
2 for 1 Combo: Big Barda and Silver Banshee

I don't own DC

Big Barda fumingly stormed into Superbabes. Her clothes were ripped, torn, and covered with what everyone hoped was mud… and probably some blood. "Don't ask." She growled.

"What happened to you, big bitch?" Silver Banshee, always a firestarter, asked lazily lying down from the couch. She wasn't even looking at her she was just throwing verbal grenades. Big Barda snarled and marched straight into the locker rooms. Catwoman (I) just sighed, getting off the other couch and heading to the floor. Nope-ing right out of the potential fistfight.

"Some rat bastard tried to mug me!" she shouted as she turned on the shower, "And he brought fucking friends."

"How did that turn out?" Orders asked, already knowing the answer.

"I called my older brother Caleb, and told him where to find their unconscious bodies." Big Barda shouted from the shower. "…Not telling him how they got there of course."

"That's preferable since I don't want to have to ask any-Hmm-MGh!?" Orders rubbed her forehead as a vision hit her, her purple eyes flickering. "Nngh!" the phone rang and she let it ring for a moment, before pulling it off the hook. "Vixen."

"Hey. Sorry Orders, but something popped up…" came (T) Vixen's voice from phone. "I can't come in until later.

"Batgirl's on the 2 for 1." Orders mumbled quietly, rubbing her head. "And she can't be here without you or Powergirl."

"I know, but neither of us are available. I can come in later tonight but-"

"No. It's fine. I'll think of something, take the night off." Orders mumbled rubbing her head.

"Sorry boss." she replied apologetically

"Mmmn." She replied absently as Vixen hung up. "Fuck…" she mumbled, turning to her computer and absently booting up the website to take Batgirl off the 2 for 1 combo. Big Barda was one of the two but who else to send was now awkward. Most of the other girls were already recently on the 2 for 1 deal, and she liked to rotate them out… keep things fresh.

Big Barda walked out of the locker room in costume, one hand holding her phone to her ear. "Look I know your studying just come when you can… I just need a change of clothes and you're the closest to my apartment." She rolled her eyes with a chuckle, "Well my work uniform isn't exactly for walking around on the Gotham sidewalk. Just come when you can… Yeah. Thanks. See you when you get here." She hung up her phone and sighed, taking her bouncer position at the doorway to the floor, leaning on Orders' counter. Before glancing at her boss making her 'I'm annoyed' face. "What's up?"

"Batgirl's going to be late so I need somebody to take her 2 for 1 spot…"

"Feck, I'll do it." Silver Banshee perked up.

"Fuck me." Orders grumbled.

"Have to order us first…" Silver Banshee chuckled as Orders threw a plush toy at her face. "Ah! Shite!" she mumbled at the slightly annoying felt toy hitting her between the eyes..

"…It's not a bad idea." Big Barda said smugly as she grinned at an annoyed Silver Banshee, arms crossed over her big chest. "…I can at least keep her on a leash." She declared confidently as Orders sighed… unsure about the idea. Big Barda and Silver Banshee had a friendly enemy relationship, she could only imagine the lawsuits they could scrape up together on the 2 for 1, it's one of the reasons she tried to avoid it.

"…Well…" she sighed sadly, glancing at the screen. "…Maybe you won't be ordered…" she said, assigning them both on the website. "What are the odds you two get ordered before Batgirl-" her purple eyes flashed, "FUCK ME…" she snarled angrily, reaching for the phone.

Time: 7:34 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)


"HELLO?... Superbabes, we now deliver."

"I'd like to order the 2 for 1 Combo. Please…"

"…Depending on time required your meal could potentially cost up to 10 times the total amount as opposed to 5... also we are not responsible for any potential damages."

"Fi-wait, what?."

"What would you like?"

"What was that about potential damages?"

"Big Barda burger and the Silver Banshee Colcannon..."

"Um yes, but what-?"

"Very well. Your delivery will arrive within the hour, we expect them back within a reasonable timeframe or you will be charged extra for every hour you occupy our delivery girls' time to a maximum of five. Do you understand?"

Meanwhile, before the accident waiting to happen.

"You two, you got one… someone is a risk-taker…" She mumbled reluctantly, rubbing her face as she hung up.

"Ack, you say it like we're the fecking problem." Silver Banshee declared, getting to her feet as she approached the counter. "Not my fecking fault guys prefer sexy bitches to big bitches." She grinned at Barda, "Probably saw my sweet arse and ordered the Big Bitch for cleanup."

