
Delivery Girl: Silver Swan

I don't DC

…It was foggy, cold and dark. So another glorious evening in Gotham. But tonight felt different, it felt weirder… there was a suspicious fog wafting through the streets like some horror movie based in jolly old Victorian England where someone could just jump out of the shadows and stab you to death… No, wait That still sounds like Gotham doesn't it?... Shit.

The neon sign of Superbabes acting as something of a lighthouse for the general area surprisingly shut off earlier than expected. The last few girls who stayed to help clean up headed out in groups, saying their brief farewells for the day and heading off to their various locations.

"Mother. Everything is secured." Darcy declared, "Shall I wait for you? Or would you like me to return?" she asked as Orders rubbed her purple eyes tiredly, finishing up a few final tough business lady decisions.

"I'll call you. Head home." Orders ordered casually, "I still need to finish up some business."

"Yes, Mother." Platinum replied crisply, before turning and heading out of Orders' office. The purple-eyed boss sighed, closed her eyes, and leaned back in her chair as she heard the backdoor to Superbabes shut… the quiet sound of money not being made rang angrily in her head like an alarm bell, giving her almost as big a headache as using her abilities.

"What do you want?" she declared abruptly after a few minutes… hearing the creaking, and groaning of the chair opposite her desk as she opened her eyes to find some… THING. Sitting opposite her. "I'm busy." She added tiredly, completely dismissive of it.

The thing sitting opposite her was beautiful in a horrific, existential crisis, demonic sort of way, with cyan blue skin and orange glowing cat eyes. A mane of crimson hair long on one side and trimmed short on the other like she was trying to make a fashion statement. She had large feathery black wings that didn't seem to impede her sultry sitting position, crossing one shapely, hoofed leg over the other as she pushed out her generous bust wrapped snuggly in a pure white toga. "Cassandra Morrigan." She purred, her long lizardlike tongue sliding across her lips as she hissed the words. "I have come for you." She declared pointing dramatically.

Orders at first was tired… but upon the mentioning of her name she was fully awake, furiously so, an eyebrow cocked over her right purple eye as she slowly sat up straighter in her chair and said, just as ominously demonic as the woman sitting across from her… "Oh… we're doing THIS one…" she said cryptically, her eyes narrowing angrily. But then she interlocked her fingers and rested them on her desk. "Well… what's your deal?"

"See." Purred the demon cheerfully, "That's what I'm here to offer YOU." She said more as a salesman now. "To give you my deal… My deal is, you give ME your business and your girls." The woman cooed, her eyes glowing with a lustful, malicious light. "And I give YOU all the money you could ever dream of and let you lazily live the rest of your natural life.."

"Oh… FASCINATING… and just what do I have to do oh miss terrifying deal maker?" Orders replied, looking interested at all the wealth she could imagine… and she could imagine a LOT. "In fact why are you even asking me? Seems kinda sketchy that a… demon?"

"MMn…" she waved a black nailed hand in a 'kinda' gesture.

"Would just come in out of nowhere and ask me such a lucrative offer."

"…Demon, Fallen Angel, Half-and-Half it's kinda vague. But right now I'm sort of… freelancing." She said coyly "And this little den of depravity." She purred gesturing around with a hand, "Well… it's kinda like a collector's item to the big noble demons." She said, "Lords of Greed, Lust, Envy… oooh if I signed you up I'd have my PICK of jobs, nice and cushy ones with blackjack and hookers…" she said, showing off her own 'cushiness, full breasts, wide hips and a long thick tail. "So lucrative this place. it could probably keep me satisfied off and on the mortal plane no problem, and when I've had my fun I'll trade it off to some bigwig and let him have his tastes fulfilled…"

…Potentially quite literally.

"Hmmn. Well!" Orders replied casually, "…Are you going to do that all… demony?" she asked casually waving her hand at her as the demonic woman chuckled.

"Please." She then suddenly transformed into a toga-wearing woman, with freckles, surprisingly. "Cassandra I'm shocked that you think I can't do simple transformation… you like?" she gestured to her shapely human-disguised body, "I change it up every so often. This is the new hotness." She replied as Orders scoffed.

"Well that's all I need to know." she reached into the bottom drawer of her desk… the one with the space telephone she uses to call a space bounty hunter. And produced a sheet of parchment. "Sign right here and the business is yours." Orders said as the demon raised an eyebrow and laughed.

