
Delivery Girl: Wonder Girl

I don't own DC


The bars slammed shut on her as she stood in the small holding cell. Gazing at the cot forlornly as she sat upon it. The MP standing guard outside her cell as she stared at the far wall. She took a deep breath and sighed… it wouldn't be long now.

She wore her military-issue tank-top that showed off her moderately large, plump breasts, held in place by a sturdy sports bra. She also wore her military-issue cargo pants and boots, both of which did nothing to enhance the appeal of her thick firm ass, that was just natural… The MP's didn't really give her the opportunity to change when she went mental on her commanding officer.

Her knuckles were still bloody from when she knocked his teeth out. She washed her hands in the provided sink, fiddling with her hands as she glanced at the mirror… Silky and luxurious long black hair, soft ivory skin, bright blue eyes, and soft red lips… She was beautiful, but she looked more like a pinup model than a soldier… a fact that her commanding officer took advantage of more than once.

…She always followed orders, but now it was one time too many. He didn't keep his end of the bargain, gave his endorsement to another soldier, and yet still expected her to continue her regular… 'gun polishing' routine with him. She should've known better… but it just felt too GOOD…

…Of an opportunity… obviously.

…Look, it wasn't her fault the Physical training enhanced her beauty even more than expected, so now she had the body of a fit succulent temptress. So why not use it to her full abilities? It's not like she had any other advantages that many other soldiers have. ..


She jumped out of her thoughts as the guard shot to attention as a man she only recognized as her superior's superior entered the brig. An older man with a slight limp and lots of medals, he approached the guard, "At ease." He ordered, "…Leave us."


"Leave." He said, gesturing to the exit opposite of the direction he came from.

"…But sir." The guard eyed her, clearing his throat. "…The 'hellbound' rumors?… if I leave you alone with her?"

"I'll be right behind you." Replied the officer. "Not nearly long enough for anything uncouth." She rolled her eyes as the guard hesitated, but saluted again and marched out of sight as she got to her feet. Walking with a sway she could not help towards the bars.

"…Sir." She saluted respectfully, displaying her tight body as she stood at attention… ready to do whatever he ordered. But to her surprise, he looked back up the hall as the door opened…

Click. Clack. Click. Clack…

An attractive but indistinct woman she's never seen before, with purple eyes, came into cell's view. The new woman wasn't an officer… but she had a certain powerful authority to her that would make 5-star generals falter. The officer cleared his throat. "I can give you ten minutes." He said hesitantly. The Purple-eyed woman gazed at him with a raised eyebrow, as if to say 'seriously?' without words. He cleared his throat again, "…Please don't do this to me." He said nervously. "Edward Teach's word can only go so far."

"You can give me as long as I need." Her eyes purple eyes flashed warningly, "But this won't take long anyway." She took the spare keys from the nearby hook and opened the door with a clatter as the Officer nervously cleared his throat and quickly walked after the guard. Leaving her alone with the Purple-eyed woman.

She walked right past her, sitting down on the cot. Patting the spot next to her, inviting her to sit. She braced her taught body, then joined the Purple-eyed woman, sitting down on the caught and staring at the wall at attention.

"You can relax." The Purple-eyed woman declared simply as she didn't. "…Seriously you can relax." She repeated. "At ease." She finally said, with a slight smirk as she did a little, just following orders... that will be funnier in hindsight.

"…Who are you? Ma'am?" she asked stiffly as the Purple-Eyed woman raised her eyebrow again.

"…I'm Orders." She said simply as she stared back at her oddly. "As in. I give them, you take them." Orders added frankly, as she fidgeted in response. "Now. I'm going to ask you a question and I would like you to answer honestly." She said professionally, when she didn't respond, Orders continued.

"Why did you spend the last two months sexually servicing your commanding officer?" She bit her lip nervously as Orders stared her down, asking such an intrusive question with a straight face.

So… she couldn't help but answer honestly.

"…Because he ordered me too." She said frankly as Orders laughed a quick-

"Ha!' she shook her head, "Oh… okay." Orders eyed her studiously, "…We both know that if he DID do such a thing, and I believe he did, you could've just reported him." She said frankly, "At the very least you would've been transferred to a different command."

She didn't respond, now just stoically staring at her attractive self in the mirror. Trying not to hate how beautiful she looked. She joined the military to not only be taken seriously but to prove that she could do it… now she was going to be kicked out and god knows what else… just because she didn't say 'no'.

