
Chapter 33: The Bridge Bike Gang

(With fond memories of the Safari Zone behind them.)

(and gaining new friends and Pokemon, Mew and her friends.)

(continue on their Pokemon Journey as they walk down the streets of the city.)

Mew: "Feels weird to be back in a city, huh, guys?"

(Mew asks.)

Misty: "Sure does. Being out in the jungle was great, but it's kinda nice to come back to civilization,"

(Misty answers.)

(Mew turns to her Pokemon and Tomo.)

Mew: "Hey, Pikachu, Eevee, Tomo. Let's have a humongous meal when we get to the Pokemon Center."

Pikachu: "Piii Pika Pika!" (Mm, sounds delicious!)

(Pikachu happily says.)

Eevee: "Eevee!" (Yummy!)

(Eevee says.)

(Tomo smiles and says.)

Tomo: "Yeah."

(Then Misty says.)

Misty: "I want a hotdog!"

Brock: "I want a deep dish, extra cheese pizza. Mm!"

(Brock replies.)

(The group continues to walk down the road and plan to have something to eat at the Pokemon Center.)

(When something catches their attention.)

Mew: "Hey, what's that thing?"

(Mew asks.)

Brock: "What thing?"

(Brock wonders.)

Mew: "Let's go see!"

(Mew says, and runs ahead.)

Misty: "Wait for us, Mew!"

(Misty says as she and the others hurry after her.)

(Mew and the others continue to run down the road.)

(until they spot a bridge that is across the water.)

(Mew and her friends are amazed to see it.)

Mew: "Wow, look at that!"

(Mew says, amazed.)

Pikachu: "Pika!" (Golly!)

(Pikachu says.)

Eevee: "Eevee!" (Wow!)

(Eevee says.)

Tomo: "Really big,"

(Tomo replies.)

Misty: "That's an amazing bridge!"

(Misty says.)

(Brock looks at the map and says.)

Brock: "So, it's being completed already."

(Misty looks at Brock with a confused expression.)

Misty: "Huh?"

(Brock looks at the map and then looks at the bridge.)

Brock: "Hey, The map says it's still under construction, but if it's completed, we can go straight to Sunny Town on the opposite shore without going all the way around!"

Mew: "Great! We'll cross the bridge, and get to the next town. Come on, let's go!"

(Mew says, excited.)

Pikachu and Eevee: "Pika!/Eevee!" (Alright!)

(Pikachu and Eevee cheer.)



(Mew and her friends reach the Toll Booth operator, however, they end up receiving some bad news.)

Toll booth operator: "Well, I'm afraid the bridge isn't completely finished. See there?"

(The group looks ahead to see the construction on the bridge.)

Brock: "That means we can't take the shortcut,"

(Brock says.)

Toll booth operator: "Even if it were finished, this bridge is only for cars, anyway,"

(The Toll Booth Operator says.)

Mew: "The bridge is only for cars? Couldn't we just walk across it?"

(Mew asks, confused.)

Toll booth operator: "Well, this bridge is over ten miles long. It'd be dark before you reach the other side."

(Toll booth operator says.)

Misty: "Ten miles long?"

(Misty says, a little surprised.)

Toll booth operator: "Course, you might be able to cross if you had bicycles."

(The Toll Booth Operator says.)

Mew: "Bicycles?!"

(Mew says, surprised and nervous.)

(Soon, two people riding bikes cycle by and say hello to the operator who is named Norman.)

Misty: "I thought you said the bridge isn't finished,"

(Misty replies.)

(Norman answers.)

Norman: "The road isn't finished, but the bicycle path is."

(Then two more people on bikes ride by.)

Norman: "If you had bikes, you could cross too."

(Norman says.)

Mew: "I see,"

(Mew says, sounding nervous.)

Misty: "Yeah,"

(Misty says.)

(Soon, Mew and her friends find themselves at a bike shop to see the bikes.)


Mew: "It's no use, we can't afford these."

(Mew says.)

Pikachu: "Pika," (Oh, rats.)

(Pikachu says.)

Eevee: "Eev," (Oh man.)

(Eevee says.)

Tomo: "That bad,"

(Tomo replies.)

(Soon, the group feels discouraged about them unable to get bikes, so they can't cross the bridge.)

Mew: "Let's go to the Pokemon Center and figure out a plan,"

(Mew says.)

Brock: "Sounds good to me,"

(Brock says.)

Misty: "I'll probably come up with a brilliant idea,"

(Misty replies.)

(Soon, Mew and her friends arrive at the Pokemon Center.)

(and decide to have some lunch as they think of a plan.)