"None of that." Orders grumbled handing Barda the receipt as Barda looked ready to hurl Silver Banshee out the back door. "Get it. Rock his word, get the cash, get back...Try not to kill him." she grumbled as the food slid out.

"What? It's not like we're fecking Veronica…"

"She'd fuck somebody to death and they'd probably enjoy it, you two might actually kill someone together." Orders mumbled as Big Barda took the food.

"Don't worry about it Orders. One rocked world coming up…" she noted as Silver Banshee smirked, following Barda outside.

"Dibs on driving." Big Barda tossed her the keys as they approached the car, "So who'd you call?" she asked. "One of your shite teammates?"

"My brother." Big Barda replied knowingly. As Silver Banshee scoffed, getting into the car with her. "My YOUNGEST brother…" she said significantly as if that meant something… which it didn't of course. Go feck yourself. Silver Banshee became somewhat tight-lipped before checking the receipt and putting the car in gear and spinning out of the parking lot off into Gotham, towards the suburbs.

They eventually pulled up to one of the many houses, an empty driveway awaiting them along with a two-story building. Nice place: could use a new coat of paint, and the lawn needed to be mowed. The front of the house had a door of course, and a large window currently with the blinds closed.

"What do you think?" Silver Banshee asked as they pulled into the driveway. "Old dick? Young dick? Virgin?"

Big Barda scoffed. "Won't know until we knock." She got out of the car, carrying the bag in one hand as they walked up to the front door. "…Young guy." She said playfully, "Parents are out of town… orders a couple of girls to make a nice memory…"

"How the feck do you know that?"

"Lawn hasn't been mowed, a sure sign someone is slacking off on chores. Newspapers on the side there say that he's not bothering to bring them in…" she said pointing to a small stack out of sight from the street. "Means that the one who's actually reading them hasn't been home … and finally." She said conversationally, turning away from the blinds to talk to Silver Banshee. "Because I see him peeking through the blinds." She said smugly, "…I got two brothers who are cops and a private detective for a father, you pick up a few things."

"…Well fuck, all I got from my family was a sweet niece and a sweeter arse." She added with a smirk. "…Okay I also got my love for muscle cars. Let's go rock his fecking world, shall we?" she smirked, her skull face make-up giving her a rather ominous look as they raised their fists and knocked hard.


Time: 7:54 PM. Place Gotham Suburbs (First Timer's(?) House)

"Special Deliver Service." They knocked; the door popped open. He was young, 18-19… handsome in a boyish way but rather lanky. He certainly looked eager to 'make a nice memory'.

"Sup fecker." Silver Banshee declared, pushing her way inside the quaint home as he gazed at Big Barda.

"Wow you're big…" he gazed longingly as she laughed, strutting in. She was smaller than Giganta the biggest woman at Superbabes, obviously, by about a foot but she was the second biggest easily. At least in height…

"That's right… I'm BIG… big Barda." She added strutting right in as Silver Banshee scoffed, making herself comfy and sitting on the couch in the center of the living room.

"Smooth big bitch…" she mumbled as he continued to gaze at Barda's powerful body. Then he got bold. As Big Barda put the food on the coffee table by Silver Banshee's feet he put his hand on her ass.

"Hmph…" she smiled as he rubbed it, then she stood back up, wrapping an arm around his shoulder and pulling him against her powerful body, feeling his erection on her thigh as she smirked. "Like that?"

"Oh wow… you feel better than I thought!" he moaned into her breasts, "MMmn…" he rubbed her body as Silver Banshee watched, looking a little bored. "…I can do whatever I want to you right?"

"Pretty much…" she replied sensually, taking his wandering hand and pulling it to her other tit. "Did you have something particular in mind?" she asked as he began to squeeze her.

"MMmn…" he shook his head. "No…" he clapped his hand hard on her ass as she chuckled. "I just wanted to know how hard we can go…"

"Well she's a big bitch… she can take it…" grinned Silver Banshee, getting to her feet. "And you do know that I'M here right?" she pushed her body on his back as his cock throbbed against Barda's body. "I'm not just for fecking decoration, she ran her tongue into his ear as he moaned excitedly. "She's big and loose, I'm tight and nasty…" she snarled as Barda put a hand on her head and shoved her away. "Feck off." she snapped playfully as Barda scoffed.

"That reminds me." He said, pulling out of Barda's embrace and leading her to the stairs. "…The order taker said something about 'damages?'

