
Delivery Girl: Wonder Girl Order #5

I don't own DC.

Wonder Girl has been living on the houseboat Good Fortune for a little over a week now and already she has become something of a celebrity at the docks where the boat was moored. Orders paid the harbor 'rent' and she paid Orders to live in the houseboat. Win-win really…

Getting used to the smell of the fishing boats was one thing and her neighbors tended to literally change with the tides. But there were constant fixtures in the 'district' where she now lived. There were a few leisure craft docked where she was, but the fishing boats were a common sight usually found floating in this part of the docks. Mooring Good Fortune here was the best place to do so according to Orders. Less invasive traffic and it was a friendly 'neighborhood' of ships. Not a lot of residential craft like hers, and bodies barely ever were dumped in this general area.

There were dockworkers, part-time sailors, casual boaters, and regular fishermen… Along with a few of the other houseboats and their occupants also lived near her mooring. A recent divorce, a pair of married retirees, one very stoned hippie woman… and one of the larger fishing boats down the wharf had the captain sleeping in his cabin most nights, barely ever stepping off the boat. None of the houseboats were next to each other, they were separated by other crafts so she had a bit of privacy…

But it didn't stop anyone passing by to chance a glance at the attractive off-duty Superbabe on their own way to various jobs. There was an uptick in dockworker foot traffic once she officially moved into the Good Fortune, and fishermen seemed to be taking the long way to and from their boats, notedly past hers, for a glancing chance. Her only real regret was that she didn't have much to bring with her to the boat apart from some clothes…

Really the Good Fortune was only a temporary solution until she could find herself a better place on dry land. It didn't take her long to get over her sea legs but there was very little she could do on a houseboat not to mention the maintenance… not that there weren't plenty of guys that wouldn't volunteer to help her with that…

This morning, however, she got up, stretched, and put on the bare minimum of clothes for decency purposes before opening the curtains of the bedroom windows to let the light in. "Hwaaaah…" she yawned adorably, stretching her arms and legs before briefly debating doing her morning calisthenics, then deciding not to. Today she was off, she was going to relax. Watch some TV, maybe curl up with a good book that Brielle lent her, or try playing the old Gamestation Tasha left for her when a group of Superbabes came over for a house(boat) warming party…

She stepped into the living room, and just as she was about to head downstairs for a meager breakfast there was a knock on the front door. She paused, then headed towards it checking out through the tiny door porthole.

It was one of the regular fishing boat captains: Captain Stubs. If you were going to imagine the most stereotypical sea captain, it would be Stubs. In his 50s, Yellow slicker, yellow cap, short scraggly beard, squinty eye, and a corncob pipe… He was friendly enough (particularly to a sexy Superbabe) but he mostly kept to himself. She opened the door, and his good eye lingered on her fit frame for a moment before he cleared his throat and spoke with a smoker's rasp.

"Good morning lass." It was 6:30 AM. "…Do you know that there is a drunk party girl on your roof?" he asked as she blinked at him.

"I… did not." She said glancing up to the roof to try and see and having no luck. Walking outside curiously and climbing the ladder to the lounging roof and staring at the sleeping beauty before her… it was Lucy in a tight green party dress, dozing contentedly under a large sunning umbrella on the strapped down lounge chair and clutching an empty tequila bottle like it was her baby. "…I know her captain. Thank you." She said, glancing down at Captain Stubs, and catching him gazing at her ass, but he recovered himself, cleared his throat, and nodded.

"Aye alright." He said, "Just wanted to make sure." He said waving lazily before stepping off the boat and heading down the wharf to his own, he was late in taking the boat out for a fisherman after all. But talking to the sexy off-duty Superbabe about the clearly drunk Superbabe on her roof was an acceptable risk to his usual schedule. He was only being 'neighborly' after all.

Wonder Girl hauled herself up the ladder, crawling onto the roof and letting her shapely rear wiggle behind her as she stood up to her full height. She eyed the sleeping Lucy wearing that sexy, figure flattering, party dress. And what looked like a fanny pack as a belt... it worked for her. "Lucy?" Wonder Girl bent over and wiggled Lucy's ankle, one sexy heel had come off and the other hung precariously from her toes until Wonder Girl shook it off. "Lucy!"

