
Raiders of the Lost Supply Ship

I don't own Star wars

"We've been in this asteroid belt for two DAYS…" groaned Lala lying on her bed as her voice echoed. "For the love of the force where the fuck are they?!"

We have been waiting for the supply ship that Aida arrange from the Cromwells… we were to attack, cripple, and steal what we need and she would come and claim the rest. No prisoners. No survivors… and I can't help but be… eager, for a chance at free Cromwell soldiers… they were loyal… but stupidly so… luckily I could be easily distracted from my boredom. Oriana was helping.

"They'll show up soon." Oriana declared from my room… on my bed… naked.

"You said that two days ago…" Lala whined.

"No. I said they'll show up in two days-Kal…" she hissed as I sucked on her blue neck, she giggled girlishly as I held her tightly from behind. "I'm… I'm trying to make a point." I growled hungrily as she blushed, my hands sliding over her supple blue body as she shivered in my embrace. "G-Go play Pazack with Nerri…"

"She always wins…" Lala groaned unhappily.

"Try playing with Rattletrap, he'll show you how to cheat." Oriana moaned as my hand slid down between her soft thighs… finding something tight and warm as she shuddered. "K-Kaaaaal…" she whimpered, trying not to cry out as she gasped erotically for breath.

"Wait. He CHEATS?"

"He's a Jawa of course he cheeeets!" she hissed as her body shuddered in her climax. "Kal!" she growled as I rolled her over, then fell on top of her. "MMMpgh?!" I was already kissing her as Lala grumbled.

"That little bastard." There was a sound of footsteps as she made her way to the elevator. And I no longer cared…

"Mine…" I said as I took Oriana's soft lips again. Her hands pressed on my scared muscled chest as her legs spread wide to let me inside her. I pushed inside, and lay firmly on top of her ass she gasped, her large blue breasts pressed against me as I took her hands in mine and pinned them above her head.

"Ahh… ahhh… Kal…" she cooed softy in my ear as I dove inside her again, and again. "Ugh… UGH…" her long elegant legs hooked behind my back, keeping me inside her as I kissed her again, constantly pushing deep into her body as she trembled tightly around my length. Her legs squeezed me even tighter. "Ooh!" I rolled her over so she was sitting on top of me, "Wha-aahhh! AH… AH…" she fell forward, her hands on my chest as I pumped into her. Holding her hips as she rode my lap. "Ugh! Ugh… Kal… you… freak!" she hissed, falling forward, hands on my chest. Her large blue breasts bounced slowly on her chest.


"AHH!!" She jumped and tightened around me, biting her lower lip as Nerri stuck her head into the door… "MMMn-mmmn!" she climaxed, shaking erotically as she rolled her ruby red eyes. "Whaaaat?" she asked indignantly, falling onto me.

"We got them…"

"S-SHIT…" she hissed, trying to push off me as I grabbed her hips tightly. "K-Kal waaaaaaait!" she moaned as I rapidly pumped up into her. "Ugh… UUGH!!" she fell fully onto me as I filled her with my cum.

"…Well now that you're done…" I growled quietly, rubbing my face into Oriana's blue hair as she trembled on top of me. "Shall we do what we were hired to do?" Nerri asked, tilting her head as she looked at us.

I growled quietly, I wonder if this is how Uncle Aiden felt when he was interrupted. I carefully pulled out of Oriana. "Pants… Kal…" she hissed, lying on my bed as I retrieved my pants. "MY pants Kal…" Nerri grabbed her things as she recovered slowly. Armor, mask, gauntlets… I dressed as did Oriana as Nerri gestured out of my room.

"They're moving, just as the Admiral said." Nerri said as we rushed to the cockpit.

"Note. No sex before a big job…" Oriana mumbled quietly as I growled indignantly. "Lala!"

"Coming!" we collected into the cockpit as a loan imperial supply ship wandered through the route. A small squad of tie-fighters for escorts.

"…She didn't mention escorts." Nerri noted as Oriana waved a hand.

"Cromwells aren't stupid. No matter how often we outsmart them." Our ship was currently attached to a drifting rock in the asteroid field thanks to magnetic grips on our ship… they would also assist us in boarding the imperial supply ship. She pulled something from her utility belt, it looked like a small box that she slipped into a slot on the ship. There was a low ominous hum, and we detached as the small fleet of ships drifted by.

"Can we deal with 7 tie-fighters?" Nerri asked. "They're going to fly rings around us…"

"What if we blow them up from behind?" Oriana asked as we drifted out. "What I just put in our ship is a radar blocker… ciphers use them all the time." She added as I stared at her.

"…Why don't we use it all the time?"

"Because it also blocks OUR radar… as long as they don't actually see us in those flying metal deathtraps we are essentially invisible." Giving the ships a significant amount of time, we drifted in behind them. "…Man the guns…" she said as Nerri and Lala darted out. "Kal, take this one…" she added, gesturing to the co-pilot's seat. She opened the ship channels, "When I say, open fire, take out the tie-fighters and disable the engines of the supply ship."

