

Julius walked a short distance to a building marked with a sign 'Kras' s Antiques ' then walked in .

"Morning Master Kras ", Julius greeted a middle aged man who was currently dusting an old vase .

"Julius my boy, how are you doing?"

"Well I guess , where's Amy?"

"She`ll be down in a second.........AMY!!!! it`s time for school sweetie"

 Hurried footsteps could be heard as Amy descended from her room.

"I`m coming " , she said 

 The Rivers family consisted of only Amy and her father but nevertheless Julius considered them as his family. He met Master Kras on a particularly rainy day when he had just received one of the worst tortures at the hands of his father. Julius had run into the store battered and bruised , flinching at the slightest sounds. Master Kras took pity on the little boy and decided to help him but after little Julius explained what had happened he realized that there was little to be done. This being because Argus was a very influential man and Master Kras had an irrational dislike for The Guardians but nevertheless he tended to Julius` wounds as best as he could. Then he introduced Julius to his own daughter thus Julius made his first friend. Coincidentally Julius was also Amy`s first friend due to the fact that she lived a pretty secluded life. 

 And the friend in question was taking her sweet time preparing for school.

"Amy , hurry up I don`t have all day" 

"ohh shut up" she replied as she finally descended .Amy just like her father possessed jet black hair but warm brown eyes which Julius assumed she inherited from her mother. She was almost Julius` height and possessed a slender physique honed from hours of `self-defence practice` at the hands of her father. She was currently wearing a t-shirt of her favorite band and black jeans.

"Hurry up ,we're gonna be late " ,Julius said

"I know I know" 

Then they proceeded to rush out of the shop.

"bye Master Kras "

"bye dad" they said before Master Kras stopped them in their tracks.

"You forgot your lunches"

Ahhhh Master Kras was great that way.


 A few minutes later , Julius and Amy were engrossed in light hearted banter on their way to school

" Don't worry ,you'll see I'll become the best guardian there is", Amy said 

"And how do you intend to do that?"

"I'll catch Scar of course"

"yeah right " Julius laughed 

Scar was an infamous criminal, fugitive and Runetamer which the government was hell bent on catching but without success for nine years. Nobody knew what exactly he did but it had to have been terrible for the man to have kept top spot on the most wanted list for nine years even though all sightings of him within those years could be counted on one hand. 

" So how do you intend to do it?" ,Julius asked still laughing .

"hmmmm.... Well I'll first get a rune ,then join the guardians, then catch him...simple"

"yeah very original plan ,only everyone in the government have tried it and failed ", Julius said in a fit of uncontrollable laughter.

"Thanks for the vote of confidence" ,Amy said while scrunching up her nose comically

By the time Julius was ready to talk again

"And are you sure you're up to be a Runetamer?"

"Of course " came the reply without hesitation


 Runes were magical artefacts that could be assimilated to give the bearer otherworldly powers. Nobody knew where they were gotten from or at least the general public didn't know although some runes could be found lying haphazardly in the most unlikely places and sold to the government for a sizable sum or assimilated - but rarely so. This was simply because the process of assimilation or better known as hammering was an extremely agonizing process with a low chance of survival.

Thus runetamers, although under the control of the government, were considered heroes of mankind and formed up the upper echelons of the Guardian Corps. It was extremely hard for a regular to defeat a runetamer and this was the main reason Julius, with all his martial skill, could not hope to beat his father .Argus was a retired Guardian and runetamer with a rune that granted him tyrannical strength .

 In any case , Julius really believed what Amy said. If anyone could conquer a rune it was her

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