Silver Banshee smirked as she followed them up the stairs. "Well if you let her get on top she might break a hip."

"Fuck off." Barda said flatly. As they got to the second floor, passing a few photos of him with his parents through the years as he opened a door and gestured them inside. They entered what was obviously his room, gaming computer, bed against the wall by the door, and multiple posters of various fitness models, flexing and posing.

"…Explains a lot." Smirked Banshee, eyeing up Big Barda. "Prefers hard bodies instead of soft ones."

"You're one to talk." Mumbled Barda, Silver Banshee was comparatively as fit as she was. He followed them in and began groping her ass again. "Hmm-hmmn…" She bent over the bed, it was right by the door, and pushed her ass into his hands as she moaned softly. His hands hooked into her tight red shorts and pulled them down, staring at her bare ass now as she moaned.

"Wow…" he breathed, running his hands along her muscled thighs before burying his nose into her pussy.

"MMn!" moaned Big Barda, tossing her long black hair as she wiggled her ass on his face, mouth opening slightly as she felt his tongue slither in and out. "Haa… ahh…"

"Tsk." Scoffed Silver Banshee, taking off her jacket, then her shirt, showing off her bust as she tossed both onto the computer desk chair. "Fecking Virgin buys a couple of hot sluts…" she pushed down her pants, leaving her in a lacy, see-through black thong. "And he starts by eating out the big bitch?"

"Mmn?! Mwah…" he pulled away from a shaking Barda's wet pussy, "I'm not a virgin…" he said surprised. As Silver Banshee scoffed.

"Fecking bullshite…"

"I'm not…" he replied indignantly. "…My girlfriend dumped me." He said rather sourly, "…So I decided-"

"To fuck a couple of bitches way hotter than her?" Silver Banshee declared as he fidgeted.

"Well yeah." He replied sheepishly.

"Yeah Yeah…" Banshee shoved him against the wall. "Heard it all before."

"Maybe you have." Big Barda declared, standing up as she tossed off her top, his cock throbbed in his shorts as he gazed at her body.

"Feck off…" she said, rubbing his cock through his shorts, "Let me show you how you REALLY use your tongue. She squatted on her heels before him, grabbing his shorts and yanking them down as his 7-inch dick shot out. "MMMn give me that fecking dick…" her black lips opened and wrapped around his tip as Barda approached him, rubbing his chest, then dropping to her knees beside Banshee.

"Move over." She said, shoving Silver Banshee over as she opened her mouth and licked at his shaft. "Aah-laaah… ahh…"

"OOoooh." He moaned, shaking like a leaf as his cock throbbed between Silver Banshee's lips and against Big Barda's tongue.

Silver Banshee smirked up at him, sliding halfway down his shaft as Barda's tongue licked over her black lips. "MMngh… mmngh… mwah!" she slid off his tip, her tongue flicking over his glans before she slid her lips down the right side of his cock, alternating with Barda's movements. When she was at the base, Barda was at the tip, when Barda was at the tip, she was at the base. Their tongues and lips meeting over and over as they salivated over his length. Dripping spit and drool onto his floor as he rested his hands on their heads.

"Uggh… haaa-yeah!" he moaned, "…Best decision ever…" he whimpered eagerly, his cock twitching between their lips as he pushed them both off his length. They smirked up at him as he stared down, his cock drooling pre-cum from his tip as Banshee licked it up sensually.

"Ahh… mmmn." She smiled up at him, before abruptly turning and spitting it right in Barda's face.

"Argh! Fucking bitch." Snapped Barda angrily as she grabbed at Banshee's hair as she just grinned back.

"Hey!" he yanked on their hair and they stopped, he then smashed their faces together. And, considering they were very well trained at this point, they reacted quickly, slobbering over each other as they licked and kissed. Moaning erotically as his cock throbbed right beside them. "That's better." He said, pulling them apart as they smiled.

Then Barda spat into Silver Banshee's face but she surprisingly took it better than she did.

"Fecking bitch." She sneered as he stroked himself.

"Ugh… that's enough foreplay… I'm so hard I could do pushups with this…" he slapped it faintly between their faces as their tongues darted out to give him friendly licks, "Eenie, meenie, mynee… you…" he rubbed his cock against Big Barda's cheek as she got up.

