
2 for 1 Combo: Fire and Ice Order #3

I don't own DC

"Hmmn hmmn hmmmn…" hummed Ice sweetly as she tied off their landlord's necktie. Mikey aka Michael was co-super of their apartment along with his brother Geoff, aka 'Surfer Sage'. "There you go!" she smiled sweetly as he blushed. "You look so handsome!"

"Don't think about it too much." Fire declared sassily, walking out of their kitchen with a pair of sandwiches on a plate. "She'll say that to everyone." Geoff who had been watching them dress his brother in a nice suit, reached for the sandwich as she smacked his hand away. "Não se atreva, porra." She snarled at him as he rubbed the back of his hand pouting. "WHAT are you even doing here?" she hissed indignantly.

"What? I just want to show my bro some support…" he said, nodding at said nervous Bro as he adjusted the steamed glasses on his face. Ironically, Ice made him HOT… okay maybe not 'ironic' but, fucking obvious… the cheerful Superbabe was a consistent source of happiness, even old man Burgles upstairs who hates EVERYONE manages to greet her kindly when they pass on the stairs.

"Do that in your own apartment." Fire snarled indignantly, her big breasts wobbling in her tube top as she handed Ice one of the sandwiches. "Querida, eat, we got to go to work soon."

"Thank you!" she smiled, delicately chewing the sandwich with Fire as together they spied over Mikey and his suit. He had a date with his ex-girlfriend, turns out the guy she dumped him for was a gigantic asshole… who knew? So they were going to hash out their relationship over dinner. The girls volunteered to dress him, give him tips, and prep him for his make-up date.

Ice offered to do it because she's ridiculously nice. Fire offered to do it because it beat giving him a 'make you feel better' blowjob with a dash of 'the rent might be late' anal…

"O memmembeer ooo-"

"Swallow Querida." Fire supplied as Ice gulped her mouthful of the sandwich as if on command... it would not be the first time she was ordered to swallow.

"Pay attention to her words, and look her in the eyes!" she continued while smiling prettily.

"Not her tits." Fire added, leaning against the wall. Geoff grunted but kept any 'she doesn't really have any' snarks to himself.

"TALK about your problems, don't yell them." Ice added before gently turning Mikey around and leading him towards their apartment door.

"Okay. I got this." He said, sounding like he didn't. "I got this." He waved to the girls, "Thanks girls. See you later." Ice waved and smiled cheerily as he shut the door to their apartment.

"Yeah, he totally doesn't have this." Geoff mumbled in his distinct surfer dude voice as he eyed Ice's half-eaten sandwich on the table. "Sooo… you babes doing anything later?"

"WORK." Fire said firmly as Ice giggled, "Seriously Geoff, why are you still here?"

Geoff's fingers touched as he placed his hands on the table. "Look… you and I BOTH know that Mikey's ex is going to screw him over." He said as Ice sighed.

"You don't know that…" she noted as he raised an eyebrow.

"Don't I? You've never met her… she's a bit of a… well."

"Cadela?" Fire supplied, he stared at her for a second.

"…If that's an insult then yeah, sure." He said as she shrugged. It was. He slapped his hands lightly on the table and pushed himself up with a sigh, "…I'm just saying… he's going to need some cheering up… and I'm going to have to dent my wallet." He said sagely as the girls watched him walk out, "Later babes." He said, sounding more surfer than sage as he shut the door behind him.

Fire rolled her pretty green eyes as she went to get her purse. "…Brace yourself Querida, we're going to be earning our rent money tonight…"

"You don't know that!" Ice said exasperatedly, but the ever-constant smile on her face and her hesitant tone belied her obvious belief on the matter. But she could always hope. "It could be fine!"

And… as far as they knew it… it kinda was. They didn't even get a delivery that night…

However, the next night was… far more appropriate.

"Oooh yeah, he got FUCKED" Surfer Sage Geoff said, "Not in a good way." he was sitting at their table again as they prepared to leave for work. At almost the same time as last night. "No joke, even as she was trying to 'make up' with him? she was getting texts from like three other guys trying to arrange dinner dates. He saw them on her phone when she wasn't looking. She still thinks he's a gullible idiot."

"Uuugh… Cadela." Hissed Fire, half-listening and mostly annoyed that once again Geoff, seemed to just appear in their apartment.

"What does that mean?" Ice asked as Fire glanced at her, her smile had faded… it was still a little bit there, but it was quite obvious that she was annoyed. And if Ice was annoyed enough to stop smiling, people she was annoyed with should be concerned: even if the limit of her annoyance was to pout aggressively at them.

"…Basically? Bitch…" Fire said casually.

"What a BITCH." Ice pouted; it would've been adorable if she didn't look unnerving without a smile across her pretty lips.