"Mmmn…?" Lucy just smiled beautifully, cuddling the empty tequila bottle…

"Lucy how long have you been here?" she asked, although it should be a good sign that she was still dressed and there were no guys around… or inside her.

"Hwaaah…" she yawned sleepily, "…don't know…" she mumbled, rolling over as Wonder Girl scratched her head. "Not now I'm sleepy… the bar is closed." She said, her big latina booty wiggling on the lounge chair as she got comfortable again.

Wonder Girl sighed, and grabbed at Lucy's wrists. Pulling her over her shoulder easily in a fireman carry, Wonder Girl was a former marine so carrying Lucy, who was practically a physical goddess herself, was easy. She went down the ladder, inside the houseboat cabin, and deposited Lucy carefully onto the couch… taking the tequila bottle, that had somehow remained in Lucy's grip, and removing the fanny pack half a second before something inside it buzzed.

Lucy just rolled over and taking a couch pillow wrapped her arms lovingly around it and squeezed. "Mmmn…" Wonder Girl, on the policy that she was just checking who was calling Lucy so she could tell her they called, opened the fanny pack to find Lucy's cell phone… and the word 'ORDERS' on the caller I.D.

"…Oh no." she sighed, and took the phone and answered it for Lucy. "…Hello Ma'am."

"Is she still out?" Orders asked immediately as Lucy continued to mumble happily to herself, sleeping deeply in her own little dreams.

"Yes." Wonder Girl replied.

"Damn it, I knew I should've sent Ronnie-Bell. Lucia has only gotten two hours of sleep, I'm going to need you to work for a couple of hours tonight." Orders replied as Wonder Girl sighed. "Around… ngh… 8 o'clock."

"Yes Ma'am." She wasn't doing anything tonight anyway.

Of course, it didn't occur to Wonder Girl to ask why Orders needed her tonight. Until she actually got there.

Later that evening.

"Ola is sick, Lucy is having a killer hangover, Tasha's out of town at a 'gamer convention'." Orders rolled her purple eyes, "and Veronica is doing something I needed to hire a space bounty hunter to fix." Orders replied irately as Wonder Girl adjusted her suit walking out of the locker room. "Again." Orders added in an annoyed tone.

As if hiring space bounty hunters was more troublesome than strange or unlikely... or something.

"Don't ask, sugar." Giganta interrupted kindly before Wonder Girl could open her mouth to ask.

"SO that leaves you."

"…It leaves me?" repeated Wonder Girl curiously.

"Yes. You're going to be the entertainment at a bachelor party tonight, if everything goes well." Orders replied crisply. "…Those usually end well if our more… spirited girls attend."

"The really slutty ones." Giganta clarified as Orders rolled her eyes, and glared at an unaffected Giganta.

"So…" Wonder Girl put on a nervous smile, "I'm a really slutty one?"

"You could be. That's the best part." Orders replied, "Hopefully by the time you get back after prancing around and giving a few happy endings, Lucia will show up and you can head home. Then I'll have her cover your next shift for the trouble."

Orders liked Lucy certainly, but the 'Equal to Veronica' had her moments.

"If you say so Ma'am." Wonder Girl noted, just going with the flow.

"I do say so." Orders said, "Because I'm always right." She declared, glancing at the phone a second before it rang, and she reached for it.

Time: 8:04 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

Ring-Ring click

"Superbabes, We deliver."

"Hey if I order food from you, we'd can get a pretty girl to come right?"

"I can neither confirm nor deny that. You certainly can ASK for a particular girl to DELIVER and she may or may not entertain."

"…Ah… I get you. Well. Who would you recommend for a uh. Bachelor party? Where the stripper didn't show?"

"Our Wonder Girl meal is very popular… and very spirited."

"Alright one of those then.

"A Wonder Girl Smoothie and a cobb salad delivered by Wonder Girl."

"A smoothie and what?"

"Fruit is considered a Wonder Food… we're workshopping it. Regardless of your OPINION on the food we expect her back within 60 minutes or less or the police will be informed. You will be charged on completion of the delivery. Name and address please."


Orders put the phone back on the hook as Giganta smiled at her, "I see what you did there. 'Very spirited'."

