
Delivery Girl: Giganta Order #3

I don't own DC

Want to know what Tarzana's Finisher back in the big wrestling leagues was? The Chokeslam. A big powerful woman like her who towered over her opposition it had to be a chokeslam. All the big wrestlers used some variation of it… of course she barely ever got to use it in the big leagues as her opponents were dainty little flowers… and so were the female wrestlers. The women that she went up against were too delicate to even take a fake slap let alone a grapple.

Of course, now she got to use it as much as she wanted. In the indie circuit where they appreciated a woman of her talents and size, and also as she put her skills to use as a bouncer at Superbabes… but she wasn't at Superbabes just yet tonight.

"Glruck!" Giganta's hand wrapped tightly around the thug's neck as she smacked aside his baseball bat out of his hand, like swatting a fly.

"Seriously?" she asked laughing, "Hon, what made you think this was a good idea?" her southern belle accent was normally honey in the ears of a red-blooded man, but not right now, she mainly sounded bored.

"Gack-gluck!! GUuuk!" he gargled as she squeezed his neck, his thug friends hesitantly backing off. There were lot of muggers around the block lately… The big criminals must be out of Arkham sending the refuse into the other burrows. She then raised him up and slammed him down on the pavement as the other two watched in horror. "Guuuck…" he twitched as she turned her attention to them. Cracking her knuckles.

"If you're going to make me late for work boys…" she rolled her neck, "Better make it worth it…" she grinned dangerously.

Pow! Kazap! BOP!! WHAMMO!!! PONG!

The thug hit the ground as she slammed him into a lamppost, sighing as she tossed her red hair, "MMMn…" she stepped on the offender and made her way towards her bike. "Haaaa…" she had just gone to Sal's Gym, so she was already sweaty at least. She checked her watch "Shit." She mumbled, rolling out her bike from the parking lot, then getting on to drive off to Superbabes. Sal will call the cops for her, he always did.

She parked in the back, swinging her big leg off her bike and marching into the back of Superbabes. "I know!" she declared immediately a second ahead of Orders'-

"You're late."

"Someone tried to mug me." Giganta noted irately.

"I know." Orders replied and rolled her purple eyes as Star Sapphire gasped in concern.

"Oh my gosh are you okay?" she asked sincerely as Giganta and Orders stared at her in disbelief.

"Yeah Sugar, I'm fine." Giganta said patiently, honestly talking to Star Sapphire sometimes was like helping Sean with his math homework, she promptly walked into the locker room to get changed. "They must be getting desperate if they're trying to rob me."

"Or they're really REALLY stupid." Orders noted practically. "…It's still fascinating how many people DO NOT recognize the 7-foot woman…"

"Shows how popular I was when I was 'Tarzana' doesn't it?" she replied, snapping the pink dress on as she took her position on Orders' counter by the doorway to the floor.

"You were fairly popular as Tarzana… particularly in leopard print bikinis." Orders noted lazily as Giganta scoffed.

"Ha-ha." She replied sarcastically. "You know what it is? I'm a redhead now… throws everyone off."

"Sure. That must be it."

"I don't know. She's the only 7-foot woman I've ever met…" Star Sapphire replied, eyeing Giganta up and down suspiciously…

GIganta stared at her, before putting her big hands on the pretty girl's shoulder, turning her towards the doorway to the floor and gave her a gentle shove towards the floor. "Hon, why don't you go and work some tables. That's a good girl…"

"…She's lucky she's pretty." Orders noted sadly, "…I really wish I could stop saying that…" Giganta watched the girls work the floor before turning her attention to Orders as she adjusted the website.

"Most of the girls are still here, is it slow tonight?" she asked curiously as Orders snorted indignantly.

"Yes… it's just going to be one of those nights." She said exhaustedly. "…Want to watch something?" she asked gesturing to the TV as Giganta took the remote and clicked it on to wrestling. "Of course…" she mumbled under her breath as Rowdy Randy Ravage did a promo for the audience. "Why do you even still watch them?"

