
Under the Neon Sky

As I left the alley where the girl's body lay. The shard I'd found was my only lead, but it was just a piece of metal without the right tech. The The problem was, that I had no idea where to find a trustworthy ripperdoc.

 As I walked, the crowds thickened, a blur of faces all lost in their own worlds. I kept my eyes open, scanning for anyone who might point me in the right direction.

Then I saw her, a young woman leaning against a storefront, her hair a vibrant shade of blue that caught the light of a flickering neon sign above. She wore the telltale colors of the Mox, her jacket adorned with their emblem. 

Maybe they could help.

I took a deep breath and approached her, trying to project an air of confidence I didn't quite feel. "Excuse me," I said, catching her attention.

She looked up, her eyes scanning me quickly before settling into a guarded expression. "What do you need?"

"I'm looking for a ripperdoc," I replied. "Someone reliable. I was hoping you might know where I could find one."

She raised an eyebrow. "And why would I share that with you?"

I hesitated for a moment, then decided honesty was my best bet. "I found someone today a girl. She'd been killed and left in an alley. I... I want to find out what happened to her. I found a shard on her, but I can't access it without the right hardware. I just need some help."

Her expression softened slightly, a hint of empathy flickering in her eyes. "That's heavy," she said quietly. "Sorry, you had to see that."

"Yeah," I murmured, the image of the girl flashing through my mind. "So, can you help me?"

She considered me for a moment, then nodded. "Alright. There's a ripperdoc we trust who goes by the name of Vik Vektor. He runs a clinic in Little China, under Misty's Esoterica. He's a good man. He'll set you up without ripping you off or leaving you in worse shape."

Relief washed over me. "Thank you. How do I get there?"

She pulled out a small notepad from her pocket and scribbled down some directions. "New to night city huh, Here. It's a bit tricky to find if you don't know the area. Stick to these streets, and you should be fine." She handed me the note.

"Thanks," I said, taking it gratefully. "I appreciate it."

"Don't mention it," she replied, then hesitated. "And hey, If your looking for work, head to Lizzie's bar, they should have something for kids like you."

"I'll keep that in mind."

As I turned to leave, she called out, "Wait. What's your name?"

I paused, considering whether to tell her. She was helping me out so it should be okay. "Yumi."

She offered a faint smile. "I'm Rita Wheeler. Good luck, Yumi."

I nodded and continued on my way, the note clutched tightly in my hand. The directions were straightforward, leading me through side streets and overpasses until I reached Little China. The neighborhood was a sensory overload street vendors shouting over the hum of passing cars, scents of exotic foods mingling with the sharp tang of exhaust.

Finally, I stood in front of Misty's Esoterica. The shop exuded an eerie charm, its windows filled with odd trinkets and crystals that glittered under the neon glow. Taking a deep breath, I pushed open the door.

The interior was filled with a mix of scents, incense, herbs, and something metallic underneath it all. Shelves lined with crystals, tarot cards, and other mystical paraphernalia surrounded me. Behind the counter stood a girl who I had to guess was Misty, with her calm demeanor and serene smile.

"You're here for Vik, right?" she asked, not missing a beat. It was like she could read me instantly.

"Yeah," I replied, keeping it short. I wasn't in the mood for small talk, not with what I had planned. "Where is he?"

Misty pointed toward a staircase at the back of the shop. "Downstairs. But before you go, you should know, there's a strange energy around you. It's rare. Not bad, just… unique."

I didn't know what to say to that, so I just nodded and headed down the stairs. The air grew cooler as I descended, the hum of machinery and the sharp scent of antiseptic replacing the aromatic herbs from above. At the bottom of the stairs, I pushed open the heavy door and stepped into Vik Vektor's clinic.

Vik was hunched over a workbench, a magnifying lens on his eye, examining some piece of tech. The clinic was clean but cluttered with parts and tools, and everything was carefully organized in a messy way. He glanced up as I walked in, his gaze sharp and assessing.

"What's up, kid? Need some work done?" he asked, setting his tools aside.

"I need a Neural Interface Socket," I said, cutting straight to the point. I held up the shard. "And something to access the data on this chip."

Vik squinted at the shard and reached out to take it, but I pulled it back before he could. "I don't want anyone else looking at it. Just need the hardware."

He raised an eyebrow, clearly a little surprised by my refusal. "Suit yourself. But I gotta tell you, without seeing what's on there, I can't guarantee the quality of the deck you'll need."