"So… Listen babes." He said, clearing his throat. "…Hows about you make him feel better? He's just moping around the apartment right now, you know? Kinda a bummer."

"Oh come on-" Fire began but Ice, still a little scary, asked.

"What do you want us to do?"

He smiled as Fire raised an indignant eyebrow at Ice. "So… I'm thinking we show her he doesn't NEED her… you know?" he pulled out a digital camera and put it on their table. "…I'm thinking I order you girls tonight. You come over and make him feel better? A LOT better. And we get it ALL on recording…"

"Sounds to me like you just want to make a porno…" Fire noted. Granted both girls HAVE made pornos, Ice was a former pornstar after all and Fire has a few one or two amateur-made videos on even more amateur sites.

"Yeah. Then we send it to the cheating uh... 'Cadela'. If anything it'll get her butt off my bro and he can find a better girlfriend…"

Fire leaned on the table, her big, brown sugar breasts hanging at just his eye level. "…You're really just going to order us to make an amateur porno? What makes you think our boss-"


"Oh that's me!" smiled Ice suddenly, pulling her phone from her shorts pocket. "Oh." She answered quickly once she saw the contact, "Hi Orders… uh huh, uh huh… okay…" she hung up. "She says, 'Do it, and when you're done I want a copy."

Fire sighed but smiled faintly at the return of Ice's own cheery smile. "…Fine…" she sighed as Surfer Dude grinned.

"Great! I'm going to clog your drain!" he said, getting up and heading to the sink.

"…Wait, what?" Fire asked indignantly.

"I need to SOMEHOW get him into your apartment!" he began to shoo them towards the door, "Go on, I'll order you at nine."

"Ugh…" Fire grumbled, walking out with a smiling Ice. "…You're acting weird Querida."

"I don't like her." she said flatly, her blue eyes a little cold. Fire decided not to touch the matter. "Playing with Mikey's emotions like that." she said coolly, as she continued regardless and they went to work.


Time: 9:00 PM. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)


"Hello Superbabes. We Deliver."

"Heeeeeey, Fire and Ice dessert please…"

"Right. You... One baked Alaska. They'll be right over. Also, remember to send me a copy."

"Yes ma'am."

"Also, I'm giving you a modified 2 for 1 deal but I want them back within 2 hours or I'll start charging you more. Name and address, please."

An unsurprisingly short time later

"Fire, Ice. Here's your order." The super sexy Superbabe pair were already on their way, and since the walk to their apartment was a little less than 15 minutes, they didn't even need to take the car. Although Fire was still a little nervous about walking around dressed the way she did, they met no trouble on the way as they walked up to their apartment building and already made their way up the stairs.

"This isn't the weirdest thing we've done Querida but it's still a little weird." Fire noted as Ice giggled, they got to the second floor and saw Geoff leaning against their door, smiling as they approached.


"Geoff." Ice smiled as he stepped aside.

"He's fixing your sink, juuust ease him into the idea alright?"

"Yeah yeah." Fire replied as both girls raised their hands to knock.


Time: 9:15 PM. Place 15 minutes from Superbabes (Fire and Ice's apartment)

"Special Delivery Service." They said before Fire rolled her eyes and opened the door, knowing it would be unlocked as Mikey fixed their sink.

"How did the girls stuff a towel rag in the pipes?" Mikey mumbled to himself, lying on his back with his head beneath their sink in the kitchen as he tossed the rag Geoff had stuffed in there earlier into a nearby bucket. He sighed.

"I don't think he heard us Querida." Fire said as a soft 'bonk' echoed from the sink.

"Ow! Uh… girls? You're back… early…" he breathed, coming out of the sink as Ice picked up Geoff's camera that had been left on their little square table in the living room and smiled prettily at him. "…Why are you in um… 'uniform'?" he asked as Fire strutted towards him, bending forward letting him gaze deep into her hypnotizing brown sugar cleavage.

"…Why do you think?"

He blinked between them, Ice winked back as he stared into Fire's breasts. "…Again?"

"MMmn-Hmmn…" Fire took his hand and pulled him up. "See… your brother-"

"Ugh… Geoff…" he grumbled, his face red as Fire rubbed his arms.

"Thinks that you need to show off to your ex-cadela by fucking a pair of sexier girls…" she smiled sexily at him to prove her point.

"So we're going to do it!" smiled Ice sweetly, holding the camera, "And we're going to record it!"

"Oh come on-Gi-GIRLS…" he moaned as Fire grabbed his cock, and gently fondled it, whispering seductively in his ear.

"Do you not WANT to slide your big, hard cock into us?" she cooed sensually as he shivered her breasts firmly against his chest. "Go rinse off… and come right back." She said, gently pulling away and leaning her big Brazilian booty on the edge of the table, watching him patiently.

