
Chapter 12: Mystery at the Lighthouse

Mew: "The road's gotta be somewhere."

(Mew says looking around.)

Brock: "Everything's somewhere."

(Brock says.)

Misty: "Are we lost, again?"

(Misty asks, whining.)

(It appears Mew and her friends have once again lost their way, and it's getting kind of tiring.)

(Even Pikachu and Eevee are tired.)

(They continue to travel down the road to find that will lead them to Vermilion City, so Mew can try to earn her next badge.)

(Mew sighs.)

Mew: "I do hope we get there too. I like to earn another badge, like I did with the Boulder Badge and the Cascade Badge."

Misty: "Maybe so, but you got the Cascade Badge because you saved the Cerulean City's Pokemon."

(Misty says.)

Mew: "True. We would of have finished with our match if Team Rocket didn't try to mess things up."

(Mew says.)


Misty: "Yeah. Those three always seem to make a mess of things."

(Misty says.)

(Then Brock comes in.)

Brock: "Either way, Mew here has two badges and nineteen Pokemon.

Mew: That's right. Professor Oak said I'm able to carry as many Pokemon as I like, mostly because he said I'll be catching and making friends with more Pokemon by the load."

(Mew says.)

Misty: "You sure are right. You ended up getting a lot from the incident with Damian."

(Misty says.)

(Mew nods her head.)

Mew: "That's right. On hand I have: Eevee, Pikachu, Pidgeotto, Butterfree, Poliwhirl, Bulbasaur, Charmander, Scorbunny, Galarian Ponyta, Squirtle. At Professor Oak's lab I have: Shellder, Weedle, Sandshrew, Arcanine, Ledyba, Skitty, Roserade, Espurr, Bounsweet. I guess in a way, I caught them all."

Misty: "Caught them? Mew, plenty of them also followed you."

(Misty says.)


Mew: "I guess you're right."

(Mew giggles.)

Brock: "It's really not unusual for most trainers to capture twenty or thirty Pokemon."

(Brock says.)

Misty: "True, but since you also have two Pokemon Eggs, you'll end up with Twenty one of them."

(Misty adds.)

(Then asks.)

Misty: "By the way, When do you think they're going to hatch?"

Mew: "Not sure. The Pokemon Eggs will hatch when they want to hatch. Anyway, we better find a place for us to stay for the night before it gets too dark."

(Mew says.)

(Mew and her friends continue to walk down the trail, hopping to find a place to stay.)

[Soon enough...]


(they find their way out of the woods and discover a beautiful beach with a sparkling blue ocean.)

Mew: "Wow. It's so pretty."

(Mew says.)

Misty: "Yeah. What a lovely sunset."

(Misty says.)

(Mew then looks down to see a crustacean Pokémon with a strong outer shell protecting its small body.)

(Its upper half is red and has its eyes and two small spikes on the top of its head.)

(Its light tan arms are also connected to its upper body.)

(Its lower body is light tan and doubles as its jaw with two fangs overlapping its upper body.)

(Its hips are visible on the lower front of its body connected to its four long, thin legs.)

(Each leg has a single, claw-like foot.)

(Finally, the two large, red pincers at the end of its arms.)


Mew: "Hey. It's a Krabby."

(Mew says.)

(She brings out her Pokedex, and Dexter says.)

Dexter: "Krabby the River Crab Pokemon. A Water Type. Krabby lives near the shore. It's average height is about 16 inches."

(Mew picks up Krabby and says.)

Mew: "You're the cutest and smallest Krabby I've ever seen."

(Krabby begins to blush a little for the compliment.)

(Mew asks.)

Mew: "You wanna be my Pokemon?"

(Krabby nods its head.)

(Mew smiles and taps her Pokeball on it and it goes inside.)

(Soon it's been caught and remains in its Pokeball.)


Misty: "That was an easy catch."

(Misty says.)

(She looks to where the sun is setting, and says.)

Misty: "I'm worried about having to camp out again tonight. I'm sick of sleeping in sleeping bags!"

Mew: "Yeah. And it wouldn't help to find a phone and call the Professor Oak to check how my Pokemon are doing."

(Mew says.)

(Suddenly, Pikachu and Eevee notice something.)

Pikachu: "Pika! Pika!" (Look! Look!)

(Pikachu calls out.)

Mew: "What is it guys?"

(Mew asks.)

(Eevee answers.)

Eevee: "Eevee Eevee." (Look over there!)


(The group looks ahead to see something ahead.)

(They soon see a building along with a tall tower with a light shining on it and its spinning around and around.)

