
Superbabes Shorts: Catwoman I and White Rabbit

I don't own DC


"Superbabes…" she mumbled, rolling over in her comfy blanket.


"Superbabes…" she repeated, sitting up sleepily and stretching in her Two-Piece anime-themed pajamas. Scratching her neck she blearily looked around her dark room, rolling over on her futon as KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK. "Go away…" she mumbled, but getting off the futon and walking across the floor to her living room.

White Rabbit might be out of japan but a lot of her furniture and decorations had come with her… ignoring the facedown photo on the dresser between the picture of her and some old school friends, and the photos of her Gotham Friends, various Superbabes. Including but not limited to, Vixen I, Killer Frost, Stargirl, and-


"Joy!" she opened her front door and stared sleepily at a chipper Catwoman I with her hand upraised mid-knock.. Dressed more practically in tight pants and a warm jacket. "Please! You got to help me they just don't taste right!" she said angrily, holding in her other hand a half-eaten handful of Spam, Nori, and rice… a spam musubi. There also seemed to be a bag of groceries hanging on that same arm's elbow.

White Rabbit stared sleepily at her work best friend. Whether it's their shared experiences in Hawaii, the fact they lived a building apart, that they shared similar (but not exact!) Asian heritage, or just the fact that they mixed well. White Rabbit and Catwoman considered each other fairly close friends. She's even met Catwoman's beloved (and eccentrically insane) rich Nana. Who LIVED in Hawaii… well Oahu, but semantics…

But they weren't friends right now, not at six in the fucking morning after a long night of Superbabes-ing for White Rabbit and… just hard fucking, really…

"I love you, I do… but fuck right off." White Rabbit grumbled blankly and tried shutting the door but Catwoman stuck a very practical boot in the crack and stopped it from completely closing. "…Sigh…" she opened the door. "Come on." She yawned broadly.

"You got to help me out alright? I'm going crazy." She held the half-eaten musubi, "I know I'll never get Nana to give me the right recipe but help me at least make it TASTE edible!" she stuffed it into a sleepy White Rabbit's mouth.

…The SALT bomb woke her up.

"COUGH! COUGH! Oh my god!" she mumbled, opening her trash can and spitting the 'food' violently into it. "Okay… show me. What you do..." She waved to her kitchen as Catwoman, already prepared to cook, took off the bag from her arm and deposited the various supplies needed for Spam Musubi. A Hawaiian delicacy.

White Rabbit scooped her Rice cooker in her arm, put in a cup of rice, two cups of water and started it as Catwoman sliced thick cuts of spam and poured a half cup of soy sauce into a bowl and- "Whoa. Stop." She said as Catwoman paused about to put the spam into the soy sauce. "Don't you sweeten it?"

"Uh…" Catwoman blinked. White Rabbit sighed.

"Okay…" she grabbed a small glass jug of brown sugar and a spoon before dumping in two spoonfuls and mixing slowly watching Catwoman. "Alright…" she said calmly, "So you put a salty meat in a salty sauce, not very helpful… but now instead cook the meet." She pointed to her pans. As Catwoman fried the meat, White Rabbit watched and yawned.

"This couldn't have waited?" she asked sleepily.

"Cravings aside, my Nana's coming this week and I want to try to be presentable." She said, flipping the crisping Spam slices. "…Heard from your mom?"



"Nope." White Rabbit yawned again. "I am tired, do we have to do this now Yaya?"

Catwoman shrugged, White Rabbit's parents were… complicated. She hasn't spoken to them since she embraced her sluttiness and left Japan. Oddly enough it wasn't because she self-described herself at that point as a 'slut', though that didn't help, but because she sort of ruined a big business deal for her parents while they were trying to marry her off… it's a long, complicated story that ends with her getting into JAV for a year making over 50 movies in that time (quite a feat), plus voicing a few hentai, failing at stripping and moving away from Japan…

She pretty much punched them where it hurts, right in the 'honor'.

"Alright." She took the soy and sugar bowl, before dumping it on the spam as it steamed and hissed from the heat, "Flip the meat." She yawned. "Take em off in a few seconds…" as Catwoman obeyed, White Rabbit walked to her couch and sat down, staring at the TV surrounded by various DVDs of anime.


"Now wait for the rice to get done." She replied, closing her eyes. "…Mold and eat…" she took a sleepy breath, "You keep… burning the soy on the spam when you should just add it when you're done. No burning, no salt bomb, much better." And before she knew it… she was dozing on the couch. Catwoman smiled, and kept working…


"Ha!" White Rabbit was up and awake, looking around as Catwoman sat next to her, watching her anime as Loopy pounded the every loving shit of the villain of the arc. "Oh… you're still here…"

"Yep." Catwoman replied, reaching down, and handing her a plate full of Spam Musubi. "Well?"

White Rabbit sighed, then took a bite of one… then another, and another. "Good." She declared as Catwoman smiled. "…How long did you let me sleep?"

"MMMn… 8? 9 episodes?... you've seen them all before so I just started where I left off." White Rabbit yawned and stretched.

"Sorry I was cranky." She said apologetically, wandering to her bedroom and by proxy her bathroom to change and clean up.

"Eh, I'm sorry I dropped in so early. Leslie said you had a group last night but I was too excited. Nana's coming and everything you know? She's kinda the only one I like…" she added, her brother Eddie was a touchy subject and her mother was a natural 'tiger mom' and she was married to a henpecked husband…

"And the fact that she's loaded?" White Rabbit added, changing into something more presentable.

"A bonus, but not important. You know, my Nana's crazy…" she replied with a smile as White Rabbit pulled down her anime fangirl shirt over her big beautiful natural breasts and sat down next to Catwoman.

"…This part is great." She said, pointing to the anime and taking another musubi. "…We'll work on your cooking later."

Yaya scoffed, taking a sip from her Pep that she may have stolen from Joy's kitchen, "I'll have the real deal in a week, you can help me decipher her technique. She'd love to see her Japanese Granddaughter."

Joy had to admit. She liked Yaya's Nana too… even if she was a little crazy. She was a better parent to Joy than her own at the moment.


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