
Chapter 6-[The Intergalactic Warlord VS some Kryptonian]-Omnitrix of Justice

Watching Flash run his hand over J'onn's face I could only shake my head at his antics.

"You know, sometimes I wonder if you're a kid, Flash" Insulted he looked at me however Hawkwoman spoke.

"He's right you know, just leave J'onn alone already " Smiling I looked at him.

"It's okay, I don't think he's home right now," leaving it up to J'onn to continue. "What's he working on right now?"

"I don't know but it must be important" Ignoring the conversation between them I approached the screen where Superman, Lantern, and Batman seemed to see something.

"Forget it and come on" Feeling the two behind me I watched as the screen lit up as Batman continued.

"There was a breakout, Grundy, Cooperhead, Luminus, Volcana, and Firefly" Each name was followed by a picture of each villain, with the first two known to me.

"Say no more!" Responding to Flash I noticed how Batman stood up.

"Don't worry, I was going to do it." A moment later I followed the others on the way to the Javelin.

With everyone in the Javelin and thanks to the information from the police about the location of the villains, Batman formed the teams.

"I'll go with Omnaz after Volcana and Firefly." nodding my head, I let him know that I had heard him.

"Superman, J'onn, you capture Grundy, Hawkwoman, and Flash will go after Cooperhead and Luminus." Being near the location of Volcana, I got up from my seat while they opened the ship's hatch.

Touching the Omnitrix I transformed into Heatblast and then dropped.

While in the air I began to navigate towards where I could notice some explosions, arriving at the right moment when a powerful current of flames was going to kill some police officers, so I got in the way.

"What?!" Ignoring the scream of a woman, probably Volcana, I began to absorb the flames, finishing them all off with ease.

"How did you do that?!" Looking at the beautiful villain I just raised my arms showing my hands.

"I'm made of lava, your little flame is nothing" Those words seemed to enrage her as her body turned red and her hair became fire.

"Let's see if you like this little flame!" wanting to see what would happen if I fought fire with a fire attack.

Both streams of fire collided between the two as Volcana tried with all her concentration to finish me off.

"Your flame is strong, but mine is stronger" Raising my temperature I began to consume her fire causing her to sweat from the effort.

However, I had to stop when I felt another stream of fire attack me from behind, so I turned around and found a man in a fire suit.

"I guess you're Firefly" he didn't answer me as he continued attacking me which only made me laugh "It's funny that you both tried to defeat me with fire when I was born in a volcano" noticing a figure behind him I ignored him concentrating on Volcana.

"Well, it's time to finish this," walking I began to absorb her flames while the woman was losing strength until she was kneeling in her normal form.

"H-How...did you beat me?!" Seeing her seconds away from collapsing I decided to respond while I picked her up.

"The heat of some fire will never be able to compare to the heat of a beautiful volcano" Without knowing what trouble I was getting into, I carried her bridal style, ignoring her smile to take her to a specialized truck for transporting her where Batman was dragging an unconscious man, Firefly.


Several minutes later…


Looking at the special sphere to keep Volcana restrained I heard Batman yawn as he watched Firefly being taken to his cell.

"Omnaz, follow me, it seems there is another escapee," listening to him, I followed him as we walked to the prison infirmary.

As we walked I listened to the prison warden comment on an Extrasensory Perception machine, at least until we got to the infirmary and saw several unconscious prisoners.

Entering the infirmary we found a prisoner babbling while the Warden walked towards one of his guards.

Getting closer I noticed how he could only babble while his eyes seemed half closed before he fell unconscious.

"What do you think Batman?" Looking at the hooded man, I waited for his hypothesis.

"Having heard about the experiments with the machine, it doesn't seem like anything." As he left, I followed him when he checked a laundry duct. "It may be late, but send some of your guards to the Alcaide laundry."

"B-But what happened to everyone, is it poisoning?" Before I could answer the Warden my communicator rang so I answered it.

"Omnaz we located the other three in the old refinery on the west side" Listening to Superman's report I spoke.

"I'll go right away, Batman has to follow another lead." Looking at him, I noticed how he was waiting for an answer. "Come on, I know you a little bit and from what we saw, this guy isn't just any nobody."

"You're right, just like in the Odyssey when Odysseus attacked the Cyclops, a nobody can do a lot of damage" Hearing a little respect in his voice I could only smile.

"Warden, what can you tell me about John Dee?" He was cooperative in mentioning that he would give the file to him as well as a guard who seemed to know Dee.

Several minutes later I was running towards the refinery in my XLR8 form arriving just as Grundy flew out of the place.

Arriving with Superman and J'onn I spoke to them "It seems like you have everything in control" They both looked at me smiling agreeing with me.


Several hours later…


Having the five villains back behind bars I decided to go patrol Jump City waiting for a call from the League about any problem or from Batman knowing that he was still after John Dee.

Stopping my motorcycle, I stopped to have my fifth coffee since it seemed that fatigue was trying to send me to sleep.

