
Delivery Girl: Giganta Order #4

I don't own DC

It was early morning, and Orders had already gone home and Giganta was about to do the same. A 'bouncer' like her wasn't really needed in the daytime… She sat on the couch enjoying a light dinner/lunch/breakfast? It's hard to keep track when you're sense of time is off all over the place. But her fist was wrapped around a Power Girl double cheeseburger, her huge hand gripping the thing and making it vanish in a few quick bites.

…I guess it was more of a snack for her than a meal in the long run

In the other hand however, she read a far more recent sports magazine. Since it was a recent issue it, unfortunately, wasn't graced with the blessed forms of Green Lantern (I), Supergirl (II), or even (T) Vixen: she modeled underwear for a little bit in London. She was reading about some recent football trades when there was a commotion from the floor…

It wasn't an angry sort of commotion. No crashing or screaming for 'Giganta' to come and clean up a proverbial mess. It was really just some excited chattering, so she wasn't in a hurry to check it out until Wonder Woman stuck her head in from the doorway.

"Giganta." She noted curiously, getting the big woman's attention. "There's some guy here to see you? Says his name is Randy?"

"…No…" she breathed in curious disbelief before laughing slightly, getting off the couch and wiping her hand of any potential juices with a napkin. "…Fit guy? Gold teeth? Probably wearing sunglasses?"

"Yeah, that's him." Wonder Woman replied.

"Send him back here. I know him."

Wonder Woman shrugged and disappeared from view, barely a minute later a man in an expensive suit entered the lounge, signing a few strips of paper and handing them out with a cheery grin, showing off several gold-covered teeth. He waved and walked further in before smiling at Giganta.

"Ronnie-Bell." He said holding out his hand as she dwarfed his. He was a muscular man clearly, but she was still Giganta.

"Randall." She replied frankly, with a soft smile. "What brings you to my place of business?"

Rowdy Randy Ravage. The Scion of Scions, the Cranial Caver, Triple R… or as she knew him back when she was working as 'Tarzana': Randall Connally. One of the more popular wrestlers of his time, and still pretty popular today. He had a history of being a bit of a dick on camera and off, but he was always a professional with her. She wouldn't say he was a friend, but he did respect her and that was more than most were willing to give her.

"We're in Gotham for a show, and I thought I'd come by and offer you an opportunity."

"I'm not going to get back into that skimpy outfit and dance around the arena for a cameo." She declared quickly and firmly. Arguably more embarrassing and shameful than being a Superbabe as far as she was concerned: AND that's also considering the fact that she has sex with strangers.

"The outfit is negotiable." He smiled jokingly, but quickly shook his head. "In all seriousness Ronnie? Kelvin Dash is injured… again." Giganta rolled her pretty blue eyes but smiled, "And! And…" he added quickly seeing her skeptical look, "Not only do we need a suitable and talented replacement for his match… but as you know, I'm practically running things now." He said. "The boss is mostly hands-off, leaves everything to his kids, me, and some of the older vets." He said, "And I got the missus on my side." This 'missus' being the boss's daughter, "and she agrees with me on a booming market for talented women like you."

"…Oh?" she asked curiously as he nodded. "And all this comes about from 'Dashing' Kelvin Dash's injuries?"

"A big girl with moves like yours, can chokeslam the boys like it's nothing, and I've never seen you get hurt!" he replied, "Come back for a cameo, take out the jobber, and if you get a big enough Pop, the bosses will bring you back full time. With a shot at the title." He added conspiratorially.

"…the Women's title?" she asked suspiciously as Randy slowly shook his head.

"Gravedigger's taking time off… so we need someone to hold onto the belt until he comes back. First Female Holder of the Title Belt…" he said, letting the words tempt her, "If it all works out, we're talking straight to the HALL OF FAME: Guaranteed."

"…How long do I have to think about it?" she asked suspiciously as Randy smiled.

"Come in today, go through the motions, wrestle tonight… we'll see where it goes from there. Can you take time off?"

