
Delivery Girl: Silver Swan Order #3

I don't own DC

Silver Swan didn't necessarily NEED an apartment in Gotham City, but it was just simpler to have one in general. Although technically speaking she could also just live with Orders as she was the holder of the contract, and a part of her enjoyed the idea of living in her attic and annoying the shit out of her.

But she also liked living in an upper-class apartment, and she liked lording her fancier accommodations over Orders when she could, especially since she lived in them for free. A little blackmail here, some free-lance soul dealing there, and a couple of leases signed, and she was set up in the Gotham High-Tower…

Officially she didn't exist AND she owned the apartment… benefits of being a Greed demon, you knew all the right buttons to push when it came to greedy land developers… but she was currently discussing a different contract.

"WELL?" she snapped irately at the African American man in a very nice suit and tie. He was sitting quietly on her couch and reading studiously at a floating scroll of parchment before him… specifically, it was an ethereal copy of her magical Contract with Orders. She wasn't allowed to touch the original. It hovered before the man's spectacled eyes, thoughtfully reading and re-reading the magical contract for what felt like an eternity… which would be fitting considering what Silver Swan was.

The man sighed reluctantly and then looked at her with a face that SCREAMED bad news. "I'm sorry to say but this is an ironclad contract. There are no loopholes or fine print… Whoever wrote this went over it with a fine-tooth comb."

"You're one of the greatest Lawyers in HISTORY, and you're telling me you can't find me an out?"

"My dear woman, it's not like I can break out the Chewbacca defense on this thing." He gestured to the contract. "I'm a trial lawyer and a damn good one…" he then shrugged apologetically, "But I'm afraid this is a little out of my league." He added pointing to the contract again. "If you can bring this up to a judge I might be able to do something."

"Thanks a LOT, Cochran." She replied sarcastically before raising her hand and snapping her fingers. A hell portal opened up beneath him and he managed out one reluctant sigh before he vanished into it with a sound like a mixture of a slurp and a wine bottle popping open. "UGH." She groaned, rubbing the bridge of her nose with her fingers, pacing thoughtfully back and forth until she heard a new… and ANNOYINGLY familiar voice.

"I always find it mildly entertaining that no matter how good a lawyer is they still have to spend SOME time in the hells." Silver Swan stared angrily ahead, not looking at the owner of the beautiful, feminine voice that quite literally, magically appeared in her apartment.

"Oh I do not need this right now Numena" she snarled turning her head to look at the 'woman' who was sitting on her couch and reading the contract before she shrieked with vicious laughter.

"Is that any way to greet your sister? SISTER?" the woman replied silkily with a voice that'll jump-start the puberty of anyone in the building.

Numena D'Arc was, in a complicated demon way, her sister… and a succubus. And while she was an amazing seductress when she was in a mortal form, she was mildly horrific in her normal one compared to Silver Swan's sleek, azure demon body… though most humans upon seeing her would probably still 'tap that'.

From her hooves to her horns, Numena was still a beautiful eldritch horror. Cloven hooves for feet, and silky furred legs like crotchless chaps… and she was literally crotchless at the moment she only broke out the genitals when it was time to use them. Otherwise, she was completely smooth as if she was wearing a one-piece swimsuit. She had a long thing pronged tail that flicked and slithered on the couch, between her leathery bat wings, as she giggled reading the contact. Her horns, a polished ivory white, curved backward on her head like a ram's, and her golden yellow catlike eyes blinked eagerly between the contract copy and her sister, grinning toothily with slightly sharpened teeth. Her skin was a brightly colored coppery hue, her hair was long and luxuriously black, and she had a nearly identical face to Silver Swan.

A sure sign that even for demons they were 'related'. "You really fucked the pooch this time, didn't you?!" the way they talked to each other was another sure sign.

"I don't need! Or WANT! Your opinion Numena!" she shouted angrily as Numena snickered at her sister's irritation. "How did you even find out?!"

"Oh please." Scoffed Numena getting to her hooves and placing her hands on her waspy waist. "Who DOESN'T know? I hate to admit it, sister, but you're surprisingly well known when it comes to collections, and the fact that you were tricked into a contract? There are more than a few ex-boyfriends out to embarrass you. And most of them talk in their sleep when I'm done with them." She produced a small mirrored compact from nowhere and adjusted her make-up, which was already perfect but a demon of Lust was always just a circle away from Vanity.