"This...is annoying" Between yawns I drank the coffee until I remembered the prison.

"Watchtower, this is Omnaz." Not getting a response I decided to talk to Batman while I felt how sleep was beginning to overtake me.

"Batman...this is Omnaz...John Dee...something did...dream...the League" Losing the fight with sleep I began to fall on the sidewalk alarming the passersby near me "Batman..." A second later I lost the battle falling completely asleep.

Opening my eyes, the first thing I saw was a very familiar door.

"Omnaz, nice to see you!" turning around I met a familiar police officer "A silent alarm was activated ten minutes ago, I tried to contact the security of the place but there was no response."

Looking at the entrance again I spoke "Thank you, officer, I will enter, wait for reinforcements" jumping over the fence to be greeted by darkness while walking cautiously.

A trail of blood suddenly illuminated the ground, guiding me towards a scene that I could not forget, four beheaded bodies.

Running I reached them finding them completely dead.

"If only you had arrived earlier, these men would still be alive" Looking up I found a hooded man with a skull face "They were fathers, sons, brothers and they died because of you" his words were true, if I had acted sooner.

A kick took me out of my thoughts as I rolled across the ground until I collided with a container.

Looking up I found a dozen hooded guys with swords which infuriated me.

"There! Use your anger, finish them!" Forgetting the Omnitrix, I got up to run ready to start fighting with them.

The next few minutes I dedicated myself to using all the training that Batman had given me to attack them, breaking arms, legs, it didn't matter, the objective was to finish them.

As soon as one of them let go of his sword, I took it, savagely attacking everyone, ignoring the blood that was splashing on my face. I didn't know if it was mine or his, the only thing that mattered was that they didn't hurt anyone else.

As soon as everyone was on the ground without moving I noticed how tired and hurt I was as I fell to my knees.

"Almost all those that have been responsible have been dealt with, but you know that one is missing, it is your duty as a Hero to finish with the culprit, let's do it" agreeing with the voice, I pointed the sword at my chest ready to pierce my heart when a light cut me off.

Opening my eyes I found myself in the Watchtower infirmary with the others in front as they watched Hawkwoman and me.

"W-What happened, was it a dream?" While Superman was explaining to me what had happened I heard Batman snore next to me, as the nightmare returned to my memory I knew I had to talk to my Psychologist again and soon.


Several days later…


"There are reports of thefts in some museums in the direction of Jump City, it is probably the Anthropologist Barbara Ann Minerva better known as Cheetah" Listening to J'onn's report I couldn't help but remember the problem between that villainess and Rath.

"Thank you J'onn, I will be alert for any possible robbery attempts" Parking my motorcycle I finished the call with J'onn while looking at the city museum.

It was a matter of minutes when I noticed a figure enter the museum through the roof, so touching the Omnitrix I transformed.

"Let's see if Cheetha likes the cold" Using Big Chill's intangiblity I flew into the museum while looking for the villain.

I wasn't surprised to find her in the Egyptian section as she pulled a medallion out of a display case.

"Cheetah, I'm glad to have visitors, but not when they come to rob museums." The woman became alert as soon as she heard my voice, searching the room, I decided to return visible.

"Hello, I was expecting someone with more hair, not a giant moth?" Laughing lightly I ignored the vapor coming out of my mouth.

"I'm sorry but I don't think it's a good idea for me to transform into Rath." Landing, I covered myself with my wings as I watched her walk towards me with a very provocative step.

"Come on, let the big guy out for a while, I owe him for saving me from Grundy" While I felt her hand on my face I noticed how she ran her finger over my chest.

"I'm not sure... Rath behaves differently in front of you and I also have a girlfriend" She didn't answer me as she stood on tiptoe bringing her face closer to mine.

"Fulfill a girl's wish, and your girlfriend should not find out about her," taking her by the waist, she was going to speak when a voice sounded, making me happy and nervous.

"But you're wrong, his girlfriend did find out!" Looking at the ceiling of the museum I saw Sunny floating while she looked at us with an arched eyebrow so I spread my wings with excitement.

That action allowed Cheetha's hand to touch the Omnitrix which forced me to transform through DNA recognition.

"LET ME TELL YOU SOMETHING SUNNY TENNYSON RATH IS VERY HAPPY TO SEE YOU BUT HE'S ALSO HAPPY TO SEE WHO WAS HIS FIANCE BECAUSE SHE IS-" even with his mind, an angry Appoplexian knew he had said too much when he noticed how Sunny's skin disappeared, leaving its Anodite form.

"What do you mean by fiancee, dear" If I had had a tail at that moment, it would have been between my paws.

"Rath, he's afraid to continue talking so..." taking a surprised Cheetha I ran out of the place to find the nearest door while being chased by a furious Anodite.

Dodging mana's blasts I listened as Cheetha spoke.