(Mew turns to Misty and asks.)

Mew: "Thought of anything yet."

Misty: "Sadly no, but I'm still thinking of it."

(Misty says.)

Mew: "Me either, and I'm a little nervous about riding another bike,"

(Mew says.)

Brock: "Why's that?"

(Brock asks.)

Mew: "Well, it's kind of a long story, but in short. I never really rode a bike before, and only watched Gary and his friends ride on. In fact, the only bike I ever rode was Misty, before Pikachu fried it,"

(Mew says.)

Misty: "Huh? You mean my bike is actually the first one you ever ridden, and you still used it to take your Pokemon to the Pokemon Center?"

(Misty says, confused.)

Mew: "Yeah. Sorry I never told you that,"

(Mew says.)

(Misty sighs.)

Misty: "Sometimes you do the craziest things without thinking, even if it is for good intentions."

(Mew giggles in reply.)

(Just then, Nurse Joy walks to them and is looking really glum.)

(She asks.)

Nurse Joy: "Excuse me? If you could spend some time, would you mind helping me out?"

(Brock quickly becomes smitten and runs to Joy.)

Brock: "Please, let me help! I just love caring for Pokemon! It's my life. Please! Please, Miss. Miss. Uh, by the way, are you by any chance related to the Joy in Gringy City?"

Nurse Joy: "I'm her cousin,"

(Joy answers, a little nervous.)


Brock: "Ah, but you're much, much prettier than she is,"

(Brock says.)

Nurse Joy: "That's just fine, but,"

(Nurse Joy says, and picks up her clipboard.)

(Then says in concern.)

Nurse Joy: "I'm worried about the Pokemon in Sunny Town, just over the bridge, that's very sick."

(Soon, the group becomes curious to hear Nurse Joy's statement.)

(Then Nurse Joy hands the group a tray that has the bag with the Pokemon medication inside.)

Nurse Joy: "I need someone to deliver this medicine to the Pokemon Center in Sunny Town. Normally, I'd go myself, but I'm too busy with sick Pokemon to leave the Center right now."

Mew: "It's just over the bridge, right?"

(Mew asks.)

Nurse Joy: "That's right."

(Nurse Joy answers with a nod.)

Misty: "But we don't have any bicycles."

(Misty says.)

Nurse Joy: "No problem! I'll let you use some of our bicycles,"

(Nurse Joy says.)

(The group is surprised and glad to hear what Nurse Joy says.)

(Mew quickly agrees.)

Mew: "We'll do anything we can if it's to help a sick Pokemon!"

Misty: "Even if that means we'll have to zip across the bridge on bikes!"

(Misty says.)

Nurse Joy: "That's great! The bikes are in the parking lot, and thank you!"

(Nurse Joy happily says.)

(Mew takes the medicine and puts it in her bag.)

(Then the three head off to the garage to get bikes.)

(Brock who remains behind says.)

Brock: "I'd be happy to stay here and help you if you need me."

Misty: "Come on, Brock!?"

(Misty says, and pulls Brock away by the ear.)

(Soon, Mew and her friends are riding on the bikes to Sunny town.)

(Mew is riding on one with Tomo sitting at the back metal seat.)

(and Pikachu and Eevee are sitting on baskets.)

(Mew laughs with glee and says.)

Mew: "Hurry up, guys!"

Tomo: "Hurry! Hurry!"

(Tomo says.)

(Misty and Brock have to share a twin bike.)

(Misty whines.)

Misty: "Brock! I'm the one doing all the pedaling!"

(The group of friends are actually having a lot of fun riding on the bike.)

(that will lead them to Sunny Town to help the sick Pokemon.)

Mew: "You see? We're getting to cross the bridge after all!"

(Mew says.)

Misty: "Right, Mew! We sure got lucky!"

(Misty says.)

Pikachu: "Pikachu!" (That's for sure!)

(Pikachu says.)

Eevee: "Eevee!" (Yeah!)

(Eevee says.)

(Mew and her friends continue to ride on the bike over the bridge.)

(to get to Sunny Town.)

(However, on a rubber raft under the bridge, Team Rocket is spying on them, yet again.)


Meowth: "They're riding on the bike path across the bridge,"

(Meowth says.)

(Jessie says with confidence and holding the binoculars.)

Jessie: "Ha. We've got them right where we want them."

Meowth: "You think we got a chance this time?"

(Meowth asks.)

James: "Well it's not like this place is new to us, you know,"

(James says as he paddles.)

Jessie: "You could almost call it our home town. Isn't that right, James?"

(Jessie says.)