"Hey, they might have been assholes to me, but they still do good work." Giganta noted as The Boulder ran in and smacked Rowdy Randy Ravage with a chair. "Besides its fun to point out the parts where they mess up…" she grinned to herself, "Not that I do that when I watch with Sean."

A half-hour later

"The chair! Hit him with the chair!" cheered Fire as Johnny Nace took a chair to the back from The Gravedigger. The girls, with little to do and not as many patrons on the floor were quickly getting into the spirit of things. "BOOM!" cheered Fire as Johnny dropped another chair blow.

"That looked like it hurt!" Star Sapphire said innocently as Giganta pointed to the TV.

"They're plastic sugar, it just stings a little." She replied as the collective girls laughed and whooped.

Orders sighed, it was going to be a SLOW slow night… she rubbed her temples, deadening the headache as she glanced up at the TV. They might as well just close and make an evening off it… but unfortunately, greed won out for her in the end… and she reached for the phone.

Time: 9:24 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

Ring-ring click.

"Hello. Superbabes, we deliver."

"Hey, I'd like to get the Giganta meal please."

"A 60-ounce sirloin with your choice of extra-large soft drink and complementary antacid and vomit bag..."

"Sure. Sounds right I guess."

"Anything else?"

"Delivered by Giganta. Please."

"…Due to the rarity of your order it will take a little longer than expected, regardless we expect our delivery girl back within 60 minutes or the police will be informed. We are also not responsible for your life choices and you CANNOT sue us if you put yourself in the hospital for eating a 60-ounce sirloin all at once."


The girls collectively stared at Orders as she declared, "Giganta you got one."

"Oooooh." The girls cooed teasingly as Giganta waved them off.

"Have fun big girl." Smiled Fire knowingly as the ever-cheerful Ice, sitting next to the sultry Brazilian giggled.

Giganta just smiled as the massive steak slid out, "Don't you worry girls I'll be back before the last match." She declared confidently, "Earlier depending on how broken I want to leave them." The girls giggled but returned their attentions to the match as Giganta walked out and checked the receipt.

…It actually wasn't far. Pretty close to Sal's Gym. She tossed the food into her side-saddle, swung her leg over her bike, and roared off out of the lot.

She got to Sal's Gym in record time, parking in the lot as the old gym owner himself came out and tossed some trash in his dumpster. "Hey gorgeous." He grinned at her as she got off the bike. "You just missed your sparing partners get hauled off…"

"Sorry about that Sal." She smirked at him as he shrugged, eyeing up her powerful body in costume. "You don't mind if I park here do you, hon?"

"Hell no." he smiled, stretching and popping a few bones. "Mmgh. You know how I like to be accommodating to you girls." She blew him a kiss as he winked at her, heading back into his gym as she walked off towards a collection of apartment buildings. Not too far from Sal's.

She walked up the steps and right inside, checked the receipt again before she walked up the steps to the second floor, then walked towards room numbed 202. She tossed the receipt in the bag, raised her massive fist, and rapped her knuckles on the door. "Superbabes."

Time: 9:34 PM. Place: Near Sal's Gym (Apartment Room #202)

"Special Delivery Service." She finished and smiled as the door popped up and… nothing. Nobody was there… she looked inside, then down… "…Huh…" she smiled, prettily at the diminutive man gazing reverently up at her. "…How you doing, hon?" she asked playfully trying NOT to laugh at the sheer silliness of this particular matchup.

The man was… handsome in a way, clean-shaven and dark-haired… he was also barely three feet tall. Short arms, legs, fingers and a bit round in the belly. There was no better description for him than a dwarf. But he smiled charmingly at her. "HEY…" he said with a deep, eager voice. Trying to be suave she supposed. "Come on in." he stepped aside as she towered over him, strutting into his neat apartment living room.

It was a small apartment, big enough for one person, but apart from that there wasn't anything particularly noticeable about the person who lived here… except maybe a few more footstools strategically placed around the rooms. By the bookshelf, in the kitchen etcetera. He moved quickly to the couch, leaping onto it as he opened a bottle of sweet-smelling wine and poured himself a glass. There was another glass right next to it. "Wine?" he asked, in a gentlemanly tone. Offering her the glass.