"It's a pleasure to see your beautiful hair again, but tell me why we ran away from your girlfriend" Running through a window I answered.

"Rath's girlfriend is an alien with the power to defeat Superman and right now she is furious, Rath doesn't want his hair burned" A rope of Mana caught us before I could run far away from the Museum.

"Okay, honey now I want answers" Looking at the anger in her violet eyes I could only lower my head waiting for the pain until Cheetha spoke.

"Excuse me, Sunny right?" Being a victim of the stare she swallowed a little before continuing "I just wanted to say that the fiancée thing was a mistake, I think it was a Rath cultural thing, so let me go and I'll leave after thanking the big guy."

Sunny looked at her for a few seconds until she made the whip disappear from us, leaving us free.

"You have a minute and then you're gone," caressing my arm, Cheetha obeyed her.

"Ok, good" Walking until she was in front of Rath she spoke "Thank you for saving me that night, without you I probably would have been murdered, so thank you very much" giving him a kiss on the cheek she whispered "Later I'll give you another thank you" before separating him. She licked his cheek, leaving him surprised.

Having done what she proposed, the villain began to flee the place on all fours, causing Rath to be unable to stop looking at her until a whip from Mana hit him on the head.

"No more seeing her." looking at the furious Anodite, I could only shake my head.

"Rath is sorry" In a flash I returned to my human form embarrassed and nervous "It's a pleasure to see you Sunny" Smiling I hoped her anger would not last.

Fortunately for me, she transformed into her human form to look at me "I want to go to dinner" Getting up I looked at her a little calmer as I approached her.

"Whatever you want my problem girl" Taking her by the waist I kissed her fortunately she didn't refuse, and she kissed me back.

"I missed you so much" Taking her hand I took her to my motorcycle.

"Me too, Sunny, come on, I know a place to have dinner." Giving her my helmet, we got on and while I felt her arms hug me, I couldn't help but smile happily as I drove towards the city.

Minutes later we found ourselves ordering food in a small restaurant in the middle of the city.

"Tell me how long you can stay here" Holding her hand I couldn't help but smile, happy to see her.

"My grandmother gave me permission to spend two days in this dimension, she says that my training will become more strenuous so I deserve a break" Although I was sad about the little time we had, I knew I had to make it count.

"Two days, well I'll tell the others so they can call me only if it's an emergency" Seeing her smile I touched my communicator.

"Watchtower, Omnaz speaking." A moment later J'onn's voice answered me.

"J'onn's here, I'll see to you" I was grateful that J'onn was always available.

"J'onn, my girlfriend Sunny came to visit for two days, I would like you to tell the others that if the situation doesn't need me, don't bother me for those two days" I could feel J'onn's smile in his response.

"Sure, Max, I'll pass on your message, enjoy your time, Watchtower out." When the call ended, I saw how they gave us our food, so I thanked the waiter.

"Who is J'onn and is he a Watchtower?" Remembering that Sunny didn't know everyone, I told her.

"J'onn is an alien who was born on Mars, you also have yet to meet Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, and Hawk Woman, the Watchtower is our command post," pointing my finger, I helped her to understand.

"Great, I'd like to meet your teammates and their base!" Thinking about it for a moment, I didn't see any problem, so I accepted.

"Sure, I'll take you tomorrow. I don't think there's any problem. Let's finish dinner." Happy, Sunny continued eating.


The next morning…


After a somewhat revealing night, I now knew a little about the freedom that Verdona had talked about when she came. Sunny had decided to sleep with me when she became affectionate, asking for hugs and kisses. Fortunately, it didn't go any further than that. According to the Omnitrix, the Anodites had a great facility for getting pregnant.

[T/N: WHOA! Almost got some action there.]

"Watchtower, it's Omnaz, I'm going to approach with a friend, welcome me" Superman's voice was the one that answered me.

"We welcome you, the entire league is here to welcome you," thanking him, I transformed while Sunny in her true form floated above me.

"Interesting, according to the data of the Anodites there is only one Crystalsapien" Floating next to her was the purple alien with a red horn.

"So that's the name of the species...I think I'll call it Chromastone" Flying quickly we were both in space as the Watchtower came into view.

In a matter of seconds, we found ourselves entering the landing zone of the Watchtower where we were greeted by Superman.

"Sunny, it's a pleasure to see you again," greeting Superman with a smile she began to admire the watchtower as we walked.

"Likewise, Superman?" getting a continued nod from Superman "I must say this station is pretty similar to the Plumbers" which caught both of our attention.

"What do you mean plumbers Sunny?" without stopping to observe everything she answered me.

"It is an organization that takes care of problems between races, thus they avoid many wars, they also protect the galaxy from many races whose only purpose is conquest" I blinked and looked at Superman because that sounded familiar to me.

"Sounds exactly like the Lanterns." Sunny stopped inspecting to see us.

"That sounds interesting, tell me more." As we walked we both began to tell her what we knew about the group our friend belonged to.