Mew: "What's that?"

(Mew asks.)

(Misty answers.)

Misty: "It's a lighthouse!"

Mew: "That's great! Maybe someone can let us stay for the night, and can let me use a phone."

(Mew says.)

Misty: "And there'll probably be some extra beds. A sleeping bag is no way for me to get my beauty sleep!"

(Misty happily says.)

Brock: "Yeah! And there'll be someone there to tell us where we are!"

(Brock adds.)

(Mew smiles and says.)

Mew: "Let's go!"


(Time has gone by and by the time Mew and the others reach the lighthouse, it's very dark outside.)

(The group reaches the lighthouse.)

Mew: "Phew That was farther than it looked."

(Mew says.)

Brock: "This lighthouse looks weird."

(Brock says.)

(The group of friends reach the door to see that it has different pictures of Pokemon on it.)

Mew: "Wow. Look at all the Pokemon on the wall."

(Mew says, interested by the pictures.)

Misty: "Guess we gotta ring the bell."

(Misty says.)

Mew: "I got it,"

(Mew says, and presses the button.)

(The ringing from the doorbell is a creepy ringing.)

(Everyone is frightened that they might not be able to move.)

(Suddenly a voice appears on the speaker.)

???: "Who's there?"


(A little frightened, Brock says.)

Brock: "Excuse us, sir. But we're travelers and we're lost."

Mew: "We kind of like to use your phone if you don't mind."

(Mew says.)

(Then Misty replies.)

Misty: "We've been camping out for quite a while, and I'd sure appreciate a nice, comfy bed."

Brock: "And I wonder if I could use your kitchen to make some bacon double cheeseburgers for our group. And I'd be more than happy to make something for you."

(Brock says.)

(The voice says.)

???: "That's great! Can you cook without using tofu?"

Brock: "Oh, sure! I can cook lots of things without using any tofu."

(Brock says.)

(The voice says.)

???: "That's good. I've been eating nothing but tofu since my cook went on vacation. Come on in!"

[Just then...]


(the doors fully open, and the group goes inside.)

Mew: "Would you mind if I borrowed your phone?!"

(Mew asks.)

???: "There's a phone right near you."

(The voice says.)

(Mew turns her head to see a screen and it has a Bellsprout with buttons on it.)

(They all walk to it to see that it's actually a video phone.)

Misty: "Hey, it's a videophone. Oh, that's cool."

(Misty says.)

Mew: "I'll call Professor Oak."

(Mew says.)

(Mew then presses a few buttons for the professor's number.)

(The video phone turns on to reveal Professor Oak standing in front of a portable stove with a bowl on it.)

(He uses some chopsticks to test the water.)

(Seeing Mew, Professor Oak says.)

Professor Oak: "Well, hi, Mew! You caught me cooking dinner. My cook is on vacation, and I have to fend for myself until she returns."

Mew: "Hi Professor sorry to disturb you, but I like to know how my Pokemon are doing."

(Mew says.)


Professor Oak: "Your Pokemon are having a wonderful time. They are very happy and healthy. So Mew have you caught any new Pokemon since we last saw each other?"

(Professor Oak replies.)

Mew: "Um yeah I caught a Squirtle and a Krabby."

(Mew says.)

Professor Oak: "A Krabby you say. Funny thing, Gary caught one too."

(Professor Oak says.)

Mew: "He did,"

(Mew asks.)

Professor Oak: "Yes, it's quite a catch. Take a look for yourself."

(Professor Oak says, and shows her Gary's Krabby, which is huge.)

Mew: "Woah! That Krabby is really big!"

(Mew says, surprised.)

Professor Oak: "I want you to know that my grandson, Gary, has already caught 45 Pokemon."

(Professor Oak says.)

Mew: "45 Pokemon huh."

(Mew replies.)


(Then Professor Oak asks.)

Professor Oak: "By the way, Mew Just where are you calling me from anyway?"

Mew: "We're at an old lighthouse way up on top of a cliff."

(Mew answers.)

Professor Oak: "Oh. That must be Bill's lighthouse. He's a young Pokemon researcher who knows even more than me! See what you can learn from him, he could teach you just about everything about Pokemon, and then some!"

(Professor Oak says.)

(Suddenly, the voice says.)

Bill: "This is Bill, Professor Oak. Good to hear from you!"

Professor Oak: "Hello, Bill. Please give my friends a crash course in Pokémon."

(Professor Oak says.)

(He then takes his dinner up with the chopsticks and says.)

Professor Oak: "Uh-oh. Tofu's done."

(Then the video phone hangs up.)



