

Chapter 906 Not Bad For A Day Old.Chapter 906 Not Bad For A Day Old.

It was easy to do too. All it took was a thought and a tiny portion of his soul leaked out into his body and into the environment. He gained a divine sense immediately.

NAME: Legion-6

RACE: Warrog.

BLOODLINE: Unknown Royal bloodline. 

POWER LEVEL (BODY): Vitality Core (1% Conversion)

POWER LEVEL (SOUL): Soul Awakening

PHYSIQUE: Body of law(Incomplete)

HP: 100%



ENERGY LEVEL (SOUL): Mental Energy





PERCEPTION: 1,000,000,000



LIMITER (SOUL):0.0000002%






STATUS: Healthy

"Not bad for a day old." He said appreciatively.

The stats for a Vitality core refiner is between 100 and 200. Only his Vitality and Spirit have reached that point. His other stats are still lacking. His stats are well below what a normal vitality core should have but it is extraordinary that he gained this much power in a single day of being born. It shows how impressive the divine ability of devouring is.

"It is time to get out of here."

He checked himself one last time before he began to run. His recent upgrade has made escaping from this place easier. He could hardly crawl before but now he is running. It took a while to get used to his body but he soon became able to bolt at full speed.

His white fur was ruffled by the wind as he ran. It was a wonderful feeling. He is not a weak stumbling pup anymore. The upward slope of the ground doesn't give him any problems anymore.

"Finally, there is a way out. It seems it is nighttime outside." He said excitedly when he spotted the opening.

It was easy for him to navigate the maze-like tunnels to find a way out. He just had to follow the blood trails. His nose is very sensitive like his eyes. He can see and smell very well in the dark. So he doesn't need light and isn't bothered by the darkness in the tunnel. But that changed when he left the tunnels and appeared under the sky.

"What the heck is that?" He asked in surprise when he saw the round blood moon in the sky.

He expected it to be nighttime since he didn't see light shining into the tunnel from the entrance. But he didn't expect to see a blood moon. A blood moon is not natural at all. It is something that he has never seen before.

A feeling of dread filled him the more he looked at the blood moon. He feels that what he is looking at is very unnatural. There's also the constant feeling of being watched. He thought it was due to the danger he felt in the tunnels but that feeling hasn't disappeared. It is as if he is being observed by something and it might be the unnatural blood moon.

He asked in bewilderment. "What is going on here?"

The plane he is supposed to reincarnate in should not have a blood moon. Gehaldirah has been to the plane to pick the materials for his reincarnation. All Gehaldirah had to be careful of were the paragons. There was no ominous moon hanging over his head.

He is not the only one with the questions. There are others in his vicinity who are also very perplexed by the situation. They are a squad of Warrogs. They are stationed here to watch the entrance and make sure that the female Warrog that entered earlier doesn't come out again.

She might have used the tunnel as a tactic to discourage them from chasing her before she returns and runs away. Their pack leader doesn't want that at all. They might be reluctant to enter the Underdark but that doesn't mean they will allow her to fool them.

Their pack leader wants to make sure that she dies and that every trace of her partner is removed from this world including his descendants. That's why the pack leader positioned a squad here to watch the tunnels. They were expecting a brown-furred female Warrog, not some strange white-furred Warrog speaking in another language.

They are already jumpy by staying close to a place so dangerous. The sudden appearance of an anomaly has put them on high alert. They have a lot of questions that they want answered.

"Hey, who are you?" The squad leader of the pack asked with a shout.

That drew Legion-6's attention. He didn't notice them earlier because of the short range of his divine sense and he was preoccupied with the strange red moon.

He observed them carefully. "These are Warrogs. That is good. I am not entirely lost."

He identified their race immediately. He is relieved to discover that they are Warrogs. They are 6 in number as far as he can see. They are not holding any weapon of any kind. It is not as if they need it. The best weapons that they can make are not better than their natural weapons.

They have a piece of leather clothing tied around their waste to hide their private parts and they are adorned with several pieces of jewelry made of bones and teeth. The jewelry is in the form of necklaces worn around the neck or just woven into their hair. Some of them have tattoos on their bodies.

He thought to himself, "They are a squad of 6. The biggest one must be the alpha. The others will be her betas. I must be careful of her."

There's one Warrog amongst the six of them that is distinct from the others. She is a female but she is more physically endowed than the others. She is taller and her muscles are bigger too. Even her horns are longer. She has a bigger presence than all of the rest and she threatens him the most so he paid more attention to her.

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