Just like Greed was just a circle away from Wrath. Metaphorically. "I don't WANT your opinion Numena." She replied irately. But Numena brushed it off.

"Now now, dear sister. I came to HELP." She said conversationally. "You think I like the idea of my favorite sister getting conned and tricked by some low-rent brothel madam?"

"…She doesn't like that term." Scowled Silver Swan but Numena ignored her.

"PLEASE, sister it's just us." She said dismissively, "Besides I have a plan."

"You can't just FUCK my way out of this." Silver Swan replied but Numena just chuckled. "Not that I want you to."

"I can't? Please…" she scoffed, "You might be a big shot when it comes to collecting but I am a champion at what I do." She then admired herself again in her compact before snapping it shut. "All I have to do is trade your contract for MINE! Simple." She said as Silver Swan glared at her.

"…You'll take my place? That's your plan!?" she snapped as Numena chuckled again, brushing her sister's shoulders fondly, but Silver Swan wasn't buying it. "What's the catch?"

"Well, let's be honest sister I'm far more suited to the task of having sex so rigorously and regularly. And do it better." She noted, backhanding Silver Swan with words. "I imagine your new boss would jump at the chance to have me. And I kinda like the idea of being fed a steady supply of human energy…"

"What do you want Numena?" Silver Swan said sourly as Numena pouted.

"I just told you-"

Silver Swan brushed Numena's hands from her shoulders. "Uh-huh. What?"

"…I want my pick of the girls. And a cut of your future collections." She said, and it was Silver Swan's turn to laugh cruelly.

"FUCK no. It's not happening." She replied with a scowl, "It's not going to work anyway."

"Well, I guess we'll find out won't we?" Numena shrugged dismissively, "At the end of the day I was just giving you a fair warning." She then waved at Silver Swan, stepping out onto the balcony before leaping onto the edge, grinning maliciously as she squatted like an ominous but sexy gargoyle. "See you later…" then leaped off the balcony, flying into the night as Silver Swan groaned irately.

"…Fucking Whore." She spat angrily. Hard to believe at one time they were actually close, for demons… but one drunken, raucous orgy, followed by many more tricked into orgies and cheating lovers, and everything changed. Silver Swan watched her sister's flying form vanish into the night before she heard a reminder alarm from her apartment device.

'Time for work. Time for work'. It chirruped as she sighed, snapping her fingers and shutting it up before shifting back into her human form, her black feathery wings shifting to white and her skin changing hues as she casually walked to the balcony and leaped off of it… she hasn't used the front door OR the elevator in this building at all.

"You're early." Orders declared as Silver Swan sneered silently at her, the purple-eyed boss didn't even look up from her crosswords. "That's rather surprising."

"Yes. Well…" Sliver Swan replied, entering the locker room. "…I don't have anything else to do."

"You need a hobby." Orders replied conversationally.

"I HAD a hobby. You won't let me do it." she replied with a harsh whisper but Orders' purple eyes flicked towards her with a mischievous glint in them.

"Why claim souls when you could be making me money? Seems like an excellent compromise." Silver Swan rolled her eyes, being a Greed demon, she couldn't exactly argue with that, making money was literally part of her existence. But at the same time, she really hated being subservient to a non-magical mortal like Orders.

"…How about I get you a demon who is an ACTUAL lust demon?" Silver Swan asked hesitantly, might as well start planting seeds, she was good and getting those little thoughts wiggling in her target's heads. Perhaps getting Orders more susceptible to the idea of hiring her sister instead of maintaining a contract with her was all she needed to escape. Demons were very 'long term' when it came to planning and schemes.

"If I wanted one, I would've hired one…" which was probably a load of demon shit because SHE was the one that Orders tricked to sign a magical contract out of pure spite., "…besides I already have Veronica." Orders added frankly looking somewhat dismissive… and to be fair, even to Silver Swan, Orders had a point.

Silver Swan scowled, rolling her eyes… then finally she decided to just get it out of the way. "…Fine. Then I might as well tell you-"

"Hold that thought." Orders said, holding up a finger to silence Silver Swan, then reaching for the phone with that same hand.

"Son of a Lust whore." Snarled Silver Swan.

Time: 8:12 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)


"Superbabes, we deliver."

"…I'd like the Silver Swan meal please."

"A grilled ham and swiss cheese sandwich, and a side of fries anything else?"