James: "So we'll have the home team advantage,"

(James says, confident.)

(Then Jessie says.)

Jessie: "James, prepare to attack!"

James: "I'm a little busy here,"

(James says, sweating bullets.)

(Meanwhile, Mew and her friends have stopped for a break and are having some drinks.)

(Mew finishes her drink and says.)

Mew: "This is a great workout!"

Brock: "Yeah! And since we lucked into those bikes, it won't be long till we're in Sunny Town,"

(Brock says.)

Misty: "Right, Brock!"

(Misty says.)

Tomo: "Bike riding is fun,"

(Tomo says.)

Mew: "It sure is,"

(Mew says.)

(Mew and her friends and Pokemon finish their drinks.)

(and toss their cans in the bins.)

(Soon, the group got on the bikes and are ready to go.)

Mew: "Okay, time to hit the road,"

(Mew says.)

(Suddenly, the group hears something and their heads to see a group of bikers coming in their direction.)

(They all wear black and other gangster like appearances.)

(One of them is also holding a flag.)

(Concern, Misty asks.)

Misty: "Uh oh! Who are they?"

Brock: "It's a bicycle gang!"

(Brock says.)


Misty: "A bicycle gang?"

(Misty nervously replies.)

Brock: "I think we better get outta here,"

(Brock says.)

(However, Mew and the others find themselves surrounded by the Bike gang.)

(One of the gang members who is the leader with red fire like hair removes his sunglasses and says.)

???: "I don't think I've seen you before."

Mew: "Right. Uh, we're not really from around here. So, uh, see ya,"

(Mew says.)

(Mew and her friends are about to leave, but the leader says.)

leader: "Hold it!"

(Causing them to halt.)

???: "You ain't gonna cross this bridge without a proper introduction,"

(The leader says.)

The gang: "That's right!

(The gang says.)

(Mew rishes to them.)

Mew: "Uh, hello!"

Tomo: "Hi,"

(Tomo replies.)

Pikachu: "Pika," (Hello.)

(Pikachu says.)

Eevee: "Eev." (Hi)"

(Eevee says.)

(Misty rushes to the leader.)

Misty: "It's a pleasure."

Brock: "Very nice to meet you,"

(Brock does the same.)

(Then they all hop on the bikes.)

Everyone: "See you again sometime!"

(But the leader angrily says.)

???: "That's no introduction!"

(Just then, a female biker with long green hair and blue eyes walks over and says.)

???: "When we say introduction, we mean Pokemon battle."

Mew: "A Pokemon battle?"

(Mew says, concern.)

(Seeing there is no way out of it, Mew says.)

Mew: "Alright, I accept."


(Brock blushes seeing the girl and says.)

Brock: "I'd do anything for an introduction to a girl like you."

(Then rushes to her.)

Brock: "Would you go out with me?"

(The girls and Pokemon groan and fall over in embarrassment.)

(Tomo is a little confused.)

(However, the girl gang member attacks Brock with a bike.)

(She turns away with a huff and her arms crossed.)

???: "Get lost, loser! I only care about my bike and my gang!"

(Brock lifts his head up.)

Brock: "Is that a no?"

Mew: "Alright, let's get started, then we'll see who's the master?"

(Mew sternly says.)

???: "Heh. You think you can play with the big boys? I'll send you home crying,"

(The leader says.)

(Then throw his Pokeball.)

???: "Golem, go!"

(The Pokeball opens to reveal the Biker gang leader's Pokemon.)

(It's a bipedal tortoise-like Pokémon with a spherical body covered by a shell of plated, green rocks.)

(Its body is so hard that even dynamite cannot scratch it.)

(Its head protrudes from the center of the shell.)

(The head has a flat snout with two pointed teeth in the lower jaw and red eyes.)

(It has short arms that have three claws and two legs with feet.)

(that have four claws in front and one in back.)

(The head and limbs are light brown in color.)

Mew: "A Golem, huh,"

(Mew replies.)

(She takes out her Pokedex, and Dexter says.)

Dexter: "Golem, the Megaton Pokemon and the final evolved form of Geodude. A Ground and Rock Type. Once a year it sheds its bedrock shell and grows larger."

Mew: "Okay then,"

(Mew says.)

(Then throws her Pokeball.)

Mew: "I choose, Bulbasaur!"

(Then Bulbasaur comes out of its Pokeball.)

(Mew calls out.)

Mew: "Bulbasaur, Vine Whip!"

(Bulbasaur attacks, but Golem curls itself up in defense.)

(The leader remarks.)

???: "Your Pokemon needs more practice! That wimpy Vine Whip attack's never gonna get through Golem's shell!"

