
Chapter 12: Inside the Fortress

Bismarck's words were so accurate.

Before this, Lin Lan had increasingly faded from their memories, to the point of feeling almost unreal.

Though he was supposed to be the one she had sworn her vows to, and the most important person in her life, their memories of him felt dreamlike.

Lin Lan was taken aback by Bismarck's words.

He felt a bit awkward, since before his crossing over, he really thought it was just a game.

However, he was also very clear that the genuine feelings he had always invested in them were real and there was nothing to feel guilty about.

Seeing the Iron Blood shipgirls lost in thought, Lin Lan joked:

"Well, it's so late now, don't just stand here and dazed. I'm really looking forward to seeing what your fortress is like. Are you going to show me around?"

Lin Lan's words brought Bismarck and the others back to the moment.

"That's true. Everyone has worked hard and returned from their missions."

Bismarck nodded, realizing her previous mistake, and said to Tirpitz:

"Little sister, you and August take these kids to the bathhouse first. I'll show the Commander around the fortress. We'll meet in the cafeteria later."

After assigning the tasks, Tirpitz and August led the group of reluctant, frequently looking back lolis into the fortress.

At the dock, only Bismarck and Lin Lan remained.

"Commander… follow me, and I'll give you a proper tour of our fortress."

Bismarck's face looked quite unnatural. When it was just the two of them alone, she felt a bit nervous, despite having known each other for many years and having exchanged vows.

Lin Lan looked at Bismarck with some confusion. He remembered her as someone decisive and efficient, but now she seemed hesitant.

"Do you… want to hold my hand? I'm afraid you might…"

Bismarck slightly turned her face away, her gaze fixed on the ground, speaking in a soft, hesitant voice.

Seeing Bismarck, usually so stern and unyielding, acting shy was endearing. Lin Lan took a deep breath.

If he didn't take initiative now, would he still be a man?

He reached out, took Bismarck's right hand, which was now gloveless, and said with a smile:

"Don't worry, I'm not made of glass. Let's go. I'm eager to see what your fortress looks like."

The moment he held Bismarck's hand, Lin Lan felt her small hand tremble slightly. This shy side of Bismarck was truly adorable.

They walked along the port road into the fortress.

The cool night sea breeze brushed against them, bringing a refreshing feeling.

Feeling the warmth from their joined hands, which seemed to provide a reassuring strength, Lin Lan experienced a rare sense of relaxation.

It had been a long time since he had felt this leisurely.

Bismarck's golden hair gently swayed with the sea breeze, and even her black Iron Blood uniform couldn't hide her perfect figure.

Walking by the seaside with such a lovely companion, Lin Lan felt his weary soul ease at that moment.

"Bismarck, this should be the mirrored sea, right?"

Lin Lan broke the silence, holding Bismarck's hand.

Bismarck nodded and said, "Yes, this is our mirrored sea, created by us. No enemy can easily enter here."

"Maintaining such a large mirrored sea and such a big fortress, where do you get your energy from?"

Lin Lan asked curiously.

"With the help of Siren technology, the fortress and the mirrored sea can directly draw endless energy from the ocean. Frederick and I have thoroughly studied this technology."

As they continued walking, Bismarck gradually adjusted to Lin Lan's presence.

When discussing these technical aspects, her tone regained its natural confidence.

"Indeed, Iron Blood technology is truly the best in the world."

When in doubt, rely on Siren technology.

Lin Lan smiled, not understanding all the details but feeling impressed nonetheless.

"If you want to visit the core of the fortress, I can take you there later."

Bismarck said.

Shaking his head, Lin Lan indicated that he was just asking out of curiosity and that there would be plenty of time to explore the fortress in the future.

"Do you still have contact with other factions in the port?"

He asked with concern, not wanting Iron Blood to be isolated by other factions as in previous game plots.

Bismarck laughed lightly: "Of course we have contact. I'm sure when the news of finding the Commander spreads, they will all be excited and come to visit you."

The two of them continued chatting as they arrived at the fortress's main entrance.

With a red verification laser sweeping over Bismarck, the heavy black doors adorned with the Iron Cross slowly opened.

Upon entering the fortress, the floor was covered with deep red carpets, and luxurious chandeliers overhead cast a yellowish light. The walls were decorated with oil paintings hung like art pieces.

"At this hour, most of the girls should be asleep, and some are still out on missions and haven't returned."

"This is the main hall. We usually hold our pre-expedition ceremonies here."

"Up ahead is the floating lift, which can reach different floors. The fortress has five floors, each with different functions."

Bismarck guided Lin Lan, explaining the interior layout of the floating island fortress.

"The first floor, besides the main entrance, has three side doors. My sister and the others went through one of the side doors to the bathhouse."

"After returning from an expedition, taking a bath in the bathhouse is a fine tradition." 

"After bathing, they can also use the maintenance area outside the bathhouse to repair and care for their equipment."

"The second floor of the fortress is for dining. It has the cafeteria, tavern, and a pastry room that the destroyers and submarines love."

Listening to Bismarck, Lin Lan's stomach audibly growled. He realized he had barely eaten anything all day.

Bismarck noticed Lin Lan's stomach growling and smiled slightly. "Tirpitz and the others should have already informed Eugen. They'll definitely prepare a big meal for you soon."

Lin Lan nodded with a smile. He had heard about the Iron Blood's sausages, potatoes, beef, and bread, and couldn't help feeling excited.

"The third floor is for books, entertainment, relaxation, and fitness. Some girls with personal hobbies also have private rooms on this floor."

"The fourth floor is for our dormitories. Your room… I'll arrange it here too."

As Bismarck continued the tour, they passed through the hall and arrived at a large, translucent, dark red floating elevator that looked straight out of a sci-fi movie.

Stepping into the elevator, Lin Lan looked around, marveling at the futuristic setting.

"The fifth floor is the office area, with various meeting rooms and document processing rooms."

As the translucent elevator slowly ascended, Bismarck finished explaining the functions of each floor.

"Where are the energy core and equipment rooms you mentioned?"

Lin Lan, who had a background in engineering, asked after listening to Bismarck's explanation.

"Those are located in the underwater area beneath the first floor. There are three more levels below the fortress's sea surface."

"The third deepest level is the fortress's energy core area. The second deepest level is the functional equipment area, and the deepest level is the storage area, where supplies, oil, and ammunition are kept."

As Bismarck explained, the elevator gradually came to a stop.

Guided by Bismarck, Lin Lan exited the floating elevator onto the second floor of the Iron Blood fortress.

This floor was arranged with the Iron Blood's characteristic simplicity, with walls covered in brown wallpaper. Through the windows, Lin Lan could clearly see the night view of the sea outside the fortress.

"This is our cafeteria."

After a few steps, Lin Lan saw a wooden door that had not been locked. Bismarck let go of his hand and pushed the door open.


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