"Delivered by… Silver Swan."

"Very well. We expect her back within 60 minutes or less or the police will be informed. You will be charged upon completion of delivery. Name and address please."


"You got one." Orders said, obviously, ripping off the receipt and handing it to Silver Swan as she scowled, looking at it curiously… and frowned. It was her building… great she was going to bang her 'neighbor'.

Silver Swan scoffed irately as the food slid across the counter. And she grabbed it, not waiting for Orders to say anything else, but she still managed to get out. "You don't like her very much, do you?" Orders asked calmly.

"What?" Silver Swan asked, confused.

"Your sister." Orders said silkily, giving nothing away.

"…I think she's far too smug for her own good." Not Silver Swan curiously, "Just because she's attractive she thinks she can do whatever she wants… it's a flaw of the lu-" she stopped, "Of the beautiful." She corrected with a sneer. Orders nodded slowly.

"…Off you go." She said calmly as the phone rang again. "Superbabes, we deliver… why yes…" she said, leaning back in her chair. "We ARE always looking for new girls to hire…" Silver Swan scowled, marching out of the lounge and immediately taking off, scaring the hell out of some poor lady taking a short cut through the parking lot, and flying off towards her apartment building.

She left the building not an hour ago, and yet she was already returning… landing on her apartment balcony, and considering just leaping up to the floor above her, but they may or may not panic at a winged woman entering through their balcony door… so she walked out of her apartment and to the elevator, going up a floor… heading down the hall and right up to room number #333. Frowning as she stored the receipt in the bag… then knocked.


Time: 8:42 PM. Place: Gotham High-Tower (Apartment #333)

"Special Delivery Service." She finished the inane slogan with her usual lack of effort, but at least she was secured in the knowledge that she would have no idea who the occupant of this room was. She didn't know anyone in the building apart from the owner and she only did so with some magical nonsense.

…Honestly she was more irritated that she left this building half an hour ago and had to come back for a damn delivery that was more annoying than any possibility of her being recognized as an occupant.

But she waited and waited… then the door opened. He was an average-looking mortal and smelled strongly of fermented drink… so he was drunk. He had a scruffy five o'clock shadow and was of eastern decent… 'asian' she thinks they preferred to be called now.

"Come in." he said soundly depressed as he turned and shuffled into the apartment… Silver Swan stepped in and abruptly started watching her step, the place was a mess. Like a typhoon just tore through the places with discarded clothes, empty fast food parcels, beer cans, bottles, and even some plates and bowls just discarded once he was done with them… there was even some food still inside.

"Oh joy, I can tell you're going to be fun." She said sarcastically bitter as he hiccuped and flopped onto the couch like a dropped ragdoll. The couch was perhaps one of the only spots in this apartment not soiled by a mess of any source. A miracle in her opinion… she brushed off a spot on the low table with the bag of food before resting it on the ruined wood. No coasters.

She sat down beside him as his eyes lingered on her wings, and he drank from the bee bottle. "…Are those real?"

"Are you talking about my breasts or my wings?" she asked sarcastically. To be honest she's had questions about both often enough now. But she answered his question regardless, "Flying men, space aliens, and mystical doctor sorcerers. Is it that hard to believe there is a woman with wings? It shouldn't… because of that 'hawkgirl'. Or whatever she's called."

Suddenly, the man's head flopped onto her lap. Using it like a pillow. She was so SHOCKED about this that she briefly recoiled, looking down at him confusedly. "…This is new." She mumbled hesitantly, normally she was being sexually used by now. "…Are you weeping?" she mumbled even more confused now as he sniffed and she felt his tears on her thighs, even through the Silver Swan suit. "Why are you weeping? Stop that."

But he continued to moan sadly, "…My wife left me."

"…I see." Mumbled Silver Swan, frowning and resting her hand on his head. Not in an empathetic way, but because she didn't really know what to do and this seemed like a good enough start.

"For my brother." He added before weeping again as she scowled.

"I see." She repeated though this time angrily. "…Older brother? Younger?"

"Younger brother…" he sniffed taking a drink of his beer. "She said she didn't love me. 5 years of marriage down the drain… and after everything I did. I got her a good home, I took care of her pets, I paid for her new breasts… and she leaves me for my deadbeat brother!" Silver Swan sighed, rolling her eyes and rubbing his head as he continued his rant. "…This is the most affection I've had in years, and I have to pay for it!"