(Then calls out.)

???: "Golem, Tackle attack!"

(Then Golem rolls to Bulbasaur, but Mew calls out.)

Mew: "Bulbasaur Dodge!"

(Bulbasaur dodges the attack.)


(Mew then has another idea and calls back her Pokemon.)

Mew: "Return, Bulbasaur!"

(Then throws another one.)

Mew: "Charmander, I choose you!"

(Then Charmander comes out.)

(Mew calls out.)

Mew: "Charmander, Ember!"

(Charmander spins around and throws the attack, but Golem's shell protects itself.)

???: "Heh! Trying to heat things up? It ain't gonna happen! Go, Golem! Rock Throw, now!"

(The leader says.)

(Golem leaps in the air and tries to land on Charmander, but it dodges.)

(Mew calls out.)

Mew: "Charmander, Flamethrower!"

(Charmander breaths out the attack and hits Golem in the face.)

(Then Mew calls out.)

Mew: "Charmander, Fire Spin, now!"

(The attack then lands on Golem.)

(Then the leader calls out.)

???: "Golem, Tackle attack, now!"

(Golem begins to roll around and is still on fire.)

(Mew cries out.)

Mew: "Charmander, run!"

(Charmander dodges the attack.)

(but begins to roll straight to its trainer and the rest of the gang.)

(Soon, they are running in a panic.)

(The leader holds his Pokeball and calls out.)

???: "Golem, return!"

Mew: "Uh, I wouldn't do that if I were…"

(Mew calls out in a panic.)

(But Golem is already back in it's Pokeball.)

(Soon, the heat begins to flow through the Pokeball and the leader continues to toss.)

(it back and forth because of the sudden increase in the heat.)

(The female biker then says.)

???: "Now it's my turn to show you! I choose you, Cloyster. Crush this wimp!"

(Then Cloyster comes out of its Pokeball.)

(Misty steps forward and says.)

Misty: "It's a water Pokemon, just leave it to me!"

Mew: "Okay, you go Misty,"

(Mew says.)

(The gangster girl laughs.)

???: "You battle? This should be quick."

(Misty then thinks of an idea.)

Misty: "Which should be best against Cloyster's hard shell? I know!"

(Then brings out her Pokeball.)

Misty: "Starmie, go!"

(However, Psyduck decides to come out of his Pokeball on his own.)

(causing Misty to collapse in disbelief.)

(Then shouts at him.)

Misty: "Psyduck, what are you doing here? I wanted Starmie, not you!"


(Psyduck turns to Misty.)

(Misty sighs and says.)

Misty: "Well, now that you're out, give it a try."

(Psyduck begins to walk on to the battlefield.)

(Soon, the gang begins to laugh.)

(One of them says.)

Bike gang 1: "I ain't never seen such a pathetic Pokemon!"

(Misty sighs, feels embarrassed and Mew is annoyed by the gang insulting him.)

(Another says.)

Bike gang 2: "My gut hurts!"

(Misty then calls out.)

Misty: "Psyduck, use your Tail Whip attack."

(Psyduck then begins to use its Tail Whip attack, but that makes the gangster laugh even more.)

Pikachu: "Pika Pi. Pikachu," (Those guys shouldn't laugh. They'll see what he's capable of.)

(Pikachu sternly says.)

Eevee: "Eevee. Eevee Eev Eevee." (Yeah. They just need to see Psyduck's Psychic abilities.)

(Eevee says.)

Mew: "You can say that again. They just need to see Psyduck's real powers,"

(Mew says.)

(Psyduck begins to walk backwards moving its tail towards Cloyster.)

(However, when one of Cloyster's spikes prick Psyduck, it begins to panic, making the gang laugh more.)

(Misty angrily calls out.)

Misty: "And you were supposed to be attacking. Psyduck, Scratch it, now!"

(Psyduck begins to scratch, but ends up hurting itself.)

(Misty thinks.)

Misty [in mind]: "Ah, let em laugh. Just wait until they see Psyduck's real power."

(When Psyduck stops running, Misty calls out.)

Misty: "Psyduck, use your Disable attack!"

(However, Psyduck doesn't attack.)

(Misty is beginning to get frustrated.)

Misty: "Just attack, you dumb duck! Go on and use your Confusion attack!"

(Psyduck nods his head, but doesn't remember how to use it.)

(Misty sighs.)

Misty: "Can't you remember your own attacks?"

Brock: "Misty, it's because its headache isn't bad enough yet."

(Brock says.)