Giganta frowned thoughtfully, "…I'm about to get off actually."

"Great! I can give you a ride." He added quickly, eyeing her costume. "Heck, come dressed like that we could bill you AS Giganta."

"…No. I'll change…" she said, "…I'll follow you on my bike." She said, heading towards the locker rooms as her mind wandered, Randy walking out the front door.

'First Woman to Hold the Title Belt.' Giganta… was TRULY tempted…

The Next Day: Giganta's next Superbabe shift.

…It was one of the biggest positive Pops she's ever had: A 'Pop' in the wrestling business was the crowd reaction to a wrestler's appearance, cheers or boos, and she was never cheered for that HARD. When she got home after the match Sean was so excited about it that he crashed from the sugar high required to stay up so late, leaning against her powerful leg and snoring as soon as he finished his praise… Ciara was much calmer with her congratulatory words.

And once she entered Superbabes for her night shift she was met with cheers, whistles and applause, even Orders sarcastically clapping from her seat as she waved like a queen to the girls, approaching the locker rooms.

"Did you BREAK that guy when you threw him onto the mat?!" Green Lantern (II) asked as she change in the locker rooms with her, "I've seen you treat the guys Orders has you throw out nicer…"

"Andy Norton? No. He's had worse…" Giganta declared conversationally. "…Not often mind you, the guys a bit of a diva, but he knows his ropes."

"So? Are you going back?" Stargirl asked curiously from the lounge

"Did it hurt to be hit by that chair!?" Star Sapphire replied, "It broke when that Pig Clown smashed you with it?!"

She was 'ambushed' by Oink the Clown… if the crowd and the owners liked her match enough, she was going to have a 'rivalry' with him for her... return.

"I don't know if I'm going back." Giganta answered Stargirl, smiling sweetly as she snapped on her Giganta costume, "And no. The chair didn't hurt." Giganta added to the awed Star Sapphire. She didn't have the heart to break Kayfabe for her. "I don't get hurt by chairs, chairs get hurt by me.' She said smiling as Star Sapphire gasped softly in awe.

Say it with me now: 'It's a good thing she's pretty'.

"Alright that's enough fawning, you'll have plenty of time for questions and autographs on your breaks. Let her breathe." Orders declared, clapping her hands and gesturing towards the floors as the girls got back to work and Giganta leaned in her sport, crossing her arms thoughtfully. "…Very exciting." Orders noted plainly as Giganta smiled and sighed.

"…Felt nice to be on the mat again, in the arena, in an ACTUAL match! Not just as some gimmick arm candy."

"You're seven feet tall and sexy, that is a gimmick." Orders noted sagely as Giganta scoffed, "Not to mention you have a sexy southern bell accent, big tits, and a big ass." Giganta glanced over her shoulder at her (relatively) big ass.

"It's not that big."

"The point is you're still sexy. And they're going to take advantage of that…" Orders noted, glancing down at her crosswords and absently filling in a few boxes.

"So do you hon." Giganta retorted as Orders shrugged and glanced up at her with her flashing purple eyes.

"Yeah, but I won't lie to you about it, or make half-truths. You know what you're going to get with me."

"Are you trying to convince me to stay here if I decide to go back?" she grinned confidently as Orders, again, shrugged. "…Don't you know my answer already?"

"Yes, and yes… but in the end, you're seven feet tall and can roll a truck over. My opinion doesn't really matter." She leaned back in her chair, eyeing Giganta curiously. "…You wouldn't be here if you accepted their offer."

"Got me there, hon." She noted, with a half-smile. "They're not exactly known for keeping their word." She then pushed off the counter. "I think I'll go make a few rounds on the floor."

"Nah, don't bother…" Orders noted, reaching for the phone. "I'll just have to call you back in here."

Time: 8:15 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)


"Superbabes. We deliver."

"That sexy big lady, Giganta. Her and her meal please…"

"One 60-ounce sirloin with your choice of extra-large soft drink and complementary antacid and vomit bag."