A few minutes later we arrived at the control room where everyone was waiting for us, Flash being the first to greet us.

"Hey, welcome Max's girlfriend!" Running he arrived next to us to greet her.

Arriving at the others I began to introduce them while returning to my human form.

"I present you, Sunny, these are my companions, Green Lantern, Hawkwoman, Wonder Woman, and J'onn J'onzz" Looking at her smile I continued "You know the others."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, I'm Sunny Tennyson, Max's girlfriend." For the next few minutes, I noticed how most of them were chatting with her while Batman was writing on the central computer.

"You're still looking for a way to stop her if necessary, right?" When he didn't answer me, I knew I was right.

Several hours after the introductions and Sunny meeting the League members, she accompanied me to eat in the watchtower kitchen until Batman called me because there seemed to be trouble in Jump City.

"There is a report of a robbery at the central bank, a single man, apparently a metahuman with the ability to absorb metals" that caught Sunny's attention.

"It sounds very similar to a species from my universe, they are called Osmosians, and they cannot be taken lightly" having heard both speak.

"I'll take care of it Batman, I'm sure you want to go right?" Looking at Sunny I saw how she took off her skin leaving her in her true form.

"I'll take you" Without letting me respond she wrapped me in a bubble of mana to fly away quickly.

Thanks to her speed we arrived in the city in minutes where we could see the police chasing a car that was leaving the city bank.

"Can you stop it?" Without answering me, Sunny flew close to the car to stop it with four mana whips that ripped off the tires.

"All yours hero" letting go she floated me until I was a few meters above it.

A moment later the car door was ripped off by the driver as he got out, letting me see the criminal.

He was a skinny man with very marked arms, no hair and as soon as he saw me he looked at me with anger before holding the roof of his car and starting to change.

Seeing how his skin began to turn the same black color as the metal of the car, I touched the Omnitrix.

All the civilians took their eyes off the green flash and when they looked back they could barely see how the now black thief threw the car door at Omnaz.

Some screamed in surprise, however, they all calmed down when they saw a large red hand stop the door.

"Everyone always wants to go for it" Sunny who had not seen him for a few months was surprised when the Tetramand who was her boyfriend now sported bigger thorns on his arms.

Without saying anything else Omnaz ran towards the metahuman who still attacked, being smaller the thief had the speed advantage so as soon as they were close he was the first to hit Four Arms on the chin which made him growl slightly, before counterattacking with a blow to the chest that sent him flying back to his car.

"-Not only does he absorb it, but he also increases the strength of the metal-" Walking to the car, I grabbed the thief's leg, who attacked me with a kick to the face, forcing me to let go.

"Damn freak die!" Barely hearing Sunny's cry of alarm, Four Arms moved his right leg, avoiding the thief's sword-like arm, saving himself from losing it while he received a small cut.

The subject tried to attack again but now his chest, however, being alert, it was very easy for the tetramand to stop his arms and start hitting him with his smaller arms until he was unconscious.

"Are you OK?!" Listening to Sunny I turned to face her finding her in front of me with her worried face.

"Yes, that attack took me by surprise, it won't happen again." Listening to the police officers approaching, I handed them now normal attacker, but not before scanning him with the Omnitrix.


"Thank you for your work Omnaz, without you he would have run away with all the money" Smiling I said goodbye to them as I walked towards where Sunny was waiting for me, reaching out to her I noticed that she was looking at me strangely.

"Is something wrong?" Instead of answering she took my upper right arm making me notice the new size of my spine.

"The growth of a tetramand's spines announces the arrival of his maturity." Looking at my arms, I noticed that they all showed the change.

[T/N: Gonna have some squeaky voice in the future.]

"It is a day to celebrate on his planet" Hearing a new voice I turned to find Professor Paradox walking towards us.

"Who are you? A friend of yours Max?" Looking at the Professor I responded.

"He is Professor Paradox, he comes from your universe and I think I am his friend, though I am not sure" Smiling at Sunny the Professor replied.

"If I am a friend of yours...or will I be? Well, that doesn't matter at the moment, Max I came with a gift from Azmuth." Taking out a small disk, he presented it to us while Sunny looked at him, somewhat annoyed at not having his answer.

The disk lit up, projecting a small hologram of the creator of the Omnitrix who seemed somewhat upset.

"Well hello, Paradox was bothering me for a while to unlock a very dangerous DNA sample in the watch, he argues that you will need it to save more than one universe, so I'll do it as soon I can, pick up my watch" obeying I return to my human form to present the clock to the hologram.

"Voice recognition, code ten-zero-one-ten," the Omnitrix flashed yellow for a second before responding.

"CODE ACCEPTED, AZMUTH CREATOR" the small continuous hologram.

"Permission to unlock DNA chain number three hundred and twenty-nine" The Omnitrix blinked for a second before showing a muscular figure and returning to its normal state.