Mew: "He's right. Remember back at the Fuchsia Gym. Psyduck didn't release any Psychic attacks unless his headache is painful enough to release it. And that happened after Psyduck was attacked so badly."

(Mew says.)


(That gives Misty an idea and calls out.)

Misty: "Come on, Cloyster! Score a knockout! Go for the head! Go for the head!"

???: "They're even starting to cheer for our side!"

(The leader laughs.)

(The girl gangster says.)

???: "Cloyster, clamp it with your shell!"

(Cloyster then opens its shell and comes up to Psyduck from behind.)

(Then it clamps Psyduck's tail, causing it to be in pain.)

(The girl gang member says with a grin.)

???: "Looks like this battle's over."

(Misty shrugs her shoulders.)

Misty: "Psyduck needs help!"

(Then picks up the bike.)

Misty: "I'll have to give it a headache myself!"

(Brock quickly holds Misty.)

Brock: "Don't do it, Misty!"

(Suddenly, they begin to hear a siren coming from the distance.)

(That catches Mew and her friends, and the Biker Gang's attention.)

???: "Looks like the next town wants to rumble!"

(The leader says.)

(The sirens get louder as the source is getting closer.)

(Mew asks.)

Mew: "Who is that?"

(Soon, the siren sounds aren't coming from a rival gang or the police.)

(but from Team Rocket dressed as part of a biker gang and riding on unicycles.)

Jessie: Prepare for trouble!

James: Make it double!

(Meowth is on a unicycle too, and dressed as a ringmaster.)

Jessie: To protect the world from devastation!

James: To unite all peoples within our nation!

Jessie: To denounce the evils of truth and love!

James: To extend our reach to the stars above!

Jessie: Jessie!

James: James!

(Soon paper cups are laid on the ground in a rode and Team Rocket rides around them.)

Jessie: Team Rocket, blast off at the speed of light!

James: Surrender now, or prepare to fight!

Meowth: Meowth! That's right!

(Then cracks the whip.)

Jessie: "Tyra, it's been a while,"

(Jessie says, removing her sunglasses.)

(Then the female gangster girl, who is named Tyra says with admiration.)

Tyra: "Big Jess!"

(James removes his sunglasses as he says.)

James: "You're looking good, Chopper."

Chopper: "Little Jim!"

(The leader, Chopper says with admiration as well.)

Mew: "Big Jess and Little Jim? What's that about?"

(Mew asks, very confused.)

(Jessie laughs and says.)

Jessie: "Well, nerd, we had a pretty bad reputation here back in the old days.


(Tyra says.)

Tyra: "You were Big Chainer Jessie! Big Jess was really cool, swinging her chain around as she rode her bicycle!"

(Then Chopper says.)

Chopper: "And then there was Little Trainer James! Little Jim was the only one in the bike gang, who had to use training wheels."

Jessie: "I suppose we really were crazy back then,"

(Jessie says.)

(Then James says.)

James: "Well, I guess our secret past isn't secret anymore."

(Mew and her friends are a little embarrassed and yet, confused.)

Mew: "I kinda wish it still was a secret,"

(Mew says.)

Pikachu: "Pika," (Same here.)

(Pikachu says.)

(Eevee says.)

Eevee: "Eevee Eevee." (These guys are weirder than I realize.)

Tomo: "Team Rocket really weird,"

(Tomo replies.)

(Then Jessie says.)

Jessie: "But I see you're still into kid stuff, riding around on bicycles.

James: "Real gangs ride unicycles!"

(James says, holding his unicycle.)

Tyra: "I guess your cycle gang must save a ton of money on handlebars,"

(Tyra says.)

(But Jessie says.)

Jessie: "Tyra, we're not in a gang."

(Then she and James remove their biker gang outfit to reveal their Team Rocket uniform with Jessie saying.)

Jessie: "We are members of the famous Team Rocket."

(Chopper and Tyra say with sparkles in their eyes.)

Chopper and Tyra: "Team Rocket!"

Jessie: "And I'd like to have all of you help us to take care of,"

(Jessie says.)

(Then turns to Mew and her friends.)

Jessie: "These little pests that are always ruining our plans.

Chopper: "I'll do anything for Jess and Jim!"

(Chopper says.)

(Then Meowth says.)

Meowth: "Then capture all of their Pokemon!"

(Soon, the biker gang begins to charge at them.)

(Mew takes out her Pokeballs.)

Mew: "Guys, get going, I'll hold them off."

(Suddenly, police cars and Officer Jenny on a motorcycle are coming their way.)

Chopper: "The cops! Let's split!"

(Chopper says.)

(Soon, the bikers begin to ride away before they can get caught.)