"I… uh…"

"Mikey." Ice cooed, "…It'll be FUN…" she said sweetly as he stared into her pretty smiling face blushing, then absently moved to their bathroom.

Fire sighed as she heard the shower turn on, Ice giggled sweetly, "I knew you liked him."

"I like getting fucked, I like getting paid, I like sleeping in. That doesn't mean I like him…" she said flatly, "…You like everyone though." Ice just smiled, Fire took the camera, turning it on and pointing it at Ice's face as it began to record. Ice waved to the camera sweetly as Fire chuckled.

"Hi! I'm going to have sex with Mikey!" she said sweetly, before licking her lips with her freakishly flexible tongue. "…Because it feels SOOO good." She moaned, running her hands over her soft sexy body, her blue skirt lifting slightly as she squeezed her breasts, not nearly as big as Fire's but still impressive. "MMMn… I can't wait to do WHATEVER her wants…" she cooed sensually, smiling divinely as she panted.

"Yeah?" Fire purred as Ice nodded, and knelt down.

"MMn-hmmn… I'm so wet and ready…" she smiled, burying her face into Fire's crotch and sniffing. "MMmn… and soooo horny. Mikey turns me on SO much…" Fire thought she was laying it on a bit thick, but selling the mood was important. Not only to make his ex-cadela jealous but because a professionally sexy, horny Ice would definitely sell on the website.

While you'd never be able to tell at a glance that Ice was once in porn, once she turned on the pornstar switch it was INCREDIBLY easy to believe.

"I want to suck on his dick so much…" she whimpered, gazing up at Fire pleadingly. "…Can I eat your pussy until I can suck his dick?"

Fire laughed, leaned back, and spread her legs, keeping the camera focused on Ice's pretty face as her sexy tongue lolled out. Fire pulled her suit aside, exposing her wet pussy to Ice's sensual tongue before resting a hand on her head and pulling her between her legs. "Eat up you sexy puta, MMMn…" she moaned as Ice's tongue slid easily into her pussy, coiling and curling spectacularly inside her as her toes curled in her boots while scrapping the carpet. "Mmmn… ugh yeah… keep going…"

Ice's tongue, plus pussy, equals good fucking time.

"MMmghn…. Mmmn!" moaned Ice, her tongue-twisting and turning like a thrashing snack as her lips slurped out Fire's dripping arousal. Both sexy Superbabes were more than ready to play seconds after Ice began… "Mmmn-mmnaaahh… you taste so good…" she breathed lovingly as Fire's pussy trembled, spasming around Ice's long tongue.

Fire rubbed Ice's silky white bob cut, pulling her deeper into her pussy, "MMmn…nnnmn…" she rocked slowly back and forth, thrusting steadily on Ice's long and talented prehensile tongue.

"Hey so-oh…" Mikey stared at them, towel around his waist as Fire smiled at him, Ice hungrily eating her out.

"…We couldn't WAIT for you, Bebe…" purred Fire arousingly, licking her lips and shivering as Ice moaned, licking out Fire's arousal from her dripping pussy before pulling away. The camera catching every wet inch of her long tongue as she turned her attention to Mikey. She got up, and strutted towards him before taking his hand and pulling him into the living room…

She took his face in her hands as Fire recorded, then lovingly kissed him full on the mouth. "MMn-MMMN!" she moaned as Mikey froze, her tongue swirling in his mouth before she pulled away, "Ahh…" her smiling face and eyes turned to Fire, who gave her a thumbs up. "Hee-hee…" she giggled staring into an awed Mikey's face. "We're going to make you really happy…" she breathed sensually under her breath as Mikey's cock jumped out of his towel to poke at her stomach. She kissed him chastely on the lips, before dropping to her knees.

Ice's smiling face rubbed against his twitching cock as Fire took this opportunity to get naked. With one hand she stripped out of her clothes as she continued to film Ice servicing Mikey's cock. Opening her mouth and extending her tongue just as Fire's suit hit the floor exposing her perfect brown sugar body.

"Aahh-mmngh." Moaned Ice, wrapping her lips around his tip as her tongue slithered back and forth beneath his shaft, pumping up and down as she bobbed her head, rubbing his thighs as she stared up at him with smiling blue eyes. His hands lashed tightly to her scalp as she slowly and sensually slurped on his cock.

Leaning against the table, the edges digging into her soft brown ass Fire spread her legs, keeping the camera focused on Ice's sensually devoted blowjob, making sure every inch of Mikey's throbbing cock was thoroughly liked by her prominent tongue, Fire's fingers digging and spreading her wet pussy as she built herself up.

