
Superbabes Shorts: Big Barda

I don't own DC

Big Barda walked into the nearly empty bar, Abby's and sat at the counter, tapping it as the owner, 'Abby' looked up and smirked. Sliding a shot glass down to her as she smirked into it. "How was your game?" Abby asked, polishing a glass

"Eh… lost." she shrugged lazily, was pretty close though. Abby was a old mother like woman who'd probably shoot you with a shotgun if you pissed her off. She sighed and slapped down an open bottle of whiskey for Big Barda.

"Looks like you need that." she said. As Big Barda chuckled.

"Well… in a way, not because I lost but-"

"Hey. Big bitch! Heard you lost a fecking game!" 'Hot Ashe' Ashley, aka Silver Banshee marched into the room and dropped onto the chair next to Big Barda, crossing her shapely legs as she grinned smugly at her.

"Haa…" sighed Big Barda, slapping down the money for the bottle and taking a straight swig herself. A bit of a ritual with her frenemy Ashley, when Ashley lost, Big Barda gave her shit. When Big Barda lost, Ashley gave her shit… and around and around it goes…

Round and round, oh round and round…

"How bad?" Ashley grinned excitedly.

"1 point." Big Barda replied lazily

"Pssft that's not bad. Got me all excited for nothing."

"I didn't say it was bad I said I lost." Big Barda declared pushing the whisky bottle to Ashley who took a swig herself.

"Then why are you drowning your sorrows like you need a fuck?" she asked as Big Barda scoffed again with a laugh.

"I'm not drowning my sorrows, you're just easier to deal with when I've had a few shots of whiskey in me."

"Feck you too big bitch." Ashley hissed scathingly, turning around on the seat and tapping for a shot glass. "So how about we go and get something to eat?"

"Eh… like what?"

"Feck I don't know."

"Then why did you suggest we get something to eat?"

"Because I'm fecking hungry." She replied, pouring herself a shot, "Shite maybe I need a few drinks in me to deal with you!" she added as Big Barda chuckled.

"…My brother says there's a pretty good burger joint around here." She said as Ashley slapped down the shot glass on the counter and grin.

"I could murder a cow. Let's go…" but as they got up and headed to the door, leaving Abby a tip, a big hunk of fat, beard and leather shoved in with about five others, shoving the girls out of the way.

"Out of the way bitch." One grumbled, "Abby! Five beers to start up!" he roared as his friends cheered at the declaration.

Ashley sniffed, "…I would've settled for 'excuse me' or 'didn't see you there' and let it go… you?"

Big Barda, who had been content in leaving the bottle on the counter, took it and then a DEEP swig before handing her the rest as she down it too. "Not 'out of the way bitch' that's for certain."

Ashley grinned…

10 minutes later…

"GOTHAM PD!" a pair of uniformed officers with shotguns entered the wrecked bar over the groaning bikers and a REALLY annoyed Abby, Ashely and Big Barda, both mostly intact, sat at one of the only unbroken tables drinking the bikers' beers. Big Barda had her foot on the ass of the one who said 'out of the way bitch' as he whimpered in pain on the floor. "…Rebecca?"

She blinked at one of the Gotham officers, "…Hey Alan."

20 minutes later.


"Wow… record time." Big Barda mumbled as Alan, her little brother and second of two of her brothers on the force glared at her as he shut the holding cell door.

"If those feckers had just given us an apology this shite wouldn't have happened." Ashley replied, claiming one of the bunks. "Not our fault their mams taught them no fecking manners.

"Give it a rest Ashley you probably won't be in here long… Abby says they threw the first punch." He said, pointing at Big Barda. "And you're lucky they did." He said as she smiled disarmingly at him.

"We don't start fights Alan we finish them." She said as Alan sighed.

"I'll be back with your release papers… apparently you have friends. Who knew?" he replied as Ashely hissed out an-

"Oooh burn!"

"This is why I prefer it when Caleb arrests me!" Rebecca shouted back, Caleb being their older brother and on the force. "At least he'd get me a burger." She replied, sitting on the other bunk as Ashley laughed. "…Who do you think bailed us out?" she asked but the answer was obvious. Who else would know so quickly?

"Orders." They mumbled together as Rebecca lied down on the bunk, both derby girls staring at the ceiling.

"…Think she'll have us pay her back?"

"Probably, she's a greedy bitch." Ashley got comfortable and sighed, "She's already pimping us out, can't keep the ho's behind bars."

"Delivery girls." Big Barda replied.

"Yeah, Yeah…" Ashley closed her eyes, "…It's my niece's birthday next month, want to come along? She wonders where her new 'Aunt Becca' is."

"Pfft." Big Barda chuckled, "I met her once and played with her… what was that pony she had? Rainbow something?"

"Rainbow Run." Ashley replied, "Now you're 'Aunt Becca'… congrats. You fecking bitch."

"…Yeah, I'd be happy to say hi… should I bring a gift?"

"Eh… A polite person would." Ashley noted as Big Barda chuckled again.

"So not you then." Big Barda replied to Ashley's sleepily mumbled.

"Feck off big bitch."

"Ashley O'Hagan, welcome back…" mumbled an officer approaching their cell, checking a sheet, "And Rebecca Smulders, your brothers say hello…" she said as both girls sat up.

"One of them put me here." Big Barda noted jokingly but the officer just smiled.

"Well, you two are belligerent drunks. Luckily Abby's is not pressing charges they have great brawl insurance and those Devil's Riders you beat the everloving daylights out of all have outstanding warrants so hey, lucky you." She shoved the clipboard through the bars as both girls took the pen she proffered them. "Now you two don't have to show up to a judge, even better… Ashley, you know where to sign. Show your friend."

A couple of signature's later and the officer opened the cell door. "Try not to pick a fight with biker gangs. Leave that to the Batman… and the cops. Little joke around the station." She added as both girls walked out.

"…Still up for that burger?" Ashley asked.

"Yeah, I could eat." Rebecca replied, waving goodbye to her exasperated little brother as they walked out together into the Gotham night.


O'Hagan apparently means fire of some kind in Irish so why not keep running with the theme? Anyway I know Ashley played a big part in this but Barda is in the title, but it was more about Barda than Ashley, unlike the Huntress and Catwoman II chapter where it was about BOTH of them.

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