(Jessie panics.)

Jessie: "I thought you were going to help us!"

Meowth: "They're all a bunch of scaredy cats,"

(Meowth says.)

(They soon see the police are getting closer.)

(Meowth nervously says.)

Meowth: "I'm getting kinda scared myself."

Jessie and James: "Uh huh,"

(Jessie and James agree.)

(Soon, Team Rocket retreats as well.)

(When Officer Jenny arrives, Mew and her friends explain Officer Jenny the story.)

Officer Jenny: "So, you're just trying to deliver Pokemon medicine to Sunny Town?"

(Jenny asks.)

Brock: "Right. Joy, the beautiful Pokemon Center nurse, sent us. Of course, she can't compare with you, Officer Jenny,"

(Brock says

Officer Jenny: "You need to get there, so I'll give you an escort,"

(Jenny says.)

(Suddenly, Jenny hears her radio and hears what happened.)

Officer Jenny: "This is 303. Roger! Over and out! There's been an accident, I'll have to go."

Mew: "That's okay, we'll be fine,"

(Mew says.)

Officer Jenny: "Be careful,"

(Jenny says.)

(Then she and the police speed away to take care of the accident.)

Misty: "We should get moving, guys. A sick Pokemon's counting on us,"

(Misty says.)

(Mew nods her head.)

Mew: "Let's go!"

(Soon enough, dark storm clouds begin to roll into the sky.)

(Mew and her friends continue to pedal across the bridge as a storm is taking place.)

(The waves begin to go wild and the wind begins to blow.)

(Pikachu and Eevee feel nervous about the storm.)

(Seeing the condition of the storm, Mew says.)


Mew: "Pikachu. Eevee. Get in my bag where it will be safe. Tomo, hang on."

(Pikachu and Eevee quickly hide in Mew's bag.)

(while Tomo wraps his arms around Mew's waist.)

(Mew turns to her friends.)

Mew: "We better hurry!"

(Soon, the rain begins to come down and hard.)

(The wind and rain blow, but the friends refuse to give up.)

(They know that a sick Pokemon depends on them to get to Sunny Town to get the medicine to it.)

(Meanwhile, Team Rocket watches them take on the storm from Sunny Town.)

(and James watches from the binoculars.)

James: "They're riding right through the storm!"

(James says.)

(Jessie replies.)

Jessie: "No kidding."

Meowth: "I knew those kids were all wet. That wind could blow em right off the bridge.

James: "They must be insane. I'm glad we're inside,"

(James says.)

(Suddenly, they hear Tyra say.)

Tyra: "Big Jess!

(And Chopper says.)

Chopper: "Little Jim!"

(Jessie and James turn their heads to see Chopper and Tyra.)

Chopper: "We know you wanna be out there. You could ride a storm twice this intense,"

(Chopper says.)

(James lowers the binoculars and asks.)

James: "I could?"

Tyra: "Big Jess, lead us into the eye of the storm and show us how to ride, Big Jess style!"

(Tyra says.)

(Jessie nervously says.)

Jessie: "I. I."

(Then the two bikers say.)

Chopper and Tyra: "Show the whole gang how to really ride!"

(They soon see the entire gang gathering around them.)

(and Jessie and James are feeling like trembling.)


Chopper: "You're not scared of this storm, are you?"

(Chopper asks.)

(James says.)

James: "I'm not! I just wish I had my training wheels with me."

Tyra: "What about you, Big Jess?"

(Tyra asks.)

(Jessie thinks.)

Jessie: "I guess I have no choice."

(Then says out loud.)

Jessie: "Alright! Now I'll show you kids what riding's all about!"

Meowth: "I wish I could go with ya,"

(Meowth says.)

(But Chopper kneels to Meowth and says.)

Chopper: "Meowth, we'd never leave you behind!"

(Meowth groans that he is being dragged along as well.)

(At the Pokemon Center, Nurse Joy of Sunny Town and Nurse Joy from the other Center care talking to each other.)

(Nurse Joy from Sunny Town says.)

Nurse Joy: "The medicine still hasn't arrived."

Nurse Joy: "But they should be there by this time,"

(Nurse Joy says.)

(Nurse Joy of Sunny Town says in concern.)

Nurse Joy: "Maybe they won't get through the storm."

(She then turns her head to see the sick Pokemon is a young Shellder and it looks very sick and weak.)

(Back on the bridge, Mew and her friends are riding the best they can past the storm.)

(Soon, the group gasps in shock to notice something.)

(Misty exclaims.)

Misty: "What's that?"

