
Chapter 35

(Atsune pov)

Today is the big day.

Those workaholics figured out how to go to different worlds, but it gets random. Random in the sense that it would make us go to a random world from after which we could 'anchor' to it so that we can go there without gambling or something. You could say that it's something like saving coordinates of the said world to navigate there later.

But this will be later. Right now, I am with Ainz and some weird lizardman or lizard woman in this case. Anyway, it's a female lizardman.

After Cocytus sent by skele-boi killed all the important figures among the lizard tribes I came to gather their souls for my zanpakuto. I would rather not miss an opportunity for a free boost. Then some weird shit happened and in the end Ainz in exchange for loyalty promised to resurrect one of those deadass lizards who appeared to be her lover.

I don't know why, but some more guardians, like Mare, blushed while thinking of that. What happened?

When I tried to ask they changed the subject and it seems that this mystery will stay a mystery.

I wasn't lazy those few days. I spent most of that performing jizen to get into the sword and talk with the dumbass himself. Together we figured out some new spells using the 'dark mana' as he called it. One of those for example creates a damn laser that shoots in a straight line and is wide enough to blow out a hole in a wall of my size. The only real problem is that it uses both spiritual power and dark mana to use. The costs are not small, but could be bigger honestly. The combination of both energies causes some sort of mutation that changes it into a more unstable and malevolent form of spiritual energy.

With all the weird things happening I just didn't have any strength to argue or discuss freakin Ornstein walking around. Much less actually sparing with him to learn how to fight properly.

Right now tho, we stand in the forest watching Ainz slowly cast a spell.

I glance at the female lizard, who has those white scales and looks like some sort of princess material if not for their tribal society. Our first interaction was very fun, to be honest. At first, it appeared that she didn't figure out that I am a spirit. This is most likely due to how easy it is to see me in a materialised state, which also shows that she at least can use some magic not much, but some.

Later on, once bone-daddy introduced me she went pale and started begging me to resurrect her beloved. I honestly felt pity but didn't do it since I have no idea if it's even possible by my means. I mean, I have no resurrection spells and right now we are experimenting with Ainz to check if it will work. Normally it most likely would, but we have soul society now, and don't even make me start about his soul being sent into my zanpakuto.

'Well, you are lucky.'

Speak of the death itself and it shall come.

'huh? What do you mean.'

'Normally when the soul comes here it gets something like scrapped into parts that mend into new smaller souls, but with him, I made an exception.'


'So it will work.'


Seriously? Again!

'Didn't you say we are lucky?'

'You are lucky because if I took him apart there would be no chances, now at least there is some chance that it might work.'

Meanwhile, Ainz finished casting and something weird happened. At first, a small light blue dot appeared floating in the air unmoving. After a few seconds, it grew forming a... portal? What was even weirder is that it had ethereal chains around, as if wanting to block something from leaving.

We stayed like that waiting to see what was gonna happen, after around five minutes there was silence and nothing.

"Did it not work?"

I heard Albedo say. Yes, she is here. I would have expected her to stay in Soul Society to mingle and learn how to do shit, but she played a trap card called bodyguard and got approval to come with me. Kyouraku even shed a single tear and looked proud on his face. Does it mean that now I have two captains who don't want to do their job and are doing their best to get away from it?

Speaking of she has an asauchi on her waist. It's been only a day or two so it's way too early for her to establish a connection or for her zanpakuto to have any name. It will come with time and to be honest I am kinda interested in what this zanpakuto will be.

Noticing that nothing happened I could not stop myself from saying.

"Welp, it looks like it won't work."

At my words, the female lizard started crying in sadness. Man, I feel bad now.

'For fucks sake give me a minute. Why the fuck did you have to open the portal on the border of my territory!'

Wait! What do you mean?!

Before I could get an answer From the portal first appeared a ghost in the same shape as the body of a dead lizard lying on the ground. The chains didn't even react, he just passed through them as if they didn't exist.

But everyone's attention was on something else. A hand that was holding the said spirit. It was Tareal's hand. Contrary to the spirit, those chains did have an effect on him. I get it now.

Those chains are for literal death to be kept inside the realm. To not allow him to get out if someone is by a miracle capable of resurrecting someone or even just opening the portal. Not that this 'just' is an easy thing to do, to begin with.


Then he throws the lizardman's soul right into his body and it disappears inside.


It takes a lot to not facepalm at that.

His hand then goes back into the portal only to be replaced by his head sticking out and looking around. The chains are desperately trying to keep him contained. Those chains seem to be barely keeping him from getting out, but I can just feel that those chains are merely adapting to his strength so that the stronger he gets the more the chains. Something like a measure to ensure he cannot get away without a reason? Maybe there will be a way to just open the passage so that he can come in his real body rather than that puppet.

After that, he goes back into a portal while waving his hand at us.

We stand there wondering if he will come out again, but the portal closes on its own and I suspect he can somehow control if it closes or not.

"What happened?"

We are drawn to the source of the voice. It's suddenly alive and breathing lizardman who tries standing up in confusion only for him to trip. It seems that It might take some time for him to recover fully.

"That was... interesting."

Said my skele-boi friend completely ignoring the newly awake lizard.

"Well, that was it. You want to go explore other worlds?"

Yes. I told him about it. He is my friend why shouldn't I? Also it helps easing Demiurge's worries that I will try to scheme against them or something. I am sure that he is thinking about such a scenario just in case.

"Not now. Maybe later. This one has a lot of things to do to begin with."

I just shrugged at his response.

"Bye then. See you next time, bone-daddy"

I shunpoed, but not before hearing...

"Fuck you!"

Ah... it's always so fun to anger you Satoru.

I arrived in seiretei nearby a newly build gate. I would have not discered that from the rest if not for the weird machinery attached to it. Other that that I saw captains around and Albedo? What is she doing here? Oh right! I forgot about her and she just went back before me.

Heh. She went back earlier to seem as if she was working hard and was on time, but not too early to not be forced to do paperwork. Smart girl.

"All right everyone! Is it working?"

"Yes it does we tested it personally and went inside a few times. Each time we arrived in different place which means that it's different worlds to begin with so. It's all good."

Ok then. So everything is good, but just in case I summon the doll and summon my... husband. I still find it very embarrassing to call him that.

When he appeared I could see everyone doing better that the first time when they went all alarm mode, but I could still see some anxiousness in their eyes. It got better which means they are adapting to his presence.

"Shall we go then?"

Why are you so impatient you idiot!

Wait. Is he excited to go to other worlds? hehe

Teasing material. Now I won't be the only one teased here. Get ready for a payback.

"Yeah let's go."

We went inside and I noticed the captains along with some more shinigami who appeared most likely getting ready to enter the world we would get to in case of emergency on the other side. Unfortunately, we need to go first and cannot send anyone else since we are the only ones who can 'anchor' the world.

We traveled through... I don't even know what to call it. It's weird. Cannot be described. No space. No time, just chaotic mess without any form, color or anything I could describe it as.

After some time we entered a portal that appeared on the other end and once we did we instantly got knwoledge about our 'background' that we have in this world.

"Oh no!"/"FUUUUUCK!"

We are in konosuba and...

Both Aqua and Eris are our daughters!

"Our daughter is a braindead retard!"


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