Orders eyed the mirror, inspecting her own purple-eyed reflection. "…You know what I think? I think you did it… because you like it." If a man had told her that, she would've knocked his teeth out. But Orders said it so frankly, so confidently…

…That if she didn't already know it was true, she would've believed Orders without question.

She joined the military as soon as she turned 18 and didn't lose her virginity until basic training… and then a door was open. She went out with some of the others, got drunk, got laid… then the rest of her squad were taking turns in her until she got out of basic… Her commanding officer heard rumors of her promiscuity and took her as an aide-de-camp. Practically a secretarial position with promises of promotion and responsibility…

For two months she sucked his cock under his desk upon his command. For two months she awoke him every morning before reverie to tend to his morning wood. For two months she entertained him in his office late at night dancing and stripping as he watched, she was an amateur, but now she was practically an expert after constant practice. For two months she degraded herself with ever-increasing lustful acts. She helped him cheat on his wife, lied to her fellow soldiers, and got out of KP and other tasks by getting on her knees and doing whatever he wanted…

With a fucking smile on her face…

It wasn't until his promises began to ring hollow did she just outright stopped. He didn't like that, he threatened to report her and all sorts of foolish things and just decided to punch him and deal with the court martialing.

"…So what?" she finally said as Orders smiled at her.

"So how would you like to work for me?" Orders asked casually.

"…I'm going to be court-martialed, probably put into prison for assault. And you want me to work for you?" she stared at Orders hopefully, "…I don't suppose your special forces or… I don't know a Jerry's Angel's kind of thing?"

"Ha-ha… no." Orders shook her head. "No, I'm a restaurateur."

It was her turn to laugh, "Yeah, No."

"Hear me out, Soldier." She said coolly, "…You're loyal. You follow orders, you can keep your mouth shut… and most importantly you like sex…" she fidgeted, confused as to how that last part was most important to a restaurateur… sure Orders was attractive, but she didn't necessarily swing that way. Not that she wouldn't. "So. Work for me, and at the very least you'll have a job, a hobby, life-security. And maybe friends that are friends who don't want to just get into your pants…" she hesitated, and corrected herself with an exasperated roll of her eyes "…Most of them anyway."

"…And what if I don't?"

"Then you'll be dishonorably discharged, and you won't have those things." She replied frankly. "You joined the military as soon as you turned 18, you don't have any job experience…" she stared in awe at Orders as she listed off her many 'faults'. "You ran away from home. You don't have any proper savings, so you definitely can't afford your own housing…"

"How do you know all of this?!" she asked angrily. She had practically performed a background check on her, what sort of 'restaurateur' was she?

"I'm Clairvoyant." Orders replied simply, her eyes flashing. "Now shut up. Attention!"

Immediately she stood to attention, Orders's natural command taking effect. Orders eyed her fit body, her firm ass and bulging breasts, getting to her own feet as she stood before her, gazing into her blue eyes. "So you should work for me, and put all of your natural talents to good use…" she said casually. "…And at least I'll get you off the 'dishonorable' part of your discharge.

"…You can do that?" she asked surprised

"Of course, I can'." Orders brushed her clothes with her hands, "I'm Orders."

"…That means nothing to me." She replied frankly.

"…It means I'm your boss." Orders replied confidently, patting her shoulder with the back of her hand before holding out the same hand to her. "And I take care of my girls…" She stared at Orders's proffered hand, as she contemplated her last deal for the good life that went wrong, before she slowly reached out, and gripped Orders's hand as they firmly shook. "Good. Now then let's get you out of here." She whistled sharply and waited as she stared at the purple-eyed woman curiously.

"…How are you… going to help me get out of this?"

"Well, first I figured I'd ruin your commanding officer's life by informing his wife just where and how she can find MOST of his mistresses, then get him dishonorably discharged by calling in a few favors and blackmail that HIS commanding officers owe me." She sighed, "…As well as make a few promises that a few of my girls would be more than happy to keep." She then eyed her awed expression. "…Then I thought I'd treat you to dinner and get you fitted for a suit…" eyeing her casually up and down. "…Something tight in red, gold, and starry."

She stared at her surprised as Orders walked out escorted by the officer. "…What?"

A few weeks later.

She learned very quickly that when Orders said she was going to do something she meant it. She hardly had to wait an hour before the charges were dropped and she was dismissed but at least there was no blemish on her record, just a general discharge. After a bit of adjustment, and finding a cheap apartment, she was ready to start delivering.