"Just like that?" her eyes glinting maliciously

"Oh, all the money I could want? That's the dream." She said simply, her eyes flashing as the demon scoffed. "You just have to sign that little paper and our business transaction can begin. Humans have rules up here too you know." She said as the Demon transformed back into her 'real' self, plucked a black feather from her wing

"Oh I know plenty of lawyers, trust me… Got any ink?"

"I have a pen." Noted Orders sarcastically, but the demon smiled.

"I got it covered." And pricked her tongue with it, smiling seductively as she wrote in blood her name on the bottom of the page…

Then, suddenly, a set of luminescent silver bracelets wrapped around both her wrists. "Wha-"They clamped shut around her wrists before sinking into her skin and disappearing. "H-How did?! What is this!? You can't do magic!"

"I don't know the intricate details of this 'magic', personally. "Noted Orders casually, as the creature tried to grab at her, but couldn't. Hands inches from Order's neck, she seemed unconcerned at the attempt at strangulation. "But basically an… acquaintance… of mine once introduced me to a very knowledgeable man… Jason Blood?" the demon gazed at Orders with furious anger as Orders cleared her throat. "Very charming. Chivalrous. He said I should keep my eyes out for creatures like you, that I'd attract them… but you're the first one. Now sit down."

The demon, wide-eyed, sat down as Orders smirked. "Wow… that's interesting." Orders took the now glowing, magical contract and rolled it up. "…Now… let's start with the ground rules miss-" she read the name at the bottom of the contract and scoffed. "Well, I'm not one to judge." She stood up and walked around the desk, leaning down and grabbing her face. Forcing her to look into Orders' flashing purple eyes as her NEW BOSS said… coolly.

"Rule #1 working for me? Never. EVER… use my name." she said spitefully, "Rule #2? Never. EVER endanger my girls. And Rule#3… don't treat me like a fucking idiot…" she said, gripping the magical contract as the demon flinched, struggling to resist… and failing. "Now for far more important questions… what are your three sizes?"

Two weeks later.

"…Do you think they are real?" asked Stargirl to Cheetah under her breath as they watched the new girl, Silver Swan changing into her new form-fitting costume… two white wings extending from her back, fluttering slightly as she made sure her voluptuous figure fit the suit properly, flexing her wings tips and making them flutter.

"Funny that's the same thing we asked about you." Cheetah purred as Star Girl and her big round fake breasts elbowed her in her furry side playfully. "They have to be. Honestly, I'm not surprised anymore." She said, casually flicking her tail on Stargirl's hand, to emphasize the fact that Superbabes was just a plethora of beautiful curiosities.

"Where do you think Orders finds them all?" asked Stargirl casually, walking out of the locker rooms with Cheetah for their shift as Orders answered matter of flatly.

"This one found me." She declared as Silver Swan exited the locker room. Wearing a silvery jumpsuit with a similar design to overalls to allow showing off a lot of her cleavage with a low v-neckline, she wore silver gloves on her hands, her fingers twitching as if to desperately strangle the woman sitting at the desk. She swayed her hips with each clawed booted step, a naturally sexy walk, probably honed through literal years of practice… she was a bellydancer once upon a time, and she spent some time in France doing the cancan at the height of popularity… needless to say, she had some moves.

And yet Orders couldn't help but think that the Superbabes walk was better.

"I WILL kill you for this humiliation." Hissed Silver Swan silkily as Orders's eyes flashed.

"You will try. Often. It also won't EVER work…" Noted Orders, "Ten years." She said under her breath as Silver Swan flinched, tossing her long bangs out her face huffily. "… It's in your contract. Get used to it."

"Alright, where is she?" Yaya declared rushing in the backdoor as Orders handed her the camera, Silver Swan had a moment of confusion before she was, forcefully, pulled away from the counter and dragged towards the couch. "Okay Feathers let's do this."

"Hold on a moment, I-" but Yaya in a rush was a woman with conviction… and Silver Swan felt compelled to erotically pose on the couch, wings spread wide as Yaya took the picture. Silver Swan blinked, as if coming out of a trance. "…What just happened?" she breathed as Yaya tossed the camera wildly towards Orders who, know where it was going to fly, reached out and caught it without looking, plugging it into the computer.

"Back later for my shift, Orders!" declared Yaya with a wave as Orders nodded.

"Mmn-hmmn." Orders noted casually, already putting Silver Swan on the website as the new Superbabe strutted towards the counter, resting her (completely cosmetic) talon gloves on it and curling them into fists.

"So… what now?" she sneered.

"Now you get to work…" Orders said, gesturing to the floor. "Chop chop Silver Swan."