"Okay, ready, but listen carefully, that DNA strand is very dangerous, it was taken from one of the worst beings in our galaxy" A moment later the hologram turned off.

"Well, my work is done, I suggest you practice that form, and I'll leave you" A moment later Paradox disappeared leaving me with as many questions as he did Sunny.

"Is that normal?" in denial I decided to ignore everything about him as I looked at her offering my hand which put a smile on her face before enclosing me in a bubble of mana to fly away.

When the night filled the city it was time for Sunny to return to her grandmother so we found ourselves saying goodbye on the city island.

While we were hugging, we found ourselves kissing while she continued in her Anodite form which made her float slightly.

Ending our kiss she looked at me before speaking.

"I'm going to miss these moments, however just because I can't be happy doesn't mean you can't" Without understanding I looked at her waiting for an answer.

"I'm sure that like the cat woman, there are more suitors, we Anodites are free, included in the freedom of our companions," finally understanding, I could barely speak.

[T/N: This is understandable and fits with how Grandpa Max got away with Veldora not killing him for having so many lovers. Human, anodite, sludgepuppy. Max has Rizz]

"B-But Sunny, I only love you, I wouldn't betray you!" Before I could continue, she silenced me with a kiss and then continued.

"I know, do you remember our bond? I can use it to feel you even when I am in my home. I will always be the first, but just because of our destinies, doesn't mean you have to suffer alone...just think about it, don't answer me now" Without letting me say anything she kissed me again, that would be our last kiss in a long time so it was the one with the most emotion until Sunny separated.

"Take care and I hope you can come back soon" Smiling she said goodbye and quickly flew away towards the sky where she disappeared leaving me observing the sky for some time.


A week later…


Chasing Lex Luthor in my Heatblast form I could only miss the two days I had spent in Sunny's company, all while dodging the shots from his suit, since the facility was a technological development I couldn't afford to set everything on fire for nothing. which meant I could only shoot small bursts of fire.

Unfortunately, because I was remembering Sunny, I didn't notice the piece of concrete that knocked me to the ground while the others were chasing Luthor.

"You're okay," listening to J'onn, I noticed how the weight on me disappeared.

"Yes, thank you, my mind is in another place." Looking at J'onn I saw how he smiled sadly at me.

"I understand, let's stop Luthor so we can remember better times" Smiling slightly I followed him as we flew towards where the others had gone.

We arrived at a room where some police officers were taking Luthor held by Diana's lasso.

When we approached, we saw how Flash began to clean the place until a strange portal opened behind us, forcing us to turn around and find J'onn wearing a different suit.

"You don't see that every day" Before finishing I returned to my human form looking at the other J'onn in amazement.

A few minutes later while the other J'onn told us how he had arrived, my eyes did not leave the portal that had reappeared behind him, remaining open.

Being next to Batman and our J'onn I listened to his talk.

"Tell me, have you read his mind?" Looking at J'onn, I noticed how he looked at Batman.

"We don't do that among Martians," Batman continued, closing his eyes slightly.

"They don't want to or they can't" J'onn's response didn't surprise me.

"We don't want to" Looking at the two I couldn't help but give my opinion.

"But essentially it's you" The two looked at me which made me uncomfortable "Well I understand, although I didn't completely trust that portal."

"It's decided, we're leaving" Listening to Superman, everyone accepted, however, I had a different opinion.

"You don't think anyone should stay in case an emergency happens in our dimension" J'onn(A) answered me.

"I'm afraid we need everyone's help, our Omnaz told me that what causes the anomaly affects his Omnitrix" That only made me more suspicious, however, I knew that the others would need my help.

"Well that changes things, whatever can affect that type of technology is serious." Satisfied, everyone began to follow J'onn(A) through the portal.

As soon as I crossed it I had a bad feeling when I noticed a white room so I directed my hand to the Omnitrix however J'onn(A)'s voice stopped me.

"I'm very sorry" Before I could understand I tried to transform, however, a powerful red beam hit me, electrocuting me, which caused me pain, so I screamed with my eyes closed without noticing the others until the darkness took me away.

When consciousness returned I slowly opened my eyes noticing everything was blurry as my head cleared.

"Give it a few seconds you'll be fine" Hearing a very familiar voice I looked up finding a very familiar petrosapien.

I tried to speak, discovering that my mouth was covered by a device, which took away Diamond Head's attention.

"A small caution, I don't know if you have vocal control of the Omnitrix so it's better to be safe" Looking at Diamond's head again I noticed two small differences, a crack on his chin and the color of his symbol being yellow and gray.

"You have questions, that's obvious, they will be answered later, now we have work, don't try to move too much, you have wires to your chest, any agitation and you will receive a shock" Finishing speaking he turned around to leave the place.

Not knowing if he was telling the truth, I tried to let go, which shocked me, causing my heart rate to increase in a matter of seconds, which caused a powerful current that shocked me while the pain invaded me.