(the young man, known as Bill says.)

Bill: "Well, there's no way I can ignore a request from the great Professor Oak."

(Suddenly, the lights turn on, and the young man says.)

Bill: "I am Bill of the lighthouse."

(The group turns their heads to see a large Pokemon on top of a small star case, causing the group to gasp in shock.)

(They are indeed shocked, especially on what kind of Pokemon this is.)

Brock: "It can't be! That's a Kabuto. An extinct Pokemon."

(Brock says, shocked.)

(Mew brings out her Pokedex and Dexter says.)

Dexter: "Kabuto, the Shellfish Pokemon. A Rock and Water Type In its original time, Kabuto was prominently found on beaches, likely aided by its fast and powerful swimming ability. While it is commonly believed to be extinct, isolated populations of Kabuto have been found to be unchanged for 300 million years."

Brock: "I wonder what it's doing here?"

(Brock says, surprised.)

(Suddenly, the Pokemon speaks.)

Bill: "No, I'm not a Kabuto. I'm Bill, the Pokémon researcher."

(Confused, Mew asks.)

Mew: "Wait, are you a human being or a Pokemon?"


Bill: "This is a costume. I'm stuck inside it."

(Bill says.)

Mew: "Do you need help getting out?"

(Mew asks.)

Bill: "Yes, step up here,"

(Bill says.)

(Mew walks up the stairs and says.)

Mew: "Tell me what to do."

Bill: "Push that button,"

(Bill says.)

(Mew looks on the costume and notices the button on one of the sides.)

(She walks to the button and asks.)

Mew: "This one here?"

Bill: "Yes These arms are too short. I tried to get out, but I couldn't reach the button."

(Bill says.)


(Mew presses the button, and it makes a strange sound and it glows from the hedgehogs.)

(The next thing the group knows, the Kabuto opens up and the legs and front fall from the ground.)

(He has short dark green hair, brown eyes, and he is wearing a burgundy suit with red cuffs on the sleeves, and wears a light green scarf around his neck.)

(He smiles and says.)

Bill: "Thanks for helping me get out. I've been stuck in that costume for hours."

Misty: "Did you come from a costume party?"

(Misty asks.)

Bill: "No, it's not for a party. This is a special costume I use in my research. Getting inside its skin helps me get inside its head."

(Bill answers.)

Mew: "What do you mean?"

(Mew asks.)

Bill: "There are many kinds of extinct Pokemon, and I want to understand how they lived. Putting on a costume is one way of figuring out what they were like."

(Bill says.)

Bill: Yes, indeed. Or I'm beginning to. This planet was created 4.6 billion years ago. During that time, all kinds of Pokémon existed. They had many ways of living."

(Bill says.)

Mew: "All kinds of Pokémon? How many?"

(Mew asks.)

Bill: "On this planet, there are more than 1025 known species of Pokémon of 9 different Regions."

(Bill says.)

Mew: "Over 1025? In 9 different regions?"

(Mew asks, astonished.)


Bill: "You're lucky to be Pokémon trainers. Your goal is to catch all of these different kinds of Pokémon. That's a great task."

(Bill says.)

Mew: "Yeah. And I ended up having nineteen Pokemon already."

(Mew says.)

(She looks at the screen and says.)

Mew: "There sure are a lot of…"

(But Bill says.)

Bill: "Of course, these are just the Pokémon we know about. There are still many Pokémon that have never been discovered, so we need to keep searching."

Mew: "How many could there be?"

(Mew asks.)

Bill: "No one knows exactly. The search goes on. There's always something new to look for in our lives and in ourselves."

(Bill says.)

Mew: "Something to look for?"

(Mew says, confused.)

Bill: Yes, there's a lot for us to look for, inside and outside ourselves. There's meaning for every creature, a meaning for all the Pokémon, and a meaning for all us humans too."

(Bill says.)

Mew: "A meaning for all."

(Mew replies.)


Bill: "Keep looking for new Pokémon to catch. It's something that's very important for Pokémon research. It's as vital to me as it is to you."

(Bill says.)

(Mew and the others nod their heads.)

(Then Bill turns to Mew and the others.)

Bill: "Right now, there's only one Pokemon I'm searching for."

Mew: "What kind of Pokemon?"

(Mew asks.)



(the group is on the top of the lighthouse.)

(Bill says.)

Bill: "It's probably the biggest Pokémon ever Bigger than all of the no one has ever seen it. It's been wandering the world for years and years, looking for friends."

Misty: "But doesn't that Pokemon have any friends or family?"

(Misty asks.)

