
Delivery Girl: Bumblebee Order #5

I don't own DC

She swung up, and over, releasing the lower bar before grinning at the higher bar, flicking twisting, and flipping back and forth through the air before doing a backward sommersault off the low bar and landing perfectly on the mat.

"AGAIN!" shouted her Grandmother as she scowled at her.

"Grandmother that's the third time."

"What was that?" her Grandmother stood imperiously before her holding a well-polished cane, it was a familiar heirloom that she didn't even need to walk. She carried it around for status… and for Pavlov's whistle. TAP TAP. "Again! You have to be perfect for the judges tomorrow."

"Grandmother the only thing that will happen if I do it again-" The definition of insanity is-

"Again!" replied her grandmother, tap-tap-tap. Went the can on the polished wood of the gym. She flinched, it wouldn't be the first time her shins took a light whapping from that old cane.

"Yes, grandmother." She replied, dusting her hands and ready to go again. Tap Tap Tap went the cane. "Grandmother I know! I'm-" TAP TAP TAP.

"Grandmother shut UP…" she mumbled, rolling over on her backseat, adjusting the back pillow she was using for her head as she curled up under the tiny travel blanket, perfectly sized for the back of the car she was living in.

The gotham patrol cop knocked loudly on the car window now. The force of the taps increased the longer the officer tried to wake her. "Hey. Lady, you can't sleep here."

"Mmmnh…" she mumbled, sitting up in the seat and wearing her old workout/gymnastics clothes… which were pretty much just her in a tight black sports bra and tighter black briefs. "Hwaaaah…" she yawned, scratching her afro as she rolled down her window. "Yes?" she mumbled sleepily, turning on the whole sexy package, sticking her head out the window but arching her back and popping her but to face the officer.

But unfortunately for her, she was made of sterner stuff and wasn't easily seduced by sultry looks and fantastic flexible chocolatey black ass. "You can't sleep here.".

"Says who?" she yawned. "Parking lot is empty." She then glanced at the semi-empty parking lot. It was emptier before she was asleep to be fair. "Sort off." she yawned again, realizing that her sex appeal wasn't really going to work she dropped it. "Besides I figured you'd be proud of me not drinking and driving… sleeping it off here."

…She didn't have anything to drink however she was just 'between couches' at the moment and between shifts with orders. The other night she had set up staying at a rich boy-toy's place but she canceled on him to spend time with Lindsey… she didn't necessarily regret it BUT he did find another girl to occupy his bed in the meantime so now she was out of luck until she could find another.

"How much have you had to drink Miss?" asked the lady cop as Bumblebee sighed.

"Not a lot, but enough that I shouldn't drive." She lied. The Lady cop however looked at her skeptically.

"…Miss. This is gotham, I know drunks when I smell them and you haven't touched alcohol…" Bumblebee sighed, ruffling her afro and stretching out the kinks in her body. A bad memory dream and now a smart, straight, female Gotham cop… it was a bad morning. "You still can't park here and sleep here." She replied stiffly.

"It's fine officer." Said a new voice, walking toward the car. "I'll get her home." Orders stared at Bumblebee crisply, behind her stood a significantly and casually dressed Platinum. Both, apparently on a walk… in the daytime, who would ever guess?

"And who are you?"

"I'm her boss. And she's late for work, so thank you for waking her up." She added politely. The officer tipped her cap, curiously gazing at the purple-eye woman and the beautiful if somewhat unnerving platinum blonde behind her. But then the officer sighed…. Bumblebee sleeping where she shouldn't was the issue and if she was leaving it was no longer her problem. In fact that was the original goal.

"…Alright. I'll let her off with a warning then. She's your employee…" replied the officer, going back onto her patrol as Orders approached. Her eyes narrowing at Bumblebee.

"…You owe me a headache or a night in a cell." She grumbled quietly as Platinum examined Bumblebee's car out of curiosity more than anything.

"Saw me getting arrested?" Bumblebee guessed correctly.

"I did." Orders noted, "And guess who hasn't changed her emergency contact number from her grandmother?" Bumblebee scowled. She's been meaning to change that, but she doesn't really have anyone to change it to. "Make sure it's mine." Orders added stiffly. Reading her mind... sort of.

"Yes Boss. By the way you totally lied to a cop for me. I'm not on shift tonight."