"If I get a KNIFE I just might." She sneered, but she took a breath scowling angrily…

"Smile." Orders noted as Silver Swan then, as if magically compelled or something, to put on an absolutely beautiful smile and strutted onto the floor to the VERY excited crowd, she was new and she had WINGS… instant popularity on sheer curiosity alone.

Orders watched the new 'hire' work the floor for her first night, before grabbing a sudoku book today and patiently waiting for her purple eyes to, inevitably, flicker. The throbbing dull ache in her head quickly diminished as she reached for the phone as it rang.

Time: 8:54 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)


"Superbabes, we deliver"

"The. Uh… Silver Swan Meal? That's new isn't it?"

"A grilled ham and swiss cheese sandwich, and a side of fries anything else?"

"Delivered by… Silver Swan."

"Very well. We expect her back within 60 minutes or less or the police will be informed. You will be charged upon completion of delivery. Name and address please."


"Silver Swan. You got one." Orders declared crisply as, the recently labeled Silver Swan scampered into the back room, swinging her hand awkwardly behind her trying to swat away some gropey hands as she frowned.

"…Bunch of savages." She spat, "If I had my tail-"

"Silver Swan doesn't have a tail." Orders replied conversationally, food soon sliding across the counter. "Now be a good girl and go have fun." She said bluntly as Silver Swan clenched her teeth, feeling the contract compel her into obedience… mostly.

"Oh you BITCH…" she snarled softly under her breath before heading out the back door as Orders noted almost cheerfully.

"And don't forget to smile."

Silver Swan glared at her, and managed a pretty if not still sarcastic smile. Then, instead of getting into a car, she stretched her wings and whooshed up into the air. Using a bit of magic herself to remain out of sight as she checked the address, making an abrupt and hard left and heading off toward the suburbs.

White feathers flapped majestically as she landed in the Gotham suburbs, checking the receipt reluctantly as she looked around curiously, the breeze rushing through her unsymmetrical hair. She briefly consider just tossing the food aside and occupying herself until she had to go back… but Orders would apparently know. And not only that but probably punish her somehow…

Hells damned magical fucking contract! If she wasn't terrified of Etrigan she'd give Jason Blood an ass whooping his ancient knight ass would never forget. Maybe… the jury was still out on which the two who were one was potentially more dangerous.

But never mind that now, she might as well focus on the task at hand OR the contract WILL punish her and not in the fun way… it was only fucking after all, these fool mortals should be lucky to even look upon her let alone touch her she's had Millenia to hone her sexual skills…

But don't get confused she is NOT a succubus, not all demons are Succubi or Incubi though to be fair she did have something of a 'sister' that was a succubus. Specifically speaking those are demons of Lust that feed on sexual energy. SHE, SPECIFICALLY, does not do that. She is a being of greed… she corrupts with money, power, and the occasional wild bet… which is how she became aware of her new master in the first place… Orders is something of a celebrity to her particular circle of the hells, right up there with that orange asshole out in outer space.

Silver Swan reminded herself that she was on a 'timer' so to speak, so she finally approached the non-descript front door of the homely suburban home. She raised her gloved hand with the fake talons, which she desperately wished were real, then hissed furiously to herself before putting on her forced but still very pretty smile and knocking loudly on the door and declaring what she was ORDERED to declare…


Time: 9:19 PM. Place: Gotham Suburbs (Undistinguished house)

"Special Delivery Service." She replied, and to her credit managed to hide her disdain for the STUPID slogan, resting her hand on the curvy waist of her hourglass figure, already making plans to get this over with as quickly as possible… she hardly expected this horny little mortal to last 10 minutes with her, let alone an entire hour.

The door abruptly popped open revealing a diminutive young mortal. Wearing large glasses with taped wrapped in the center, freckle-faced and red-haired, and thin as if emaciated but clearly he has been eating. She has food after all he will be eating… or perhaps he merely did order just for the food? Regardless this little ginger mortal wasn't much to look at.

"Food." She said bluntly as he gaped at her face, probably taking in her gorgeous unearthly but very human beauty. Not to mention-

"You really do have wings." He breathed excitedly as she then flapped them as a demonstration.

"That's right. Big feathery ones." She said with a teasing sneer but that only seemed to excite him more.

"Are you a thanagarian?" he asked eagerly as she sighed, she has been told that if someone does ask this question-

"Yes." She said dismissively, "Should I leave then?" she tried to say, however, what magically came out was. "Are you going to invite me inside?"