"I'll take that risk," I replied, trying to sound more confident than I felt.

He leaned back in his chair, considering me for a moment. "Alright, I've got an old Cyberdeck from forty years ago. It's outdated but should still work with the basic stuff. It's not fancy, but it'll get the job done. I'll throw in a basic wire for your wrist to connect to the port in your neck. It's a cheap combo deal, but I'll have to cut open your arm to run the connection. Nothing major, just a clean slit. You okay with that?"

I swallowed, trying to ignore the sudden knot of anxiety in my stomach. The idea of getting cut open, even a little, wasn't exactly comforting. But I needed this. "How much for the deck and the wire?"

"Hundred eddies for the lot," Vik said. "The port is free, thanks to the Citizen Registration Act, but the wire will need to run from your wrist and connect to the socket in your neck. It's gonna take a bit longer than a standard install. I can put you under if you're nervous about it."

I hesitated. The idea of being unconscious while someone cut into me wasn't appealing, but neither was the idea of being awake for it. "Yeah… okay. Put me under."

Vik nodded, moving to prep the anesthesia. "Alright, kid. This'll just take a second. Once you're under, I'll get started. Shouldn't be more than an hour and a half."

I nodded, trying to steady my breathing as I climbed onto the chair. Vik adjusted the recline, and I could hear the hiss of the gas as he prepared to put me under. My heart was racing, the nervousness creeping up my spine, but I kept telling myself this was necessary.

"Relax," Vik said, his voice calm. "You're gonna be fine. Just think of it like taking a nap."

I nodded, though I wasn't sure I'd be able to relax. The last thing I felt was the cold mask against my face and the soft hiss of gas before everything faded to black.

When I woke, I was groggy, my head spinning as if I'd been under for days. I blinked, trying to clear the fog from my mind as the bright lights of the clinic slowly came into focus. Vik was standing over me, a look of mild surprise on his face.

"Well, I'll be damned," he muttered, more to himself than to me. "Your body took to the implant faster than most. It's almost like it was welcoming it. Never seen that before." He was looking at a computer as he spoke.

I tried to sit up, wincing at the dull ache in my neck and arm where the new cyberware had been installed. "That… normal?" It would be weird if I didn't ask even though I knew the answer.

"For most people? No. Usually takes a bit for the body to adjust to new tech. But you? It's like your system's ready for it, almost eager. You sure you never had any work done before?"

I shook my head, still trying to clear the cobwebs. "No, this is my first."

Vik scratched his head, clearly intrigued. "Strange. But you're all set now. Port's in, wire's run. You'll be able to access the shard no problem with this setup. Just be careful. That deck is old, so don't push it too hard."

I nodded, still processing everything. My arm ached where Vik had made the incision, but it wasn't unbearable. I could feel the slight weight of the wire running from my wrist up to my neck.

"Thanks," I said, sliding out of the chair and testing my balance. I felt a little wobbly but not too bad, considering.

Vik handed me a mirror, letting me inspect the work. The port was behind my ear a bit lower towards my neck, barely noticeable unless you were looking for it, and the incision on my arm was clean, already sealed with a thin line only slightly visible.

"Remember, kid," Vik said, his tone serious. "You're wired up now. That means you're on the grid. Be careful who you trust and what you plug into. Night City isn't kind to those who aren't careful."

I nodded, tucking the shard into my pocket and slipping the old Cyberdeck into a bag he gave me for free as I paid him in full. "I'll keep that in mind."

With a final nod, I left the clinic, stepping back into the chaos of Night City. The implants were in, the deck was mine.

As I made my way back, I decided climbing the wall to my hideout wasn't an option right now. My body was still adjusting, and I didn't want to push it. Instead, I found a quiet spot in a secluded alley and sat down to rest. I accessed my system storage, safely stowing the deck and the shard.

Thinking about my next move. Maybe I could check the store tab to see what cheap shards I could find that would be useful right now. Pulling up the interface, I browsed through the limited selection available to me, only novice and beginner-level shards, given my current funds and reputation.

Names and faces scrolled by, each accompanied by a brief description and price:

Futaba Sakura (Persona 5) - Beginner Shard - 800 Eddies

Skills: Intermediate hacking, information gathering.

Winry Rockbell (Fullmetal Alchemist) - Novice Shard - 450 Eddies

Skills: Basic mechanical repair, prosthetics maintenance.

Nami (One Piece) - Beginner Shard - 700 Eddies

Skills: Navigation, basic thievery, pickpocketing.