"What did I JUST say?" Orders replied, "You owe me a headache or a night in a cell." She repeated as Bumblebee leaned her head out her window again.

"Sooo… you WANT me to give you a headache?" she replied hesitantly as Orders raised her hands as if to strangle Bumblebee, who was probably just cranky having woken up from her nap. And she wasn't the only one somewhat cranky from being sleep deprived.

"Mother you are tired." Declared Platinum bluntly. "If we do not get you home soon you will not be able to fully rejuvenate in time to return to work." Orders stopped pretending to strangle Bumblebee and sighed.

"…You'll work tonight. And sleep on my couch. Give me the keys." She said holding her hands out to Bumblebee, who reluctantly complied.

"I didn't know you actually drove." She said, seconds before Orders handed Platinum the keys.

"Drive us home."

"Yes Mother." She replied obediently. Orders slipped into the passenger's seat as Platinum adjusted the driver's Bumblebee frowning as Platinum shifted the chair and drove out of the supermarket parking lot. Bumblebee said nothing until the arrived at a quaint little building. A brownstone townhouse.

"You actually bought a house." Bumblebee replied in surprise as Orders shuddered. Not far from Superbabes, good area. Dreadlock boys just down the street…" she noted almost as an afterthought, still in Cajun Jim's territory apparently.

"Mother is still annoyed." Platinum replied as Orders got out of the car quickly and slammed the door. "…She believes she overpaid…"

"Oh. Scandalous." Bumblebee joked sarcastically.

"Indeed. Mother already talked the owners down 9.45% of their asking price." Platinum replied, ignoring Bumblebee's sarcasm. "Please follow me inside." she said more like a butler than a fellow occupant. Bumblebee didn't even bother to hid her athletically sexy body, stepping out of the car in her tight figure-hugging clothes as her chocolate-colored body glistened in the steadily rising sun… and people were starting to come outside, many of them starring at the practically naked young black woman and the platinum blonde who's hair seemed to be shimmering in the light.

The house itself looked like it belonged on a sitcom doing a close-up outside shot. Orders moved up the steps, and opened the front door walking right in as Platinum and Bumblebee followed. Bumblebee carried her pillow and blanket under her arm.

Orders didn't have much in the first place, very few nick-nacks of her own. Oddly enough the gynoid had more possessions than the woman who 'probably', technically, owned her. The kitchen was neat and tiny, there was a small living room with a couch facing a TV along with a familiar if not slightly repaired recliner. A set of old stairs led up to a second floor with what looked to be three more rooms. Including a master bedroom… probably for Orders with Platinum taking an entire spare bedroom for herself…

Not bad for a woman who could just plug herself into the wall and sleep in a closet.

"There are two bathrooms, one down here and one upstairs. The upstairs has the bath and shower." Orders announced while pointing to the living room as she herself made her way up the stairs after tossing her purse on a small nearby dresser. "Couch is there. Sleep on it. Don't touch my armchair. If you need anything talk to her." she gestured to the stoic gynoid. "I'm going to sleep. We'll leave for Superbabes as 6:45." She had finished talking at the top of the stairs, and her purple eyes flashed at a still somewhat hesitant Bumblebee. "Understood?" she then… tapped, the railing three times.

…Much like a certain cane, she dreamt about not barely 30 minutes ago.

"Yes Ma'am." Bumblebee replied, before strutting around the couch and flopping down ungracefully on it as Platinum began drawing the curtains of the window. They were dark and blocked out the light of the morning rays as Bumblebee closed her eyes… and didn't have terrible dreams of her grandparents.

"Bumblebee wake up." Platinum declared suddenly as the beautiful young woman, undisturbed from her rest on the surprisingly comfortable couch, awoke and slipped off the couch. "You are mother's ride." Said Platinum frankly as Bumblebee stretched her lithe, dark chocolate body.

"Geeze at least let a girl get something to eat first."

"Eat at work." Orders replied abruptly, walking down the stairs dressed and ready to go. "Darcy lock up behind me."

"Yes mother." replied Platinum.

"Should I bother to change?" Bumblebee replied.

"Change at work." Replied Orders frankly as Bumblebee rolled her eyes. She should've expected that one.


"It's not the first time you've gone out in public wearing clothes like that." Orders replied, "Did you rest well?" she asked as they walked outside together, down the steps and toward Bumblebee's car.