"Yes that does seem unfortunate." She mumbled, still caressing his head as he moaned into her lap. "…Oh very well I suppose I have to 'comfort' you or we'll never get on with this." She sighed, before glancing down at him… "Your wife left you for your deadbeat younger brother… what does he do?"

"…He travels." He sniffed, "…you smell good."

"Focus now." She said, in almost a soothing tone. "So he has no job?"

"…No?" he replied.

"Hmn. Well, I'm not one to judge, BUT... do you know why 'happily ever after' works?" He shook his scruffy face on her lap, giving her a silent no. "Because usually there is MONEY to keep them happy. Princes, merchants, princesses, magic rings… golden geese. MONEY." She said as he stared up at her. "You live here." She said, caressing him, "So that means you're well off. She must have originally married you for your money, or because at some point she legitimately cared for you." She shrugged, "I make no judgment… I just collect." she noted.

"…Yes?" he replied confused.

"Would you say this woman is a worldly one? Likes the finer things in life?"

"I… guess so. She really likes nice things…"

"MMn." Silver Swan replied, "…How nice? Something shiny? Expensive?"

"Yeah. And nice clothes and funny-tasting expensive food."

"And she left you for your deadbeat brother who has no money…" she chuckled. "…I assumed you cut her off?"

"…No? OW!" he flicked his forehead as he rolled over to look up at her from her lap pillow." He looked at her, a rather hurt expression on his face.

"Cut. HER… OFF." she whispered, sultrily. As a demon of greed… this is actually getting her off a little. Greed can come in many forms, and it doesn't have to have anything to do with money. This woman sounded like she was GREEDY for a good time, so she left her fuddy-duddy husband for his more adventurous brother… but once her husband stopped funding her little escapade, she was going to go from 5 star hotels to an RV… and not even a good one. Probably a second-hand trailer attached to a pick-up truck.

Denying people their GREED was just as satisfying as tempting them with it. If this brought his wife back, BEGGING for her husband to take her in, all the sweeter. All the sins, one way or another were connected, it's why she had a Lust Demon 'sister'…

"But what if she comes back to me? Ow!" she flicked his forehead again, before sliding her hand down his stomach, and rubbing his crotch as he blinked up at her somewhat surprised, she could read every inch of his human face… he clearly had every intention just to talk and whine to her for an entire hour. But now her greedy demon instincts were rising.

"My dear mortal." She hissed, "Who cares?" she slid her hand into his loose pants. "Your former wife brought it upon herself… there's nothing better than forcing someone to live with their decisions! Cut them out of your will, break all contact. ESPECIALLY cancel her credit cards! Empty your bank account for good measure and swim in a pool of your money!" she smiled, "And more importantly… spend it on us, SUPERBABES. Instead…"

…Where the fuck did THAT cum from?... well… she supposed that deep down she was a natural salesdemon.

"…Cut her off…" he said, as if he never thought of this before.

"And change your locks." She replied silkily. "Now…" she began firmly stroking him, "Let's really have some fun."

"Haah! Oooh!" he groaned as she grinned maliciously down at him, lifting him from the couch as she furiously stroked him. caressing his head as she felt his length pulsating in her hand. She seemed dismissive of the handjob, lounging almost queenly on the couch as he moaned. His mouth opened and he groaned loudly as she then slipped her thumb into his mouth.

"Mmmn…" she cooed as he licked her fingers. "Good boy. Why have a cheating wife when there are far more fish in the sea… speaking of fish…" she noted, feeling him throbbing in her hand and pre-cum oozing from his tip, staining his pants. "…We better take care of that before you mess up the only clean thing in this apartment." She then rolled him off his lap by hooking her hands under him and hurling him off with a flip.

"Ah!" He landed on his back, groaning as he missed the bottles and cans. She stood up and, like magic, removed her suit, strutting naked around him before spreading her wings with a FWOOSH!, squatting down facing away from him, sliding him into her silky demonic pussy. He groaned, feeling his length sheathed into a very real and VERY beautiful woman for the first time in what must have been years. Probably… judging from his terrible ex.

She wriggled her backside on his lap, her shapely 'pawg' backside rippling and flexing majestically… honestly, if she had her tail it would be far more appealing but Orders stressed 'accuracy'… sexualized accuracy certainly, but accuracy.