"MMMN…mmn-ahh… it tastes so yummy…" Ice purred, her tongue slathering all over his cock as she smiled prettily, "Ahh-laaah… mmmn…" she kissed it as it throbbed, brushing against her smooth soft cheeks as her tongue pulled it against her lips. "Do you want me to suck it all out? Because I will… you can come in my mouth…" she purred, brushing her lips along his shaft.

"Nah…" Fire moaned erotically, "…He wants something hot and warm…" Fire purred, "Haaa…" her pussy dripping arousal around her fingers to pitter-patter on the floor. "Don't you, bebe?" she smirked knowingly as he stared at her, Ice just smiled, hand around his wet length and stroking it gently.

"Can I?" he mumbled as she laughed.

"Bebe you can do WHATEVER you want…" she smiled, then turned around. She put the camera down on the opposite end of the table and put her hands flat on the edge. Swaying her Brazilian booty at him as he approached, Ice getting to her feet and skipping just behind him. "MMMn…" Fire moaned, feeling his throbbing wet cock between her smooth ass cheeks as his hands cupped her big beautiful breasts from behind, rolling over her nipples over and over as he groped her.

Ice pushed on her back, and she fell slowly forward, lying completely on the table with her ass pointed towards Mikey as her breasts pressed against the hard polished wood. Ice pressed her body to Mikey, turning his head and kissing him loudly, "MMmn-mmnn…" moaning into his mouth as he guided his hands to Fire's ass… then his cock to her pussy.

"Oooh he's going to feel so FUCKING good…" Fire moaned into the camera, her bedroom eyes at maximum hotness as she panted, licking her green lips. "Balls deep in my FUCKING pussy…" she snarled hungrily. "Ah!...Ahh…" she moaned as Mikey slipped right in, her brown booty molding against his hips as Ice pushed him as deep as he was going to get. "Get… that… pussy…" she moaned through her teeth, eyes rolling up as his hips bucked behind her, slapping and bouncing against her ass as she clawed the table, the camera jumping as he pumped her over it.

"Ugh. Ugh. Uhg…" Fire moaned as Ice pulled away from a panting Mikey, flicking her finger under his chin with a coy smile as she giggled around the table. "F-Fuck me… huh…ugh-nngh…" as the echoing sound of ass against hips echoed around the room.

Ice ran her hand over the camera, holding it in place before picking it up and getting a full view of Fire's body lying over the table, her smooth back and round Brazilian booty bouncing tantalizingly as Mikey rested his hands on her waist, mindlessly pumping his hips as Ice squatted down and recorded Fire's face directly, capturing her aroused looks and moans as her big bouncy breasts rubbed on top the table.

"You're so pretty!" cheered Ice happily as Fire laughed.

"Haa-haa-UUnnngh…" her pretty green eyes rolled as she moaned her orgasm, "Ugh that feels so good…" she cooed for the camera, her legs shaking in climax. "Ugh. Ugh! You… gonna cum? Bebe?" she moaned, slamming her ass back hard against Mikey's thrusts, "Gonna cum? Fill me up with that load?" feeling him pulsating inside her, his cock ready to bursts as he smacked against her, tightening his grip around her slender waist as she clenched her teeth. "Pull my hair… Pull my hair and cum…"

It took Mikey a moment to register her commands, most of his functions were putting his sole focus into pumping the sexy Brazilian from behind, a show unto itself. But his hand reached up and grabbed a fistful of Fire's hair.

"Ay! YES…" she hissed, rising off the table, her big breasts wobbling as she pushed them together with her arms as she gazed at the ceiling, "Ha! Ah! AH!! Ahh!!"

"Ahh! NNgh!!" Mikey grunted, falling forward, bucking his hips mechanically against Fire's ass as she tightened around him. "AHhh!!"

"Haaa…!" gasped Fire, shaking sensually as she gazed into the camera, her mouth open slightly before smiling confidently… from this angle from the position of the arms and the satisfied look on her face she looked like the Sphinx. Up into Mikey fell onto her back, "Ha-Ha-ha!" she laughed as he pumped into her, groaning eagerly as he inhaled the scent of her green hair. "MMMn…" she wiggled her behind as Ice stood up and slowly walked around, filming every second of Mikey's inseminating creampie. His hips pressed to Fire, her legs spread wide, his balls quivering against her soft body as it pumped his thick load inside her.

"MMMn… did you like that Bebe?" purred Fire, rubbing his cheek with her hand as he panted.

"That felt… amazing…" he breathed, looking halfway to passing out.

"MMmn you felt great too." She said, smirking. She might not be as great an actress as Ice but she could certainly sell it regardless. He certainly believed her his spent cock throbbing inside her gooey pussy. "Fucking me on the table like that…" she purred

Ice knelt behind them, viewing them between Mikey's legs as she got a view of Fire's pussy milking him as he pulled out. "Wait." Ice put a hand on his butt and he froze as if she was freezing him. "Pull out SLOW…" she grinned as Fire laughed, wiggling her behind again as if to shake him out because he was stuck.

