
Chapter 2

I didn't really know how but for some reason I had accepted all this naturally, and I wasn't just referring to my situation but also to the fact that I had 4 more fucking arms, I thought it would be difficult or at least confusing to control them but no, it was very Simple everything as if I had spent my entire short life with these.

I looked around me, what seemed at first just a fantasy had come true, I had spent my entire life trying to make a world like this but had failed, but now like a miracle or a misfortune I appeared in a world where the wonders that What they wanted so much was their daily bread.

I don't know what kind of god or entity brought me here but the only thing I can do is thank him, I don't know if it was a coincidence or fate but none of that matters to me right now, I wasn't going to waste this new opportunity, the possibilities now. They are infinite, the past no longer matters, I have a future ahead of me in this new body and I am not going to waste it.

It would be an insult to my pride as a man and a scientist not to take advantage of the opportunities, despite not being the best, I had already noticed certain glances at my arms, in addition to the echo that apparently they were taking their time to scan me even though The other children took little time.

I looked around me, there were a couple of other children who were also being tested on their quirks, apparently normal little children, the only one in the room that stood out was my family with their mutation quirks, and as I imagined Despite not having done anything, you could see the looks of the other parents, even some of the doctors.

*Sigh* that will cause me even more problems, I looked at my strange arms and already imagined what would happen next... rejection.

I was really grateful for the fact that this pair of my parents didn't talk much, since during the last hour in which they have spent me doing all kinds of tests they have not said a single word besides the fact that the subject of the Four arms only showed his eyes, making it difficult to guess what he was thinking, that cold look is not even that of a normal father.

Perhaps a consequence of the constant rejection as a mutant, or whatever has caused his physical changes, and I am not referring to his quirk, but to what I create his quirk, I tried to calm down but I couldn't, the excitement to investigate was high, my My mind works like it has never done before, since I became conscious I had already thought about some hypotheses but they were just hypotheses.

I tried to calm down and think about other things while they finished doing whatever they were doing to me so as not to cause more problems.

They had spent the last one doing what I thought were scans, after all I couldn't fully recognize this technology, not because it was very advanced, but rather because it wasn't my specialty, I didn't trust drones or computers to store information. , call me old-fashioned but I kept all my information on paper.

I had seen too many movies and read too many books to trust the kind of sentient technology, the kind that would make us completely useless and gradually turn into the fatties in the movie Wall-e, if that future really terrified me. .

I was not a great inventor and I will never be one, my duty was to make the human never depend on anything, to make the human definitive so that you do not end up depending on anyone else but on our own strength, I achieved it but it ended very badly *Sigh * I think that guy left me some kind of trauma... I'll check it out later.

More inefficient and slow but this ensured that no other crazy person creates another bad product, or at least in the short term.....

-Little Shoji, please enter the chamber, we want to see if after this time your quirk has evolved or remains the same as when you were born-{serious}-(Doctor 1)

I entered a glass cube that gave me a bit of a bad feeling, suddenly my senses woke up and my arms creaked, this world really surprised me, as I remember this world although on the surface it doesn't seem to be much in terms of technology but they have achieved great development when it comes to technology related to quirks.

Suddenly I felt a crunch in my arms, it started with a small pain but little by little an intense pain appeared in my forearm and out of nowhere came what seemed to be a mouth, it was disgusting, a mass of round flesh that had teeth in the center. , I tried to dispel it and with a thought it disappeared.

I was too confused by all this, how do Quirks work so naturally? where do they come from? They seem to be as natural as the human body as another organ, I remember that this was one of the ways with which we managed to make some of the subjects have powers but nothing as impressive as this.

Joy took over my body, I don't know what kind of god sent me here and I didn't care, I had read enough novels to know that it wouldn't cause me problems, or so I hope and if it did I don't care, but something was clear I had a new chance, in this new world I can try again, this new world will never see my failures.

I was fascinated by all this, shortly after leaving my quirk tests I was finally able to obtain my quirk "Duplicate arms" in theory I can replicate any part of my body and these new parts will in fact be better than the original ones, at first I didn't It seemed like a big deal but it excited me greatly.

My organs could also be considered parts of my body, right? How long can I keep these new parts active? Also, can I move these parts to other places? And most importantly, what can be considered a part of my body?

I had a smile on my face which no one could take away, but no one noticed due to the fact that like my "father" I had my face covered with a mask, we left the hospital and as soon as we did, I noticed how apparently We were in a rural town.

I was disappointed because I had to walk with my "parents" to our house, since I really wanted to see a car in this reality, I wanted to see the technological advances but there wasn't much, not even the architecture had advanced, at least not the rural one, and agriculture was still the same as I remember with just tractors to support them.

Disappointing and surprising, all aspects of human life as I remember had stagnated due to the attention they gave to their quirks to the point that they marginalized those who did not have one, and apparently also those who had one, if since When I left the hospital, the looks from before had intensified and I think it will be a big problem.

Not really, I remember that non-human mutations were normal in my experiments and of course I had managed to control and perfect them, and if you can achieve everything without powers, what could new powers achieve with these? The emotion got the best of me and I pushed my parents to speed up the pace. I didn't have time for their bullshit.


A week had passed since I arrived in this world, and despite my desire to start my investigation, first I had to test the waters, and it was worse than I imagined, firstly, apparently the awakenings of the quirks in this place. They are very small, and consequently the quirks are mutants???? They are even rarer, if I think I was too hasty thanking that god so much.

At this time I was alone in my house, since my parents had work, my father helped local farmers and here he apparently knows some mechanics and helps with his strength, my mother was a teacher at a local school not long ago.

Speaking of school, what I had to go through was what I had to go through, I received some provocations and insults from other children but nothing too radical, since despite their apparent disgust, they can do little more than insult me, or else a beating awaited them, it's over and done with. So now I was at home suspended for a couple of days.

I was a little sorry, this could cause me more problems in the long term but it's not like I care, this was the only way to be alone out of my parents' sight, since even though at first I thought I could outwit them easily , but apparently that eye of my mother was not just for decoration, it increased her senses.

This led to me discovering, how to put it, redirected the electricity illegally to the basement in the middle of the night, as a result I keep an eye on it because I want to prevent our image from being tarnished further.

And by this I mean that those crazy people try to kill us for considering us freaks, this made me wonder why the hell was this pair so stupid? Because despite having the means to be able to live in the city quietly, they were still here, this did nothing but make my already high disdain grow even more.

But getting back to the topic, I had spent the last few minutes trying to form a lung, it wasn't very difficult and it seemed to work but there was one problem: it was too tiring to maintain them, plus their use outside the body was useless due to how fragile it was.

My quirk was at the moment somewhat limited, since I could only form new "Pieces" let's call them that on the tips of my fingers and it was shit, but I had already thought of something but I needed some materials that could only be obtained in the hospital and a biological material.

Difficult but it was a start.

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