
Chapter 12: Beneath the Surface

The next day came quietly, the routine of Company 8 moving like clockwork. Everyone had their roles, and Kazuki was no exception. After his early morning training session, Kazuki joined Captain Obi, Lieutenant Hinawa, and the rest of the brigade in the common room for their daily briefing. The room buzzed with a quiet intensity, everyone aware of the lingering tension from the previous investigation at the factory.

Kazuki took his seat, his face neutral as Hinawa began going over the details of the day's mission. "We've received intel that there may be strange activity happening at a warehouse district not far from the industrial sector," Hinawa said, his voice calm but authoritative. "Several witnesses have reported seeing flashes of fire late at night, but no Infernals have been confirmed."

Kazuki's attention sharpened. The factory incident had raised more questions than answers, and now it seemed they were dealing with something similar. Though there had been no direct connection to the unusual burn marks they'd found, this new report felt like a continuation of the same problem.

Captain Obi folded his arms, leaning forward slightly. "We're going to check it out tonight. I don't want to jump to conclusions, but this could be tied to the abnormal Infernal we dealt with before. Be prepared for anything."

The team nodded in unison, their focus shifting as the gravity of the situation settled in. Kazuki remained quiet, but his thoughts were already on the upcoming mission. He had grown used to the steady increase in his synchronization with the template, and now, with his abilities more refined than ever, he was ready for what lay ahead.

As the evening came, the brigade prepared for the mission, each member suited up and ready to go. Kazuki stood alongside them, his Asauchi strapped to his side, the familiar weight a comforting presence. The night was cool and still as they moved through the streets, the distant hum of the city creating an eerie contrast to the tension building within the group.

They arrived at the warehouse district in silence, their steps muffled by the quiet atmosphere around them. The warehouses loomed overhead, their shadows stretching long in the dim light. Kazuki's eyes scanned the area, his senses alert for any sign of movement.

Hinawa led the group through the narrow alleyways between the buildings, his rifle at the ready. "Stay sharp," he muttered under his breath as they made their way deeper into the district.

As they reached the central warehouse, the quiet suddenly felt oppressive, the air thick with an unspoken anticipation. Kazuki's grip tightened on his Asauchi, his instincts telling him that something wasn't right. They stopped at the entrance to the warehouse, Obi giving a silent signal for everyone to spread out and investigate the perimeter.

Kazuki moved quietly, his footsteps careful as he approached the side of the building. His eyes scanned the walls, searching for anything out of place. The same strange burn marks they had found at the factory wouldn't have surprised him, but so far, everything appeared normal.

That is, until Kazuki heard the faintest of sounds—a shuffle, just beyond the wall.

His body reacted instinctively. He pressed his back against the building, waiting, listening. The sound came again, this time closer, followed by the soft flicker of light reflecting off the warehouse windows. Kazuki's grip tightened on his sword. Whoever—or whatever—was inside had revealed themselves.

He glanced over at Obi, who had also noticed the flicker. Obi gave a quick nod, signaling Kazuki to move in. With silent precision, Kazuki moved toward the entrance, his movements quick and fluid. The door creaked as he opened it just wide enough to slip inside.

The inside of the warehouse was vast, stacks of crates and supplies casting long shadows. Kazuki's eyes quickly adjusted to the dim light, and he could see the source of the flickering flame: a group of figures huddled around something in the center of the room. They were wearing white, nondescript clothing, their faces obscured by hoods. One of them held a torch, casting an eerie glow over the proceedings.

Kazuki moved closer, careful to stay hidden behind the crates. He watched as the figures seemed to be setting something up, their movements hurried and deliberate. Whatever they were doing, it was clear that they weren't just random intruders. There was intent behind their actions.

Kazuki was about to signal Obi when one of the figures turned sharply, as if sensing something. The hooded figure's eyes scanned the room, stopping briefly in Kazuki's direction. Kazuki remained perfectly still, his breath held as the figure lingered for a moment before turning back to the group.

Kazuki exhaled slowly, assessing the situation. He needed to act quickly before the group could finish whatever they were doing. He carefully positioned himself behind one of the larger crates, readying his Asauchi for a swift strike.

Suddenly, a loud crackling sound filled the air, and the flames in the torch flared brightly. The hooded figures stepped back as the object they had been working on began to glow with an unnatural light. It was then that Kazuki realized what they were doing—they were trying to create something, or worse, create another Infernal.

Kazuki didn't hesitate. He moved swiftly, his blade slicing through the air as he attacked the nearest figure. The strike was precise, the figure dropping to the ground before they had a chance to react. The others turned in shock, but before they could respond, Kazuki was already on the move, his sword cutting through the second and third figures with lethal efficiency.

By the time the last figure raised their weapon, it was too late. Kazuki's Asauchi found its mark, and the final figure collapsed in a heap beside the glowing object.

Kazuki stood over them, his breathing steady, as the glow from the object began to fade. Whatever they had been trying to do, he had stopped it. He could hear the rest of the brigade moving in behind him, Obi's voice cutting through the silence.

"Well done, Kazuki," Obi said, surveying the scene. "Looks like we got here just in time."

Kazuki nodded, sheathing his blade. "They were trying to create something. I'm not sure what, but they were close."

Obi knelt beside the object, examining it carefully. "We'll need to take this back for analysis. Whatever they were planning, it's bigger than we thought."

As the team secured the area, Kazuki's mind remained focused on the mission. There were still too many questions left unanswered, but one thing was clear: they were dealing with something far more dangerous than a rogue Infernal. And Kazuki knew that this was just the beginning.

With the mission complete, Company 8 prepared to leave the warehouse district. Kazuki glanced back at the now-darkened building, his expression calm and focused. Whatever was coming next, he would be ready.

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