"Yes." Replied Bumblebee frankly, no snark or jokes, she appreciated the couch.

"Why aren't you staying at Lindsey's?" Orders asked as they both got into Bumblebee's car to drive to Superbabes. It wasn't too far away, Orders wanted her new home to be in walking distance… but she also didn't want to walk.

Bumblebee chuckled, smirking at her boss. "Really?"

"Really." Orders replied stiffly. "Why aren't you staying with Lindsey? SHe has the room and god knows she needs an adult."

"Okay. I love her. She's the prettiest princess at Superbabes." Bumblebee replied, driving steadily towards the lot. "But I can only 'sleepover' at her place so much until it drives me insane." Orders glared at her as she shrugged. "I'm sorry."

"You need to find a place to stay yourself or live with Lindsey." Orders noted as Bumblebee frowned at herself in the mirror. "I know it's not ideal, but it's necessary. So for now I'm letting you choose." She said as the car parked, and Orders got out of the vehicle. Leaving Bumblebee alone for a second, getting out of the car herself.

"You just want me to keep an eye on her."

"I am, that's just a bonus." Orders replied honestly, walking into the back of Superbabes and suddenly declaring, "I don't care who started it, Rebecca take her home." obviously jumping into a conversation she wasn't apart of, but knew what to say. It IS Orders.

"You fecking loud chewing shite-headed bitch I'll eat your face!" declared Ashley aggressively while being carried on Rebecca's shoulder. Bumblebee sidestepped her, letting her walk out the back as Rebecca continued to carry a struggling Ashley, with admittedly some difficulty, to their bikes.

"Don't egg her own." Orders ordered Harley Quinn who shrugged, her hands full of sandwich.

"I don't know why she sits next to me when I eat." She replied innocently with a smile.

"MMn-hmmn. Bumblebee go change." Paused then added, "shower and change." sitting behind her counter as Bumblebee did so. Orders yawned, shook her head and turned to her computer turning on deliveries and checking the clock, changing the schedule slightly to have Bumblebee working.

The beautiful black girl walked out of the locker rooms fresh and clean, tugging down the stripped shirt as Orders picked out a crossword and seemingly began studying it before adding as Bumblebee went onto the floor. "Find a place."

"Alright already, I'll think about it." Bumblebee mumbled dejectedly

"Think about it faster." Orders noted as Harley Quinn and Killer Frost watched from the poker table. Killer Frost asking.

"Still living place to place or in her car?" she asked casually as Orders sighed.

"It was 'cute' at first but now it's inconvenient… for me. I don't want to keep bailing her out of tickets, citations and genuine arrests.

"You could always talk to Caleb…" Cooed Harley Quinn as Orders glared at her. "…Becca's not here now, I'm obligated to fill in for her teasing…"

"…Whatever relationship I have with Sgt Caleb will be cordial and polite." She replied stiffly giving nothing away. "…It will NOT involve favors between us."

"So there is an 'us'-OW!" Harley Quinn took a soft squishy toy to the face, Orders had thrown it without missing a beat, she rubbed her slightly offended nose. "…So that's what that's like. Jenny's right that does hurt. Do you stuff those things with rocks?"

"It's all in the wrists… plenty of crosswords keep mine strong." Orders replied, and both girls snorted, unsure of whether she was being serious or not. It was still funny.

The Superbabes went on with their day. Just a few hours later however things began to pick up. The crowds filling the floor and the phone ringing off the hook for deliveries, real and special. Bumblebee finally had a moment to relax after what felt like hours on her feet flopping onto the couch and noticing a newspaper. Classified ads.

"Laying it on thick?" she asked picking up and looking as Orders didn't even bother to look up from her crosswords.

"I figured you might want to read something while we wait for your delivery." She replied casually.

"Oh so I'm going on a delivery am I?" she abruptly tossed the classifieds back onto the table.

"I brought you into work when you weren't originally on shift don't tell me you didn't expect it." Orders replied crisply as Bumblebee stood up.

"I figured you would want me to work off my nap in your house."

"You guessed right." Orders replied, reaching for the phone as it rung.

Time: 10:22 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

"Superbabes, we deliver."

"…What's the… the…"

"This is no less annoying the second time around."


"Bumblebee honeycakes. Not that you're paying attention, but we expect her back within 60 minutes or less. You'll be charged upon completion of delivery. Name and address please."