The current lasted seconds but it was enough to leave me powerless and completely in pain as consciousness left me again.

"Hey Max, come on wake up buddy!" hearing Flash's voice followed by someone releasing my consciousness came back to me again.

Opening my eyes I found Flash removing the device from my mouth with a relieved smile.

"Old man, I'm glad to see you're okay, come on, let's get out of here!" Accepting his help I let him hold me while Superman appeared in front of us.

"I'll take him, we must get out of here quickly." Accepting his help, I noticed how we began to leave the building, barely being supported by Superman, and I paid attention to how the others were looking for Hawkwoman's location.

"G-Guys, I'll close my eyes for a minute..." Before I could continue, I let fatigue overcome me by closing my eyes.

"Omnaz wake up" Listening to Diana I opened my eyes noticing the place where we were.

"Hawkwoman is in there I guess" separating myself from Superman I heard her response.

"We think so, you think you're fine staying here with Flash" Looking at an annoyed Flash agreed as the others flew into Arkham Asylum.

Leaning against the wall of the place, I heard Flash faintly complain while I massaged my chest, which still hurt.

"Man, that lightning did demolish you," watching Flash pluck a flower, I answered.

"Yes, unlike Batman, I don't have that much tolerance for pain, but I'll recover after a few minutes." Flash happily continued smelling the flower while he looked at me.

"You shouldn't cut the flowers," hearing a familiar voice, I turned around and found Ivy who was wearing florist clothes, however, the marks on her forehead made me open my eyes in surprise.

"Pamela?" Listening to my voice, she looked at me but without any emotion. "What happened to you?" Walking towards her I noticed how a small familiar plant was moving between her clothes which was hidden when she had me in sight.

"Nothing has happened to me Omnaz, your concern has no merit" Reaching out to her, I lightly touched her face, noticing that there was no change in her emotions.

"-What did they do to you, Pamela?-" Looking at her eyes I expected to see some hint of emotion, failing which filled me with anger.

"Old man, what happened?" Leaving Pamela I asked her to continue with her things while I looked at Flash.

"Superman gave her a lobotomy, Pamela Isley no longer exists" An explosion from the building made us look as if something flew to my feet, the object turned out to be a robotic head of Superman.

[T/N: F*ck! This is soooo bad! An evil Omnitrix user in an Injustice world!]

"We should go" Without saying anything else Flash ran to the building while I said goodbye to Ivy.

"I'm very sorry Pamela" She looked at me accepting my apology without fully understanding, touching the Omnitrix I transformed into XLR8 to run to the building.

Arriving at the building I found everyone fighting with Superman robots, having one nearby I did not hesitate to destroy it quickly leaving only pieces.

"You feel better" Listening to Superman I couldn't help but show a little anger which surprised him.

"Yes... I'm sorry, I only found out what this Superman did to the villains" Walking away a little I pretended not to listen while Flash told him what happened with Ivy, a few minutes later Lantern arrived with the unconscious Hawkwoman in his arms.

Following him we reached the exit finding the city police waiting for us ready to stop us, although fortunately for them Batman(A) arrived stopping us and letting us go with him.

"We'll come out from behind" was small but the difference in the Batman voices existed.

Walking I listened as Superman spoke to him "You fooled them, even I thought you were him" Appearing in front of them I spoke.

"It's because he's him" That took everyone by surprise as Batman(A) looked at me.

"Your Batman awaits you" stopping him from speaking.

"I want to know everything about Omnaz from her" he agreed after a few seconds so we all followed him as he took us to the Batcave.

[T/N: You have access to Azmuth in your Omnitrix, just have him deactivate the other Omnitrix with a voice command.]

Sometime later while Flash was talking to Batman(A) I was looking at the aliens in the Omnitrix knowing that the fight with my version would be difficult.

"You okay?" Watching J'onn approach I replied after a second.

"I'm not sure, what Superman did to the villains...it bothered me, but that my counterpart allowed it makes me angry" Holding my shoulder he spoke.

"You can be sure that we all feel the same, but we will fix this no matter how difficult it is," I gratefully calmed down a little as we all began to walk through the portal.

"They are as strong and intelligent as us but they are willing to kill" Leaving the alley I noticed how Superman looked at Batman.

"What do you say we must also be willing to kill? I'm not going to cross that line" Omnaz understanding but still annoyed spoke.

"I think the same as your Superman, but I assure you that my counterpart will wish he were dead when I'm done with him" Without waiting for his response I walked away knowing that Batman would have a plan.

Hidden in the air in my BigChill form, I noticed how the counterparts arrived at the prison to stop Luthor, but when they entered I prepared myself because I knew that it would not be easy to stop me and so it was because as soon as the trap was activated I saw a blue blur come out, running from the place so I followed him.

Thinking that no one was following him, XLR8(A) stopped near the coast, completely unprepared, so he received my blow without being able to do anything, ending up in the air until he collided with a building.

