
39 – Suggestion

The launch of iMonsters was a huge success.

The number of users who were able to read with the help of the app was over 90%, while the number of illiterates was still low due to confusion and fear.

But by deciding to test this new app that appeared on the Internet and seeing how interesting it was, this app also began to dominate the lives of the illiterate, causing a wave of iMonsters to suddenly appear in Arcantor.

The Internet, which had previously been a hot topic, had finally burst its bubble and experienced the greatest growth since its inception.

What had previously been an average increase of only 30% over the course of the day, which was already extremely high, had now jumped to a 40% increase in just one morning!


| Character Status


| Name: Adrian Innovashine

| Titles: God of Creativity, God of the Internet

| Level: Embryonic deity rank 6

| Number of believers: 91,674 -> 125,845

| Average usage per user: 4 hours


| Divine Power: 43,199 / 320,000 -> 294,889 / 320,000 (+251,690 Normal Prayers)


Unfortunately, after the morning, this number almost reached zero.

The reason wasn't that something bad had happened to the Internet, or that the population wasn't interested in the Internet, but that the population of Arcantor's capital was completely taken care of by the Internet!

If the number of possible users were infinite, it was quite likely that the original number of believers would at least double, but there was no one left to find out about the Internet in the capital of Arcantor, since almost everyone had already become a believer.

With a population of 130,000, this was already a gigantic city by the standards of a medieval world that couldn't build skyscrapers like my previous world.

There were still about 10,000 people in the capital who didn't use the Internet, but they were superstitious old people who didn't want to use the Internet, they didn't want to learn to read, they just wanted to live the normal, quiet life they had before.

Fortunately, almost all of the caravans that had been in Arcantor for the past few days had already left to do business throughout the kingdom, taking the Internet with them to spread it to the rest of the population.

The nobles in other cities were already using the Internet, but they considered it a strategic advantage and weren't teaching anyone how to use it, even with the incentive of Internet coins.

But I wasn't too worried about this growth.

It was only a matter of time before the caravans went to the other major cities in the kingdom and I got a few thousand more believers.

Turning my attention to the users, I noticed that the commoners were able to understand the drawing I had made to represent the prayer when the food for the iMonsters ran out, which made many of them excited to see that they were getting another coin, which was a great way for someone who was poor to feel like they were getting something more.

As for the mages who managed to pray several times a day, I noticed that their iMonsters were getting stronger.

The average level of the apprentice mages' iMonsters was level 04.

At the cost of no prayers from level 01 to level 02, one prayer to level 03, and two prayers for level 04.

There were a few lesser ones who prayed 4 more times to raise their iMonsters to level 05, but this meant that the time they had left to use the Internet for the rest of the day was greatly reduced.

On the other hand, the Arcane Mages who managed to pray more than 12 times a day had an average iMonster level of 05, and some even raised their iMonsters to level 06!

The higher the level of the iMonster, the more prayers were needed to level it up again.

But the mages were fascinated by the progress the iMonsters could make just by feeding and training them, even if it meant they had less mana available to practice magic for the rest of the day.

Not only did arcane mages have fun with iMonsters, but masters, wizards, and even archmages experimented with them.

With the amount of mana these powerful mages had, they could pray dozens of times a day, which meant they could get dozens of Premium Internet Coins much easier than normal believers.

This made my eyes glaze over.

While the MMORPGs in my previous world had two categories of players, the ordinary players who had only spent a few dozen dollars on the game, there were also the whales who spent the equivalent of several players combined!

And the mages were exactly the whales I was looking for.

Even though I hadn't received many new users that afternoon, the Mages' Internet usage and their constant prayers for Premium Internet Coins still fed me with a lot of Divine Power!

The number of mages using the Internet in all of Arcantor was only 6,000, but the average time they spent using the Internet and praying at that moment was 14 prayers in one day! 

That's considering that the number of apprentice mages and arcane mages was the largest number of mages in total, but even so, those only 6,000 users were now earning the same as 21,000 ordinary users, earning me 42,000 Divine Power points!