"Sure. Fine-Wait? 60-ounce sirloin? Who the hell, can eat that in one sitting?"

"We are not responsible for your life choices. We expect her back within 60 minutes or less and are not responsible for any visits to the hospital do to overeating or anything else. You will be charged upon completion of delivery. Name, address and choice of soft drink please."


"Oh I'm just going to get a bunch of orders now that I've been on TV, aren't I?" she asked whimsically as Orders tore the receipt and handed it to Giganta. Who laughed jovially upon recognizing the name. "REALLY?!"

"You left an impression." Orders noted with a cruel smile.

"Ha-ha… when I'm done with him, he'll be an impression in the floor!" she declared exasperatedly. "Fine. I'll go rock his little world…"

"You'll have a bed." Noted Orders practically as the food skidded across the counter. Giganta gripped the bag in a huge hand and walked out of the back towards her bike, tossing it into the sidecar as she swung a massive muscular leg over the seat and revved her bike loudly, before skidding off into Gotham.

The Lash and Leash

The place you went in Old Gotham for whips, chains, BDSM, and a good time if you're a masochist: Green Lantern (II) was a regular. Giganta's bike rumbled up to the curb of the shop as she grabbed the food and got off. Apparently it was closed today judging from the 'closed' sign on the door…

Which raised a couple of questions, but she knew better than to care, putting on a pretty smile she briefly checked the doorknob… locked. That was understandable this was Old Gotham, she was fairly certain the glass was bulletproof. She raised her fist, rested her hand on her waist, and knocked loudly on the door. "Superbabes."

Time: 8:29 PM. Place: Old Gotham (The Lash and Leash)

"Special Delivery Service." She declared and waited, glancing down as the door opened to a tiny tinkling bell.

He grinned up at her, John 'Little John' Little. Owner of The Lash and Leash and something of a fan of hers after she retrieved Green Lantern (II) for a special delivery. "Hey Sugar." She declared with a roll of her big blue eyes as she slapped his face with the bag of food and walked right in.

John was barely over 4 feet tall, but he was built like a tiny Conan the barbarian, long black hair and bulging arm muscles, but he barely came up to her thigh as his height. Probably a bonus for him… he was handsome for a little guy.

"Hello you big, beautiful girl." He grinned charmingly up at her.

"Hmm-hmm…" she chuckled, her hand on her hip as he locked the front door again… and deadbolted it. Plus a chain. Old Gotham. "So you worked up the nerve for a ride did-ja?" she teased as he walked through the shelves of various 'toys' to the back counter, waving a hand at her to follow him.

"Oh HO yeah… I been waiting a month for you. Then I forgot." He shrugged sheepishly, "Rampaging Joker." He added to explain, admittedly that would be more important than a BIG booty call. "But THEN I saw you on wrestling on TV and remembered again!"

"Uh-huh." She smiled, ducking her head and going into the back rooms were all the 'fun' happens. Whips, chains, pretty girls and handsome men swinging toys at unmentionable asses. There were a few rooms that she openly ignored as he gestured to a rather plain looking door at the far end of the hall.

"Step into my office." He grinned up at her.

"Oh? Your office huh…" she smiled, reaching for the knob and walking right in.

Turns out it was an office. A pretty spacious one for such a tiny guy. A desk, a couch, a coffee table, mini-fridge… she tried not to giggle at that. A big screen TV mounted in the far corner of the room in view of said couch and desks…

Of course what was on the table made her pause. A candelabra, plates, utensils, and a large bottle of cheap wine. She smiled, snorted, and laughed as he blinked up at her: his smile unwavering in the face of her mirth. "Ha-ha! Ha-ha-ha-ha! Oh sugar!" she chuckled, "You're going to wine and dine me?"

"You strike me as a lady of sophistication." He said, grabbing a bottle opener from his desk and kicking his rolling chair opposite the table and offering her the couch that she strutted over to, sitting in the middle like a queen and crossing one muscular leg over the other as she watched him do the 'song and dance' of courting. "Is wining and dining not allowed for a Superbabe?" he teased as she laughed a deep in her chest sort of laugh.