"Tell me, at what moment did you lose your humanity?" Getting up from the place where I had fallen, I looked at him, ignoring the civilians who were watching the fight.

"Easy, when Luthor killed Flash" Surprised by his response I couldn't dodge him while he ran towards me transforming into Four Arms (A) sending me against a car.

Thanking BigChills resistance, I emerged from the rubble intangibl when he landed on the spot causing a small movement of the earth.

Going a few meters away I transformed into Four Arms, I ran towards him alerting him however I had the advantage as he received several blows before I could stop my arms.

"No more questions?" Annoyed, I twisted his wrists, causing him to scream while holding him up and sending him flying through the air. Unfortunately, he transformed in mid-flight into some kind of stingray-type alien.

"I have different aliens than you and I know your weaknesses " Flying quickly I prepared to catch him however he surprised me by transforming again into a yellow ball which hit me with such force that I fell.

It was several meters before I stopped, however, he transformed again into Humungousaur (A) stepping on me hard, after a few blows he took me with his hand and threw me into a truck causing an explosion.

"I have master control, face it, you will never be able to beat my aliens if I know them!" He was right, with his master control and those aliens I wouldn't beat him, however, I had a new one.

Coming out of the flames I touched the Omnitrix having chosen the correct alien.

"Seriously, how many changes do you have left before you have to wait for a refill?" The voice that responded to Omnaz (A) put him on guard because he did not know him.

"There will be no more transformations" In front of all the spectators a powerful figure was in their sight.

The new alien was immense, its arms were thick with fingers like claws, and on each arm, it had four tubes, most of its body was covered by red armor, and its face was also covered by a respirator while some tentacles came out of its chin.

"What alien is that, I don't know him?" Moving my arms I responded.

"You can call me Vilgax, your downfall" Annoyed by the answer he roared before running to attack me, however, I also ran showing my speed despite my size, as soon as we were within reach of the other, I was the first to attack with a blow to the torso of the immense Humungosaur(A) sending him flying.

Leaping, I intercept him, burying him in the ground with a grunt of pain from the orange alien. Moving my arm, I close my fingers, creating a penetrating weapon before delivering a blow. However, I only broke the ground because Humungousaur (A) had disappeared.

A stream of ice froze me in place while BigChill(A) appeared, however, that didn't stop me much because I easily freed myself and then looked at the moth while my eyes shone, releasing two rays of energy that hurt him, sending him to the ground.

[T/N: People forget that Vilgax was the apex of his species, unlike most aliens, killed all the natural predators of his species, and was feared by all.]

"Your master control will be of no use to you, you have no one who can handle me, give up and you won't suffer much." Annoyed, he transformed into the yellow ball attacking me so I held it with one hand, burying it in the ground and then hitting it with a punch that stopped him completely.

Being completely stunned he could not do anything as my claw-like fingers touched his forehead forcing him to return to his human form.

He surprised me a little by my counterpart's appearance because his entire right arm was full of burn scars while his chin had a horrible scar.

"H-How...d-did I...r-return to my h-human form?" Ignoring his babbling I returned to my human form as I pulled out a small device from my belt.

The device was inserted into his Omnitrix, eating away at the metal which caused a beam of electricity that electrocuted him and made him scream, ignoring his screams I continued to watch as little by little his Omnitrix was destroyed until it disappeared.

"I could have done it without pain, but I think you deserved it for allowing Ivy to suffer" he barely consented and looked at me for a moment before falling asleep from the pain.

[T/N: That doesn't actually make sense that he has anything that can damage the Omnitrix, unless...I'm just gonna say Paradox gave it to him.]

Looking at my Omnitrix I noticed how the energy had returned so I transformed into BigChill to fly towards the prison ignoring the civilians who had witnessed everything.

When I arrived at the place I was not surprised to see all the defeated counterparts, however Superman (A) was surprised to see his Omnaz in human form.

"We thought he couldn't become human again after the incident" Without answering I left my counterpart on the ground walking towards him, ignoring everyone, and transforming back into Vilgax which surprised everyone.

Arriving at Superman (A), I grabbed him by the neck to choke him slightly, making Batman yell at me to stop, which I ignored.

"I also have energy rays, do you think I should give you a lobotomy like Pamela?" Not having an answer, I hit him into the ground which made him spit out blood while Superman and J'onn tried to separate me from him, which they couldn't do. My anger was stronger.

Superman's (A) salvation came in his blood which was scanned by the Omnitrix forcing me to return to my human form.

"DNA SAMPLE OBTAINED, ENTERING ADSORPTION MODE, ENERGY LEVELS EXHAUSTED STANDBY MODE STARTS" Listening to the watch everyone left me while I walked away still furious from Superman(A).

[T/N: I did not expect Vilgax to be able to body a full Kriptonian while resisting both a Martian and another Kriptonian.]