She smiled sweetly at him, reached down, and took the glass. Orders generally had rules about the girls doing drugs or drinking at work or on the job. There were arguments that such things 'enhanced' the experience but the fact of the matter was generally the girls had to drive BACK to work, so anything that messed with those faculties was forbidden.

Giganta however didn't have to worry about such things. As the amount of excess she'd need to consume to even feel anything would be the equivalent of a wine barrel. But the sweet-smelling berry wine went down her throat quickly, and she licked her lips. Dropping the 60-ounce steak onto the table with a thud.

"…So…" he smiled up at her, pouring himself a glass. "…If you want to make any short jokes now's the time." He said, gazing up at her muscled, shapely body with interest.

"Ha-ha-ha…" she laughed melodiously, before leaning down. Looming over him like an ominous cloud, grinning knowingly as he fidgeted, grinning broadly as her big breasts, seemingly bigger thanks to his size, moved closer and closer. "Sugar… I'm over seven feet tall… EVERYONE is short compared to me." She took his glass easily from his hand, and poured it into her mouth. She put the glass down, grabbed him, and easily lifted him from the couch before slamming her lips against his and shoving the wine into his mouth as she kissed him. "MMMn-HMN!" she purred as he gulped it down. "AH…" she pulled away as he grinned happily.

"If you want to climb a mountain, that's your prerogative." She smirked as he reached out, rubbing her breasts as she laughed. "Bedroom?"

"FUCK yes!" he hissed eagerly as she carried him under her arm like a small dog, facing behind her with her arm under his stomach. "Ha-ha-ha!" he laughed happily, at least he was having fun. He swatted her big rear as she cooed, quickly finding his bedroom. Again it was a small apartment.

She walked right into his bedroom, the large bed taking up most of it, and grinned. Before she hurled him onto it with a flick of her wrist, "Whoa!" he did a full flip in the air before landing on his back in the middle of the bed, grinning broadly as she tossed her long red hair, and slipped her hand under her shoulder strap. The pink dress fell away from her powerful body, showing off her toned muscles, hard abs, her big breasts and shapely hips and legs… she flexed as he stared at her, still grinning happily as he shoved off his pants… really more like shorts, but pants.

…He wasn't big but that was understandable considering his size. She smirked down at him and grabbed his ankles and dragged him to the edge of the bed before gripping his hips, "Whoa!" he cheered as she lifted him easily, then opened her mouth. "Haa-aaaahhh man!" he shuddered as she took ALL of him into her mouth.

"MMNGH-MMN!!" cock, balls, the whole package… her size and his size perfectly made for the opportunity. "MMng! mMMN…"

"Haaaa-aah!!" he shuddered happily, "Best… decision. EVER…" he sighed, then wrapped her legs around her head. Bucking his hips into her mouth as she held him easily.

"Mmn-mmmn-nmmn-hmmn…" she moaned softly as his hands stroked her silky red hair. "MMmn…" his hips smacking on her face as he pumped rapidly back and forth, but not by much, she did have his entire junk in her mouth, her tongue salivating over his throbbing length and quivering ballsack. "Mmmrn… Hmn-hmmn-hmn…" she chuckled ominously, "SLUUUUUUURP!!"

"H-Holy balls!" he moaned, shaking wildly, "Oh god, oh god, oh god!" he panted, shaking as she noisily slurped his crotch. "UUgh!! You're going to suck it off!... don't stop!!" he laughed happily, "Uggghh!!"

"MMNGH!! SLURP!! mMMNGH!!" she growled, twisting her head, lips and tongue around him as his grip on her face tightened. His legs and hands hugging her tightly like a baby monkey to its mother… or a face-hugger from aliens… that second one seemed more appropriate since he was just about to try and impregnate her through her mouth. "MMMNNN!!" she moaned loudly as he exploded into her oral care…

…It might have been the wine but he tasted like berries. His load oozing onto her massive in comparison tongue as she squeezed, slurped, and licked it out. She gobbled him down, his cum flowing like a river into her stomach as she gulped… gazing up at him with her blue eyes as he stared at the wall behind her, his hips spasming and bucking against her face as he pumped out his load. She chuckled as his limbs spasmed.