AS with most of the Superbabes's costumes, hers was tight, form-fitting, and flattering: Bright red and lined with golden stars along with a golden 'band' around her waist with a 'W' as a 'belt buckle'. However, for practicality's sake it was part of her body-hugging costume. From the bottom of her large breasts, the suit was body stocking, however, breasts and up it was very cleavage-revealing with yet more stars upon them… pressing her breasts tightly to her chest for maximum effect, and to finish silver (imitation) bracers, and black boots.

She also was given cute little star earrings, but she needed to get her ears pierced so she left them in the locker as she looked herself over in one of the many mirrors… She didn't really want to admit it herself but she was pretty fucking hot…

She took a steadying breath, checked to make sure the suit was secured on her body but she didn't need to look for that she could FEEL it hugging every curve. Practically a body stocking… but she brushed her fingers through her wavy black locks, turned and walked out into the lounge.

Red Lantern, on break, Giganta in the bouncer spot, and of course Catwoman (I) holding the camera as ever, ready to take her picture so Orders could get it posted. "Okay Wonder Girl, ready to pose?"

"Sure I guess." She mumbled unsurely.

"You know what I don't get?" Red Lantern declared suddenly, getting up from the couch and sexy walking away as Wonder Girl took her place upon it, standing almost triumphantly with her hands on her shapely waist. "When you hired me, I had to have 'training' with just about every specialist you have." She frowned, "How is it that every New Hire I've seen you employ just had two weeks of basic orientation and nothing else?"

Orders pried her eyes away from the naturally gorgeous Wonder Girl to eye Red Lantern curiously. "I thought it was obvious? You actually needed the training. Everyone else knows what they're doing." She frowned thoughtfully, raising her hand and listing off some girls. "Laura Heart: Popular Pornstar. Shiawase Toyoda: JAV starlet. Yaya Zhang: Watches an absurd amount of pornography…"

"Not so much anymore." Catwoman replied, still taking pictures of the 'natural' Wonder Girl. "I'm living a porno at this point." She took a few more pictures of Wonder Girl who didn't even really have to try, she looked good in just about every shot. "I just have to come into work nowadays." She added with a smirk.

"Son of a bitch." Red Lantern grumbled, as Catwoman approached the counter and handed off the camera. "Wait Shiawase? I thought her name was Joy?"

"Her parents are traditional Japanese do you really think they'd give her an English name like Joy? Shiawase means joy, basically. Stop getting me off my train of thought." Orders declared, hooking up the camera and soon posting Wonder Girl's sexy picture. "Compared to the rest of them, 'Ex-con with a thick ass' isn't exactly the same."

"What about her?" she replied indignantly gesturing to Giganta who laughed dismissively.

"I'm sorry sugar have you SEEN me?" she replied confidently. She raised her arms and flexed impressively. "MMN! Built and beautiful!"

"…She is very convincing." Orders declared, swatting Giganta's rear lightly with the close-to-hand Veronica paddle. "Knock it off." she added as Giganta chuckled. "Alright." She turned her attention to Wonder Girl, "You're up there." She brushed her hand towards the floor, "Go on. All of you. Plenty out on the floor tonight." She said, and the floor was indeed particularly packed.

The three regular Superbabes walked onto the floor as the bouncer Superbabe remained, glancing at Orders and the website, with the freshly posted Wonder Girl. "…You know you never did give us a meal for her."

"Hmm? Chicken breasts, waffles and fries." Orders replied as Giganta chuckled.

"That's Wonder Woman's."

"Wonder woman comes with thighs." Giganta raised a curious eyebrow at that.

"…That's trivial and you know it."

"Give me a break." Orders replied irately, her purple-eyes flashing, "I'll work on it!" she grumbled while she reached for the phone just before it rang.

Time: 8:13 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)


"Superbabes, we deliver."

"Is that Wonder Girl on the site new?"


"Yeah. I was wondering about that because her meals the same as Wonder Woman's."

"Wonder Woman's comes with… We're workshopping it. Are you ordering or not?"

"Yeah sure…"

"Very well, we expect her back within 60 minutes or less or the police will be informed. You will be charged on completion of the delivery. Name and address please."