"By the way how do you feel about drug addicts?" Bumblebee put her hands on her ass cheeks, stretching subtly before replying indifferently.

"What kind of drug addicts?"

"Stupid and horny ones." Orders replied crisply.

"Long as they're horny." Bumblebee replied sarcastically.

"That's the spirit. Take them for all they're worth they're too high to care." the box of honey cakes spiraled out of the kitchen in a bag stamped appropriately stamped with a sexy bumblebee caricature.

"…When you say things like that boss it's hard to argue." Bumblebee replied, eyeing the receipt Orders handed her. She stuffed it in the bag and walked out of her car, sliding into the driver's seat and heading off into Gotham.

Old Gotham and Drug Dealers go together like Old Gotham Red Light and Disposable Hookers… not everything needs to be a flattering comparison and this IS Gotham. Still, though Old Gotham could qualify as being the capital of Gotham's criminal element… or at least where the worst of it happens. It also had the Gotham Police Headquarters so it kind of balanced itself out…

She pulled up to a brownstone building. Pulling directly up front as she got out of the car. In retrospect it looked like a polar opposite version of Orders' new house… in other words, it looked condemned. The windows were boarded up and spray painted with half a dozen different tags and artists mascots. The only thing that looked moderately cared for was the front door. It looked like even Giganta would have difficulty breaking it down… briefly.

But if it was to dangerous, or if she wouldn't get out alive… Orders wouldn't have sent her. She raised her right hand and knocked loudly on the solid door. "Superbabes."

Time: 10:43 PM. Place: Old Gotham (Drug dealer house)

"Special delivery Service." She waited half a second, and the door opened wide… which she thought was weird why bother being a drug dealer if you'll open the door for anyone who knocks?

He was a big man, bulky, broad shoulders and had a pretty big gut. But under all that weight she saw muscles. Like a sumo, only a white boy… he scratched his blonde hair and puffed on what could only be less than street legal. He continued to stare at her with red eyes, as if he couldn't exactly see her… and the smell was… well, she hoped she didn't get any secondhand high… or maybe she did, she didn't know what this shit did.

"…Foood? Superbabes?" she said slowly as something seemed to click in his mind. His mouth hung a little slacked open before he took another puff and moved aside. She walked right in… Oh they were doing some SHIT in here.

It was like a low fog was concentrated inside this particular house. The door guard shut the door and openly stared at her wonderous black ass, which was fair, her sexy black ass should be stared at. But he was so far off in space that he didn't really SEE her ass… whatever they were on was apparently pretty fucking great.

She passed by a room with a TV turned to an old comedy show but thanks to the fuzzy TV screen it looked even older, but the people in that room weren't watching. A scrawny man sat in the middle of the couch, legs spread and getting his dick sucked by a woman whose face she couldn't see. But he puffed of whatever he was smoking, wafting it into the 'fog' around them before lowering the joint to the woman who apparently stopped sucking his dick long enough to have a puff and then go back to sucking his dick…

…Not for nothing but if he was already getting his dick sucked she was probably not here for him. Call it a hunch.

So in further she went. There were a couple of stoners dead asleep in what was probably once the kitchen. One on the table half clutching a duffle bag and the other with his face on his leg, both dozing and snoring loudly… evidently not them.

Finding nobody else downstairs she went upstairs… the door guard continuously followed her wiggling ass cheeks as she jiggled up the steps. The first room she found already had another couple having sex… or at least had a guy thrusting on a woman of Chinese descent who lay there puffing on whatever strange drug they were on… there didn't seem to be penetration but the intent was there. In the last room she inspected, there was a lone man puffing away… Sitting in a recliner by a bed with a passed out black woman, her own big black ass bare and sticky, covered with a recently shot load… she was well and truly high with flickering eyelids and the occasional grown.

The man was blonde, tanned, and naked with a hard erection wobbling upright between his knees as he took another puff of his joint. "Whaaaat?" he managed to drone out before eyeing the curvaceous Bumblebee… "…Sweet. That a new hole?" he moaned softly,

"Plenty of new holes." She replied frankly as he nodded as if she said the wisest words he's ever heard.

"What a hit?" he breathed, "It's fantastic shit. Enhances the experience by… something." He said, before gesturing to the attractive woman on the bed. As if fine examples to the effects.

"Can't I'm working." She said simply as he puffed, then released a waft of smoke.