Two days later, I found myself walking towards the Watchtower control room and barely paying attention to the improvements our counterparts had made to our base, my mind still on the events with the parallel universe.

Arriving at the controls I was a little happy to see J'onn because I was looking for him.

"J'onn, you have a moment" Leaving the computers he looked at me.

"Of course my friend, tell me how can I help you?" walking until I was next to him I spoke.

"I remember you told me that you meditate daily, they recommended meditation to me and I would like to know if you can help me" Smiling happily he accepted.

"Of course, it will be a pleasure to help you, come on, I know the best place to do it" Following him I couldn't help but smile slightly at his excitement, it was obvious that I had made the right decision by asking for help.


A month later, Jump City…


Taking a short break in my patrol I was having a drink when a call from the Watchtower came through my communicator.

"Omnaz here, what's the situation?" I was expecting Lantern to respond so I was surprised to hear Flash speak urgently.

"Omnaz, there is an emergency, the others are compromised I need your help, come to the watchtower quickly!" Leaving my drink, I transformed into Chromastone to fly out of the city quickly.

It took me a few minutes to reach the Watchtower, which to my surprise was completely dark. By forcing the entry next to the Javelin, I shined my horn, generating enough lighting to see the entire place.

"Flash, I'm already at the Watchtower, will you receive me?" Waiting for a response from the communicator, I began to walk cautiously towards the control room.

Without receiving any response, I arrived at the room finding some damage, however, my attention was called by a flapping noise which caused me to turn around at the moment when Hawk Woman attacked me with her weapon, hitting me squarely in the face, sending me flying to crash into some computers.

A moment later I barely managed to dodge her next attack by flying from the place.

"I see what Flash meant by compromised, I'm sorry Hawkwoman" causing my body to shine with colors I shot her with a beam that hit her in the chest causing her to scream as she was sunk into the ground.

The impact of a very familiar beam of energy stopped me as I turned my face to see Lantern who seemed to be covered in purple splinters all over his body.

"Dirty mammal, accept your death" Absorbing his attacks I flew against him crashing him through a wall, thanks to the superior strength of my form it was not difficult for me to hold him down.

"It's not personal Lantern" Using the energy he had given me I fired my beam at point-blank range causing him to scream from the damage.

Noticing that his screams stopped I saw that he was unconscious although without the splinters.

"Well, two down, the three strongest are missing, and Flash" Leaving him I left the room in search of the others.

As I flew through the tower, the screams of the others alerted me to their location, so I quickly headed to the source of the screams, finding Superman, Wonder Woman, and J'onn receiving light while some snakes came out of their bodies.

Flash stopped the light as I approached him noticing his injuries.

"Flash, get down there as quickly as possible, Lantern and Hawkwoman have already been incapacitated, now tell me what happened." Helping him sit down, I began to listen to the story of what had happened to the others as well as what they had done with the sun.

Minutes after taking everyone to the infirmary, I was standing next to Flash watching the sun begin to darken.

"Friend, what are we going to do?" Checking the Watchtower computer I discovered what was happening while I figured out how to fix it.

"The sun is being obscured by Anti-Fusion Matter, the only way to save it would be to create a Black Hole to absorb it, which the two of us cannot do alone" Looking at me, Flash looked very dejected.

"That means that we're doomed" finishing typing on the computer speaks.

"No, we just have to absorb the energy, and luckily for us I can absorb it, what I don't know is how much I can" Starting to walk towards the elevator I looked at a surprised Flash "Stay with the others" before I could hear his response I flew away of the place.

In a few minutes, I was already reaching the sun, noticing how my body began to absorb the radiation.

"Well let's see what resistance I have" Opening my arms I concentrated on the Anti-Fusion Matter which quickly began to be absorbed by my body.

As soon as the energy touched my body I felt the power in it and noticed how the speed with which it was absorbed increased.

It took minutes to begin to notice a change as the darkness began to disappear from the sun while my body shone with bright lights and my horn grew.

"Come on!" Feeling how my body was trembling, I struggled to absorb more energy, ending up ending it all while my body pulsed and glowed.

"Max friend, did you get it all?!" Listening to Flash I noticed how my body seemed to start to crack slightly.

"I-It's too much," pointing into space with my arms, I released all the contained energy, causing a light show that lasted a few seconds until my body returned to normal.

"MAX, ARE YOU ALIVE?!" hearing the panic in Flash's voice I spoke.

"Y-Yes, I feel fine...but I need a rest, I'm returning to the watchtower" Completely exhausted I began to fly back so I could have a well-deserved rest after such a task.

[T/N: Now this was a great chapter, very exciting, though I hope it doesn't become a harem story. If it is and there are any 18+ scenes I'll put up a warning for you guys. No reason both of us have to suffer. If you like this chapter then leave a comment, write a review, and drop some stones. Also, I'm going to try and get the next 2 chapters on p@treon before Friday so if you want to join the p@treon in the next few days or so for an advanced chapter don't hesitate.]


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