"Shut it." Orders noted as a rather dark colored smoothie slid across the counter followed by a bag of salad, Wonder Girl picked both up and eyed the smoothie.

"…You know you really are scrapping the barrel on this one." she said hesitantly.

"I know right?" Giganta replied teasingly. "It's a good thing we don't have the Wonder Girl meal on the paper menus, or we'd have to keep changing them every other week." Which was true, Orders only changed Wonder Girl's meal on the website… she was having that much difficulty with Wonder Girl's meal.

"FINE… I will take suggestions. Just GO. Shake your ass for a little bit, bang a few of them and hurry back." Orders said irately, her face a little pink as Wonder Girl turned and headed out the back, "If your so clever you come up with something." Orders snarked, her purple eyes flashing as she quickly hissed out "Damn it!"

Giganta, as soon as the challenge was delivered replied quickly, "Wonder Girl Wontons." Wonder Girl, walking to the company car, sliding into the driver's seat and slowly driving off into Gotham had to admit how good that sounded to the ears.

She arrived out front of some dive bar, The Rocky Road. Which was possibly ironic as the street seemed to be recently paved. She checked the receipt, then glanced up at the second floor, which was where she was supposed to go according to the receipt. She walked around the building, finding a set of stairs leading up towards another door, and she quickly hopped up the steps towards it. Hearing music and laughter coming from inside as she raised her hand, and knocked loudly on the door.


Time: 8:27 PM. Place: Lower Upper East Gotham (Above the Rocky Road)

"Special Delivery Service." She put on a pretty smile and waited for a moment and half expected for nobody to hear her until the door popped open. A slight, seductive change occurred though she wasn't away of it, eyeing the man before her as he opened the door and invited her right into a collection of men, about 10 or 11, and most of them older than her by a bit. Twice her age at least, maybe a little older.

Wonder Girl, as it was becoming increasingly apparent to anyone that wasn't her, was in her element as a Superbabe. Older men, sexy younger babe. She was a natural at this, she just didn't know it yet. She was CATNIP to these men, and she didn't know it at the time but she WILL enjoy herself.

"Hello guys." She declared, handing off the food and the smoothie to the closest slack jawed middle-aged man and walking into the studio apartment. "Having a party?" She tossed out her dark hair, "Mmn? Who's the lucky birthday boy?"

She was teasing them, she knew it was a bachelor party, but again. She was a natural.

The men laughed cheerfully at her teasing question, most were red faced and more than a few were wobbling on their feet as if swaying to the music playing on the TV. The only one who clearly wasn't was a tall blonde with a dad bod and a 'best man' paper crown on his head. He pointed to an equally aged man who was sat down on a chair in the middle of the room, red faced and grinning as everyone began pointing towards him and laughing merrily as she approached.

"Hi." She cooed, resting her hands on the back of the chair as he gazed drunkenly into her cleavage. Her hips and plump rear wiggling behind her for the amusement of the gathered crowd as somebody turned up the music on the TV. Something with a beat.

Compared to Bumblebee, a woman who strove to be as slutty as possible, Wonder Girl WAS as slutty as possible, metaphorically speaking, all she needed was for it come out. On a technical level, Bumblebee wanted what Wonder Girl WAS…

The music brought that out as she strove to entertain a group of drunken, horny middle age men expecting a stripper and getting something arguably much better. Wonder Girl, slow and sensual, swayed her ass left, then right, the collective gazes off the hooting drunks stared at her rear as it gyrated majestically but she gave her full attention to the lucky guy in the chair.

"Hmm-hmm-hmm!" she half-hummed, half-chuckled, tossing her silky, wavy dark hair as she gazed at the TV for a moment, getting a feel for the song before standing up, doing a little twirl, then bending over flexibly. For a girl mostly muscle she could bend all over with ease, grabbing at her ankles as she gave the groom a closer look at her shapely ass. While she didn't have the mass of (B) Vixen, or at most the jiggle of Bumblebee she certainly could give her best attempt. Which was still a solid 8 on performance and appeal.

She gave her best impression of a twerk, which… wasn't much but the men around her were too drunk to care and more than enjoyed the sight. The groom raised his hands as if in recoil, 'resisting' the urge to touch her as the men wolf-whistled cheerfully before he rested his hands on both cheeks.