"Hmm-Hmm…" she mumbled heading towards the bed as he rubbed her ass. But he grabbed her waist and guided her to a spot by the door against a poster of Tarzana the Savage Woman. He pressed her against the wall as she smirked, his hands wandering her body in awe.

"Hurry up and fuck her already… shite." Mumbled Silver Banshee crawling next to them.

"Ahh…" his cock pulsated. "…Spread your legs…" she did so, "Ahh…" he sighed his face red and his eyes glazed slightly. "…Bend your knees…" he said. That's a new one, but she did until it looked like she was riding a horse, his cock level with her pussy as he took her arms, and put her hands behind her head. She felt silly in this position, but he apparently adored it. "Oh fuck… ooh…" he quickly and eagerly pushed himself into her pussy as she groaned. "Haaa…"

"MMN!" she rolled her green eyes as he grabbed her arms, holding them like handlebars as he pulled back his cock and slammed into her.


Silver Banshee rested her hands on Barda's knee, then her chin on her hand as Barda's ass was rammed into the wall like a battering ram over and over… outside in the hall, several frames on the wall clattered to the floor. "Fecking Shite." She pulled one of her hands out from beneath her chin and slapped it across his skinny ass as he rammed into Barda, it only seemed to drive him further. "I guess he really needed some pussy."

"Haa-aah-aah!!" he moaned, almost in a trance as he railed rapidly into Barda's powerful body, her legs clenched and steady, keeping her in that submissive, yet slutty pose as he ground his hips hard into her.

"Ugh! Ahh!! Ugh!!" she grunted, her toes flexing in the carpet as her body trembled, "F-FUCK…" she hissed, her green eyes rolling up as, like a snake, Silver Banshee slithered off her knee, rolled onto the floor and leaned back beneath his legs and thrusting hips, she grabbed his waist from behind as he pulled out and then back in, pulling her forward as she wrapped her black lips around his quiver, trembling sack.

WHAM-WHAM-WHAM, the wall rattled with his thrusts and her ass banging on the wall.

"Ahh-UGH!!" he buried his face into Barda's shoulder as she panted, "I'm! Going! To! CUM!"

"Fuck. Me. Fuck. ME…" she chanted with his thrusts, rocking her hips forward as her legs clenched up from the constant pose, and the oncoming orgasm.

"MMMn-mmhn!" moaned Silver Banshee loudly, slurping his sack as if trying to suck out all his cum through his skin, before he planted his cock into Big Barda's shaking body as she bit her bottom lip, riding her orgasm with an erotica moan as he bit into her shoulder and released a deep load.

"OOoh it's been so loooooong." He whined dazedly, "Oooho take all that cum…" Silver Banshee's tongue swirling over his right nut as it pulsed out more cum into Big Barda.

"MMMn… that's a big thick load…" she groaned, rolling her hips side to side as his cock twitched. "Did you fuck your girlfriend like this?"

Silver Banshee popped off his sack, "Psft. Still think he's fecking lying…" she declared, spitting on his cock as it slipped slowly out of Barda.

"Nah she always put me on bottom…" he mumbled sadly, his cock slipped free of Barda's silky slit, a string of gooey cum still connecting them before it snapped and he dripped onto the floor. "She was a big girl like you." He said, rubbing her tits as she held the 'position' he put her in.

"Hmph. So he wanted to dom a big bitch like you." She smirked up at Barda. Then she felt his hand grab the back of her head and push her into Barda's gooey crotch. "MMPgh!!"

"Oooh-oooh." Sighed Barda, shaking as Silver Banshee's tongue slithered into her messy pussy. "Haa-ugh!"

"Eat that pussy…" he moaned eagerly, stroking himself as Silver Banshee tongued Barda's insides. "Slurp out that cum…"

"MM-Mpgh!" moaned Silver Banshee into Barda's pussy as Barda trembled.

"Haa-Ahhhg you're a fucking slut…" Barda moaned as Silver Banshee growled. "Haa-NNGH!!" she shuddered as his cock hardened, Silver Banshee licking down Barda's arousal and cum. "Always fucking bragging-oooh!" she moaned erotically as his cock throbbed at the sight, "Eat me out you bitch."

"Feck off!-MMGPH!" she was pushed back into Barda's crotch as she hooked her hands on her thighs and pulled them down, trying to get Barda to lose balance as her pussy clenched around Silver Banshee's tongue. "MMmgh! MMNGH!!" she growled furiously as Big Barda took in a big breath.

