
Chapter 17: The Cardinal's Premonition

The Cardinal led Thomas to the back part of the cathedral where the Monasterio is located. It is located near the edge of the cliff, with one castle-like structure at the front serving as the reception. The ground floor of the building is the receiving area and in front, a towering staircase leads to multiple rooms where the Cardinal and other high-ranking members of the Cathedral reside.


As his apprentice, Tomas is expected to also reside on the second floor. The Cardinal's library and study are also located there, adjacent to his room.


The house also has a basement where food is often stored. Another level down is where the prison for Erehes (heretics), The One Eyed Society, and some Nightcrawlers were imprisoned. Only high ranking members of the church have the authority to go down there, as those people usually have blessed relics to prevent themselves from being tainted.


The back of the tower has a square-shaped courtyard, composed of connected shaded corridors and rooms. Some rooms house the kitchen, others the animals, and some rooms are the residence of servants of the church and their companions.


Tomas was taken to the room adjacent to the study of the Cardinal. "Arrange the room as you please and make yourself at home. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to knock on my study. I will arrange your learning schedule tomorrow. For now, just rest and get acclimated to your new home." The Cardinal said in his kind voice.


"I understand Padre. Thank you for your benevolence." Tomas replied.


"No worries my son, we are both workers of the light. Don't roam around for now. I will let you know about the rules and regulations here tomorrow." added the Cardinal. Then, he tapped Tomas' shoulders and turned to walk out of the young man's room.


As he turned to go next door to his study, he bumped into a masked man, his height and build slightly bigger than Tomas.


"Mi disculpe Padre." said the man as he bowed and wanted to touch the Cardinal's hand to kiss his ring.


"Are you young Tomas' companion?" asked the Cardinal. He had suspicions about the man but didn't pass any quick judgment until he knew him better.


"Yes I am Padre," Damian answered the Cardinal.


"Ok, go on with your work then. I'm sure Tomas needs you to run errands for him." The Cardinal said, turning his back without offering Damian his hands.




The Cardinal can be seen writing something in his journal. He was frantically writing as if he was afraid he wouldn't remember what he was about to write. Upon finishing the task, he let out a sigh of relief and opened his drawer, where a wooden box, inlaid with strange symbols and crosses could be seen. He opened the locked box and placed his journal inside.


Then, from another drawer, he penned a letter, sealed it with wax and before handing it to his companion for delivery, he muttered unintelligible phrases and blew on the note.


Once his companion arrived and went to get the letter sent, the Cardinal went back to his table in a pensive mood. The stench coming from Tomas' companion. He had smelled that stench before. It was the unmistakable stench of Impyerno dwellers or those who dealt with the Nightcrawlers and The One Eyed Society.


Ordinary people may not detect the smell, but as a former Knight and a high-ranking member of the church, he is privy to some of the lesser-known creatures in the world. Lost in his thought, the Cardinal fell into a tranced sleep and slumped on his desk. 


The Cardinal was awoken by a growl, and a stench of rotten eggs and sulfur filled his nose. He jolted and saw a dark smoky tendril wrap around his ankles.


"Show yourself, a follower of Tenebrio, and tell me your name!" Rodrigo shouted and held on to his sword.


"Ah, Rodrigo, Rodrigo, Rodrigo… You've gotten old already demigod. Do you want to see your mother, Samzaya? Hahaha," The faceless shadow said followed by a maniacal laugh.


"You cannot kill a soldier of Heaven so you want to imprison and corrupt the messenger?" retorted Rodrigo.


"She will soon be a part of The Great One's Legion, as for you, her son, you will soon join your mother in Hell. See you there Rodrigo." The shadow man said before Rodrigo blacked out.


The Cardinal opened his eyes and found himself back in his study. It was dusk, and the study was lit warmly by candles. He said a prayer, washed his hands in holy water, and took out the journal and his box. He ignored the burning sensation in his ankles and wrote frantically again.

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