"Woooo!!" the crowd roared, "Hoot! Hoot! Hoot!" chanting and grunting as he gave her cheeks a squeeze, she laughed and laughed, smiling prettily as she stood back up. Turning back around and sultrily gyrating before him… she gave a brief 'looking here' jiggle of her breasts… before reaching up behind her neck, and pulling the strap over her head.

If they liked her with her clothes on: Which they did. They LOVED her with her clothes off. She quickly tugged the strap down and exposed her impressive pair of big breasts for the lucky groom who could only stare in satisfied awe. She bent over, pushing his face between her chest as she began pushing the star decorated suit down over her eye-catching ass, down her thighs, then she stood up again letting the Groom breathe as she stood naked before him to the eager crowd of men. She ran her fingers through her hair, before tossing it majestically like a supermodel before gyrating and swaying again, jutting her ass right to left as her tits bounced left to right. Shaking and jiggling.

"Mmmn!" she moaned tantalizingly, resting her hands on her shoulders as she slowed down. Then just as slowly moved her hands down her breasts, toned stomach, then thighs, clawing at them with her fingers as she thrust her hips back and forth, the suggestive movement… deliberate. "Ooooh…" and the moaning… encouraging. She continued her sultry, sensual dance to the music on the TV, letting it move her. She barely knew what she was doing but that was more than enough to achieve what she wanted…

To be the most desirable 'thing' in the room.

She slid her hands back over her breasts, slipping her middle finger into her mouth, and pushing it all the way in to her knuckle, "Mmmn…" gazing lecherously at the Groom as he could only stare at her in a mixture of terror and lust… Clearly he liked what he saw, but at the same time the guy was having a bachelor party, he was going to get married soon…

…Was it pity that made her stop? Or maybe it was the fact that there were plenty of other 'daddies' in the room to occupy her. Not even she knew, but she stopped dancing, leaning forward and giving the Groom a chaste kiss on the forehead… her eyes glancing over to an obvious bedroom behind him. Before she stood back up, and made a full 360 turn to address the rest of the men in the room.

"…That concludes the warm up." She found herself saying, licking her lips as she completed her turn and strutted naked towards the bedroom. "…Anyone for a little party game, please join me in the bedroom…" she purred, stopping right in the doorway, grabbing the frame on either side as she jiggled her ass cheeks for the viewing pleasure of the crowd and walked right in.

There was a big double bed and a computer workstation in the far corner next to the open window that let in the cold air and the sounds of Gotham Gunfire, she walked over to the bed… and bent over, running her hands experimentally over the sheets as her body trembled excitedly. Not every bachelor party fucks the stripper, but she was curious to see who'd take her up on her offer, or more accurately who wasn't drunk enough to refuse.

A large man, round in belly and broad in shoulder elbowed another out of the way. If there was any bad blood between them it was hard to tell because the man he beat to the finish was laughing as he crashed against the wall. He greedily licked his lips as he put down his beer bottle and approached her… she lied her upper body on the bed, but kept her legs straight and her ass out behind her. Giving it an inviting wiggle and a cock hardening-

"Hi Daddy…"

"MMn!" he moaned happily, approaching and giving her ass cheeks a firm squeeze as she cooed in response.

"Oooh… are you going to be rough with me?" she purred, "You can." She found herself adding. Not like she couldn't take it.

And clearly, he was expecting a good time, because he pulled from his pocket a condom… which was just a rare find among any Superbabe delivery really. He tore it easily open, and undid he belt with one hand letting his… less than impressive dick free but she didn't care… her pussy was dripping and he was hard. "Mmmn…" she moaned as he slipped the condom easily on before rubbing the rubber covered tip against her slit. He grabbed at her waist, raising one hand high to smack her ass loudly. "Oh! Daddy…" she cooed, feeling his cock wiggle against her before he rammed in inside. "Haah!"