I had 700 eddies left after paying Vik. If I took on a quick job, maybe I could afford Futaba's shard. Her hacking skills would be invaluable, especially with this deck. Even if Vik said it was old, to me and possibly to someone like Futaba it could be cutting-edge since from what I could see she wasnt from this world as well.

My stomach growled, reminding me I hadn't eaten. Maybe I could grab some street food or head to the Mox bar to see if they had any work available. Rita did mention they might have something for me.

Decision made, I headed towards Lizzie's Bar. The neon lights and pounding music greeted me as I stepped inside. I approached the bar, where a woman with sharp eyes and a no-nonsense demeanor was wiping down glasses.

"What can I get you?" she asked.

"I'm looking for work," I replied. "Rita Wheeler said you might have something for me."

She eyed me skeptically. "Rita sent you, huh? What's your name?"


She looked me over before her eyes glowed blue "Well, Yumi, we've got a delivery that needs to be made. Quick and quiet. Pays 200 eddies. Interested?"


She handed me a small, sealed package. "Deliver this to the address on the label. And kid, don't open it, don't ask questions."


With the package in hand, I left the bar. Once outside, I ducked into a shadowed doorway and accessed my system storage, stashing the package safely inside. No point in risking it getting snatched.

The delivery was straightforward. I navigated the streets to a rundown apartment complex. Climbing the stairs, I found the door and knocked. A wary-looking man opened it a crack.

"Package from Lizzie's," I said.

He nodded, opening the door just enough to take the package. "Thanks."

"Have a good one," I replied, turning to leave.

As I descended the stairs, a notification pinged in my vision:

Payment Received: 200 eddies

Perfect. Now I had enough.

Back on the street, I pulled up the store and selected Futaba Sakura's shard. I confirmed the purchase.

Shard Acquired: Futaba Sakura (Beginner Level)

A moment later, a figure materialized beside me, a petite girl with vibrant orange hair and oversized glasses. She looked around, eyes wide.

"Where am I?" she asked.

"Night City," I replied. "I'm Yumi. I... summoned you. Sort of."

She adjusted her glasses, studying me. "Summoned? Like a cognitive psience? Fascinating!"

"Listen, I could really use your help. I need to improve my hacking skills, and I was hoping you'd teach me."

She grinned. "A fellow hacker in need? Sure, I'm in! Let's see what you've got."

I pulled out the Cyberdeck. Her eyes lit up. "Whoa! Where did you get this? It's amazing!"

I blinked. "Vik said it was old and outdated."

She scoffed. "Maybe to him, but Ive got nothing like this back home. I was expecting you to head to a computer or maybe a laptop but nothing like this. With this, we can do some serious work."

A surge of excitement rushed through me. "Really?"

"Absolutely! First, show me how it works and I'll guide you through."

Under her guidance, I connected the shard I'd found on the girl to the deck. Lines of code and data streams filled my vision. Futaba walked me through decrypting the data, explaining each step in a way that made complex concepts click.

"You're a quick learner," she remarked.

"Good teacher," I replied.

As we delved deeper, the encryption finally unraveled, revealing files and messages. What we found made my blood run cold, a list of names, transactions, and detailed plans linked to the Tiger Claws. The girl must have uncovered something big, and it cost her life.

Futaba's expression turned serious. "This is dangerous information."

"I know," I said quietly. "But it's a lead. I can use this to find out who killed her."

She nodded. "With this deck and my help, we can dig even deeper. But we'll need to be careful."

 I turned to Futaba. "I need to explain something," I began. "The tech here is way more advanced than what I have. Most people are equipped with the latest cyberware, What I have ... well, its considered ancient."

She adjusted her glasses thoughtfully. "I see. That does complicate things."

"Yeah it does," I conceded. "But I still think I need help. I was considering talking to Rita, to see if the Mox can assist me in leaking this information."

Futaba nodded. "That's a good idea. also a good way to avoid bring attain to yourself."

"Agreed. In the meantime, can you help me train? I want to improve my hacking skills and maybe understand this Cyberdeck better."

A smile spread across her face. "Now you're talking! Let's get to work. First, we'll go over the basics again, then move on to more advanced techniques. By the way, with some practice, I think we can bump up your Intelligence a notch."

I felt a flicker of hope. "Every bit helps."

As I settled into my makeshift workspace, The city's neon glow seemed a little harsher, the shadows a bit deeper.

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