"Yes!" he said happily, stepping aside as she walked in…

"Son of a bitch." She hissed quietly to herself as he kept his gaze on her plump backside… without her thick leathery tail to impede its view it was pleasantly big… PAWG-sized she believes the mortals call it. Or at least that's what those construction workers called her when she once walked by in mortal form. She turned, her soft feathery wings whapping him in the face as she abruptly turned around entering his living room. She dropped his food abruptly onto the coffee table before resting her hands on her hips, eyeing him just as dismissively. "Well? Let's get this over with…" she waved a clawed finger toward his pants. "Off with your clothes." She said as he gaped at her bulging breasts up close.

Originally she was supposed to have a black shirt under her costume but showing off more skin made her sexier… obviously. So the cleavage was displayed in full and adequately distracted the little ginger nerd mortal… "What?" he managed as she just sighed exasperatedly.

"Fine. I'll do it myself." She said, dropping to her knees and grabbing at his pants. "Honestly you mortals-" she grumbled under her breath, "Why bother ordering a wh-" WHAP! Her chin took a solid uppercut as his large, thick phallus was freed. "What the hells!?" she gasped, now unimpeded by her chin it rose up and flopped hard onto the half of her face not covered by her long red hair. He was at LEAST as big as your average incubus. 9 inches long, veiny and pulsating. On her skin. "…What the hells?!" she repeated as he grinned sheepishly down at her… ignoring the fact that his cock was now resting on her beautiful and somewhat awed face.

"Can I touch your wings?" he asked, his cock twitching at the question as she gaped up at him.

"… Your COCK is on my face and you want to touch my wings?" she asked indignantly as he shimmied slightly, his cock rubbing on her skin and overpowering her senses with his strong mortal musk… he did not put on deodorant apparently. Then he nodded eagerly as she sighed. "FINE… touch away… I'll deal with this." She mumbled wrapping her surprisingly silky gloves around his girth as his hand rubbed the silky feathers of her wings. Running his fingers distractingly through them as she began stroking his member. "…Fuck…" she grumbled softly.

Sliding her hand up and down his shaft, letting her other hand cup his heavy ballsack, churning it's contents as his tip oozed his precum, throbbing in her hands as he continued to stroke her impressive and very real feathery wings. "Can you fly with these?" he asked in awe as she gazed up at him.

"…Again… your cock is on my face." she declared indignantly.

"I've just always been fascinated-" He began, "…Sorry…" he said, "Carry on." He grinned sheepishly.

"…Hmph." She grunted, clearly, she needed to keep him on task. She let her tongue extend from her lips and run along the side of his shaft before wrapping her lips around his girth. "Mmnh-?!" stretching her lips on it, gazing up at him as she had to stretch her mouth wider than expected for a young mortal. "Mmnh! GUCK!" she bobbed her head back and forth on his length, her eyes watering slightly as she slid partway down onto his girth while he groaned happily.

"Haah. Haah…" his hands went from her wings to her head, holding onto it but at least giving her autonomy and not trying to cram it down her throat like her last lover. Slithering her tongue along his member as she felt it bulging and twitching between her lips as she licked away his oozing pre-cum into the back of her throat and towards her stomach. "Haah!" gasping suddenly thick gooey bursts of mortal semen sprayed into her mouth.

"Mngh!?" she grunted, pulling up to his tip and keeping her lips pressed together around it as he emptied his load. His cock pulsating in her grip as she swallowed his foul mortal seed, she'd rather have it in her than on her to be fair. His cock distinctly more flaccid in her grip she pulled her lips away and brushed her hair out of her face. "There." She said, as if that somehow settled the matter, slowly standing up again. "Now that that's done with." She then blinked as she felt his erection rubbing against her leg again as she glanced now. "You just finished." She said surprised.

"I mean yeah but freckles really get me going." He replied honestly as she looked at him as if he was crazy. "What?" he replied curiously, "You're looking at me funny."

"Out of my big breasts. My curvaceous waist. My 'pawg' backside!" she declared, jerking her thumb over her shoulder to emphasize the splendidness of her backside. "What really arouses you is my freckles?"

"…Yeah?" he replied honestly, cock twitching against her thigh. "I'm a simple guy despite what my internet history says." He added jokingly.