"Want to suck my dick for me?" he mumbled as she abruptly slapped the bag of food into the big guy's chest behind her.

"Fucking finally. Something I can handle." She said, before approaching him and, seeing that there wasn't any need for subtleties or foreplay she practically tore her bumblebee shirt from her body. Tossing it aside and letting her breasts bounce with each step toward him. She shoved her fingers into the waistline of her tight ass-hugging pants before bending far forward abruptly, "Ah!" she engulfed the tip of his cock with her mouth. Displaying her ass to the big guy behind her before abruptly SHOVING her pants down to her knees, before dropping TO her knees.

"MMn…" slobbering over his tip, gazing up at his blank expression before shifting herself to completely remove her pants, throwing them aside. Now completely naked and rapidly sucking on his cock that still tasted a LITTLE like cum and just a hint of ass…

Diving onto his cock with abandon her hands on his side her face jerked and bobbed rapidly between his legs, delving deeper and deeper on his average cock until she kissed the base of it again and again… he seemed unaffected of having the best most enthusiastic blowjob of his life… 'seemed' being the key word…

He froze like a statue, gazing blankly off into the distance as her slurps and slobbers echoed around him. But his mouth opened further and further the more she slurped, the more enthusiastically she buried her face onto his cock. Her dick-sucking lips massaged the base of his shaft as he finally, FINALLY, released a groan that told her he was still alive.

"Guck. Guck. Guck. Guck." Gagging loudly on his cock to get a response other than the subtle facial expressions he was now suffering, her lips sliding firmly up and down his shaft, her tongue wiggling and wagging on his throbbing length. Her head constantly moving unceasingly on his shaft but the rest of her body stayed tight and stiff, her shapely black ass jutting out behind her as the man she was sucking on finally decided… or at least his body decided, that he had enough of her mouth… in a sense. Grabbing the back of her head and holding her down as his length throbbed a hot load between her lips…

Now. Normally, she'd just swallow, as dictated by the laws of being Veronica's slutty protégé. However, this man was SO HIGH, she was worried about becoming stoned swallowing any of his fluids… so. She pulled her head to his tip feeling his cum ooze onto her tongue as his cock pulsated between her talented dip suckers.

The house was such a shit hole anyway, they thought it was hotter than she spat his cum out onto the floor and immediately started licking his limp dick. Bumblebee smeared her tongue all over his shaft as he took a draft of whatever he was smoking, the joint almost gone, and his cock throbbing back to life again. Rigidly twitching as she licked lower, cupping his balls with her tongue briefly before she began to stand up, rubbing his cock between her tits before she went higher, and turned around.

She wiggled her hips quickly side to side shaking her fit athletic black ass in a Tasha-trained (Ciara honed) twerk, bending her knees and letting her ass cheeks jump up and down before wiggling them again. Her hands on her knees her flexible body bent and jerked, shaking her ass before finally raising it up, and slamming it down on him, gyrating and grinding on his lap, squeezing his meat with her ass cheeks.

Her ass slid up and down his cock, rubbing against his stomach as she ground her body on his lap, feeling his sticky wet cock rubbing against her holes and between her ass cheeks. "Wanna just lie there doing nothing or do you want to fuck my ass?" she hissed softly as his cock wiggled in approval between her cheeks. "Come on Honey how about a little enthusiasm." She sneered as the big guy from the doorway, who was apparently still there, finally moved toward the bed. He dropped his own pants revealing a stubby but thick cock, looming over the catatonic woman before abruptly stuffing her ass with his dick.

"Nnnngh…" the woman hardly registered his dick up her ass, twitching and bouncing as he began pounding away at her.

"He's got the right idea." She groaned, lifting herself up to prod her asshole with his tip while big boy railed away harder at the limp woman. "You gotta fuck black ass Honey. Its the rules." She snarled teasingly, sliding down his pole, hissing through her teeth, "Yeeeah…" she growled, already rising up and down on his lap. "Yeah. Yeah. Yeah…" riding him hard and fast, moaning loudly like a good girl as he grunted beneath her. Big boy railing harder and harder into the limp woman, his large bulk flopping on top of her and thrusting his hips into her ass despite the sticky fluid still on it.