"Stop looking so smug." Orders ordered Giganta who did look particularly smug, "Just get her." she added exasperatedly as Giganta went to go retrieve the new girl. "I'm working on it!" she repeated snappily. Grumbling quietly to herself as Giganta pushed her way through the crowd of sexy ladies and restaurant patrons getting to Wonder Girl who was handling a whole table by herself (with fanservice) before she was pulled away. The table didn't really approve but luckily Red Lantern and Huntress were happy to take over their attention.

Wonder Girl pulled dollar bills from her 'straps' snuggly held just over her big breasts before she slipped them onto counter. Where Orders took them and placed them under the counter, replacing them on top with a receipt that Wonder Girl took and glanced over, as the food quickly slid across the counter in an appropriately stamped Wonder Woman disposable bag.

"So just take this and-"

"Drive off, go to the location, fuck someone's brains out." Giganta supplied, and winked, "…Pretty standard affair." She then placed her huge hands onto Wonder Girl's smooth shoulders before lifting her off her feet, facing her towards the door before swatting her rear. Wonder Girl squeaked and shot forward from the force of Giganta's strength, her ass cheeks wobbling even in the tight suit.

"Ow…" she grumbled under her breath, rubbing her shapely behind as she walked out the back to the company car. She pulled out into the street and sped off into Gotham.

The car eventually came to a complete stop. She glanced out the window at the suburban house. Chipped paint on the walls, un-mowed grass yard, and a chain-link fence surrounding it, she almost expected someone with a shotgun to be sitting on a rocking chair out front.

But she grabbed the bag of food and got out of the car, her boots echoing briefly on the sidewalk in the dark night as half a block away a couple walked their dog, both not noticing her. She opened the unlocked chain-link gate and walked towards the front door. It was one of those fancy doors with tempered, tinted glass in the middle in the shape of a diamond, warping the inside of the house as she tried to take a peek through.

But she quickly stopped, raised her fist, and rapped it three on the solid wood. "…Superbabes?"

Time: 8:43 PM. Place: Suburbs (Uncared for home)

"Special delivery Service." She finished dismissively, unsure why she even had to say it. But it was drilled into her and if she was good at anything it was getting drilled-WOW that sounds so fitting and so insulting if she thought about it too hard.

She decided to get her mind off such thoughts and put it more towards thoughts of what slovenly, unkempt, desperate virgin lives in such a disheveled house and orders a 'delivery girl' to come and entertain him.

The door however soon popped open. "Whoa… way better than your picture." He complimented in a distinct 'dude-bro' sort of voice as she eyed his rather youthfully handsome figure up and down. He was collaged age, slightly unshaven rugged beard, dark brown hair and just as dark eyes, fit, broad-shouldered and wearing a Phi Omicron Rho Nu T-shirt a size too small for him…

Alright. She will allow herself to be surprised that such a handsome guy was her first 'delivery' she fully expected a 'Jubba the hutt' sort of situation. He tilted his head inside the house, "Come in." he said, stepping aside as he watched all the good bits jiggling and bounce with each step, walking into the slightly run-down home.

Outside might have been run down but the insides were much neater than expected walking straight into the clean living room. Couch and recliners surrounding a sturdy look table covered with empty and unopen beer bottles as the TV, on mute, played a football game.

"Want a beer?" he asked politely, before flopping back onto the couch, watching her excitedly as he finished off an open bottle.

"…I'm not allowed the drink on the job." She replied, knowing Orders wouldn't approve.

"Bummer." He replied in his 'dude-bro' voice.

She shrugged, putting the food on the table. "It's fine… I can find other ways to entertain myself." She said as she ran her hands from her thighs to her big, soft breasts, squeezing them notably as her fingers sunk into her pliable flesh. "Mmmn…" her moans echoed around the empty house as his shorts bulged in response…

Her eyes gazed at it as it grew bigger and bigger… her commanding officer was an older man, and he wasn't as big as this frat boy, who grinned smugly at her, yanking down his shorts as his meaty rod shot up. He gripped it and began to stroke it at the sight of her squeezing her tits. "Damn look at that body!" he snarled, stroking his proud 9-incher as it throbbed in his hand. "Come here…"

She rolled her blue eyes smugly, stepping on and over the table as she approached him only for him to reach out, groping her big tits himself and yanking the upper half of her suit apart, her big breasts freed to wobble before his eyes before he grabbed them both and slurped her nipple.