She didn't know whether to be insulted or annoyed, she didn't even normally have freckles! "Fine…" she grunted, unclasping the straps of her suit, letting it fall away and her hefty breasts wobbling free, his eyes following them as they jiggled like jello once freed from her bindings. She tossed her long hair out of her face as she pushed her suit further down her slender body. Wiggling her waist with her dusted-off belly dancer skills, just like riding a bike…

Son of a bitch she WAS the bike now…

She threw her suit aside with a quick kick of her long shapely leg. "Sit down mortal." She ordered as he squeaked excitedly and abruptly sat down before her. Having men kneel before her was nothing new, and she meant for him to sit on the couch but she'll roll with it. Putting a foot on his face, and gently shoved him back to lie back on the floor. "Hmph…" she smirked, slowly moving over him, bending her knees and sitting on her heels over his lap and his erect cock throbbing in the air like a monolith as he gripped the carpet.

Using one hand for balance by sensually rubbing his chest she rested the other on her knee as she gyrated on top of him, guiding his twitching member to her tight demonic hole. Designed for lechery, regardless of what type of demon she was. "Does the filthy little mortal like this?" she purred before sliding abruptly down onto his cock. "Nngh!" twitched erotically as she dropped fully down onto his lap. Her wings stretched out from her back, fluttering and trembling with the rest of her body as she experienced a sensation she hadn't felt in uncountable years.

Being FILLED. Not fucked, she's had plenty of that, but FILLED.

"MMngh!" she bounced up and down on top of him, his hands reaching out to grab at her slender waist, sliding on her skin as she began riding him. Her wings flapped up and down, lifting her up and down on him and cooling him like a fan. "Haah! Haah!" gripping him tightly with her inner walls she lifted his lower body up and down with the force of her flapping wings. "Aah! Aah!" writhing and gyrating as she slammed his body down onto the floor. "NngN! Haah!" Squeezing at her own breasts as her insides trembled around his throbbing girth.

He squeezed her waist tightly, holding her down as he experienced quite the ride. Thrusting into her body desperately he howled happily in excitement. Incoherently gabbling as her wings abruptly stretched out again and-"HAaah!!" she shuddered in orgasm. "MMmgh!" squeezing her heavy tits firmly as she shuddered on his lap. "Mmmh…." She slammed her hands on his chest, a little harder than expected. But she braced herself.

"Hells…" she growled, "…That was something little mortal." She growled like an animal on the hunt. He abruptly sat up, "Hah?" FWUMP. She flopped onto her back and her wings, lying on the floor as he clambered up over her, grabbing at her chest and thrusting wildly into her. "Haah! Ahah-ha-ha!" she laughed, shaking and twitching as her orgasm rose inside her. Her gloved hands clawed the floor as her toes curled.

It was nice to have toes every once in a while.

"NNNgh!!" his hands tightly squeezed at her breasts as he grunted and panted like a hellhound playing fetch. Flopping roughly onto her body he let go of her tits and grabbed onto her wings so tightly he plucked a couple of feathers, but that wasn't anything new to her. Her legs wrapped around his, clawing at his calves as he pumped hard into her body, worming up against his thrusts as she writhed like a snake beneath him, gasping and bucking her hips up into his desperate thrusts. "Haah! Aah! Aah!! Fuck me!" she snarled, shaking as a warmth reverberated through her…

It was magic in nature, probably the contract working it's damned power upon her. After all, Orders did say to 'have fun' and smile… Her lips stretched into an evil, rapturous grin, shuddering and shaking as she experienced another orgasm, the young mortal pressing down on her hips and filling her with a new easily ascertained warmth. A plentiful load of human seed straight into her demonic womb. "Haaah!" she gasped, her wings quivering as he bucked his hips tiredly against her then flopped over, lying beside her on her left wing, looking pretty content with his cock draped over his thigh like a loose sausage link. "Haah…" sultrily she sat up, yanking her wing out from under him before crawling on the floor then over the low coffee table, swaying her thick pawg backside behind her as her wingtip twitched curiously.

She wasn't inviting him to take her from behind. She was trying to stand back up after an orgasm. Obviously.

Regardless the little mortal crawled up from the floor, grabbing onto her meaty demonic ass cheeks and wildly pushing back into her ass, "Haah! Aah!" rocking back and forth with her big breasts pressed on the table and rubbing the polished wood with her hardened nipple, his hands grabbing the stump of her wings, tugging back on them as her feathers brushed against his arms. "Ugh! Aah! Ah! HARDER…" she groaned, "Fucking ride me like a horse!" she snapped, the magic obviously working its powerful control on her body as she greedily slammed back against his thrusts. "Harder you disgusting little mortal, fill me!" she sneered, but tensed up tightly around him. "Fill me with that fat cock!"