A line of brave drunks formed behind him, chuckling and laughing as he steadily thrust his hips into her. Her ass cheeks wobbled against his stomach as he groaned happily at the feeling of tight Wonder Girl pussy. "Haah. Haah. Ahh… Aaah!" she moaned in sync with his thrusts. "Ah… Harder Daddy…" she whimpered, erotically as he smacked her ass again. "Ah!" SMACK. "AH yes daddy…" she cooed. "Oooh…"

Fap-Fap-fap. "Uuugh!" he wrapped his arms around her waist, lifting her slightly from the floor as he began wildly thrusting into her, "Ugh! Uugh! UUUGH! Oh shiit! OOoh."

"MMMN!" she moaned, shaking slightly as she felt the condom balloon inside. "MMnnnn… thank you daddy…" she whimpered as I pulled his cock free from her warm embrace. The condom dropping from his cock as he tied it off and tossed it lazily onto her back as she wiggled her ass behind her. He stumbled drunkenly away as she glanced over her shoulder at the other men. "Who's next?" she asked cheerfully, shaking her ass quickly and invitingly.

Another man quickly accepted her invitation, unzipping his fly as he grabbed at her waist… someone must have been passing them out at the entrance or something for he too produced a condom… or perhaps they were all just expecting to get laid tonight and they decided to be gentlemen. He quickly applied his condom even as she was grinding her ass against him, "Haah!" she moaned as he quickly pierced into her. "Ugh! Ugh Daddy…" she whined, "MMngh! Am I a good girl daddy?" SMACK! "Oooh!"

He smacked her ass as she asked that completely by coincidence. He just wanted to spank her. Now he was just mindlessly thrusting into her snug little pussy and moaning eagerly. His eyes rolled up into his head as his hips kept pumping, smacking away at her ass cheeks as she whined erotically making him, and by proxy those waiting behind him, all the harder…

Maybe that's why the next in line didn't feel like waiting. He rushed around Wonder Girl, crawling on the bed until he sat before her. She gazed at him sensually as he quickly unzipped his own pants, producing his cock happily for her viewing pleasure as she bit her bottom lip, moaning encouragingly.

"Oh daddy that looks so gooo-" She whined, "-oooo-oood…" she grunted as the one inside her already sped up his thrusts. "you have such a big! cock…!" He didn't but she was nice about it, these men weren't tiny but they won't be bragging to anyone anytime soon. She gasped in pleasure as an orgasm rushed through her, nobody really noticed but they enjoyed the show. "Put it in my mouth daddy!" she whined pleadingly, "I want to suck it!" she opened her mouth and lunged her face towards his cock, engulfing it quickly to the hilt just as the one inside her finished up.

"Haa-haa-haaaahh…" he sighed, thrusting as deep as he could get as she felt the ballooning of the condom. "Haah…" he yanked out of her, and removed the condom. Stepping aside he tied it off only for another to quickly take his place, already ready and gloved. He tossed the condom onto her back with the first as her third pussy pumper took his turn.

"Mmgh! Mngh! MMngh!" she grunted as he eagerly began thrusting her down onto the cock before her. "Mgh! Mgh! MGH!" the one behind her rapidly thrust into her body, holding her FIRMLY in place as his somewhat bigger dick reached all the good spots inside her. "Mmngh!" she came again, her ass cheeks wobbling and clenching as she buried her face into the crotch of the one in her mouth.

"Fuck Fuck! UUUugh!" And just as quickly as it began it was over, she was almost disappointed.

"HMPH…" she grunted, her eyes rolling back to normal as her orgasm finished as her pussy was emptied. A thick bulging condom popped from her tight hole as he quickly tied it off, smacking her left ass cheek as it rippled before tossing the cum filled bag onto her back with the others.

"Haah-Aaaah…" the one in her mouth flopped back onto the bed, writhing uncontrollably as he sucked out his load. "Oh my god…" he gasped as she planted her face to the base of his cock, slurping out his load longingly as she gulped it quickly down.

"Mmn-mmmn…" she twisted her face left and right, wagging her ass and by proxy her empty pussy behind her. "Mnn-mmnwah!" she popped off his cock, "Thank you daddy…" she purred, "…Next please…" she moaned encouragingly.

The most fit of all of them approached her, he was the most societally defined handsome of them all. Tall and muscular, but clearly was just as old as the rest of them. He unbuckled his pants and let his girth out for all to see and admire… or jealously ignore. Taking out a magnum sized condom from his pocket he slowly applied it on as the cock that was in her mouth vanished, rolling off the bed as she wiggled her ass against the tip of the 'monster' dick.

