
Luis Thomas

Chapter 2

"Bo-, Ouch!!"

They said, before I grabbed the hand on my shoulder with a tight grip and pulled them forward, as they lost their balance. My legs were still on the ground, quickly aiming for the throat as they landed on the ground with my arms wrapped around their neck and my body applying weight on them as they laid on the ground. I restrained them completely, ignoring the sounds of declining breaths and lowered pulses, due to my fight or flight mode on autopilot. When I knew I was out of danger, I took my time to gaze at the individual. I clicked my tongue, removing my tongue as my feeling of fear was replaced with a strong hint of relief and annoyance, slowing removing my hands and body away from them.

"Do you always have to be so easy to scare?"

They chuckled, wincing a bit as I had applied a lot of pressure to their windpipe.

"And why are you always so easy to hurt?"

I asked, picking up the evidence bag. Not bothering to help them on their feet, as I knew they would be fine.

"Touche, Bonnie."

"Would you both stop fooling around? Thomas and Taylor?!"

Detective Jones yelled at us, as we were still in our current positions. We quickly stood up and apologized for our lack of professionalism, while cowering from his intense glare.

"Just get back to work," he said, before walking away to get Leah's statement, while I was stuck with him. He was breathing down my neck as I continued to walk around the apartments and collect any bloodstained objects left behind, that would be tested in the lab after we left.

"Looks like a cannibal had a binge out here, Bons."

"Focus on your work, Luis."

The blonde didn't seem to listen to my words as always, following me around like a puppy. And due to my luck, I lack the leash that would have kept him still. His hooded green eyes scanned through every corner of the house with me, while towering over me. I cursed under my breath for being shorter than him despite being 5'9, slightly taller than the average female human, while he was 6'2. The wrinkles on his forehead were clearly a result of him thinking very hard about this case.

A few hours had passed, the sky was only visible due to the stars, scattered around like random dots on a sheet of paper after a long day of doodling during art class in kindergarten. After everything else, I had only found a pair of cutlery in my grasp, not surprising that a fork and a knife could kill someone.

But a silver spoon?

Now that was weird, the contents on the spoons were more than enough to make the other officers internally throw up and excuse themselves. Not everyone had the stomach or mind for such a job, unless they were apathetic, sociopathic or psychopathic.

"That's creative."

Unless you were Luis, who seemed to marvel at the spoon. If I wasn't used to his unique quirks, I would have considered him to be insane. I still do, but it's in a subtle way. On the other hand, I didn't know whether to consider myself smart or stupid for choosing to be a forensic chemist for crime scenes. I would still see bodies in hospitals, at least they weren't mangled up like a chewing toy. I dismissed the thought, feeling happy that I didn't dissect dead bodies for a living like Luis. I don't know how he is still sane, despite cutting people up on a daily basis and still functioning properly. Luis was openly gleaming about having more than enough carcasses to investigate for weeks. Detective Jones hit him on the head, commenting on him to act more sympathetic.


A scared, timid voice spoke from behind me, a rather familiar one. As Bon was a nickname that was clearly said by everyone close to me outside of work. I turned around and faced her.

Leah Shane, my former roommate from college and the victim's last family member left standing. Her cheekbones were stained with tears, glassy brown eyes stared at me, her wavy auburn hair was pointing in every direction, our eyes were on the same level, as she was an inch shorter than me. Her family didn't look like they were killed, it was more of them being butchered or someone wanted to preserve them but arrived late.

"I have no words to comfort you," I told her, as heartfelt words wouldn't bring them back. I knew she agreed with me. She wasn't one for condolences or looks of pity from others.

She wanted justice.

And I would try my best to do so, like I do for every homicide investigation I help out with for the force. I could provide clues for the detectives, not solve the case on my own. I wasn't legally qualified for that. I had those boundaries placed on me the moment I took the job offer. I reminded her that she should be aware of my position just like I am, without being verbal about it.

"Don't try to be a Velma."

Leah weakly chuckled at my words, as I left the house. "Always been a Daphne, Bon."

She failed at smiling, but I could understand, she was standing in a place that was once her source of comfort.

'Her home became her nightmare fuel overnight,' I thought, watching her wave at me weakly and left in the custody of the remaining detectives. They weren't sure if she would be targeted next by the murderer, as she was absent for the week when the murder took place. I entered my car, drove back to the station, listening to the radio as I took time to realize something.

'Human teeth aren't capable of biting into people's skin like an animal.'

But Lock city always had cases like this, every once in a while and maybe, just this once. We can find the culprit for this crime once and for all.

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