Which obviously made her chest distractingly shake.

"Hmm-hmm… not necessarily." She noted, "But we're not supposed to drink on the job." She cooed, resting her large index finger on the cork of the bottle. "I'm the only one really allowed too." She cooed sensually before pinching the cork between her fingers and easily yanking it from the bottle.

John whistled, impressed at the trick. "You're the only one allowed to? Is that seniority?"

"No. I just won't get drunk." She replied frankly with a wink, "…At least not without an entire bar paying for my drinks…"

"…Ah." John replied, sitting on his chair. "Well how about some of that steak then?" he asked as she grinned, taking a swig of the wine bottle and licking her lips before she reached into the bag and removed the packaging followed by the steak. Slapping it onto his plate with a THUMP that made the table wobble. "Holy shit. Where did you get that Texas?"

She chuckled, "I don't really ask where the food comes from. I've seen the kitchens and I'm not even sure how the cooks cook it so quickly. Most of the guys I end up delivering it too eat it over time… she got to her feet, "A girl I work with. Circe, tends to buy it when she's low on funds, or the boss is paying… eats it little by little the whole week…" she strutted around the table and, slowly, slipped her thumb under her strap, lifting it down her shoulder as John Little giggled excitedly, grinning as her (comparatively) large breasts slipped free and the dress dropped to the ground.

"Hee-hee-hee! Ahem!" he cleared his throat as she rested a hand on the back of his chair and bent forward, her breasts swaying before his eyes as she rested her other hand on her hip. Grinning at him.

"Sugar… let's not beat around the bush… instead of wasting your precious time by trying to make me swoon with words, how about I break your couch with my hips?" she then grabbed him by the shirt and easily lifted him off the chair before tossing him onto the couch.

"Waah! Ooff!" he bounced in the middle as she easily pushed aside the table, with her foot and knelt down in front of him. Grabbing his belt and undoing it, ripping it free from his pant loops and swirling it over her redheaded head and hurling it away as he laughed. She grabbed his pants and easily tugged them down…

She might have actually torn them but nobody in the room really cared.

"UGH…" she grumbled, gazing at his underwear, briefs but that's not why she grumbled. "For a man who owns a sex shop you're making having sex REALLY difficult!" she noted with a prominent pout. Before grabbing said underwear and ACTUALLY tearing it from his waist and grabbing his 7-inches of dick in her hand and carefully stroking as he hissed happily through his teeth.

"Haa-haha…" he sighed and laughed, "Can't be sporting a hard on all the time you know… makes doing my job distracting… ooooh shit." He grinned as she twisted her hand, rubbing his cock on her palm as her fingers fondled his surprisingly heavy sack. Her fingers danced on his balls, churning them up and down with her sliding palm as she smirked confidently at him.

"How's that sugar?" she purred. Even on her knees she was eye level with him sitting on the couch. "Hmm?" she cooed, moving her hand faster and faster against his twitching length as he squirmed, slapping her muscled forearm as she grinned.

"OOoh… ooh okay. Okay stop. STOP!" he gasped as pre-cum oozed onto her palm and she pulled it away. She pulled her hand to her lips and licked his goo from her hand as he took a breath. "Alright don't INSULT me…" he pointed at his erection as it twitched, "…Don't jerk me off alright?" She tossed her red hair from her face, and leaned forward, spreading his legs apart as she opened her mouth and took ALL of him into it. "Ooh shit…" he gasped, shaking as he clung to her head.

"MMn… mmn-hmn…" bobbing her face up and down as he gripped her red locks, "Mmnn…" she slurped at the base of his cock, her tongue doing most of the work as it wriggled around, over and against every inch of his length. "Mmn-hmnm… mnm?" he pushed against her face with his hips before pulling away, his balls popping from her lips as he held her head tight.