"Will you hurry up man!? We only have her for another ten minutes!" declared the groom as the rest of the ones waiting groaned and argued but all Wonder Girl could think about was how time flies when she's having fun…

"Well daddies only on thing for it…" she declared, standing upright. "…I have more than one hole…" she noted, licking her fingers invitingly before she was mob rushed. The fattest of them all greedily fondled her tits before climbing onto the bed… there were a few complaints but they were silenced as she climbed up after him, and squatted down on his rigid cock, briefly poking her ass with the tip before taking it all inside.

"Haaah! I always wanted to try anal!" he squeaked, hooking his arms under her legs as she rolled back onto his huge belly as he locked her in a full nelson, opening her up to the 'monster' daddy as he climbed over onto the bed and pushed his tip against her pussy as the fat one already started bucking up into her ass.

"Haaaha! Daddy! Ah daddy yes!" she whined as then began pounding and pumping in and out of her, desperate to cum but eager to play. Her breasts bounced wildly as her legs flopped limply about. "Haa-haa! NNgh! Oh Daddy Harder! Fuck me sore daddy!"

Which ever one WAS daddy didn't matter they both assumed it was them.

"AHaah! Aah MMGH! Pump me, FULL daddy! Use your big COCK to stuff my Holes! Aaah! Aaah! Aah…" her mouth opened wide, "Hurry Daddy! Stuff my mouth!" and yet another was happy to comply, standing on the bed, stuffing her mouth and silencing her cries of pleasure but not her moans of lust.

"Mmgnh! MMngh! MMngh-mmn?!" she squirmed twisting her lips up and down as she came. 'Monster' daddy abruptly pulled out of her, his condom full as he gasped for breath. All size and no show… but he achieved his purpose and she had an empty hole to fill…

"Haah! Aah! Ooh god!" Fat Daddy pushed up into her ass, "Oooooh!" depositing a hot was straight up her bowels… now she had two holes to fill.

"MMngh! MMngh! MMmngh!" burying her face to the base of her mouth fucker she slurped out a thick gooey load that oozed down her throat, she shuddered in her orgasmic climax before gasping off his shaft.

Spent. Drunk. Tired… she pouted, fingering herself… she ran out of dicks and time…

Best Man Daddy was the only one left… pushing off Fat Daddy she lay on the bed, her ass just on the edge of the end as she spread her legs wide. "…Daddy…" she encouraged as he licked his lips.

…He didn't bother putting on a condom. "Haaah!" she gasped as he pushed his girth into her, "Oh! Daddy! OOooh!" already thrusting and grinding on top of her as he slammed his hips down. "Haah! Aah! NNGh! Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!" his raw cock sliding easily in and out of her pussy, his hands clenching her ass cheeks tightly, pulling her hips up to meet his downward thrusts. "Fuck me daddy, fuck me. Fuck me. I love my daddy's big dick!" she whined erotically… making herself cum. "Oooooh!!"

"I'm your daddy now!" he declared as she came again! HARDER than before!

"YES! DADDY! YEEES!!" she shrieked, "Uuuuugggh!!" all of her muscles tightened and clenched as she came, hard as iron on the outside, soft, warm and tight on the inside. "You made me cum so hard daddy!" she whined, shaking as she felt his thick load rush into her as he planted his hips against her. her hands on his ass and instinctively pulling him deep. "Mmmn! Raw cock is best daddy… drain those balls in the naughty girl…"

His 'best man' paper crown flopped on the bed as he sighed happily. "…God that was the best sex I've ever had!" he moaned into the bed, his hips spasming and thrusting another rope into her.

"Thank you daddy…" she cooed, "Mmmn…" she rubbed his ass for a second, before gently removing him from her body and putting her spread legs on the floor. "Oooh…" cum dripped plentifully down her thigh and between her ass cheeks before she quickly spotted the bathroom and strutted towards it. Leaving the door wide open as she stepped into the shower…

Because obviously, she was going to do the 'shower thing'. Eagerly watched from the bedroom by a half dozen older men ogling her (arguably) perfect body as she sensually washed herself. After a good few minutes of riling up the men again… she borrowed a towel, drying herself quickly off before strutting past the crowd confidently. Heading back into the main room to grab her suit and ignoring the drunken stairs yanked her costume back on.