"Uuuuh…" she moaned reactively, bent over slightly as his hands slid down her back and firmly squeezed her ass cheeks through the suit. "NNgh…" her big soft breasts were pliably stretched and greedily slurped… she once teased her commanding officer with her tits, but normally he just used her mouth, and only occasionally did he penetrate her and he did so with a condom… Her hands reached for his cock, sliding up both sides rubbing her palms against him as her fingers lightly scratched his sensitive skin as it twitched in her grip.

"MMGh! MMn…" he groaned around her right tit, slurping loudly as he pulled his hand away stretching it before releasing letting it wobble back elastically into place before he stood up. "OOoh…" he put his hands on her shoulders and pushed…

She got to her knees with little resistance, so used to it that she didn't think about it at all. He gripped the back of her head with one hand, holding the base of his cock with the other as it rigidly aimed towards her mouth. She opened it without thinking, and rested her lips around the tip. "MMgh! MMng! MGNh! MMgn!"

"Oh shit! Oooh fuck! Oh yes!" he laughed "Ha-ha… aaah yeah I NEEDED my dick sucked…" teeth clenched he gazed down at her, cock pulsating as she gazed back. "Keep going, don't stop." He ordered, "Suck out every drop."

…Something about sucking dick got her off. Perhaps it was her inherent submissive nature… not that she WAS 'submissive' exactly but she did take orders without complaint, sometimes she even needed to take orders. Her pussy moistened as she sucked harder and louder, gliding along his shaft as her breasts wobbled with her movements, saliva dripping onto them from his shaft as she skillfully applied her cock-sucking knowledge…

She sucked cock a LOT in her brief military career

She had no gag reflex and she took his entire shaft into her throat with each bob of her head, going faster and faster as he tickled her tonsils and scraped out mucus and saliva. "MMgh! MMNgh! MMGNh!" his cock bulging between her lips ready to fire as she kept going. He said not to stop.

She wasn't quite sure how long she sucked his dick, but he enjoyed every minute. Melting in her mouth as he trembled, his fingers gripping her hair tightly. "Haa… Ahh!" he thrust his hips forward, hard against her face. "UGH! NGH!!" burying his cock easily into her throat as her eyes watered. "Here it cums! Down on it! Down on it!" he jammed her face into his crotch but she went willingly, her throat contracting around his pulsating girth as his hot plentiful load shot down her throat.

"OOH! SHIIT!" he gasped happily, flopping back onto the couch with her face still in his crotch like a living codpiece. "Oooooh." You can take the frat boy out of the frat house but you can't get rid of their treatment of women. "That was the best head I've ever had, and our cheerleaders are REALLY good…"

Her tongue writhed against his twitching member, still in her mouth, as she moaned softly, feeling his hot load in her stomach. "Mmngh… mmn." She gripped the top of her head and pulled her off his member. "MMngh-maaaah…" her mouth open wide and slobbery, saliva strings hanging inside like webbing as her tongue lolled out and she licked. He gripped his floppy member and slapped it against her tongue, it wasn't so floppy anymore.

He rolled onto the couch, lying on his back as his cock wobbled erectly before her eyes, "Get on." She leaned forward and gave it a long, slutty lick before she got to her feet. Kicking off her boots and feeling her toes in the carpet she reached behind her neck and stretched the elastic strap of the suit over her head as it fell away. it crumpled to the floor leaving her naked and gorgeous as his cock rigidly wobbled as hard as he could get. It even started to hurt… "Fuck me." He breathed.

Taking it as both an order and a compliment she crawled onto the couch, swinging her leg over him as he tight moistened pussy prepared for its first raw cock in a long time. She didn't wait long.

"I need that body!" he growled desperately, grabbing her hips and yanking her down.

"Aah! Fuck!" she snarled, shaking as her eyes rolled.

Wham! Wham! Wham!

He wasted no more time, pounding up into her as her body shuddered, her big breasts leaping up and down with her as she rode his lap. "Haa! Aaah! Aaah! You! Ooooh!" his cock pulsated inside her as it rammed in deep, her inner walls clinging to him as he greedily watched her tits fly up and down.

"You are so fucking tight! Ah… UGH! Like that! Huh?"

"AH! Aaagh! I! LOVE IT!" squeezing around his member as she came, her hands clutching to her ankles as her tits flopped freely.


On her chest, echoing around the couch. They were heavy, but soft and pliable no matter how much she bulked up. It was always as if her body resisted her attempt to build muscle and maintain its sexiest form. Like her ass…


"AAH!!" her eyes widened as he spanked her, throwing her head back erotically as she pushed out her tits.