Getting to his feet he stood on the couch, and bucked against her head as she moaned softly, "Mmgh-mmn-mmmn…"

"Haa-haah-aah…" steadily pumping against her face, his fists tightening in her hair as he opened his mouth, "Haaah…"

"Mmn-mmgn!" she blinked up at him as she tasted his load, bursting into her mouth as she cooed, reaching around her back for the wine bottle as he slipped free from her lips. She turned her head, and took another swig, gulping down his cum with wine before gasping. "Ahh…" and smacking her lips, slamming the bottle down on the table. "Better than you expected?"

He stood proudly on the couch, grinning as he gave her a thumbs up. "Oh yeah."

"Alright then… lie down." She said, getting to her feet.


"…Excuse me sugar?" she grinned towering over him.

"YOU lie down." He said, gazing up at her, hands on his hips. It might have been HILARIOUS if not for the fact that it took her by surprise.

"Sugar I am literally head and shoulders above you… if I want you to lie down, you lie down." She said with playful warning.

"Uh-huh." He grinned, hopping off the couch and reaching up to clap a hand on her ass.

"Oh!" she gasped lightly gazing down at him with a dangerous smile as his fingers continued to fondle her cheek.

"I get it, you're a 'top' kinda girl… which means it's gonna feel GREAT when you're on the bottom." He patted her rear, "Go OOOOON." He crooned as she rolled her eyes, and crawled onto the couch. Her hands on the back of it as she knelt low, swinging her comparatively huge ass behind her as John stared. "…Now THAT is a sight!" he squeezed her ass cheeks before hauling himself up. "Ho-wee… alright." He wrapped his arms around her waist, rubbing his girth against her pussy as it got harder and harder… his tip slipping into her lower lips. "MMGh!"

"Ahh… AH! AH! AH…." She moaned erotically as he began to thrust HARD against her, slamming his lips against her ass as she gasped. "Haah-aah-aah-aaah!"

"Haah-Ah…" John slammed against her from behind, barely standing on the couch as he bucked rapidly against her. "NGh! AH-aha-aah…" he pushed into her body, holding onto her waist as he wobbled dangerously… "Whoa…! NGH!... okay fuck it." he grunted.

"Wha-?" she breathed as he pulled out of her only to flop onto her back, "Ah-OH! NNGH!!" she grit her teeth as John's legs squeezed against her thighs and his cock pushed up into her ass, "AH-ahaa! Ahh you! OOoh!" she squeaked suddenly, shaking as he began to jackhammer on her body. "AH-ahaa-haa-aha-aaahahshit!" she clawed the couch as his hips became blurr.

Little John's muscles weren't just for show, every single one of them working in tandem to pound the SHIT out of the big girl. His arms wrapped around her waist tensed up like iron as his legs squeezing her thighs pushed and pulled his hips rapidly against her ass. "Aahaa-aaah!" she moaned, burying her face into the couch as she raised her hips up behind her, letting gravity pull him into her as she clawed the couch. "MMnngh!"

"Haa-haa-haaah-aaah-aah!" Rocking his head back and forth his long hair flopped about like a headbanging rockstar as he used the momentum to pound her ass harder, his skin glistening with sweat as her ass wiggled side to side, shaking with pleasure as she tried to shake him off to no avail. "Haa-uGH! UGH! UGH!!! YES!!"

"MMMMNGH!!" she felt his cum rushing up into her bowels as he planted his hips against her upraised ass. She squeezed his cock as she came, shaking as her legs slid off the couch, hitting the floor with him still squeezing onto her body. "MMnngh… mmn…" she mumbled, pulling her face from the cushions. "Oh… Sugar…" she cooed, before gazing over her shoulder at him. "WARN a girl before you go in the backdoor!"

"Ha-hah… WHOA!"


Sliding right out of her John hit the ground, "…Ow." He grunted, pawing at her calves before crawling up her leg. She stood upright as he rubbed her thigh and slid half of his hand into her dripping pussy. "MMn! Look at that… I sild right in…" he smiled as she scoffed, flicking his forehead.