"Ha-HA!! AHHH!!" she climaxed, shaking erotically as he groaned, pulling Silver Banshee away from Big Barda as she dropped to the floor, legs spread as she cooed.

Silver Banshee spat on Big Barda again, smirking smugly, "How was that Big Bi-OOF!" she was thrown face-first to the floor and her ass raised high in the air. "My turn shite-head?" she smirked as her back arched, "Haa?" he slapped his cock between her raised ass cheeks, jerking her thong away from her ass as he planted his hands on the floor beside her head, like a dog mounting a bitch. "…Well bring it fecker." She snapped and gasped as his cock rammed down into her ass. "AH-AH! FUCK! You!" she sneered, but slowly grinned as he stretched her ass.

Her hand wrapped around his hips as her body jumped over and over from his thrusts. His cock burying deep in her ass, his balls slapping against her raised wet pussy as her toes curled and her hands squeezed his wrists. "HAa… HA!" she gasped, shaking as he railed down into her. Her fingernails biting into his wrists as her mouth opened, "Haa! Ahh SHIT! FUCKER!" she sneered as his hips bounced off her ass cheeks. SMACK! "Arhg! Feck you!" she snarled, before moaning again.

Big Barda had recovered, crawling behind Silver Banshee and her ass-fucker before smacking Silver Banshee's rippling ass. And quietly flipped her off with the same hand, rubbing herself as he groaned louder and louder, getting as deep as he could get into Silver Banshee's ass, jackhammering down.

"You… fucking… COCK!" sneered Silver Banshee, shaking in pleasure, "FUCK me arse you shite! I thought you wanted it hard!? AGH! FUCK!" she shuddered, her pussy spasming as he made her cum with her ass. She clenched around him, hissing through her grinning mouth as he grabbed her tuft of white hair and yanked. "Aahhhh-haaaa…" Her hair jerked back as Barda lightly slapped her hand on his ass cheek with every deep stroke of his hips, driving his cock into her ass.

"Harder. Deeper. She can take it."

"Feeeeeck Ooooooof!" she shuddered as he rammed his cock deep into her ass. "AAAgh!!" she shuddered, "Haa-aaaaaah…" she sighed, feeling his load spray down into her ass. She bit her bottom lip, "Ass fucking… shite head…" she whimpered, "Mmmn-mmg!!"

He pulled abruptly out of her with a wet pop, her ass gaping and leaking cum as he swatted her ass. "Haa-aaah…" he sighed, "How's that for a dom slut?"

"Ha-aahh…ha-ha-ha…" she laughed, wiggling her ass, "Barely fecking felt it…" she purred as Barda wrapped her hand around his cock, stroking him absently as he dripped cum into Silver Banshee's gaping ass, although it was quickly closing as her body shuddered.

"How did that ass feel?" smirked Barda, smacking Silver Banshee's raised as absently as she continued to stroke him, getting to her feet as he turned his head and sucked on her tit.

"…It felt REALLY good." He moaned, his cock throbbing eagerly in Barda's hand. "So good." He continued to suck on her nipple as she laughed, Silver Banshee crawling to her feet, legs wobbling as she stood up straight, tossing her head as if to shake off the pounding.

"Damn fecking right it did." She patted her ass cheek, "Tighter than that big bitch's hole…" she praised.

"…You really have a mouth on you…" he moaned into Barda, thrusting his cock in her hand. "…I want to use it."

"That's the spirit virgin." Smirked Silver Banshee, turning around and leaning against the wall erotically, "Live out all your favorite fecking porn fantasies."

He pulled away from Barda, clapping a hand on her ass as she smirked before pointing at Banshee. "Put her on the bed." Barda shrugged and quite easily grabbed and lifted Silver Banshee from the floor. Banshee smiled sweetly down at her and spat in her face again. "Feck you too big bitch."

Barda adjusted her grip then spun Silver Banshee in the air for her to drop onto her back she bounced on the bed with a laugh before lying still. Her skull-painted head hanging off the edge as she stared rigidly at him as he approached her. He smacked her face with his cock, smearing some makeup as she stuck out her tongue, he thrust his hips back and forth against it as he moaned. Pushing high up her face to rest his balls in her mouth. "Mrrrmmgh…" she moaned, gumming and mouthing his sack, her tongue slithering around him.

"She is a lot more tolerable when she's got something plugging her holes." Silver Banshee flipped her off as he continued to grind his meat on her face, smearing her make-up. Barda rested her arm on his shoulder as he cupped Silver Banshee's tits.