And considering that the more users used the Internet and spent Spirit Energy on it, the more it would be trained in them, increasing their mana pool more and more, the amount of Divine Energy I would receive each day would only increase, even if the number of users stagnated!

Watching users test the iMonsters was a lot of fun.

It managed to please a wide variety of players.

Housewives enjoyed how cute the iMonsters were and how pleasant it was to take care of these beautiful creatures.

Brute men found it nice to see the iMonsters they cared for learning combat skills.

Wizards began to study training and what would be the most effective way to train these creatures.

But the most interesting thing was what I saw Jaina doing.

In front of her was a beautiful, delicate blue snake!

Selena had chosen Aqualiss, the Water Elemental iMonster, as her iMonster, since she was a mage who focused on ice spells.

But instead of praying for PIC to feed Aqualiss and make her more powerful, Selena decided to try something else.

She spent a total of 20 PIC to summon Aqualiss into the real world, keeping in mind that this amount was lower because her iMonster was still at level 02.

As soon as she clicked to summon the creature into the real world, Selena looked at it curiously, while the creature strangely did the same as her!

The two stared at each other for a few seconds until Aqualiss crawled up to Jaina and rubbed against her leg, causing a small smile to appear on her face despite the shock she was feeling at the moment.

I watched as Jaina analyzed every detail of Aqualiss, trying to figure out how the creature worked.

Since I had set the iMonsters' intelligence to the equivalent of a child's, they were able to understand simple commands, which really surprised Jaina and caused a proud smile to appear on my face.

Various tests were conducted throughout the kingdom, until I set my sights on a village not far from the capital of Arcantor, the village that Rosalind had visited and taught the village leader how to use the Internet.

Only 168 people lived in this village, a very small number for me to really worry about, but what caught my attention was that the leader of this small village made a rather peculiar request to me during prayer.

While mages were more individualistic because they could pray several times a day, or people in the safe capital city of Arcantor did not have to worry so much about their own safety, people in smaller villages had to worry about hunting meat, bandits invading, or even some wild monsters invading.

And that was why he prayed.

"O God of the Internet, the kindest and most merciful God I have ever met, please help us poor farmers to defend ourselves. After using the new Internet application, I realized that it would be a great help to our village if we could have the shared guardianship of an iMonster, where everyone could feed and train this iMonster to protect the village. He prayed very humbly.

Listening to his prayer, I was surprised by his idea.

Considering that the village had a total of 168 people, if they decided that everyone should feed the iMonster every day, it was only a matter of time before the village's iMonster would be as strong as a true apprentice mage!

With the prayers of 168 people focused on just one iMonster, it would be able to reach level 10 in just one day!

Based on the strength level I made for the iMonsters, from level 01 to level 10, the strength was that of a normal adult, and the number of PICs needed to reach that level of strength was 129.

At level 11, the strength of the iMonsters left the level of a normal human and entered the level of a magical apprentice, but to go from level 10 to level 11, the cost in PIC already increased to 256, and this value would only increase with each level.

If it were up to an ordinary person to train an iMonster to that level, it would take at least a few years, which was not a high investment considering that it was the strength of an apprentice mage to defend that person at all times.

But for a village of 168 people, they would be able to evolve this iMonster much faster than if it was just people evolving it individually.

Not only did this sound very interesting to me, but I started thinking about the coming war and realized that this could be an incredible strategy for battle.

If a small village like this could train iMonsters at that rate, what couldn't a larger city that was accumulating prayers into an iMonster every day do?

Sure, I knew I had to take precautions, especially since nobles might use it in a nefarious way with the populace, but it wasn't something impossible to deal with!

So, to answer John's prayer, I made a blue holographic window appear in front of him.

[His suggestion was noted by the Internet God.]

As soon as he saw the delicate holographic screen with the message that the God of the Internet had indeed heard his suggestion, John was extremely honored and moved, and prayed twice more in thanksgiving while I started to develop this new feature.


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