"They ALL slide right in." she cooed. "I don't have to be warmed up for that…"

"But you ARE warmed up…" he added as she scoffed, "…Get back on the couch…" he declared as she swiveled her hips slowly, his fingers sliding in and out. "Lie down on your back this time."

She rolled her blue eyes before sitting down on the couch and slid down to lie on her back, spreading her legs before she hooked her hands behind her knees, pulling her legs up and open as John spread her moisten womanhood to practically gaze deep inside her before fingering, and licking at her pussy. "Haah… ah…" she squirmed slightly, breathing heavily as her lower body trembled…

But he didn't eat her out for long, scraping her inner walls with his fingers he pulled his hands out and crawled over her, "Haa… Ahh yes!" he hissed, awkwardly mounting her as he began pounding away.

"Haa-aah! Ahh! Auaah…" she writhed on the couch, grunting as he began a steady rhythm in and out of her. "Ugh. Ugh. Ah… ah… ah!" his hands clutched at her breasts, only seeming to make them feel bigger than they were as he squeezed, ramming away into her body as she squeezed the back of her legs with her hands. "Haa-haaah… AH!" toes curling in the air "NGHh!" bucking her own hips up against his downward thrust as he buried his length inside her again and again.

"UGH! Take! My! DICK!" he groaned, burying his face into her abs and planting his hips firmly against hers as he sighed contentedly. She shuddered letting her legs go as they swung forward and slammed on the floor.

"Haaah…" she gasped, feeling John's load rush eagerly inside her as she placed her hands on her sweaty face and rubbed her hair out of her eyes as she groaned contentedly.

"That was great." He declared into her stomach as she laughed, he shook on top of her as she grabbed his waist.

"…Yeah it wasn't bad… but sugar?" she pulled him easily out of her and stood up, holding him under his arms like a caught child. "…It's not a good time, until I break something…" she said sensually, before tossing him dismissively onto the couch.

"…Oh…" he mumbled. His face unsure of whether it should be excited or nervous as she cast an ominous shadow over him. Finally his face settled on some sort of grimace as she spread her legs, and dropped onto him. "OOH! Fuck…" he gasped, her generous hips swinging slowly on his lap… what LITTLE lap could be seen. He's also lost feeling in his legs…

But his cock felt GREAT.

She rolled her hips, forward… then back. "MMmn…" sliding him into her as she gripped the back of the couch and he feebly pawed at her waist. "…Hold onto something Hon." She purred.

"…Oh Shit." He breathed happily, "OH. SHIT!" he gasped painfully, but still VERY happy as Giganta went up… and down.


The couch banged against the wall as she dropped onto John's lap, his fingers sinking into her waist as she gasped for breath, "Haah! Ah-ah…aahh yeah sugar… this is the FUN part!" she smirked, closing her eyes and letting instinct take effect…

John, HAPPILY enjoyed the ride, the view, and the moment… not so much the aftereffects. "Haa-haa-aah-I… Could… die! HAPPY!" he squeaked, feeling his cock vibrating inside her as she practically smothered him with her body. Her hands tight on the couch as it creaked and groaned dangerously under her dropping hips…

"Haa-Ah aahh! Aaah!!" she gasped, shaking as her blue eyes rolled up into her head. "NNGH!!" she slammed her hips down, "Haaaaah…" her whole body shaking as she sucked in air through her teeth as she came. "MMMGH!"

…She felt his load rush up into her body as she kept her hips glued to his. "Hmm-hmm…" she chuckled, caressing his hair. "Everything you hope for?"

"Yes..." he squeaked, "…Please… take your time…" she raised an eyebrow, feeling his legs twitch beneath her as she finally got up his lap. "…Oh… my god…" she got off the couch as it's legs suddenly gave out, the right side splintering and flopping to the ground. John seemed unaffected. "I can't feel my legs." He grinned. "Can we do that again?" he asked deliriously.