Slowly Mikey was extracted, his cock slipping from Fire's tight slit as a dollop of cum and arousal dribbled out of her. "MMMN…" Ice cooed, getting it all on film. She pulled the camera away, and made it focus on her as she leaned towards Fire's pussy, "Doesn't that look tasty?" she cooed with her ever-present smile, her long tongue sliding out to give Fire's wet pussy a loving seductive lick.

"MMmn…" Fire moaned trembling as Ice's hand clapped onto her brown sugar ass cheek. "MMMN!!" she jumped, seemingly squirting out more cum as Ice licked it up.

Mikey hardened almost instantly, watching the girls play together. Ice's tongue slipping it to scrape out and swallow more of the mixture of fluids churning inside Fire before Fire pushed herself off the table, and took the Camera from Ice as she got to her feet.

"MMMn that's a nice fucking tongue, but-" Fire cooed holding the camera over both of them as they stood side by side. "We're not here for us, we're here for Mikey."

"I know that." Ice said sweetly.

"I'm letting the Cadela know, Querida." Purred Fire, wrapping an arm around Ice's waspy waist and clapping a hand on her big pawg bubble booty. Smacking the ripple ass cheek properly as Ice cooed.

"Ah…" sighed the smiling Ice erotically.

"The what?" Mikey asked as Ice just puckered her lips in a playful kiss at him. Silencing him with a blush.

"So. Know what's gonna happen now?" smiled Fire smugly, "He's going to take this sexy little slut right on the bed."

"He is?" cooed Ice 'innocently' as Fire lifted her skirt higher and higher with her rubbing hand.

"I am?" Mikey breathed.

"Yeah he is…" she and Fire began heading towards Ice's bedroom. "Know why?"

"Cause I LIKE it…" Ice purred sweetly into the camera. "He feels SO good…" she curled a finger at Mikey as she walked backward to the edge of her bed, Fire focusing the camera on her as she took the one-piece costume and pulled it over her head, freeing her big round breasts and her big bubble booty as she twirled showing off her body. "Hee-hee!" she giggled, before pushing her underwear to the floor. Wobbling her bouncy rear behind her before sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Mikeeey…" she cooed smiling, "Don't keep me waiting…"

Now, who's going to resist an invitation like that?

"Now who's going to resist an invitation like that?" Fire purred accurately as Ice rolled onto her back, her ass cheeks on the very edge of the bed as her flexible legs shot up, and opened wide in a spread-eagle. "OOoh look at that…" Fire purred as Ice's fingers slid down her body and spread herself open.

"Ahh…ha-ahhhh…" she sighed, her fingers sliding in and out as her ass clenched, her legs trembled, "Miiiikey…" she whined as Mikey stared, wondering if he hit his head beneath the sink. "Hurry…"

"Hey? Are you going to fuck her or am I going to have to eat her out?" Fire smirked at him, squatting in front of a masturbating Ice. He seemed to jump at that and move on his own, Fire got up and out of the way as he rubbed Ice's inner thighs as she smiled prettily and invitingly at him.

"Hurry…" Ice cooed sweetly as his cock pushed against her, slipping through her fingers as she pulled away, gazing at his cock slowly pierce her. "Hurry! Hurry! AHhh!!" she writhed as he pushed deep into her, "OOoh YES!!"

"Puta Merda" laughed Fire as Ice SOLD it.

"Ahh! Ahh! Yes!! YES!!" she writhed as Mikey slowly planted his length into her. "Oooh you're so deep!" she cupped his face, making him look into her hypnotizing blue eyes and smiling face. "I LOVE it…" she moaned as Fire clapped a hand on his ass.

"WHOA!" he jumped as Ice giggled, feeling him shiver inside her.

"Get ON her. Pile drive that dick." Fire encouraged as he crawled onto the bed, Ice's spread legs wrapping around his waist. "Fuck her like she's your baby momma!" she grinned, squatting behind them for the best view of Ice's pinned his and his cock balls deep inside her. He started moving on instinct, slowly pulling out before slamming deep into her again and again. Ice's cries of pleasure drowning out his own easily.

"Ahh! Ahh it's so good! MMNN!! I feel it! I feel it reaching deep inside me!" she purred, "Haa-Ahh-AHhh-AHHH!!" he bounced off her over and over, his cock delving into her pussy as she clawed the sheets above her head, her ass molding erotically on the bed as his slapped his hips against her.