"Faster! Faster!" he ordered as she lifted herself up and down rapidly to match his thrusts, he squirmed beneath her as her tight pussy got tighter. "UUGh! OOoh!!"

"I'm cumming! I'm cumming again!" she gasped, "Haaaaah!!"

"Shit! Ah!!" squeezing down on him as his cock vibrated, her rammed up into her shaking body, "Ugh! GUGH!! Hope you're on the pill! Aaaaaah!" with a look of utter relief her rapidly bucked up into her and planted his hips and she dropped down. Shaking as a plentiful load of cum rushed up into her. "Haaa…. Oooh shit…" he gasped, going limp on the couch, blankly gazing up at the ceiling…

"Oh shit…" she repeated breathlessly, twitching as his hands slid from her hips to her breasts, "Haa…" she instinctively rolled her hips, worming on his crotch as his cock emptied his last drops. "Haah… haah…" she leaned forward and slowly raised herself off him, his cock slipping from her tight hole as a small trickle of cum followed, dripping over his cock like thick creamy sauce. She crawled back over the couch, leaning back down to lick it up. "Haaa…" she ran her tongue slowly over his shaking limp meat as it jumped back upright to slap against her glamorously beautiful and slutty face.

He sat up, guiding his cock back to her lips before she went back onto it. "Mmgh!" he held her bobbing head, reaching over to smack her upraised ass cheeks. "MMNGH!" watching her rear wiggle and jiggle as he let her suck all on her own. "Mmgn… mmngh!" her ass wiggled in the air, as if she had a tail to wag, before he smacked it again, her moans getting as loud as her messy slurps. Her tongue sloppily swirled around his member, drooling and dribbling down her chin as she buried her face into his crotch. "MMgh! Mngh! Aah!"

"I want some more." He declared, yanking her head from his lap, pulling her up and tossing her back against the other arm of the couch, he took her right leg on the inside of the couch, lifting it up until her knee pressed against her soft pillowy tit, his arm hooked around her leg, taking both wrists and yanking them over the arm so it felt like she was on a rack, then pierced back into her silky tight pussy.

"Haaah!" she moaned erotically, like the real silver banshee her rapturous call echoed around the house seemingly making it shake as he rammed into her, "HaaH! AGH! AH! FUCK!!" his cock stretching her tight pussy as he jammed against her womb.

Grinning dreamily as he pumped hard into her, "God! Damn! This pussy's good!" her other leg hung off the couch, letting her foot claw the carpet as she tightened around him. Her subtly muscular body tensed snugly, "You want it?! You want it don't you!?"

"YEEESS!!" she shrieked uncontrollably as she shuddered beneath him, she didn't even know 'what' she wanted…

"Ugh! UGH! Get! Pregnant! You fucking whore!! UGUH!!" he rapidly jammed away into her quivering pussy, her insides clinging to his bulging girth as he buried it abruptly. "AGGH! Yeah!"

"UUGH!! GUH!" she spasmed FIERCELY, her eyes rolling up into her head as she wormed against him, unable to escape his pin as she grinned maniacally, "Uugh!" eye twitching, body shaking orgasm as he pumped her full of thick cum. She didn't even care that he was an apparent quick shot. She hadn't cum that hard since boot and with four other guys.

His hands tight around her wrists and his body pressing her hard to the couch as he kept thrusting, "Oooh take that load! You're tighter than a freshman… nothing like matured pussy…" he sighed.

"I'm 19."

"No shit?!" he replied legitimately surprised, but still balls deep and twitching. "…Oh right you're not that hottie who dresses as Wonder Woman."

…Should she be surprised that Frat boys can't tell the women they're fucking apart? A question for later…

"Whatever, focus on draining my balls… fuck yeah." He sighed as her insides seemed to respond to his orders even if her mind was focused on other things, her lingering climaxing for one. "Fuck yeah…" he repeated, "Were you a dairy farmer before you got into whoring? Because you are MILKING me! Mgh!" he let go of her arms, clutching to her big soft breasts and squeezing, "Hell maybe you were the cow."

Son of a bitch where ALL frat boys stereotypes?

