading tone. "Ruby, I know you're a wonderful mother. But this apartment isn't safe. What if something happens next time, and it's too close for comfort?"

"You don't get to decide that," she replied, her voice trembling as tears welled up in her eyes. "You don't get to make me feel like I'm failing my daughter just because I don't have your wealth and connections."

Regret instantly clouded Arnold's face. He reached out to her, his voice barely a whisper. "I'm sorry, Ruby. I didn't mean it like that. You're an amazing mother, truly…"

But Ruby was already crying. She stepped back, wrapping her arms around herself. "Please leave, Arnold. I don't want to see you right now."

"Ruby, can we please talk about this? Let's work through it—" Arnold tried to plead, but the door closed on him as Ruby shut him out.

Left alone in the quiet of her apartment, Ruby wiped her tears, glancing at her daughter's sleeping form. She let out a shaky breath, trying to calm her heart.


"You did what!?" Kiko gasped, nearly spilling his coffee as he sat across from Ruby in the bustling café the next morning.

Ruby groaned, leaning forward on her elbows. "Kiko, you're my friend. You're supposed to be on my side here."

Kiko crossed his arms, a bemused smile spreading across his face.

"Not if my friend was being overdramatic! Ruby, babe, this is New York. Robberies happen every day. Ditching a romantic yacht date just because of some drama in another apartment? That's called overreaction, my friend."

"But he tried to make me move in with him," Ruby argued, desperate for Kiko to see things from her perspective.

Kiko arched an eyebrow. "Yeah… like what any responsible boyfriend or father would do?"

Ruby sighed, feeling the weight of her frustration lifting slightly in the face of Kiko's no-nonsense logic. "I just feel like he's using his money to invade my personal space," she muttered.

Kiko threw his head back, laughing.

"Girl, you've been single so long that you've forgotten—there is no such thing as 'personal space' in a relationship. Plus, think about Ariel. Moving in with Arnold could help her get to know her dad, and it would definitely save you a lot of stress."

Ruby's shoulders sagged, her resistance wavering. She hated admitting it, but Kiko had a point. Arnold's offer came with benefits she couldn't ignore, especially for Ariel's sake.

As she mulled over Kiko's words, her phone buzzed on the table.

Kiko's eyes lit up, leaning in with a grin. "Is it Arnold?" he teased, clearly rooting for a reconciliation.

Ruby rolled her eyes. "No, it's not Arnold," she said, though she'd been ignoring his texts and missed calls since last night.

Kiko let out an exaggerated sigh. "Fine, then. Who is it?"

Ruby glanced at the caller ID. "It's Evelyn."

Kiko smirked. "Your 'granny friend'?" he teased, giving her a playful nudge.

"She is not a granny friend," Ruby protested, smiling in spite of herself. "She's the ultimate girl's girl."

With that, she picked up the call, feeling a warmth bloom in her chest. Evelyn's voice was as comforting as ever.

"Ruby, darling! I would like to invite you for brunch if you are free today?"

Ruby took a deep breath. "Actually, Evelyn I am busy today, but I could do the weekends."

Evelyn sighed. "Ohh. I was hoping to introduce you to my grandson"

Ruby chuckled softly. "You don't give up, do you?"

"Not if it has to do with introducing my grandson to such a woman like you" She teased.

"I would see you later this evening, how about that" Ruby assured.

"That would be great Ruby. Just give my grandson one chance" 

After the call, Ruby put her phone down thoughtfully, glancing back at Kiko, who was watching her with a knowing smile.

"So?" he prompted.

Ruby gave a small shrug, finally admitting aloud what she'd been wrestling with. "Evelyn wants to introduce me to her grandson this evening"

"You have an argument with Arnold and then you go out to have blind date with another man?"

"Don't be so judgmental Kiko. I am just keeping my options open. Plus it is not a blind date in is as an 'introduction dinner'"

"oh really" Kiko whined. "I am still team Arnold!" 

He sprang up like a cheerleader.

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