"You like that?! Yeah Honey you like that!" hissed Bumblebee, rubbing her pussy with one hand and using the other for balance. "Fucking my nice TIGHT black ass? Got to fuck em young… and FRESH." she slammed her body down on him as the big boy stilled on top of the now twitching woman. "MMnn-mmhn-aaah…" she licked her lips as she felt his cock pulsating. "Nice and snug in there…" she sneered, writing slowly on his lap as Big boy pulled out of the woman, his cock twitching. "Got plenty of holes to use though I hope-you…" she blinked as Suddenly Big Boy moved.

His foot slapped down on the right armchair and with an athletic leap that belied his bulk he was in the air standing on one foot before slamming it on the back of the recliner. "The fuck?" she managed before-"MMGh!!"

The taste of whore ass and cum flooded onto her tongue as big boy began a balancing display that would make her grandmother jealous. Throwing her head onto his cock, ramming in and out of her throat as she squirmed beneath him. "MMGh! mN! mNNGh! MANan-aahmmgn!" shaking as the guy in her ass seemed inspired, rampaging up rapidly into her body…

As if the drugs wore off, or kicked in. She wasn't sure but they were enjoying themselves… her body worming and gyrating flexibly as her back bent backward, Big boy pounding hard against her face as her lower body was bucked back and forth on stiff boy… Other boy… whoever was fucking her ass.

She hooked her hands on Big Boy's ass squeezing his cheeks as she crammed her face full of cock but shuddering wildly as they made her cum. "MMGHg! mNn!" she jerked her face off of Big Boy's now fully erect dick and shuddered as she panted and rubbed her face against it. Feeling Other guy's cock struggling against her tight, spasming anal ring. "Oooh Honey boys you are nasty…" Big boy's length twitched against her face before he hopped down to the floor with a loud THUD that made her think he was going to fall through it.

"Move the other one let's use this one hard."

"Oooh That's right boys." Bumblebee shot off his lap as Big Boy moved to the woman on the bed. "Fuck them holes if you can… Big Boy grabbed the woman by her waist… before abruptly hurling her off the bed, she flopped limply to the floor like a broken toy and didn't move, she barely mumbled… a soft grunt was all they got.

But Bumblebee has other things to care about than a drugged-up hooker too high to care or fight back. She needed to get fucked, paid and head back to Orders. "How you boys want me?" she rubbed herself as Big Boy walked around her and Other guy crawled onto the bed before flopping lazily on his back. "I see I'm still doing all that ah!" she gasped as Big Boy grabbed her waist and lifted her easily and dropped her onto Other guy feeling his still full dick rubbing against her pussy with Big Boy 'adjusting' her body. "Put that dick in me baby-aah yeah…" using only her lower body he guided her onto the Other Guy's cock sliding him deep into her before shoving her forward and crawling up behind her. "You gonna double stuff me?!" she hissed 'defiantly' but encouragingly, shaking her ass as Big Booty stood behind her and aimed his thick dick and her tiny asshole. "Use my fucking holes however you want huh?"

Bumblebee moaned erotically as her holes were stuffed tight, cramming dick deep into her body as they began grinding. "Oh yeah. Fuck me just like that…" lying on top of other guy rubbing her tits against his chest as big boy sped up behind her. "Fuck me! Fuck me harder…" Other guy crammed up into her, bucking into her again and again as they began messily and brutally slamming into her body.

"Fuck me! Fuck me! It's what I'm for! I want to be USED!" her tongue lolling from her mouth, "I want to be a slut! I want to be a cum dump! Fuck me harder! Harder! I want my family to be fucking ashamed of me!" she grinned the almost manic insult like a curse but even high, stupid, and dazed they felt it as a challenge and an invitation.

Big Boy grabbed her head with his huge hands, hooking his fingers into her open gaping mouth and granting her wish. Garbling and drooling incoherently as the two incredibly stimulated men continued relentlessly cramming into her nubile ebony body. Panting and gasping like a bitch in heat as she was fucked like one, both men selfishly claiming her holes and using them as they saw fit, ignoring her screams of orgasm and climax as she tensed around their cocks.

"uck-e! Uck!-e! uck!-e!!" gasped around Big Boy's fingers as he yanked them from her mouth and grabbed her head and drove HARD into her. "Ugh! F-UCK! MY! Ass! HARD! HONEY!! OOOoh!!!" Thick wads of cum rushed into her bowels as she gasped, shaking as Other guy rammed up into her, feeling him throb hard and tremble inside her.