He reached around and slapped a hand on her ass again, squeezing it and pulling her forward, "Lie down on top of her, ass towards me…" he said as Barda tossed her dark hair and threw a powerful leg over Silver Banshee's head, lying her powerful body down onto her, hooking her fingers on Silver Banshee's thighs, and spreading her legs as she bent her head down and lazily licked.

"Mmngh-mmhgh! Ah…" He pulled away from her mouth as she panted erotically, "Ooh? Eating me out big-bi-mmgph!?" cock was stuffed into her mouth, his balls resting on her nose as he rolled his hip. "MMpgh…" she grumbled eyes rolling as he pulled back, and slammed deep again. "MMpgh. MMgh! MMngh…"

"Mmn-mmmn…" Barda licked, and licked, and licked, slowly, lazily… Silver Banshee probably hated it. Her hips bucking up against Barda's face as the slurping moans were replaced by gagging gulps.

"Gluck-Gluck-GACK…" she spluttered as he rested his hands on Barda's ass cheeks, burying his cock into Banshee's mouth before extracting himself. "Haaa!" she gasped, saliva and mucus spluttering messily down her face as he rammed his cock into Barda's pussy.

"Aah yeah… Ha-ahh. Ahh…" she lowered her head to Silver Banshee's pussy, licking her slit again

"MMmgh! Like how that taste's big bi-MPGh!?" he had grabbed her hair and yanked her up into his taint, she pulled away, "Will you let me finish?!"

"Suck! Lick." He moaned railing into the moaning Barda. "God you feel so good!" he praised, his hips slapping against her ass as Silver Banshee stuck out her tongue, letting his sack brush against it as she moaned loudly.

"Haa!" Barda gasped as he ripped his cock out of her, slapping her ass and abruptly jamming it back into Banshee's mouth.

"Mpfh-gluck-gluck-gluck-gluck!" Silver Banshee slobbered and drooled on his deep-throating face fuck as Barda slipped her fingers inside Banshee. "Mmpgh-GL-mgh!!?" her body thrashed beneath Barda's as he kept thrusting against her face,

"Haaa-aaagh!!" he moaned shaking in pleasure before he pulled out of her mouth as she gasped her own orgasm, he slammed into Barda's pussy, thrusting wildly and deeply as the big woman moaned into Silver Banshee.

"MMpgh! MMgh!! mMMGH!!"

"Ooh god yes!!" he moaned, pushing into Barda as she tightened and shivered… before he abruptly pulled out.

"Aaaahh… ahh…" she sighed as Silver Banshee opened her mouth. Ropes of semen sprayed across Big Barda's big ass and pussy, dripping onto Silver Banshee's face before he aimed lower, coating her smeared skull face further white as he sighed…

"Yes." He declared proudly, before dropping awkwardly onto the bed. The two Superbabes lying awkwardly together as he panted.

"…You done?" Moaned Silver Banshee eventually. Barda slipping off her as he moaned contentedly, his cock limp between his legs, dripping cum down his calf. "He done?" she asked, her face covered in all sorts of fluids.

"…Think we fucked him happy yeah." Barda mumbled glancing at his grinning face, "…Hey?" she slapped his face lightly, "…Heeeeey…" she noted as his cock limply twitched. "…Huh…"

"Feck me… is he catatonic?" Silver Banshee moaned, slowly sitting up. "I'm going to find a shower you wake his ass up."

"Why do I have to?" she asked, gesturing to her ass covered in cum.

"Cause my face is a witch's brew of fecking shite! And he likes you." She added making herself scarce as Barda shook his leg.

"Hey? Hey… you got to…" he put a hand feebly on her head and pulled her to his cock, "He-mmgn-hey…" she sighed, as she licked, and licked… he moaned quietly but he didn't get any harder. She pulled her face away as he moaned contentedly. "Hey!" she then smacked him and he jumped.

"Wha-hey… where'd the other one go?"

Find a shower… you're done, buddy." She declared, getting to her feet. "I've been licking you for 5 minutes and you haven't gotten any harder…" she rapped his head playfully. "Come on. You owe us for two hours." She then frowned. "Also where's your shower."

"There's one on the ground floor and one in my parent's bedroom."

"Alright. You get your cash, I'll clean up." She then made a judgment call and headed downstairs, finding the bathroom and bathing.