"MMmn… mmn-hmnn…" she slowly lowered him back to the bed, bending over steadily as she lied his back on the bed. Bent over her ass wagged slightly behind her, her legs stayed straight as she sucked. Her head rose and fell onto his limp length, quickly making it throb hard once more as his arms and legs fell open, clawing the bed as she slurped loudly. "MMmn! Mmn-hmmn…" she moaned sensually, winking at him as she slid up and down his length. His sack dropping out of her mouth as she focused solely on his length. "Mmmn-gmnn. Mphh!?" she stilled as he came again, "Hmm-hmmn…" she chuckled, "Gulp… gulp…"

"Haaa…" she pulled away, licking her lips as she stood up. "Awesome."

"Hmm-hmm…" she smiled sensually, "Are you ready to climb the mountain sugar?" she purred as his cock twitched back to life and he bounced off the bed. She giggled as he rubbed her muscled thighs. "Mmmn…Ahh…" she gasped as his fingers slipped inside her, "Mmmn! Oooh-oooh… OH!" she gasped as he reached up behind her and smacked her behind.

"Shit that's like steel!" he sighed, rubbing her ass cheek as he fingered her.

"Hee-hee…" she chuckled, her head rolled slightly as he churned most of his hand inside her. "Aahhh…" she squeezed her big breasts, rolling her hips back and forth on his hand as she moaned.

"Why climb the mountain when I can chisel it down." He grinned as his fingers 'danced' inside her.

"Oooh!" she moaned, his thumb rubbing her outer lips as she shuddered. "MMmngh!" Her hips wiggled as his fingers scraped and curled inside her, his knuckles grinding against her inner walls as her body responded appropriately to the invasive pleasure. "Fa-uck…" she gasped, shaking "MMn!"

"I could fit my whole hand in there…" he teased as she moaned.

"Don't you dare! I'm not a damn cow! Ahhh!" she gasped, and she bent her knees, "NNNGH!!" she buckled squatting down as she lied halfway on his bed. "Oooh-ooh!" her body bounced slightly, spasming from her orgasm as he flicked his hand on the floor, shaking off her arousal as she dripped her natural lubricant into the carpet.

What a coincidence, her squatting down put her ass and pussy perfectly level with his rock-hard erection. As she sat on her heels, she wiggled her ass, while he walked behind her and pawed her shapely rear with his comparatively tiny hands.

"You're probably not going to feel this." He said, surprisingly chipper for a man commenting on his dick size. "I'm not big even compared to others my size."

"Sugar." She purred, reaching under herself to slip her fingers inside, "Ahh… I'm not here for Mah own pleasure you know…" she cooed, her fingers slipping out and scraping gently on his throbbing length, dripping with her arousal as she 'invited' him inside with her curling fingers. "You do whatever you want to do." She cooed as he slid his cock over her fingers and right inside her…

Well… she felt it. But it wasn't much… That didn't matter. She moaned regardless. "Oooh…" she cooed as he pumped his hips against her ass. "Mmmn… hmmn…" she moaned. Lying on the bed as the pleasant sensation rippled gently through her. "Haa-aahh…"

"Ugh! Uugh!!" he caressed her hips as his slapped and bounced off her ass, "Haa-aah! You feel amazing!" he hissed as she moaned erotically.

"OOoh sugar, fuck me…" she cooed as he moaned, lying on her back as he slapped away against her.

"Ugh… UUghh!!" he squeezed her body, grinding as deep as he could get into her as she cooed. Rubbing his body against hers as his cock vibrated inside her. "NNGH-gonna cum!! Inside! Ahhhh…"

"MMMn!" she pushed herself up, wiggling enticingly against him as he clung to her body. "Hee-hee…" she felt his warm load spray inside her, her inner walls twitching slightly around him as he clawed at her iron body. "Did you like that sugar?"