"You wanted this hole RAW didn't you?!" she hissed as Big Boy ripped from her gaping hole and she slammed herself down on Other guy. "Yeah? YEAH… Fill my empty little womb with white boy babies?" she clenched her teeth, practically spitting in his face through them. "My granny wanted to make me a little Chinese babymaker so pump me full of it! oOoh YES! That's what I waaant…" slamming down tight on him, shaking as he pumped her full of his hot… prooobably extremely inebriated load. She shuddered and slowly slid upright. "Mmmn…" rubbing her body. "Everyone wants to stuff this chocolate bitch with cream…" she declared "Haaaah…." Sighing erotically… only to feel a hand on her waist and HURLED off of other guy by Big Boy

She flopped on the bed, legs open as he loomed over her, slamming his hands down around her until he fell on top of her and pinned her to the bed feeling his cock prod her gooey hole.

"Yeah? You want a turn? Fuck my warm little pussy? Huh?... Yeah? YEAH you fucking like it?!" she squealed underneath his weight, his cock cramming into her tight body as he pinned her down and used her. "Going to ruin me with that little dick of your huh? Fuck me? FUCK. ME… fuck me as hard as you want?" she hissed the words encouragingly as he mindlessly pounded his hips. "Oh yeah you like fucking dirty little whores like me! Filling warm little holes all day! All Night!"

His heavy body ramming into her again and again, she shuddered helplessly beneath him as he slammed so hard against her hips they were almost sore now. Her legs were pinned apart by his meaty thighs. "Ugh! Uhg-huh-huuhu SHIIIIT." She whined, shaking in orgasm as he rammed into her once, twice, three times and flopped abruptly down on top of her.

The wind was thoroughly knocked out of her and her body trembled as he felt his load rush into her body, she gaped at the ceiling, twitched, shuddered… then groaned quietly before taking a DEEP breath. "MMmmmmn…" moaning out the orgasm.

…Nothing felt quite as arousing to her as being pinned down and FUCKED… she wasn't Joy levels of a chubby chaser or anything but feeling a hefty weight on her after a hole well fucked. Her toes curled, her legs splayed open, fucked like a piece of meat… Grandmother would be proooud… that was sarcasm. If she would ever disown her, she would've actually done so.

SNOOOORE. Big Boy's breathing slowed… but he didn't move. His body rising and falling with his breathing as Bumblebee scowled at him. "Hey are you serious right now?" she maned to pry a hand out from beneath him to shove at his face but he wasn't moving. "…Ah fuck." She grumbled. "Hey get him off…" but other guy was stoned out too. Snoring loudly and hanging halfway off the bed, drooling liberally over the passed-out hooker on the floor. "…Ah damn it…" she ripped her other hand out from big boy. "Okay lift with your core." She grumbled to herself dejectedly.

She would NEVER out-bench press Ronnie-Bell or even Rebecca, but her muscles were no joke, she was still pretty fit… but even she struggled with big boy.

"Aaah FUCK…" she grumbled, finally managing to claw her way out from beneath him and off the bed. "…Don't suppose it's too much to ask to find a shower." She noted, looking for one and QUICKLY walking away as there was a sleeping man in the tub… she hoped he was sleeping-AH. Yeah he's breathing… stoned out too. "What the hell are you all smoking?" she grumbled, "Okay…" she grabbed Other guy and slapped him repeatedly to no result… his face was now red, but he was till out. "Oh damn it…" she scowled.

…Orders would NOT send her here to leave with no money… That was just not possible.

She rubbed her chin, then after a quick wipe down with various napkins and the receipt, just because, from the bag, she redressed herself and walked out. Everyone was OUT. Period. The girls, the boys. For half a second she thought the fog in the house was some sort of poison gas, but she was still up… she wandered back through the house. Wondering if this drug dealers had spare cash lying about-

She quickly did a backpedal, passing the kitchen with the two passed-out boys and the duffle bag… she raised an eyebrow, and approached the table, unzipping the bag… and smirking… She whistled to herself, walking out of the house with the dufflebag over her shoulder, she walked to the car and tossed it into the trunk none the wiser. She hummed an old Chinese melody her grandfather daughter her… she had bad memories of it but the tune was nice, slipped back into the car, and drove back to Superbabes.

