
27 – Rosalind Barton

Rosalind Barton, daughter of a wealthy bourgeois who owned an influential merchant caravan.

She discovered that she possessed magical talent at a young age, but due to her lack of talent at the Arcantor Magic School, she realized that it would take her years to go from apprentice to arcane mage.

Instead of wasting her time chasing the dream of becoming a mediocre mage, after she turned 16, Rosalind was able to command a small group of employees in her father's company, and she left the Arcantor Magic School to learn the family business.

It had only been a few months since that happened, and she was still leading the small group to learn how to be a real merchant.

From what I observed in conversations between her and other internet users, especially a friend of hers who was still studying at the Arcantor Magic School, Rosalind was still lost and didn't feel that just being a merchant was something for her.

Fortunately, there was an exchange of messages between her and her father, and they said something very useful to me.

Because of her lack of time on the Internet, I didn't have any more information I could use, but I was glad that I already had something I could use.

I can do this. I thought as I tried to figure out how to contact her.

- Rosalind's POV -

How boring...

I had no idea how boring it would be to travel for 12 hours, or even days, just to arrive in other cities, only to receive a few silver coins as profit...

When I looked out of the carriage window again, I saw that the sky was already getting dark and there was no sign of a city where we could find an inn to stay...

Another night of camping in the bush.

Luckily I had Internet now!

Unlike before, when I was traveling and bored all the time, with the Internet I could read interesting books, I could talk to my friends from school, could talk to my father, I could even continue practicing magic!

Arcantor Magic School had taken back the books I had borrowed from their library, but with the book [Mortal Magic: Apprentice Mage], I could continue to learn about magic even without going to school!

Unfortunately, I didn't have anyone to answer my questions, but that was a small consequence that I had to accept.

What made me even happier was that because of my magical learning and development, I had more mental power than a normal person and was able to use the Internet much more than other people, so I was even less bored on the trip.

Even more so with this new Internet update, my eyes lit up when I saw that there really were new books posted on the Internet every few hours!

Not to mention that even [CardMasters] has become much more interesting, especially with those purple and pink cards.

What surprised me was that while I was browsing the [Library] on the Internet, I saw something appear on the screen that wasn't a book.

[Do you feel that your future is destined for greatness?]

[Yes] [No]

What is this? I thought confusedly, as I had never seen anything like it before.

After some thought, I finally decided to click [Yes], of course, I felt my future was destined for greatness!

This brought up another question.

[Do mundane tasks seem boring and meaningless to you?]

[Yes] [No]

This time, I didn't even think twice and quickly clicked [Yes].

[If you had the opportunity to add a simple task to your routine, but one that could give you power, fame, and wealth, would you accept it?]

[Yes] [No]

When I saw this question, I was a little doubtful.

What would this simple task be?

Not knowing what to do, I decided to wait a while and think about it.

These questions really touched something inside me, as if this was done just for me.

Looking around and seeing the knights with tired or bored expressions on their faces, thinking about the few silver coins we would earn from this trip... then thinking about the power, fame, and wealth that these Internet questions were proposing to me, I was really tempted.

I guess just answering the question wouldn't hurt, right?

[Yes, I clicked my finger.

As soon as I clicked, the questions disappeared and a spinning ball appeared with a message underneath.

[Calculating your answers and determining whether you are suitable for this task...].

When I saw that this thing was still calculating whether or not I was suitable for this task, I became even more curious.

Even though I had only answered three yes or no questions, it was quite likely that my answers were suitable, wasn't it?

But when I thought that if I didn't answer correctly, I might miss an opportunity to gain power, fame, and fortune, I started to get nervous.

Nervous that I might miss an opportunity to change my life, an opportunity that someone else might take instead of me, and that person would have a life full of these benefits that I wouldn't have.

Suddenly, the message on the screen changed to an icon of the letter 'V' with a green background.

I was still in doubt as to whether this meant yes or no, but soon the answer to my question appeared in a window that opened and covered the entire screen of my Internet book.

[Congratulations! You have been approved by the Internet God's Envoy as a possible candidate for the Divine Messenger. As long as you succeed in inviting people from other realms to join the Internet, generous rewards await you!]


When I read this message, I was shocked.

I hadn't imagined that this was an offer to work for the God of the Internet himself!

When I thought about the rewards I could receive from the God of the Internet for completing these tasks, the first thing I thought of was Internet Coins.

This seemingly worthless currency proved to be increasingly important and valuable.

I already had enough to buy a magic book [Mortal Magic: Arcane Mage] since it only cost 100 Internet Coins, so I bought it two days ago, but after reading the book, I realized that my knowledge of magic was very shallow, to the point that I really couldn't understand almost anything that was said there.

So I went back to saving my Internet Coins for no real purpose.

But when I talked to my father about the Internet, he said that he thought those Internet Coins could be much more important than people realized, and he advised me to save them for the future.

Knowing that he had a good nose for lucrative deals, I decided to follow his advice, so I invited people I knew in the towns and villages we passed through and got some silver coins and some Internet Coins as well.

But if the Internet God himself wanted to hire me, he would definitely pay me a generous amount of Internet Coins, right?

And since he said there were several generous rewards, it wouldn't be limited to Internet Coins!

But what could it be?

Looking closely at the message, I noticed that there was a button I could click to see what these rewards were.

Curious, I clicked it and began to analyze the rewards.

It was all distributed in a very shop-like manner...

Apparently, I would receive 'Contribution Points' for every person from another realm that I invited online, and these Contribution Points could be exchanged for various things!

From Internet Coins, to books, to free Internet time, to knowledge, and even blessings!

Looking at the blessings, I realized that they were the most expensive rewards in the store, but the effects were shocking.

I could buy a learning blessing that would accelerate my learning speed by 100% for 12 hours, one day, 3 days, 7 days, 14 days, or even 30 days!

Sure, the longer this blessing lasted, the more expensive it became in terms of contribution points, but it showed that there really was a way to buy such valuable things as blessings from the Internet God himself!

There were other blessings as well, but I wasn't as interested in them as I was in the learning speed blessing.

If I got such a blessing, wouldn't I be able to overcome my low magic talent and become an Arcane Mage? Or maybe even a master mage?

If I could do that, I could get the power, money, and fame promised by the God of the Internet!

Just as the question said, all I had to do was add a simple task to my routine when selling in the neighboring kingdoms, and that would earn me Contribution Points.

Sure, it was risky to spread the word about a god in another country, but as long as I only did it in the towns farthest from the kingdom's capital, it would be okay, right?

As I weighed the pros and cons of this offer, my entrepreneurial spirit smelled a big profit.

So in the end, I decided to take it.

As my father always said, a merchant afraid of adversity will never stop being a corner shopkeeper.

As far as I could see, I was now no longer a simple corner merchant, and I was entering uncharted territory that could give me the edge and recognition I'd always wanted!

- Adrian's POV -

Seeing how excited Rosalind was made me smile.

By the time she'd collected enough points for the blessings she wanted, I knew I'd have climbed a few ranks, and the amount of Divine Power I'd receive from all the believers I'd have at that time could pay for those rewards for her.

After all, her job wasn't to help me gain more Divine Power, but to help me pass the school exam!


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