"Ahh…" she moaned as he toyed with her nipples, his cock twitching as he pulled out of her. "MMmgh!" he shivered slightly, awkwardly balancing on the couch as he watched his load ooze out of her. "Look at that! work of art-shit!" he slipped, as if tripped by karma and abruptly fell off the couch onto his back. "Owwww."

She sat up, tossing her wavy locks as she stretched, her big breasts wobbling as she stopped and sighed… flexibly she slunk over the edge of the couch, bending awkwardly over until her hands were on either side of his waist before opening her mouth. "Aahh…" saliva dribbling from her tongue onto his cock as it rose to greet her. "Ahhmgn…"

Using her arms, she pushed herself up and down, slowly twisting her head as she slurped on his cock again… why was she doing some sort of awkward push-up to suck dick?... all she could reason was 'why not?'

He gazed at her awkward, tantalizing blowjob, gazing at her tits as he hardened again in her moaning, silky mouth, he said up, his face in her stomach as he cupped at her breasts, before lifting her of his length. "MMgh-mwah… ahh…"

Wordlessly he shoved her onto her back, still on the couch, squeezing her tits as he mounted her stomach, slapping his cock between them as he spit for lubrication. She didn't wrap around him completely but she was still big enough to give a soft, warm titty fucking as he demonstrated, pumping back and forth slowly as she moaned. Gazing up at him open-mouthed as he fapped away at her breasts.

"Ooho these are perfect…" he sighed, his cock sliding in and out of her cleavage. "Look at me. Look at me." He groaned, his cock rigid between her tits as he spit down again, missing her cleavage completely and getting it on her face. "Missed." He laughed apologetically as saliva dripped down her cheek… her pussy annoying dripping with arousal. "Don't worry!" he grunted, as she moaned, "I'm a much better shot with this!"

"AH-ah-ah-ahah…" she panted, her hot breath brushing against his trembling tip as he sped up.

"Here it cums! Such a pretty whore! Squeeze your tits!" she pushed them together as he yanked from her, "Ugh! Extra pretty now!" he declared hanging over her, "Uuugh!" a thick rope of his seed sprayed directly onto her face, then lips, neck, tits, and finally sprinkling over her skin as he furiously stroked himself. "Ugh… ha-ha-ha… ahh… shit… Oooh…" he knelt over her face, squeezing out the very last drops onto her nose as she squirmed… her pussy quivering as he got off the couch.

"Get up." He said grinning as he yanked his phone nearby, hooked up to a charger as she sat on the couch, covered in cum as he raised his phone and- "Yeah…" he grinned, taking her picture. "Mgh! That's hot! Can't wait to show this too the boys after I get off probation."

Oh he's on probation what a shocker…

"Well come on, get off the couch you're getting cum everywhere." She rolled her blue eyes and got up. "Don't forget your clothes." He said.

"…Do you think I'm walking out of here with cum all over me?" she asked coolly.

"Oh yeah." He replied grinning, "Forgot I'm not at the frathouse…"

Wow. She's now glad she didn't go to college.

"Where is your shower?"

"Uh… one of those doors?" he replied, gesturing to one of the room down the hall. "Can't miss it."

She grabbed her suit from the floor, and her boots, marching towards the bathroom, it took her a few looks, and it smelled like weed, but whatever she only needed a few minutes. At least she wasn't using community showers… she got into cold water and quickly washed herself, she was tempted to use the soap but it smelled worse than the shower so she made do…

Positively GLISTENING as she got out, she tossed her hair unintentionally glamorous… if she didn't want to be a Superbabe she would most definitely find work as a model, any sort of model. She dried herself off with a weed-smelling towel, tossing it aside before redressing in her red suit, hearing the snap as she pulled it over her neck, adjusting her big breasts so they sit just right and walked out.

She found him on the couch, and drinking… looking tipsier than he had been before and far less attractive, naked and staring at football. "Hey." She said as he blinked, gazing at her surprised. "…Delivery? Remember?"

"Oh right. Money…" he declared, glancing around and getting to his feet. Finding his shorts, his wallet, and a couple of hundred dollars. "Here this should cover you."

She took the cash, knew instantly that it wasn't enough, and glared at him.

Two minutes later

Wonder Girl felt fucking AWESOME… well fucked and several hundred dollars richer she shut the door behind her, sealing in the whimpering moans of the stupid drunk frat boy who probably learned to treat women a hell of a lot better after the brutal textbook military ass-beating she just gave him.

