
The case of the empty sockets (IV)

Chapter 9

Third POV

"I couldn't find anything on my part." Luis scowled, yet it quickly changed into a smile, as a brown cat was softly caressed in his arms. It was starting to become a pattern; one he didn't greatly appreciate in his case. Other than the scarred tissues and heavy pressure that completely parts of the skull, he had nothing new to report and hoped Bonnie could from her side. The forensic scientist always manages to find a clue no matter what, if it was anyone else, it would have annoyed him to his core, and he acknowledged that from day one of the job. But with Bonnie, it was their success even if he would suck at verbally admitting it to the introverted woman across the room and used cupcakes to reward her instead without giving himself away. The cat purred in his grasp, snapping him out of it as he hesitantly continued to pet it, as the pet slowly laid on his lap and he withdrew his hand after the furry creature slept and placed him on a free chair that was close to him.

The brown cat in Luis's custody was examined for just a simple clue but came out empty, as it proved the cat was abused by its deceased owner. Luis was careful holding the cat after covering it with a blanket, already having Bonnie administer burn creams and taking the cat to a vet to check for possible infections in the process. Michael wasn't pleased with the findings from Luis but said nothing about the cat and turned to Bonnie, who was enjoying her free cupcakes from Luis. The brunette looked up at him, taking her time to eat the pastry in her possession as she was currently on her lunch break and wasn't putting the snack down until the time was up. Leah glanced around the room to avoid looking at the body on the table, refusing to look in Luis's direction either, doing her best to have an argument with him, no matter how much he irked her and made her want to punch him. Luis noticed and gave an empty smile directed towards her, before it changed to his casual smile as he made eye contact with Bonnie after she finished her snack and was ready to give her report.

"The spoon was actually glass that was coated in silver."

Luis turned his chair around to look at her in shock, as he wasn't expecting such a discovery from her. Whether Michael was surprised or not, he didn't show it. His face was neutral, nodding his head and writing down the new source of information. Leah looked really disturbed by the information.


"You heard her," Luis spoke, recovering from the shock quickly unlike Leah. The redhead was mortified by the news and remained quiet, closing her ears to stop herself from hearing anymore that could possibly frighten her more. Michael looked at Bonnie, silently asking her to continue her verbal report. She had already placed the reports on his table prior to him calling Leah to the station.

"The knife was also made out of silver." Luis looked unimpressed, as he kept his bowl of noodles on the table and walked up towards Bonnie, looking at her report with a careful gaze, reading through the results. He didn't question her, as he knew she would have gone through the test several times before actually believing the results. "What is this town's killer's obsession with anything silver?" He scratched his head in frustration until he stopped. He glanced at Michael, standing straight and walked towards him, as something hadn't been making sense from the beginning ever since they started the case, and a week had passed, and Michael hadn't informed him or Bonnie about the main suspect of the case.

Timothy' wife.

No questioning had been given nor had she shown up to the station to check if her ex-husband was truly dead. You know, normal reactions from ex-wives or wives from estranged relationships when they encounter the corpse of their husbands, whether divorced or not.

"Detective Jones?"

"Doctor Thomas. What do you want?" Michael looked at him with his unreadable eyes as he looked up at Luis. Luis was the tallest in the room, so it was natural for everyone to look up when they wanted to talk to him and he would look down on them, just not in a condescending manner. But he was tempted to do the same with the man in front of him to get just a hint of an emotion that was better than him looking at the rest of them like a statue.

"His wife and son? Where are they? Ever since this case started, you haven't said or tried to communicate with them!! What are you trying to hide from us?" Luis asked, growing impatient with all the secrets that Michael was withholding from them. "Me and Bonnie aren't stupid enough to follow you around and do everything you ask us to when you aren't contributing from your side!!" Leah hid under the table, covering her eyes on instinct as she didn't do well with arguments. Bonnie didn't try to speak watching everything until she noticed Leah's shaking figure, closing her ears with her hands and listening to the conversation between Luis and Michael. The latter said nothing as she expected, greatly infuriating Luis as it was like talking to a brick wall as no change was seen on him or his body movements. Michael stood confidently and remained eye contact with him, before walking away, leaving the room in absolute silence. His footsteps echoed in the morgue, as he walked up the stairs, but he turned around but did not talk to either of them, facing Leah instead. She had crawled out of the table and stayed near the sleeping cat, comforted by the presence of it.

"Visiting hours are over, Miss Shane. I suggest you leave."

And he left after that, leaving an annoyed Luis, a visibly calm Bonnie and a distracted Leah in the morgue.




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