"Haah. Aahhh…" she sighed, lifting herself up and down on him, dropping her demonically erotic backside onto him as his hands drunkenly pawed her rear, pulling her down onto him as she tossed her head, moaning quietly and evilly chuckling. "If that woman comes back here asking to be taken back? You just remember… THIS!" she slammed down onto him, feeling his cock bulging, and releasing into her. She sighed, feeling his cum rushing into her body as her insides were massaging his softening member. "Mmnn…" she wriggled her rear on his lap, before falling forward, sweeping his clatter away from her with magic. She raised her ass off his lap, displaying her backside to him as her wings draped across the couch and table.

"Was that enough for you? Truly? Don't you want to BRAG about this to your wife? The veritable lines of women, starting with me, lining up outside your door to take her place? Happily?!" she added as her voice echoed in his drunken mind… very effective, and very suggestive. She's claimed a lot of contracts that way. "Or did you want to prove her right? And let her keep you dancing in her palm while she frolics with your brother? Perhaps I should ask him to-OH!" she howled as he pierced immediately back inside her… only up her ass.

…She was a demon she wasn't an anal virgin.

"Fucking… Son of a… bitch!" she hissed, before quickly getting used to him… he wasn't much to write home about in size, but it wasn't like he was exceptionally tiny. "Ngh!" groaning as he grabbed the stumps of her wings, yanking her back against him as she gasped, yanking her up onto her hand as he pushed his hips against her pounding her hellhound style. "Ah! Aah Nngh…" she glared at her over her shoulder, watching him mindlessly thrust away at her body, falling over onto her back, hands cupping her breasts as he nuzzled against her soft feathers. "Ugh! Uugh…" she growled as he pumped away at her backside, yanking her wings which was just as good as her hair apparently, and slamming away at her body.

He pushed into her rear but drunkenly pawed at her body as he tried lifting her from the floor and back onto the couch. She sat on his lap, flapping her wings and practically throwing him onto the couch. Bouncing up and down on his lap, her wings flapping hard as he grabbed at her waist. The wind of her wings sent trash everywhere as she forced the clutter off the table.

Writhing erotically on his lap… doing her 'sister' proud, as she ran her hands up and down her body, shaking in erotic beauty as he clutched to her tightly, holding her down on his lap as she felt his seed rushing inside her. "Haaah…" she gazed blankly ahead. "MMn…" she rolled her neck, and looked over her shoulder sultrily at him, her eyes twinkling mischievously.

"…Do it." she cooed temptingly, sliding off his body and lying beside him, her lips against his ear as she said it again. "Do it." a seductive succubus purr vibrating through his ears into his brain. And with her chin resting on his shoulder… how poetic.

"D-Do what…" he mumbled sleepily as she lightly slapped his face, keeping him awake.

"Cut her off… do it right now." She whispered excitedly, "Start with the credit card company." She breathed. He frowned drunkenly, before standing up and wobbling away as she followed him… her eyes glowing a demonic yellow as he grabbed his phone… absently fiddling on it… "Do it." she repeated as he hesitated, and she dropped to her knees… taking his erection. "Make her SUFFER… it goes both ways. Cut her off… no more free rides." She said, opening her mouth and wrapping her lips around his member, but she continued to gaze up at him, watching as he determinedly dialed a number. Holding it to his ear.

"…Yes. I'd like to cancel a credit card?" Silver Swan laughed with her mouth full of cock, and she didn't care… she was having a ball getting this one rolling! "Y-Yes… Oh. And I'd like to make sure its owner can open another in my name? Yes… YES!" he moaned, holding Silver Swan's head. "…No we're… separating, and I want her to stop spending my money." He mumbled drunkenly, "Yes I'll hold…" he mumbled.

No, he won't. Spraying her mouth not a few minutes later, she recoiled slightly from the taste… but she gulped it down anyway. Rolling her eyes before standing up, and rubbing his shoulders. Whispering evilly.

"…Time to pay up." She ordered. "And you can do that while you make her pay…" she cooed eagerly as he waddled away, holding the phone to his ear. "…Hmmn!" her body shuddered from her toes to her wingtips. "I LOVE mortal karma!" she whispered longingly, licking her lips of the comeuppance… not to mention that now she was close enough to hear it all happen!

She had just redressed herself as he returned to her, still very naked as he handed her the money. "Yes." He said into phone. "…Tao Shin. THe card is in my name." he said into the phone as she chuckled darkly.