She flicked her fingers through the wad of bills and marched back to the car. The couple from much much earlier seemed to be returning from the dog walk, they eyed her suspiciously as she gave them a rather heartwarming smile and a wink. "Evening…" before getting into the car and checking her mirrors. "…Oh…" and wiping the blood from her cheek with a Superbabes napkin.

Time: 9:45 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

"Okay. Does anyone else think she looks like Grace or is it just me?" asked Jenny who had recently arrived for her shift, staring at the computer and the picture of the new Wonder Girl. She had been out of town for the last two weeks just outside of Coast City visiting her sisters and their very endowed boyfriends.

"Well, the First Wonder Girl used to look like a younger Wonder Woman. I heard Wonder Woman once say in an interview with the Daily Planet that they were sisters or something." Declared Jae-Hwa

"Wonder Woman calls every woman her sister." Declared Mel, "I know! We met her once on a Road Trip!" she declared proudly.

"We know." Jenny and Jae-Hwa replied as they pointed to said picture framed on the wall that showed Grace, Laura, Mel, Brielle and Veronica all posing with Wonder Woman herself in front of an RV.

"So… is she LIKE Grace?" asked Jenny hesitantly, "Huh? You know what I mean?" Nudge-nudge?

"Not yet." Orders replied not really listening to their conversation but adding to it where appropriate.

"Wait, what do you mean by not yet?" Jenny replied.

"I mean not yet. Now get the banner." she added, holding the 'Happy First-Time' banner up for Ronnie-Bell

"Oh." declared Ronnie-Bell grabbing the banner just as Wonder Girl walked in and most present gave her a hearty

"Congratulations!" Ronnie-Bell holding one end and Jae-Hwa stretching out the 'Happy First-Time' banner.

"Ma'am. I'm back." Declared Wonder Girl walking in, gazing confusedly at the smiling Superbabes before getting right to it as Ronnie-Bell quickly rolled it back up. "…I may have fucked him up a little."

"That's fine. Who's he going to tell?" Orders replied casually, she also knew that Wonder Girl was going to do that… she could milk SO many assholes with her.

That sounded weird in her head… To clarify, she meant that she could send Wonder Girl to have sex and then beat the money out of dickheads like the frat boy… but that was only a bonus, not the reason she was hired. She was hired because she was a powerful slut in the making, looked like a glamour model and voluptous pornstar had a baby, and fucked like a professional whore… PRIME quality Superbabe potential right there.

Wonder Girl pulled the money from her suit strap, handing it to Orders who sorted it and gave her back a cut.

"Hey. I'm Jenny." Jenny introduced herself, "Jenny Winters. We haven't met yet."

"Oh… Hello, I'm Helen…" Helen replied diplomatically shaking Jenny's hand. "Helen Troyer."

"Helena, go wash yourself more thoroughly." Orders ordered flatly as Helen sighed through her nose as Jenny smiled. "Use the good soap." Helen sighed again, Orders ALWAYS used her full name. She did it with everyone, however...

"… Your name is Helen-A TROYer?" Jenny giggled as Helen cringed at the obvious pun on Helen of Troy

"PLEASE. Call me Helen, at least…" Her old boot camp buddies used to call her 'Hellraiser' Helen… at least before she started to enjoy sex and more popularly became Hellbound Helen.

"If you think that's bad, you should hear Veronica's last name." Orders replied casually as Helen took her leave towards the showers in the locker room to shower more effectively.

"…What's Veronica's last name?" Jenny asked, for the first time realizing that she didn't know it. But Orders wasn't answering, "…Come on what's her last name?" Jenny prodded, losing interest in Helen's pun name as Helen slipped out of her suit and into the showers, before the hiss of the showerhead rumbled in her ears she heard Jenny shout triumphantly. "That is NOT her last name!" followed by raucous laughter.


Helen(a) Troyer is my Wonder Girl, she's the kind of 'naturally beautiful' girl all other girls love to hate and an ex-marine. Some of you may decry how she's not a younger version of Grace but she's not supposed to be. She's supposed to be her own woman... that being said, give me a few deliveries for her, you may be changing your tune if the clairvoyant knows what she's talking about.

Also, I got In Laura's last name, Heart, Shiawase Toyoda (Her name means Happiness but she westernized it to Joy) and Yaya Zhang. I debated having her use it at 'Zhang Yaya' but I think she'd only do that around her crazy nana and other family members, so she's westernized it too. What's Veronica's last name? I assure you it's appropriate.

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