"Come on harder. Fuck her until it hurts." Fire encouraged, watching Ice's body shake in pleasure as she pushed down on Mikey's rear, slapping him harder and harder as Ice's cries of bliss only grew louder.

"HAa!! AHH YES!! Yesss!!!" she writhed erotically, her eyes rolling as her pretty smile looked more manic. "OOOHH!!"

"Ooh look at that…" Fire grinned as a thick gooey oozed out of Ice, "You cumming Querida?"

"YES!!" shrieked Ice happily, "Oh God! YES!! Inside! Inside! INSIDE!!" she begged, Mikey as his cock throbbed eagerly, still pumping in and out of Ice as his hands slid down beneath her, clinging and molding into her ass cheeks, pulling her up as he thrust into her, over, and over and over…


"OOOH GOD!!!" shrieked Ice, her body clinging to him, "MMMN!! MMMN!!!" she bit her bottom lip, moaning and shivering as his cock pulsated. Fire wrapped her lips around his quivering ball sack and slurped as Ice moaned. Milking Mikey's cock with her pussy as he jammed it deep.

"MMMn…" ice moaned, her tongue slithering along his cheek as he buried his face exhaustedly into the bed over her shoulder. "I LOVE it when you cum inside me…" she purred as Fire giggled around his balls, practically feeling his load pump into her though his sack. "Wanna cum some more?" she cooed in his ear sweetly as Fire popped off his balls. "You don't mind?"

"Oh help yourself…" Fire purred, "Smile…" she said, them again as Mikey moaned into the bed.

"Okay, Mikey…" Ice cooed, "Stay inside me…" she purred, "…Move…" she encouraged, and as if magically commanded Mikey's hips slowly began to pump her again, cum and arousal scrapping out of her pussy and oozing down her ass cheeks, over her puckering asshole as she moaned, "Ah.. ahh yes… so hard already and you just keep coming! Ahh… ahh!!" he began grinding his cock deep into her, sloshing and squelching as her toes curled. "MMMngh!!"

Fire continued to film their connection as Ice's squeals and squeaks of pleasure increased, her lower body shuddering occasionally as she climaxed, her big bubble ass, firmly held by Mikey's hand, wobbled and trembled erotically as she moaned in pleasure. Fire pulled away, watching Mikey's bucking hips as she wandered around the coupling, Ice gazing at the headboard, smiling broadly as her long tongue extended out.

"Ahh-AHH! Ha! HA!! AHH…" she smiled prettily at the camera as her eyes rolled, "NNnghed!!"

"I'm gonna cum!" he suddenly gasped, railing into her as she squealed.

"Haaaaa!!" she cried out, laughing as her toes curled and she climaxed again. "Ha-ha!! Ahh ugh!! Gonna cum inside? Cum inside! Don't pull out! Flood my pussy!!!!"

Fire made it just in time for a balls deep creampie. "Huuugh!!!" they roared together, shaking as he slammed deep and ground his hips. "MMMn-HMMN!!" Ice purred, shaking as her pussy oozed her arousal. "MMMN!"

He moaned and roared primally, shaking as he slowly pulled his limp cock out of Ice's pussy. "MMMN!!" Ice smiled, looking down between her raise legs as Fire's hands smacked her bubble booty. "Ooh!!" her big booty jiggled pleasantly.

"Look at the fucking mess…" grinned Fire, "Did he do a good job slut?"

"MMMn-HMmmn!" Ice smiled and nodded as Fire leaned against her pussy and began to lick the oozing cum dribbling out of her. "He was SO good…" she sighed happily, but Mikey wasn't really listening… he was breathing heavily on his back on the floor. Moaning exhaustedly as Fire rolled her green eyes, pulling away from Ice's pussy before flipping off the camera.

"Bye Bye Cadela." She said flatly and turned it off.

"Ooooh…" Ice sighed exhaustedly, smiling tiredly as her legs flopped limply over the bed, still shaking. "MMMMn… Mikey you animal." She giggled as Fire stood up, checking the camera.

"…It was a pretty fucking hot mating press…" Fire complemented, "Nice job, kiddo." She noted as Mikey groaned.

"You were really good Mikey." Ice complimented sweetly and considering it was off-camera, it was her honest opinion. "Oooh…" she shuddered, sitting up and absently fingering herself, "MMMN… you got real deep…" she whimpered softly.

"Yeah you definitely made the cadela jealous."

"Who… or what, is a cadela?" Mikey mumbled questioningly.

"It's apparently bitch." Ice supplied happily.

"Your Ex." Fire added as Mikey released a rather disappointed.


"Don't worry about it kiddo." Smiled Fire as Ice shuddered, leaking on the bed. "Hey come on. You're going to have to wash those later…"

"I-I know… I'm going to take a shower…" she got up, and smiled at Mikey. "…Mikey? Want to shower with us?"