"…Save it for next time sugar…" she cooed, stretching her body erotically as he watched… his cock twitching, seemingly unaffected by his recent bout with the dreaded but much desired 'snu-snu'. "MMN! You're going to need a new couch…" she said.

"…Huh… shit you really did break something?"

"How are your bones?" she asked playfully as he got to his feet.

"Fffffffuck I'll live…" he said, wobbling dangerously before leaning against her thigh for support. "MMMnn…" he hugged her leg as she laughed. "…Seriously can we do this again? Hell come with Daph… I'll keep you entertained."

"Hmm-hmm…" she chuckled, pushing him playfully away as her various holes leaked various fluids. "Haa…" she bent over as he caressed her, grabbing at her suit as she stood back up, grabbed the wine bottle and drank the rest easily. "…Maybe sugar, no promises…" she said teasingly, "Although you could always just order again…"

"Right. Right…" he mumbled, "I better get you payment." He then hobbled towards the desk. "Ow… ow-nngh… ow…" he then fumbled with a few drawers as she slipped back into her costume. Snapping on her shoulder strap just as he retrieved a stack of messy bills. "Here you go…" she took it, slipping the money under his strap, gazing down at his grinning face.

"…Oh… why not."

"Wha-Oh!" she lifted him from the floor and gave him a kiss, before easily tossing him back onto the broken couch… it's other legs snapping away and dropping to the floor. "…Wow."

"Order again Sugar." She winked, strutting out of the room. "I'll be here all week."

Time: 9:34 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

"I don't think Ronnie-Bell should trust that Rudy Randy Rowdy person." Lindsey declared as the towering beauty returned, walking into the back of Superbabes. "He seems untrustworthy."

"Lindsey it's Rowdy Randy Ravage." Brielle corrected patiently, "And it's all just an act. I'm sure he's a nice person."

Ronnie-Bell paused for a minute, frowned, then put the money on the counter as Orders came out of her office. "Welcome back." She replied. "How was the little man?"

"…Is that offensive?" Ronnie-Bell asked with a half-smile.

Orders seemed to think about it. "…No." she said with finality.

"Well, he was FINE. If you really wanted to know." She headed towards the locker rooms. "I'm taking a shower." Orders waved her off as Brielle tried and failed to explain kayfabe to the WORST person to try and explain kayfabe too.

"Non. Lindsey." Brielle tried patiently. "It is… like a soap opera! With more violence than usual! It's all a show."

Lindsey pouted, tapping her chin. "…But when Ronnie-Bell threw those men through the tables that looked pretty real."

"That was all staged."

"Last week was staged?!" Lindsey replied in shock. "But those guys she threw out were so violent!" Brielle thoroughly confused and unaware that Ronnie-Bell broke a few tables on the floor last week could only gape at her friend as Orders rubbed her face.

"It's a good thing she's pretty. It's a good thing she's pretty… it's a GOOD THING she's pretty." Orders mumbled comfortingly to herself as Ronnie-Bell, fresh and clean, walked back out of the locker rooms. Eyeing the VERY confused Lindsey and the flustered Brielle.

"Want me to handle that?" she asked with a smile.

"I WANT to handle your negotiations…" Orders glanced at a slowly smiling Ronnie-Bell, "…But since you're not going back full time it seems rather pointless."

Ronnie-Bell just shrugged, "Eh… I'd have to go out of town more often…" she leaned against the counter. "I'd have to deal with backroom politics… don't get me started on the guys that probably know about what goes on around here, if I wanted to get screwed, I'd rather have fun and get paid for it… not to mention Sean has soccer games I have to take him too." She shrugged, "…I'm all booked up. Besides… you'd miss me." She smiled prettily.

Orders scoffed. "…Only for the first week…" she lied, resting her chin on her hand and watching as Daphne tried to help Brielle, but she was a passing viewer of wrestling so it wasn't helping much. "…Go fix that." she sighed as Ronnie-Bell chuckled, pushing off the counter.

"Right away boss." The corner of Orders mouth twitched slightly in a restrained smile.


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