He had just collected his food budget for the rest of the week when Silver Banshee strutted naked out of his parent's bedroom, he STARED at her mostly unpainted face as she smirked at him. "Morning fecker." She went into his bedroom as he continued to stare at her ridiculously pretty face.

There must be something in that skull face make-up that put a prettiness seal on her.

She collected hers and Big Barda's clothes as Big Barda came back up the stairs, she tossed them to her as she began to put them on. "Alright shite-head." She held out her hand, "Pay up." He put the money in her hand as she flipped her fingers through it, stretching comfortably. "MMngh." Big Barda ruffled his hair.

"Better get on mowing that lawn." She noted as he stared at her confused, they walked down the stairs and out the door.

"…Who won that?" Silver Banshee asked curiously as Big Barda scoff.

"Obviously me." She said as Silver Banshee spat into the grass as they walked to the car.

"Feck that shite! He clearly had more fun pounding my ass!"

"Bullshit. He clearly wanted ME more… you're just a fluffer."

"Oooh ho… feck off big bitch… you're just jealous that I have a body that won't quit."

"Uh huh…" she took the Keys from Silver Banshee, getting into the driver's seat. "I think he preferred it when he shut you up with his dick."

"Feck off."

And so on and so forth all the way back to Superbabes.

Time: 9:44 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

"Haaa…" Rebecca sighed as Orders glanced up from her counter. "We're back."

"Did you kill him?" she asked casually as Ashley snorted.

"No… he fecked our brains out, and we left the dirty virgin smiling on the bed." She replied proudly.

"Might have broken a few picture frames…" Rebecca smirked, remembering the pictures that her body had knocked down while he plowed her against the wall.

"Hmmn… progress." Mumbled Orders as Rebecca put the money on the table for Orders to sort, when Jessica stuck her pretty green face through the doorway. "At least you didn't break anything important."

"Hey… Rebecca? There's this cute guy upfront? Says he has some stuff for you?" she smiled knowingly.

"What? Oh…" she scratched her chin. "It's probably Danny. Just send him back here, it's cool." Ashley's eyes flicked to Rebecca quickly as Yaya, taking her break once more on the couch asked.

"Who's Danny?"

A handsome young man, 18-19, with dark hair and green eyes walked into the back room carrying a duffle bag. He had his hair tied back in a short ponytail and a rather cheerful disposition on his face, he barely came up to Rebecca's shoulders and was thin but in an athletic sort of way. "Hey, Becca. I got your stuff." He said, holding out the duffle bag to her. "That's everything you need right?"

"Yeah. Thanks, Danny." she replied as she checked her bag quickly and zipped it back up. "Do you need bus fare home?"

"Oh, no my college roommate let me borrow his bike." He said grinning before he eyed a rather disheveled-looking Ashely. "Oh, Hey Ash… nice makeup. Looks good on you."

The girls took a collective breath... this may end poorly for poor Danny.

"Hey Danny." She replied… politely. "Thanks… it'll look better after I touch it back up." She… smiled… at him... Every Superbabe currently not on the floor STARED at her. Daphne, who had just arrived, covered herself modestly with a towel and stuck her head through the locker room doorway just to check and make sure it WAS Ashley.

"Well, if that's everything Becca I'll head back. Dinner tomorrow at your place?"

"Yep…" she replied casually.

"See you Ash." He replied with a friendly wave as she raised a hand and waved back. "Can I go out that way?" he asked pointing to the backdoor as he looked at Orders.

Orders smiled faintly at him. "Please." She said, offering him a guiding hand.

"Thank you." And just like that, he was gone.

"…Who the heck was that, and where can I get one?" Yaya asked with a playful purr. "He was CUTE."

"And now I'm just thankful Grace wasn't here…" Mumbled Becca rolling her eyes exasperatedly.

"Who was that!?" Yaya repeated and smiled after her, "And can I play with him?"

"I am not ordering my youngest brother a delivery Yaya, fuck off."

"…Speaking of fucking off…" Noted Yaya, eyeing a rather relaxed Ashley. "I couldn't help but notice the words 'shite' and 'feck' and 'fuck you' were distinctly absent from your vocabulary speaking to Mr. Rebecca's brother…" she grinned knowingly. "…Thoughts?"

Ashley sniffed, then raised her hand, her middle finger uncurling until it stood proudly before a humored Yaya. "Aye. Feck off." with a devious grin on her face.


I think I had just the right amount of animosity, rivalry, and frenemy for them both, but that's just me.

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