"Yes! Yes! YES!!" he cheered happily, springing off her ass only to rapidly return, jackhammering her pawg backside over and over as he howled to the empty home. "Oh god yes!"

"No God here!" she declared, "Just me!" slamming back onto him, "AARGH!!" howl another orgasm as she clawed the desk, feeling him slam into her pussy, her inner walls spasming and tightening around him as he released deep into her body. "Haah! Aaaahh…" she gasped, shaking as he flopped between her shoulder blades. His hands slipped beneath her feathery wings to fondle her tits. "Haah. Haaah… Son of a bitch." She cursed…

…She liked that FAR more than she wanted to. Stupid fucking contract…

She reached over her shoulder and putting her hand on his face, she shoved him off and out of her, he flopped happily against the couch as she tossed her hair. Pushing off the coffee table, cum and arousal dripped down her inner thigh as she tossed her hair again and ignored the mortal eagerly watching her strut away.

She found a bathroom and entered, shutting the door and getting into the shower briskly. Spraying herself off quickly to rinse away the mortal stench, she did a few twists and turns, seemingly posing under the water, pausing… and wondering what the fuck she was doing…

She didn't know that all Superbabes just did that shower thing. She turned off the water and flapped her wings, dripping away the water before getting out herself and tossing her hair. "Hmph…" she flicked water from her feathers and walked out of the bathroom to find the mortal sitting on his couch, grinning foolishly as she grabbed her 'uniform' and put it back on, stuffing her 'pawg' back into her pants. "I believe you need to pay me now." She said bluntly, but annoying sneering at the fact that this was her 'job' now…

"Oh Yeah. Ha-hang on a second." He said, rushing off into the back of the house and leaving her there to awkwardly wait for his return. At least his cock wasn't flapping in the breeze when he did so, wearing undergarments as he handed her a fistful of cash.

"Order… again." she found herself saying, unfortunately, she couldn't be certain if that was the contract or her saying so, stuffing the cash into her suit she briskly walked away, stretched her wings and without so much as a goodbye to the gawping and utterly enthralled mortal she leaped into the air and flew back to Superbabes.

Time: 10:42 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes.)

Silver Swan landed back in the parking lot, strutting back into Superbabes and recoiling in utter horror as the cheer of "CONGRATULATIONS!!" echoed at her. Brielle and Katie held up the banner as Silver Swan cringed hesitantly before managing a very confused.

"Thank… you?"

"It's something of a tradition." Noted Orders as Silver Swan approached her and slammed the money on the counter, the rest of the girls petering off to get back to work as the demon woman hissed softly.

"You could have all the money you could ever DREAM of if you break the contract." She said firmly, "Why go through all this?" she added under her breath as Orders' purple eyes flickered at her.

"Well you see…" she produced said magical contract, and pointed to the blood signature at the bottom 'Demona D'Arc'. "This right here binds you to me for 10 years… seems like a decent price to pay for using my real name." she said ominously as Demona flinched furiously.

"You condemn me to this shame for using your real name!?" she hissed angrily.

"If you called me Orders when we first met I would've just told you 'no'… now I just want to watch you to suffer." Orders replied, coldly, her purple eyes piercing into Demona like an iron dagger as the demoness actually cringed. "Well, suffer and earn me money…So get used to it, it's going to be a long ten years." Orders ordered, with an EVIL smile that any devil would be envious off, especially the Envy devils.

Demona snarled at her, sighing so furiously it was amazing she didn't breathe fire. Turned abruptly to get back to work and get her mind off this once and future indignantly before Orders noted with her usual professionally curt manner, "You're granted a 30-minute break per delivery I suggest you take it." then added as an afterthought. "New girls are popular."

Hey, just because she was establishing a position of power didn't mean she wasn't a professional business woman. She had standards.

Demona grumbled but then resigned herself to sitting at the poker table with Brielle and Jenny. At least she could play cards, demons loved cards. "Demona?" Brielle asked curiously as Demona gave her an inquisitive look.

"…Call me Dee." She mumbled annoyed, Demona was formal… and a tell to her true nature.

"Dee… can I touch your feathers?" the blonde asked sweetly as Dee frowned at her, and rolled her eyes.

"…Sure." She sighed resignedly feeling the curious girl's soft hands massage her wings as she began pondering various plots of revenge… Orders eyes twinklingly evilly behind her as she felt a chill flow down her spine, and it wasn't because Brielle was good with her hands…

Orders was worse than ANY demon.


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