Mikey seemed a little forlorn but Fire grumbled indignantly. "Grab his arm, querida." She said as both girls took a limb and dragged him to his feet, leading him to the bathroom.

It was a simple and tiny glass shower, Fire's bedroom had a tub, but they pushed Mikey into it before they joined him. Fire turned on the hot water as Ice giggled, pressing and rubbing Mikey's body as she licked his neck with her tongue, his hands eventually made their way around her body, squeezing her big bubble booty as she cooed against him, rubbing her breasts against his skinny chest as Fire soaked her green hair, tossing it flicking water everywhere before she took the liquid soap from the mounted rack and spraying it all of HER rack.

"Hey, Bebe. Wash me." She said, smiling smugly as he stared at her big brown sugar breasts. "Come on." She took his hands from Ice's ass and put them firmly on her big breasts, "MMMn…" she moaned, gazing into his eyes as he began to fondle them. "Ay… soap up those tetas…" she purred, moaning softly as her head rolled, letting him fondle and play with her huge tits. While he was naturally hypnotized by Fire's big soft breasts in his squeezing hands, Ice pressed hers to his back, reaching around to soap and stroke his cock. Licking his ear teasingly as a thick foamy coating began to form over Fire's body.

"MMMn…" Fire purred, pushing against Mikey as they pinned him between them. "…I think we got enough time for one more hole…" she purred feeling Mikey's cock throb excitedly against her, "…Want to play one more time bebe?"

He nodded his head eagerly as Ice giggled.

"Say it…" she purred, smiling sweetly.

"I do." He said quickly as Ice laughed playfully. Both girls pulled away leaving him standing awkwardly as they suddenly stood side by side.

"Well?" Fire smiled, Ice wrapped an arm around her waist as she rested hers on Ice's shoulders. "Don't keep us waiting in suspense…"

"Well while we wait…" smiled Ice, turning Fire's beautiful face to hers as they began to make out.

"MMmn-hmn-hmn." Fire chuckled, wrestling Ice's tongue in her mouth, she clearly had the advantage. Fire's hands wrapped around Ice's body to squeeze, fondle, and smack that magnificent booty as Ice greedily groped Fire's big soft tits, both girls moaning as they violently made out. The water rinsing their bodies.

Mikey pulled Fire from Ice and for half a second the Sexy Brazilian expected him to claim the pretty Ice, but he pushed her against the wall, his cock flicking against her pussy as she laughed. "MMMn… want to play with the bela menina?" she purred feeling him throb as she raised on leg high, leaning against the glass wall for support, "Come on." She encouraged as he slid right in, "That's it… come on bebe, I can take it! Uh… Ugh…" she grunted as Mikey pumped his hips, her raised leg resting on his shoulder as Ice knelt down behind him and-

"Waa-OOOH!!" he moaned, pushing deep as Ice's tongue made itself apparent, and made him think of things he didn't want to think about. Fire laughed as Ice moaned.

"Focus…" she purred invitingly, grabbing a shaking Mikey's hips and pumping him into her, "Nngh. Uah… Ahh!!" she grabbed his face, making him look at her as it contorted from the very new feeling on a four-inch tongue inside him. "You want to KEEP fucking me? Then FUCK me…" she growled, then moaned as he pumped his hips faster and faster.

"NNgh-ahh-ahh!" Fire writhed, shaking against the glass. But Mikey stopped, "Ha-Wha? Ugh…" her big breasts were pushed against the glass as Mikey pressed her to it, both legs on the ground and spread properly before he jammed right back in. "Haa-AHHH!!" she shuddered as Ice's hands wrapped around her waist from beneath her, her coiling tongue flicking across her slit and clit as she hummed happily.

"Ugh! HA! UHG!!" Fire's tits bounced hard off the glass as it wobbled from Mikey's deep thrusts, "Ugh! NGH!! Ahh!!" her cheek pressed against the glass as her legs lost strength and her eyes rolled, "Ha-HA! AHHHHh!!"

"I'm cumming!" whined Mikey, as she tightened around him, shaking in climax as a rope of cum shot inside her but suddenly he was out.

"Ahhh!!" Smiled Ice, her tongue slipping out from beneath Fire as ropes of cum sprayed across it and her chin, down her neck.

"Ughh…Haaa…" Mikey sighed, furiously stroking out his cum as he lied against Fire's body, still pressed erotically against the glass. Her nipples hard enough to cut it. To her credit she let the exhausted Mikey use her as a temporary pillow, but time was running out so she pushed him gently aside as he leaned against the wall.