"Got it." Came a collective reply as I activated my mask, my shistavaanan face appearing. It was a palpable moment, my hands curling around the triggers.


My guns blasted the supply ship engines and the ship came to a screeching halt. 4 tie-fighters exploded before the final three began to move. "They're spitting up!" Oriana noted as Lala and Nerri roared expletives, Oriana turned it off the com. "Kal."

"I got it…" I said, missing… unfortunately.

"Kal take the helm." She pulled me out of the seat as she sat down. Firing far more accurately as a tie exploded. The ship shook as the other two turned around only for them to explode in almost simultaneously fashion. The ship rattled again as tie wings scrapped across the hull. "…Phew…" Then… finally… the ship rattled once more as we docked beside the supply ship.

I got up as Oriana patted my shoulder. "Good work…" she said as I nodded. "Aida said no witnesses."

"I'm aware…" I noted, my claws snapping as we approached the docking hatch. Lala and Nerri both armed and ready as Oriana pulled out one of her blaster pistols.

"…They might not all be Cromwell Imperials." She added, holding a small bomb and standing beside the hatch with Lala.

"…It's fine." I declared, my fingers clenching as I took the other wall with Nerri. The docking hatch attached to the supply ship and after a moment of electronic whirling, it opened…

Blaster fire peppered the far wall as Rattletrap roared out angrily. "Oh that's going to take forever to get the smell out. Oriana tossed the small bomb into the hatch. "Ears and eyes." She said as the flashbang rattled the supply ship. The blasters briefly stopped firing… and we cleaned up.

Nerri, Lala and Oriana short multi-colored blaster fire into the flash. A few troopers went down as I darted in, low to the ground like an animal, slipping beneath the fire as I dove in… their armor was no match for my claws, razor-edged durasteel, custom made just for me by my mother… stormtrooper armor wasn't going to stop my strength or my claws.

Half a dozen Cromwell troopers were on the ground, marked Cromwell blue unique to the outer rim territories. I breathed heavily, before roaring into the ship.

"Ah fuck." Oriana mumbled as I charged in.

"RAAAAGH!!!" I rammed my claws into everyone in my way. Months of rage against the Cromwell's released in a moment. If I wasn't so pent up and angry I might have felt sorry for the poor bastards as I ripped them apart.

"STOP HIM!" Oriana Lala and Nerri jumped me, as I raked my claws across the terminal of the ship, killing the pilot. "Kallus! ENOUGH! ENOUGH!" my arms were restrained by Lala and Nerri she stood in front of me, grabbing my face and forcing me to look into her eyes. "Enough!..." she declared, firmly as I began to breathe lighter. "You've killed them all… we're alright. Enough."

"Woo… went pretty nuts there didn't you Kal Baby…" Lala grinned as my muscles relaxed.

"…And you wrecked the ship panel." Oriana mumbled, "…Pretty sure Aida's going to yell at us for that…"

"…She's fine with killing all these troopers but the wrecked ship bother's her?"

"People are easily replaced, ships take time." Oriana noted practically. "…Let's get the stuff loaded onto the ship." She patted my armor, currently covered in blood, with the back of her hand. "Aida would hate for us to be late."

"…She is a stickler for that." I grumbled quietly as we made our way through the ship.

"Nerri get Traps and the dolly, let's speed this along. Kal get hauling…" she noted as we entered the cargo hold.

"I can't believe your… our?-" Lala blinked, "Cousin is paying us a hutt's ransom to raid this ship that was coming to her anyway." She said as Oriana chuckled, finding another dolly as I began to load up various crates.

"…It's her way of helping us." Oriana noted sagely, "Get those medpacs she won't care if the blasters are late."

"Why not just GIVE us the money?" Lala asked lazily, helping me with the medpac crates.

"…That's not how Aida thinks." I noted softly, stacking crates on crates as Nerri returned with a chipper Rattletrap… ignoring the corpses. "This way she can essentially write us off as a 'tax refund', and give us the money we need."

"Bounty hunters and Imperials…" Oriana noted. "Our… Uncle, Aiden had a similar relationship with his sister."

"…Our family is weird." Lala noted as she began pushing the full dolly as I began working on the new one.

Oriana grabbed my arm. "You went a little wild there." She whispered. "…Are you alright?"

I took a breath. "…Fine..." I stared at her concerned face. "…Why?" her ruby eyed narrowed.

"…You're not like uncle Aiden." She whispered softly. "You actually care about being imperial." I glanced at the dead body of the Cromwell trooper.

"They're Cromwells…" I growled quietly. "I'm fine." My shistavaanan face snarling visibly.

"…Alright." She said softly, "…Come on grab some blasters." She said, slapping my shoulder.