Brock: "A drawbridge! That ship's trying to take shelter in the bay!"

(Brock says.)

Misty: "What do we do?!"

(Misty asks.)


Brock: "We'll have to wait till it gets through!"

(Brock says.)

(But Mew says.)

Mew: "We can't wait! They need that medicine!"

(On the other side, Team Rocket are going to do the same.)

(Jessie groans.)

Jessie: "I wish we were out of this rain!"

(James notices.)

James: "Hey! Look there!"

(Soon, they notice the drawbridge going up.)

(Meowth asks.)

Meowth: "How're ya gonna get past that?"

(Behind them, the Biker gang are cheering for them.)

Chopper: "Come on, Little Jim!"

(Chopper says.)

Tyra: "Show us all what you can do, Big Jess!"

(Tyra says.)

(Jessie turns to James.)

Jessie: "Do we really have to do this?"

James: "I guess so,"

(James says.)

(The bridge continues to go up as Mew pedals faster.)

(Brock cries out.)

Brock: "Mew, don't!

Mew: "There's a sick Pokemon waiting, I can't let it down!"

(Mew says, and picks up speed.)

(Misty cries out.)

Misty: "Mew! Wait up!"

(On the other side, Team Rocket is pedaling from the other side of the bridge.)

(Mew continues to pedal from her side of the bridge.)

Mew: "Just have to keep going for that sick Pokemon! I have to make it! I just have to!"

(Mew shouts.)

(Soon, both Mew and the others and Team Rocket jump the bridge.)

(Tyra panics.)

Tyra: "Oh no! They're not gonna make it!"

(The gang excluding Mew exclaim.)

Everyone :"We'll drown!"

(Seeing Team Rocket, Mew has an idea.)

Mew: "We'll bounce! Hang on everyone!

(To Jessie's confusion, Mew bounces the tire of her bike off her head.)

(Misty and Brock do the same for James.)

(Mew is the first to land on the ground of the drawbridge and rides down and across the road.)


(Mew smiles and says.)

Mew: "We made it!"

Tomo: "We did good!"

(Tomo happily shouts.)

(The gang soon cheers with amazement, Chopper says.)

Chopper: "They did it! They're awesome!"

(However, Team Rocket falls into the water as they scream.)

Team Rocket: "Team Rocket's splashing down again!"

(Suddenly, Chopper and the gang are ahead.)

Chopper: "Alright. Now you have to battle us,"

(Chopper says.)

(Then Mew calls out.)

Mew: "I'm delivering medicine to a sick Pokemon! Outta my way!"

(This shocked Chopper and his gang.)

Chopper: "What?"

(Chopper asks.)

(Then Tyra asks.)

Tyra: "You mean that's why you're out in this storm?"

Misty: "That's right!"

(Misty answers.)

(Impressed Chopper says.)

Chopper: "Unbelievable! That's a REAL biker for ya!

(Then turns to the gang.)

Chopper: "Listen up, guys! We're gonna take em there in style!"

(The gang cheers in agreement.)

(and soon the Biker Gang are giving Mew and her friends an escort.)


Chopper: "Don't worry, guys! We'll clear the way for ya!"

(Chopper says.)

(Meanwhile at the Sunny Town Pokemon Center, Nurse Joy waits.)

(anxiously for the medicine.)

(Soon, she spots Mew and her friends with the Biker Gang.)

(Finally, they arrived at the Pokemon Center and their mission is a success.)

(Mew gives Nurse Joy the medicine.)

Mew: "Here, Nurse Joy."

Nurse Joy: "You made it through in a storm like this. Now this little one will be just fine,"

(Nurse Joy says taking the medicine.)

(She then pours the medication in the tank for Shellder and it instantly wakes up and is all healed.)

Mew and Brock: "Alright!"

(Mew and Brock cheer.)

(Meanwhile, Misty is talking to Nurse Joy on the phone.)

Misty: "Sorry for making you worry about us, we made it just in time."

Nurse Joy: "That's great! Thank you!"

(Nurse Joy says.)

(Chopper turns to Mew.)

Chopper: "From now on, we're calling you 'Miraculous' Mew!"

(Tyra says to Misty.)

Tyra: "Mighty' Misty!"

(Mew blushes and says.)

Mew: "Well, gosh. I'm not really THAT miraculous."

(Then Brock takes Tyra's hand and says.)

Brock: "You can call me honey."

(But ends up receiving a hard slap from Tyra.)

(making everyone stare with confused looks.)

(Mew and her friends are able to reach Sunny Town.)

(are able to make it through the storm, and save the sick Pokemon.)