She quickly singled out the 'best man' and approached him with a friendly smile, "Alright. Time to pay for the delivery…" she said, holding out her hand as he fiddled with his pockets, producing a stack of fresh bills. Once it reached her hand it was joined by a selection of others from the rest of the crowd. Tips for dancing apparently… very generous. She smiled as one of them was bold/drunk enough to slip a ten right between her big breasts. She giggled blowing them all a kiss and giving the groom a wink. "Order again." she declared, waving and sashaying out of the studio.

A few of them followed her outside, viewing her greedily from the stairs as she made her way back to the car only for a gotham goon to stumble drunkenly out, "Get out of here!" ordered the barman as the goon flipped him off awkwardly then turned, spying her shapely frame.

"Mmmn! Wonder Girl!..." he grinned deliriously. "Aren't you a sexy piece of ass…" he declared as she ignored him, heading towards the car as she felt his hand cop a feel. Then his face felt weird… broken. And it was against the wall for some reason as he slumped to the floor, not quite sure what happened… but very aware that he just got his ass kicked.

Her viewing audience got it in recording… it only made her hotter.

Time: 9:44 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

Wonder Girl returned just as Lucy arrived. Stumbling into the Superbabes and still in her party dress as she turned her attention to the buxom brunette. "Helen I am so sorry…" she declared a bit embarrassedly as she rushed into the locker rooms to change. "I didn't do anything… usual… did I?"

"I didn't see any guys." Replied Helen humorously as she began depositing pay and the tips on the counter only for Orders to give her a majority of it back.

"Well chalk that up to a first time for anything then." Lucy declared exhaustedly, walking out in costume and looking refreshed. "Last thing I remember is getting drunk in a pool hall with Leslie and the next thing I know I'm waking up on your couch!" she handed Helen her keys, she had left them for Lucy.

"It all worked out in the end." Orders replied dismissively, "…Or will at any rate. Hold on a moment." the phone rang and she quickly picked it up.

"Superbabes, we deliver." She said in her usual business tone. "Oh, I'm afraid she just got off shift. But don't you worry I can send you another girl." Orders replied, spinning the pen in her finger. "…Oh she will be JUST as spirited." Orders declared with an almost evil grin. "She'll be right over." She wrote down an address and handed it to Lucy. "Here. Milk them for all their worth…" she frowned, "…And by that I mean their money… but also just do what you do." She declared with a roll of her eyes as Helen eyed the same address she just left.

"…Did you call me in just so you could send Lucy later?" Helen asked curiously as Orders' purple eyes twinkled mischievously.

"They get a taste of a rookie and now they get an expert… classic bait and switch." She said smugly as Ronnie-Bell, coming back into the lounge after removing some rowdy frat boys, raised a curious eyebrow.

"I don't think that's how that works." She noted thoughtfully.

"Hush. I know what I'm doing." Orders replied frankly as Lucy sighed, smiled, and slipped the receipt into one of her suit's many hidden pockets as the unordered food slid across the counter.

"Well, whatever you say Orders." Lucy replied before lightly patting Helen's shoulders, "I will thank you more appropriately later." Then said teasingly, "Not in a sexy way." She purred in a VERY sexy way, but still very serious. "I'll buy you lunch." She clarified kindly before strutting out the back. Helen just sighed, shook her pretty head, and brushed her hair from her face.

"I'll head home then." She said, "Good Night Orders." Orders purple-eyes flickered, before going back to her crosswords. Step by step she was bringing out Helen's natural talents… it was only a matter of time.

…Anyone else would think Orders had plans for world domination. But no: she was just greedy. Awakening a natural slut like Helen was just good business.


Honestly I had to go back and rewrite this. My first attempt was just... NOT GOOD at all, or not working. It involved sailors, pool sticks... well let's just say there was a reason Lucy was in this chapter and stayed when I rewrote it. Who doesn't Love Lucy?... Ehhhhh?... I'm sorry. I've been exhausted lately.

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