
Chapter 28

What do you mean? And how is it even possible?

'What is so surprising? The reason why you almost got lost in the fight and bloodlust is due to that. And how do you get it? Considering that the whole population of Slane Theocracy is certain about your existence and sees you as a being who kills them around, it's not really surprising.'

It does make some sense, but it also makes me realise something important. It means that the beliefs of my worshipers or just general mortals affect me. If they suddenly start changing their views of me and think of me as someone different then I will change to their imagination. Is that how it works? It's very troubling and dangerous.

'Nah, It doesn't work that way.'

'What do you mean by that?'

At my question, I just got silence, after which a chuckle followed.

'Well, the belief of mortals at most can give you new domains while not being able to remove those you already have. It doesn't affect your personality tho. What happened was just you acquiring that new domain which made you unstable. Don't worry, It just happened once.'

That's a relief. On the other hand...

'Wouldn't that make me overpowered with just time? Like people would be giving me new domains so the older I am the stronger I become.'


This fucker! Now you choose to play with me! So annoying yet so reliable.

I now noticed that the remaining soldiers generally dispersed, some started to run away others were trembling in fear, and there were even a few who fainted. The reason is the many souls that got pulled into the sword while crying and fighting back.

It didn't really happen before. I mean it did, but soundlessly human souls were formless while being taken. Now they look like a spectral upper body that is trying to grab onto anything so that they won't be taken.

'Why did it happen?'

'I think It's because of your domains. Like before you were balanced, death etc. kinda of neutral, not even mentioning neutral karma at basically 0. Now add to those negative domains like war, it makes into an 'evil' category that makes them afraid and they fight back.'

'But it's you who takes them not me..'


This little...

'Fuck you!'

I yelled mentally at him realising too late that I gave him a freebie for teasing.

'Later wifey :)'

I blushed and cut the connection. I don't want to be teased by him even more.

I looked around and decided to end the ones that don't run. Psychotic fanatics that gladly charge to their deaths will only make it harder to stop the religion in this land.

I lifted my weapon and used shunpo appearing right in front of one of them. Instead of slashing him with my polearm, I kicked him in the stomach which made it explode leaving a huge hole in the area where my attack landed. 

The guy of course fell to the ground dead.


This one a few meters away even started charging at me after witnessing how his comrade ended.

"Die, you monster!"

I casually swung my weapon cutting the guy in two and cracking the earth around where the blade struck.

Some blood spilled on my face and I used my hand to wipe it on my sleeve.

I am smiling, right?

"I really am a monster, aren't I? I clearly enjoy it."

I said in melancholy. In my line of work, I just became numb to it but never started enjoying killing. It feels weird, what would everyone think if they saw me like this? Would they be disgusted or maybe...

'Please stop with the drama.'


'You are you. End of the story. You like killing, so what? Do you enjoy it? So what? They call you a monster, but you forgot one thing.'

This guy...

'What did I forget?'

'Why do you care about the opinions of your enemies? Do you seriously think I care? Do you think that those overzealous and super loyal to you shinigami will care? No, in fact look at Unohana or Zaraki. Do others hate them? No. In fact, those two would be just happy that you are like them and can spar with you. As for everyone else? They will be saying things like 'poor bastards' to your enemies. Thats it. So stop being an emo.'

Why can such an idiotic prankster be so dependable? It's confusing.

Anyway, since all the idiots are either dead or run away from here, I think that the good idea will be to see how others are doing.

Blood soaked the earth beneath my feet, the air heavy with the scent of death. The statues made of ice formed a crowd. I stood there, still holding Yatsuragi. I wiped a streak of blood from my face, the metallic taste lingering on my lips.

Amid the chaotic scene, stood two people. Toshirou and superskinny Rukia. It seems that ice-wielders decided to team up with each other.

Still, something nagged at me.

Something felt off.

I focused, stretching my senses across the battlefield, trying to pick up on any unusual reiatsu. The air itself seemed tense as if the very land was bracing for something.

And then, I felt it. A ripple in the air, subtle but distinct. A spike in reiatsu is familiar, but... foreign at the same time. It wasn't one of us.

I narrowed my eyes, focusing on the source. It was coming from the north, near the centre of the enemy's main encampment or at least where it was supposed to be if not for us getting rid of most of the enemies.

Toshirou and Rukia were still busy freezing enemies into macabre statues behind me, their combined ice powers turning the battlefield into a frozen graveyard. The lingering cold from their attacks made the air crisp, each breath like inhaling frost. Still, something was tugging at my attention, urging me to investigate.

With them holding the fort here, I figured I could slip away unnoticed to check on whatever was causing that strange sensation.

I vanished from the spot, reappearing on the outskirts of the battlefield. The sound of distant clashing still echoed in the distance, but here, the air was eerily quiet. I continued north, crossing the remnants of the once-organized Slane Theocracy forces' bodies strewn about, weapons discarded, their blood painting the dirt in dark, sticky patches.

The pulse of reiatsu grew stronger as I approached. I leapt onto a cliff edge overlooking the source, and what I saw below stopped me in my tracks.

What the hell is that?

A small army had formed below me. Rows of heavily armoured soldiers stood in perfect formation. Their armour was pristine, polished to a blinding sheen even in the fading light of the battlefield. They wore thick, engraved metal masks, with intricate designs that gave them an almost holy appearance. But what truly caught my attention were their weapons each soldier held large, gleaming swords or imposing halberds, their sheer size making the weapons seem unwieldy for ordinary mortals.

They weren't ordinary mortals.

In front of the formation stood a man, clearly their leader. He towered over the others, his frame clad in a massive suit of armour that looked as if it was forged in the heart of a volcano. A giant tower shield rested in his hand while in the other one, he held a sword so large that it could easily split a man in two with one swing. Despite his intimidating presence, there was an air of calm around him, as though he was in complete control of everything happening around him. His mask, like the others, hid his face, but even from this distance, I could feel his eyes scanning the horizon as if searching for something or someone.

Who are they?

I launched a patreon page. Mostly because I have chapters already written ahead, but am not realeasing them all to have an actual schedule. Decided to do that because maybe there will be someone crazy enough to help me out.

patreon.com /Erleth

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