(The Biker Gang has brand new heroes So everyone is happy… well almost.)

(Meanwhile, as the sun rises over the water.)

(Team Rocket rises from the ocean covered in seaweed.)

(They continue to pedal out of the water and along the beach.)

(They groan and say.)

Team Rocket: "This is a vicious cycle."

[To be continued...]


Mew's Files

Pokemon On Hand: Eevee (Female). Pikachu (Male). Pidgeotto (Male). Bulbasaur (Male). Charmander (Male). Squirtle (Male). Galarian Ponyta (Female). Teddiursa (Male). Axew (Male). Shaymin (Male). Cleffa (Female). Arcanine (Male). Sandshrew (Male). Raboot (Female). Espurr (Male). Weedle (Female). Bounsweet (Female). Krabby (Male). Cloyster (Male). Diglett (Male). Wurmple (Female). Wooloo (Male). Red Sunkern (Female). Shiny Dratini (Female).

Pokemon in Professor Oak's Ranch: Gyarados (Male). Haunter (Male). Roserade (Female). Primeape (Male). Tyrogue (Male). Ledyba (Female). Skitty (Male). Poliwhirl (Male). Flabébé (Female). Cutiefly (Female). Muk (Male). Magnemite. Tauros (Male). Blue Shellos (Male). Weepinbell (Female). Shiny Dewgong (Female). Lunatone. Miltank (Female), Mawile (Female), Pansear (Male), Makuhita (Male), Meditite (Female)

Released: Butterfree (Male).

Items: 3 Heart Scales. 2 Soothe Bells. 1 Amulet Coin. Eeveelution Keychain. Marill Doll. Pokemon Grooming Kit. Pokemon Medical Kit. Pokeblock kit. Poffin Case. Super Rod. Key Stone (Bracelet Ring). Mega Stone (Metal-plated Collar). Silph Scope

Pokeballs: 1 Lure Ball. 1 Heavy Ball. 1 Friend Ball. 1 Love Ball.

Evolution Items: Fire Stone, 1 Water Stone, 2 Thunder Stone, Leaf Stone, 2 Moon Stone, Sun Stone, Shiny Stone, Dusk Stone, Dawn Stone, and Ice Stone.

Badges: Boulder Badge. Cascade Badge. Thunder Badge. Marsh Badge. Rainbow Badge. Soul Badge.

Misty Files

Pokemon: Goldeen (Female). Staryu. Starmie. Oddish (Female). Golduck (Male). Vaporeon (Female). Magikarp (Male). Surskit ( Female.) Snover (Male). Sobble (Male). Wingull (Male). Psyduck (Male). Shellder (Male). Whooper (Male). Pink Shellos (Female). Tentacruel (Male). Marill (Female). Slowpoke (Male). Clamperl (Female). Clamperl (Male). Feebas (Female). Panpour (Female). Snorunt (Female). Luvdisc (Female). Lotad (Male). Ducklett (Female). Chinchou (Male). Mudkip (Female).

Pokemon at Cerulean Gym: Mantyke (Male). Finneon (Female). Popplio (Female).

Items: Fishing Rod. Mystic Water Necklace. 4 Heart Scales. 1 Soothe Bell.

Pokeballs: 1 Lure Ball. 1 Heavy Ball. 1 Friend Ball. 1 Fast Ball

Evolution Items: 2 Water Stones. 1 Dragon Scale.

Brock Files

Pokemon: Geodude (Male). Onix (Male). Zubat (Male). Rattata (Male), Rhyhorn (Male), Hoppip (Female), Sneasel (Female), Sandile (Male), Dwebble( (Male), Rockruff (Male). Grookey (Male). Baltoy. Slugma (Male). Zigzagoon (Male). Nidoran (Female). Pinser (Male). Voltorb. Machoke (Male). Solrock. Hippopotas (Male). Pansage (Male). Nosepass (Female). Seedot (Male). Aron (Male). Rhydon (Female). Sandygast (Female). Charjabug (Male). Shuckle (Male).

From Suzie: Vulpix (Female).

Item: 1 Soothe Bell.

Pokeball: 1 Heavy Ball. 1 Friend Ball. 1 Fast Ball.

Tomo Files

Pokemon: Kangaskhan (Female). Eevee (Male). Doduo (Female). Growlithe (Male). Kanto Ponyta (Male). Abra (Male). Cubone (Female). Tangela (Female). Staryu. Delibird (Male). Stantler (Female). Smeargle (Male). Spheal (Male). Kecleon (Male). Natu (Female). Buneary (Female).

stay tuned for next chapter.

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love from odisha ❤️

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