"MMMn-hmmn…" she stood up, Ice's mouth slurping at her pussy lovingly as she patted the pretty white bob cut girl before wobbling under the shower water to wash again. Mikey slid to the floor as Ice, always accommodating, knelt on her hands and knees, her ass raised enticingly in the air behind her as it wobbled, and she licked his limp cock clean, holding it up as she tended to it.

She was still sucking it as Fire wobbled out of the shower and grabbed Ice's towel, "I'll be right back." She said, heading to her bathroom to retrieve her towel… and upon her return.

"Haa-AUUGH!!" Ice moaned softly as Mikey sprayed her face. She, as always, smiled prettily as she received her facial.

"MMMN. Mwah." She kissed his cock and got to her feet, washing herself off quickly before Fire handed her the dry towel.

"Missed some, Querida." Fire noted lazily testing to her own cheek as Ice quickly checked the mirror, noticing a trace of Mikey's cum on her cheek.

"Oh!" she scraped it off with a finger and washed it in the sink. "Got it." she said cheerily.

"Ei. Mikey?" Fire declared, standing proudly naked in the doorway as Mikey groaned, "Make sure you fix the sink alright?" she added casually before both girls walked through their apartment.

Redressing casually, Ice pulled down her skirt over her rear and lightly patted her booty, as if checking to see if it was still attached as she noted thoughtfully. "…Was this revenge porn?"

"…Don't think so." Fire replied thoughtfully as they made their way out the door towards Geoff's and Mikey's apartment. "I mean they're not together."

"True." Ice noted as they knocked on the door, "I guess its more jealousy porn?" she asked, smiling slightly as the door popped open, revealing a yawning Geoff. He had booze on his breath but he always did around this time.

"Hey babes." He said in his full on surfer voice. "Got the camera?" Fire handed him the camera, "Sweet." He then passed them a roll of bills.

"Remember, our boss wants a copy."

"No problem, after I send it to my Bro's ex you guys can take the camera." He said plainly.

Ice however tilted her head, much like a curious puppy. "…Will this really be a good idea?"

"…At most, it will make sure she doesn't try to hook up with my bro again…" he noted sagely and very smug.

"…Well… yes." Ice said with a patient smile, "…But won't this really just come around to bite him in the butt one day? What if he runs for office or something?"

Geoff stared at her, opened his mouth, then closed it. "…uuuuuuuuhhh…"

"…I think you broke him, Querida." Purred Fire before taking the camera from his open palm. "…How about we let our editors take a look at it first? I'm sure Mel and Yaya can touch it up so Mikey's not obvious." She then eyed Ice. "I mean. I was a hooker, and you're a former pornstar, we don't really care… Mikey might have an opinion."

"…Whoa, whoa whoa... wait… you were a pornstar?" Ice just smiled at Geoff's surprised face as Fire grabbed the doorknob.

"Talk to you later Geoff." She said snarkily, shutting the door before they were deterred any further. Handing Ice the camera as she tossed the roll of bills up and down in her hand as they made their way down the stairs and back to Superbabes.

Time: 11:31. Place: Gotham (Superbabes)

"Ola Orders." Maria put the money down on the counter as Zoey put down the camera, Orders checked both over with a glance before sorting one with one hand and lifting up the other curiously

"I said a copy." Orders noted lazily.

"Yeah, but we decided we might want to edit it down first." Maria said as Orders shrugged.

"I'll have Mel and Yaya look it over." She said simply, putting the camera away for later. "How about you two? You good?"

"Fine." Both girls replied simultaneously. Confident and smiling as always...

Orders nodded, "Might as well take a break then, the floor's covered for now. Brielle came in earlier than expected." Both Maria and Zoey dropped onto the couch, Maria stretching out as Zoey smiled serenely.

"…I really did want to see the cadela's face." she said suddenly as Maria eyed her roommate and work-partner, she still had a smile on her face, so Maria was somewhat concerned.

"That's surprising vindictive of you, Querida." Zoey pouted cutely but lied back on the couch.

"…I just don't like people who mess with other's feelings." She said plainly, "She should just stay away from Mikey… and people I like in general."

"…You like everybody querida." Maria smiled.

Zoey sniffed indignantly. "…I don't like 'Bitches'."

"Well…" Maria stretched her legs over Zoey's lap as the pretty smiling girl absently massaged her feet. "If she shows up again just tell her you're dating Mikey, that might make her back down… and if she doesn't believe you drop to your knees and suck him off in front of her, that'll be pretty convincing."

Zoey blinked curiously and mumbled out a contemplative. "Hmmmmn…" rubbing her chin and Maria's feet absently as her smile stretched wider.

Orders subtly blinked at them and rolled her purple eyes. "…Not touching that…" she mumbled under her breath.


To the butchering

Cadela means bitch… that's pretty obvious (as usual at least according to google translate)

Não se atreva, porra. = Don't you fucking dare.

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