Time: 11:35 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

Orders finished her crossword and stood up to the confusion of everyone in the lounge as she walked out the backdoor. Ronnie-Bell, who had finally arrived to take her shift, watched for a second, then stayed in place. Orders would've told her to follow if she was needed but she WAS curious.

Still Bumblebee's car drove into the parking stall, closest to the back door, the trunk facing the wall as she got out and stared briefly at Orders. "…Did I do good?"

"I don't know what you're talking about Ola." Ola marched to the back of the car, and opened it… Unzipping the duffle and displaying the many, MANY dollar bills it. Orders eyes flickered, then she raised her hand, put it on the car lid, and slammed it shut. "Okay, you didn't take what we were owed and you went with this route…" she rubbed her purple eyes. "Here's what's going to happen. I'm going to make a call, and deal with the men who would eventually figure out that they were robbed… and once their high came down they'd do something violent about it… YOU are going to give me this money and go live with Lindsey."

"What?! Oh come-"

"You. CAN'T. live in your car anymore. You can still fuck around, but you're living with Lindsey." Orders replied, "I fix problems as you girls make them. That's how this shit works." she added factually.

"Why can't I use this to get my own house?" she asked pointing at the trunk.

"Oh. I don't know." Orders replied sarcastically, she grabbed her arm and dragged her inside. "Maybe because I need Veronica to hide it first! How are you going to explain that?! Someone gave you a big tip?! SHUT UP!" she said quickly before someone could make an obvious comment. Orders took a breath. "You robbed a lot of stupid, very high drug dealers. That is Fine. I expected you to take some, maybe even more than expected: THAT is Fine. I did not think you'd take the whole damn bag!"

"Well you should've said something!" Ola declared indignantly. "I thought that was a thing!"

"Live with Lindsey! Or you're fired!" she said abruptly as the girls stared in AWE at Orders. She was threatening to FIRE a delivery girl?... holy shit. "You live with Lindsey or you can take that money, and you can leave…" she said sternly as Ola blinked at her, somewhat shocked. "No more protection. No more covering your ass. You can do what you like but you can't do it in my building or near MY girls." She said firmly.

Ola glowered at the height impaired Orders, who crossed her arms and stared back up at her… for a brief moment. She compared Orders unflatteringly to her grandparents… they all had similar 'My Way or the Highway' attitudes. But there was a significant difference…

In the end, even she could recognize that Orders WAS looking out for her best interests, (as best as the interest of getting fucked and getting paid can be) along with the interests of ALL her girls…Time and time again Orders took care of them all in her own way. Her grandparents only saw her as a tool for prestige, honor, glory, prospective great-grandchildren maker and then MORE of that… and the fact of the matter was. Orders was STILL giving her a choice… her grandparents never did that.

They demanded she get in line, conform, and not complain despite the abuse and the sense of entitlement they had for taking in their 'less-than-ideal' granddaughter after her father's death. Orders isn't doing that… she's making VERY clear what comes with the territory of being a Superbabe. Community, Protection, and surprisingly a boss that gave a shit, in her own Jerk with a hidden heart of gold way... or you can get the fuck out and deal.

Ola took a deep, cleansing breath, before she pulled her phone from her pocket and dialed. "Take the stupid bag." she said, giving Orders her keys to the trunk. "Hey Lindsey. Honey… is that offer for a long-term sleepover still open?"

Orders ignored their conversation, and walking back out to Ola's car, retrieved the duffle, and made a call of her own. "Mettez-le sur." She said coolly in french then after a second while heading into her office, "James. I have a job for you…"

…One way or the other, Orders takes care of her girls… AND she got a duffle bag full of money, bonus. All things considered it was a DAMN good night in Gotham.


Today or Tomorrow and yet somehow still both. After indulging my inner desire to write Batman and Superman go to Superbabes… which may be a better title than Boys night out, I finished up Bumblebee. It got a little dark there, but at the end of the day even in Gotham there is a bit of light… and Lindsey gets a live-in babysitter when Ola isn't out banging rich guys… win-win, that's how Orders rolls.

The lone French sentence. (Because Orders was Speaking to Cajun Jim's Dreadlock girl secretary/bodyguard.

Mettez-le sur = Put him on.

I also wanted that ENTIRE Ola conversation with her grandmother to be in Mandarin. But it wasn't cooperating... so let's just SAY it was.

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