"Oh yeah…" he sighed, slipping out of her and fondly clapping his hand on her ass cheek as she stood up. He kissed her ass and smacked it again with a grin. "God big girls are the best!" She clapped her own hand proudly on her ass cheek and turned around, her pussy dripping before his eyes.

"…Ready for more sugar?" she cooed as his cock twitched eagerly. He grinned up at her, rubbing her legs fondly.

"Lie down on your back." She chuckled as she sat on the bed and bounced onto her back in the middle. The bed creaked under her weight, it probably never had to accommodate such a massive person before. He clawed onto the bed, scrambling after her before lying down beside her, taking a big tit in his hands and wrapping his lips around her nipple. She cooed pleasantly as his tongue worked magic on her… she sighed contentedly, letting him nurse on her as he ground his throbbing cock against her side… soon sliding a hand down her six-pack to finger and rub her pussy.

…He seemed to content himself to sucking on her tit, and fingering her pussy… and while she might be so inclined to let the clock run out letting him do so, a quickly approaching case at the moment… it seemed like kinda a bitch thing to do… he seemed like a nice little man…

Her fingers soon joined his fingering her pussy as she moaned, rubbing his head as he continued to slurp her nipple. Either attempting to suck it off, or will them to be engorged with milk. "Haaaaa…" she sighed erotically. "…Alright Sugar…" she cooed. "…You can keep doing what you're doing… or I can crush your pelvis…" his cock throbbed against her side as his eyes flicked up to hers as she winked. "What would you prefer?" she growled seductively.

He popped off her nipple, swirling his tongue around it in thought. "…Would you really crush my pelvis?"

"We'd have fun trying, hon." She grinned.

"…Alright-whoa!" she pushed him onto his back before swinging her massive leg over him… then sat on his lap. "Ugh!!" his cock slipped easily inside her as she put her full weight on top of him. He looked blissfully content as she sat upright, hands on her head as she pushed out her tits. One dripping with his saliva… "Oooooooooh…" he groaned with a sigh as she slowly rolled her hips on his lap, feeling his cock vibrate inside her with excitement.

"MMmn-HMMN!!" she grinned confidently, "…Not a lot of guys are brave enough to let me pin them…" she rested her hands on his chest, rubbing him gently. "Let's see if you last past the three count."

He frowned suddenly up at her, pouting thoughtfully as she raised her hips. "UGH!! GAht-damn!" he gasped as the bed groaned under her slam.

"Ah! One!"


"HOO-HOLY BALLS!!" he groaned, shaking in pain and pleasure as the massive woman dropped again, the bed whimpered.

"TWO! MMN!!"


"Faaaawk!!" he squeaked.


"THREE!! OOOH!!" she squeezed her breasts before ramming her hips down again.

"URP!" he grunted, shaking as the bed creaked ominously, shaking dangerously as she moaned.

"OOoh, sugar here it cums!" she moaned hands on the bed as her hips bounced up and down, significantly gentler than her 'three count' but faster, the bed bouncing beneath them as her hips rose and fell. "Ugh… oooh!!" she moaned, after her first three blows she strove not to 'actually' break him, but accidents happened… especially when she rode hard.

"Aah-aahhgh! I can-I can take it!" he groaned eagerly, grabbing onto her waist and thrusting his hips up into her… but really she lifted him up with her rising waist and slammed him back onto the bed. "Yes! Yes! Yes!!"

"Cumming? Are you cumming hon? You cum as hard as you want!" she purred, "Ugh! Ooh!! Ugh!!"

"Aggh!!" he cried out happily, pressing to her still rising and falling hips as she groaned, feeling another load inside her as she slammed herself down onto the bed.


She gasped, shaking as she felt somewhat… lopsided… "Shit… broke another bed." She declared.

"…Worth it…" he squeaked, still draining his load into her big body as the lower ends of the bed leaned on the floor.

"Well, sugar we aren't paying for that…" she said apologetically, "We are not responsible for your life choices." She added as she rolled off him, lying on the angled bed and spreading her legs to finger herself. "How are your hips sugar?"

"Ugh… I need a painkiller…" he groaned sitting up, "But nothing broken…" he grinned, "Worth it."