"Order again." she said, before strutting not to the door but his balcony. He then stared at her, in horror as she leapt off the balcony… but quickly took flight as he watched her go.

Time: 9:54 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

Silver Swan landed in the parking lot… the thrill of suffering and the comeuppance of greedy bitches was wearing off… now she had to deal with the biggest greedy bitch on planet Earth. "I'm back." She said, tossing the money on the counter as she flexed her wings one last time and folded them behind her back.

"Good. Demona." Orders slipped the money under the counter. "Could I speak to you in my office?" she said, turning and heading in as the other girls playfully 'ooooh'd' after her. With all the comparison of a class about to witness a scolding of a student by a teacher. Demona entered the office after Orders. "Shut the door."

Demona sighed loudly and shut the door. "…Is this about my 'sister'?" she said scornfully.

"Yes." Orders replied casually, opening one of her desk drawers, and shuffling a few unknown trinkets about.

"…Did you accept her offer to take my place?" Demona asked somewhat hopefully.

"Of course not." Orders replied frankly before dropping a very elaborately designed ornate bottle onto the table. "Here. Do with her as you wish."

"…What?" Demona blinked curiously before she got a good look at the bottle. "…Is… Is that a Genie bottle?!" she said surprised as Orders, stone-faced, replied casually.

"It was… it apparently hasn't had a Genie occupant in a long time…" she frowned disappointedly "…I was rather annoyed that it didn't, but that's not important. Apparently, according to another magical acquaintance in Vegas. An empty Genie bottle is just as useful as one with an actual Genie. Apparently, a magical vessel used to contain genies can be used to contain other magical entities… including demons."

"…You didn't…" Demona noted as the bottle rattled.

"DEEEEEEE!! GET ME OUT OF HERE! NOW!!" shrieked the bottle, it began shaking on the counter. "LET ME OUT SO I CAN RIP OUT HER THROAT AND HAVE MY SLAVES USE IT AS A CODPIECE!!"

"…What did you do to her?" Demona asked but started laughing at her irate sister's misfortune.

"Trapped her in a genie bottle, is that not obvious? She offended me." Orders replied coldly. "When, or if, you let her out I want that back." She gestured to the bottle as Numena began speaking angrily in ancient tongues, plenty of foul words…

"She offended you?"

Orders purple eyes flicked from the rattling angry bottle to Demona. "Let me inform you of something Demona that you have yet to figure out… I take care of my girls." She said clearly, "Now I might have magically bound you to my will-" she noted dismissively, "BUT… that still makes you one of my girls. When YOU are offended. I am offended." She then grabbed the neck of the bottle and turned it upside down, violently shaking it like a handbell, but continuing to speak to Demona as Numena shrieked angrily inside. "So. I do not WANT your sister coming into my place of business and telling me how to run it. I would rather have YOU because you're easy to predict. And you don't make my head hurt" She said, still shaking the bottle as Demona tried not to be offended at Orders statement, but couldn't help but laugh at Numena's comeuppance…

Numena would've done SOMETHING to deserve this in the last week, let alone the last few hours.

Orders finally stopped shaking the bottle and slammed it back onto the table. "SO! I want you to understand… I'd rather have a hard worker like you, than an uppity, little, DISCOUNT. VERONICA…" she said clearly, before suddenly tossing Demona the bottle… she easily caught it. "…Do as you see fit… and seriously I want that bottle back so don't let her break it when you let her out." She said casually, getting up, and opening the door.

Demona carried the bottle to her locker room opening her locker.


"…A lot of demands for someone in your position sister." Noted Dee smirking.


"…and I am pretty sure this is the least terrible thing she could've done to you." Dee replied. "I did warn you…Now, just wait a little bit and I'll let you out."

"Don't you dare!" Demona shut the locker. "DEEEE!!" she howled. Demona will let her out later… how later will depend on her mood.

"Bonjeur Dee." Cooed Brielle, "We are going to play cards. Are you in?" she asked, tugging down her shirt over her big round breasts.

"Certainly." She replied she was feeling… abnormally cheerful tonight… the screams of comeuppance echoing in her head.



This... might be more Boys Night Out than something that sexy, but at the same time I really wanted to do something fun. And this idea was rolling around in my head. Some cameos, new faces that might show up later, Orders being Orders... fun times.

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