It took us a few hours, but we loaded everything Aida would want and a bit extra plus something Lala was sure we could get a good price for on the hutt market. "You want to call her, or should I?" Oriana asked as Lala grinned sitting on the final dolly load as Nerri pushed it in.

"I'll do it." I said as she headed towards the cockpit.

"Nerri, Lala get the crates locked down. Rattletrap separate us."

"Got it!" Rattletrap replied, tossing a severed trooper arm out of the docking hatch back onto the supply ship before shutting the doors.

I felt the ship leave the supply transport as I made my way to my room, getting the com device Aida had given me. Sitting on my bed as I activated it. it took a moment… then.

"Kallus?" Idale, Aida's Lieutenant/Secretary answered the com. "…Hold on. Admiral…" the image flickered as Aida eventually appeared, gazing at my face for a moment.

"Take that ridiculous thing off." She declared, as I deactivated the mask. "Is it done?"

"Apart from a few crates we couldn't take." I noted as she nodded.

"Good, that's fine. And the witness?"


"And the Ship?"

"You might need a new panel." I replied as she sighed, staring into my eyes.

"…2 out of 3 isn't bad but I'll have to dock your pay." I scowled. "Oh don't be so stiff this is a professional relationship… speaking of which I have to step out for a moment. Do me a favor Kallus and hold for a moment…" the image flickered, and someone was shoved forward.

"Idale why am I-Kal?!" Patch grinned at me and I actually grinned back.

"Patch. Good to see you… is she treating you alright?"

"You crazy bastard!" Patch smiled, "Look at you! I don't see you for six months and you go all bounty hunter on me!"

"Is Aida treating you alright?" I asked, laughing for the first time in a long time.

"What? Yeah she's fine!" he said, standing a little straighter. "Best commanding officer we've… I've ever had."

"…She is the best…" I said, putting down the com, and having a good long conversation with my old friend…


…My com was buzzing.

"Aida." I said softly, attaching it to my ear. "…Did Kal not call you?"

"I'm speaking to him right now. Patch is distracting him with sentimentality… were there any hiccups."

"…Kal went Berserk." I replied finally, keeping my eyes on the empty space as I plug in the rendezvous coordinates.

"…I imagine that explains the damage to the ship." She said softly as I flinched, she was quiet for so long I thought she might have hung up… but she soon spoke again. "Were there any complications?"

"No. He calmed down." I replied, relaxing in my seat. "I calmed him down."

"...Keep me up to date… I'll go back to talking to him now. Patch is being particularly chipper and I don't know if I want to deal with that until you get here."

"…Try not to disappoint him too much." I replied grinning.

"I already keep him in close contact with Emila Cromwell what else do you want from me?" she replied indignantly.

"Well you do that as much for you as for him." I replied. "See you in a few hours."

"Yes." She replied, "Patch that's enough…"

I hung up, rubbing my eyes for a moment. I told her he was fine, but he went berserk so quickly… maybe… he needs an outlet? We shouldn't risk it… "Lala?" realizing that she probably didn't hear me. "Lala?!"

"WHAT?!" she replied angrily. Soon joining me in the cockpit. "What? I have to ride an elevator to get up here."

"Where are places we can get Kal into a fight?"

"…A random bar?" she replied confused

"…I mean an underground, one." Lala smiled broadly.

"Oh… yeah I got a few places." She grinned pulling out a datapad. "I've been making a list!"

"Good… because with you off the hutt hook… we can branch out."

…We might need to.


A day after the raid on the ship

"Haaaaa…" I sighed softly, kicking over the dead corpse. "…Pirates?"

"Pirates sir." Replied my trooper, standing at attention. I didn't fucking believe that for a minute. This was payback… the sheer brutality about it... But tit for tat Aida I'll give you this. Now we're even and back to glaring at each other across the 'Cromwell and Kane' battle lines.

"Do we know why they were so far off course?" I asked.

"What we could get from the damaged console was they received damaged hyperspace coordinates…" replied my trooper. "Off by a digit."

"HMph…" clever bitch was always clever. "Any survivors?"

"…One…" he replied.

"And why am I not talking to him?"

"He died sir moments after we found him... We didn't get much out of him."

"Well what did you get out of him captain?"

"…'Monster'. Sir…"

I sighed again, "…Is it too much to ask that our people be more clear in their dying declarations?" I glared at some of the dead bodies. "…Pack them up. Bury them."

"Anywhere specific sir?"

"A graveyard?" I replied flatly, eyeing some of the torn bodies… it looked like a beast clawed through their armor… clever bitch was always clever. "…closed caskets. If anyone asks say it was pirates."

"It was pirates sir." I nodded, not bothering to correct him on who actually did it… even though I have no firm durasteel proof.

"Good boy Captain." I replied, making my way back to my vessel.

That clever bitch wasn't the only clever one.

End of Chapter.

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