"You're welcome hon." She grinned, "…Ahh…" her mouth opened erotically as he watched her masturbate. "…Ahhhh!" she repeated, her tongue sliding around her open, moaning mouth as her fingers churned inside her, cum and arousal oozing out of her pussy as she shuddered.

…It took him a second for it to click in his brain what he SHOULD be doing with his remaining time.

He crawled up his now angled bed before swinging a leg over her neck, pushing his cock between her lips. "MMmngh…" she moaned, wrapping them tightly around him as he bucked rapidly. "MMngh-mmngh! MMmn…" he grabbed her head as she wildly fingered herself, his eager face-fucking pulling out moans of pleasure from the both of them as she slurped loudly on his length. "MMMnngh! MMMN!!"

"Suck it all out, big girl! Ooh! Oooh yes!!" he moaned, slapping his hips to her face as she smacked his ass. "Aha-aah!!"

"MMMMNGH!!" she shuddered on her fingers as he ripped his cock from her mouth, "Aahh-ahh!" she laughed as tiny ropes of jizz sprayed across her face, "Haa-ha!" she giggled as he stroked out the last drops on her face. "Haa…" she swirled her tongue around his twitching member as she grinned up at him. Wrapping her hand around his waist and pulling him off to lie on the bed.

"Haaaa…" he sighed as she slid to the floor and stood up.

"I hope you enjoyed the ride hon." She cooed, glancing around and spying the bathroom. "Excuse me hon." She slipped into the bathroom and the shower, carefully washing her face, hair, then body. "Woo…" she sighed running her hands through her hair as she dripped dried back into the bedroom.

He lied contentedly on his bed but she bent over and hefted him up, he flopped in her arms like a rag doll, so she shock him a little. "Come on hon, times up." He blinked blearily back into focus as she dropped him onto the leaning bed. Before bending down and retrieving her costume. She pulled it on easily as he began to scamper about she rested her hand on the door, watching him walk into his tiny closet and frowned, feeling something on the door like a poster.

She absently checked it and chuckled to herself, a door-sized poster of 'Tarzana' flexed in a skimpy outfit. She had completely forgotten that these massive posters were even made. She put her attention back on him. She'll just keep this to herself…

He returned promptly, holding a stack of bills and smiling cheerfully up at her as she took the stack and counted, he rubbed her thigh, a bit daringly in her opinion at this point as he went higher, and higher… she chuckled, snapping the money under her strap before lifting him up and giving him a quick kiss on the lips before tossing him onto his bed.

"Whoa!" he laughed as she ducked her head through the door.

"Later hon." She cooed "Don't eat all the steak at once…" then blowing him a kiss she made her way out of his apartment. She had hardly made it outside when a couple of guys eyed her up, and the stack of bills under her strap… she smiled politely at them as one produced a knife.

"…Come on boys… really?"

Time: 11: 21 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

"You're late." Noted Orders as Ronnie-Bell groaned angrily, walking into Superbabes and putting the money on the counter.

"The cops detained me…" she grumbled, "Turns out stabbing a mugger with his own knife is frowned upon." She pouted, "I stabbed him in the leg! He'll just need a few stitches."

Orders sighed and sorted the cash, as Ronnie-Bell took her cut. "Well, perhaps we should strive not to put people into the hospital." She mumbled to herself, but more as pondering an idea than scolding Ronnie-Bell. Hurting people is essentially what she's paid for, having sex was just a pleasant bonus. She then eyed the giant woman with a smug smile. "…You really can't help but break things huh?"

"Ha-ha." She replied sarcastically. Then stared at Orders for a second then added, "It's not my fault they don't make beds to my standard." She replied, making her way to her spot.

"They don't make people to your standards…" Orders noted, "…At least I don't have to pay for anyone's medical bills yet."

"I don't hear anyone complaining." Ronnie-Bell replied with a smug grin.

"You're usually not around for the morning after." Orders noted. "…That little guy is going to be SORE tomorrow." She added as Ronnie-Bell laughed.


I do love me some tiny guy on big girl...

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