Bill: "According to my theory, the Pokemon wanders because it's alone. It's the only Pokemon of its size in its species, if not the only of its species. One of a kind. One night, I heard this very strange sound coming across the ocean."

(Bill says.)

(Bill brings out a remote and presses the button.)

(On the speaker on top, there is a melodic wailing.)

Bill: "I want... I want to meet you. That's what it said to me."

(Bill says.)

Mew: "That was it sad. It sounds so sad, saying that it wants a friend."

(Mew sadly says.)

(Bill turns to Mew.)

Bill: "I can tell you understand the Pokemon. Professor Oak actually told me a bit about you. How you lived with Pokemon and understand them. So I'm glad to know what it says."


(Then says.)

Bill: "Some time ago, I recorded a similar sound and played it from the lighthouse to the ocean."

(Bill then makes the other side.)

(Mew translate.)

Mew: "Let's be friends. I want to meet you."

(Bill then says.)

Bill: "One day, I head the same voice calling back to me from over the ocean."

(Bill then records the voice.)

(Hearing the voice Mew says.)

Mew: "It says, 'I want to meet you, too. I want to be friends.'"

(Bill nods his head.)

Bill: "Correct. It was answering me back. Some foggy night, that Pokemon might come here to meet a friend it's been seeking for such a very long time. I would be so happy to meet that Pokemon!"

Brock: "But will you try to capture the Pokemon?"

(Brock asks.)

Bill: "Why do I need to capture it? Meeting it would be enough for me. Just a chance to study it would make my long wait worthwhile."

(Bill says.)



(the group hears wailing from a distance.)

(They continue to hear the wailing as a mysterious large shadow comes close to them.)

Bill: "It's here The signal."

(Bill says.)

(Bill then presses the button that lets out the melodic wailing from the speaker.)

(Then shines white, yellow, red, and blue light.)

(That catches the Pokemon's attention and continues to wail.)

Misty: "It sounds like it's singing!"

(Misty says.)

(Brock bows and reaches his hand out towards Misty.)

Brock: "Would you care to dance?"

Misty: "Thank you,"

(Misty says, curtsy.)



(the two begin to dance to the call.)

(Eevee and Pikachu begin to dance too.)

(Mew and Bill are astonished as they see the large Pokemon coming towards them.)

(The Pokemon continues to come closer to the lighthouse.)

(The group stop dancing and look on in awe to see the giant sized Pokemon standing before them.)

Misty: "That Pokemon…"

(Misty says.)

Brock: "It can't be…"

(Brock says, amazed.)

Mew: "The Pokemon is actually a…"

(Mew says.)

Bill: "A giant Dragonite."

(Bill says.)

(Mew brings out her Pokedex and Dexter says.)

Dexter: "Dragonite, the Dragon Pokemon. A Dragon and Flying Type. It's a kind hearted Pokémon. If it spots a drowning person or Pokémon, Dragonite simply must help them."

Bill: "It is, and Dragonite is said to be an extremely rare Pokemon."

(Bill adds.)


(The mysterious Pokemon which is actually a Dragonite leans closer to see Bill who is surprised that he is speechless.)

Misty: "Go on Bill, this is the chance you're waiting for."

(Misty says.)

Mew: "She's right. You can become friends with it."

(Mew says.)

(Bill takes a deep breath and walks to the Pokemon and says.)

Bill: "Hello. My name is Bill and I would like to be your friend."

(The Dragonite soon begins to smile and reaches out to Bill and gives him a hug.)

(Then begins to snuggle him.)

(Bill begins to shed tears of joy and hugs the Pokemon back.)

(Mew and her friends including the Pokemon begin to shed tears with joy.)

(Bill is able to become friends with the Pokemon.)

(Mew and her friends smile to see that Bill and Dragonite are able to become friends.)

[The next day...]


(Dragonite has left Bill's lighthouse, but thanks to Mew's translation, Dragonite will come back to the lighthouse for another visit.)

(Mew and her friends are ready to say goodbye to Bill and go on their way to Vermilion City.)

Misty: "That was a one in a lifetime experience to see a Dragonite that large and now you become friends with it."

(Misty says.)

Brock: "Yeah. It was truly a remarkable sight."

(Brock says.)

Mew: "I'm glad you're able to become friends with it. Do wish it could have stayed a bit longer."

(Mew says.)

Bill: "Indeed, but this should show that Pokemon lives in more ways and places than humans may ever learn."

(Bill says.)

Mew: "There are many different ways for humans and Pokemon to become close. Catching them and befriending them."

(Mew says.)

Brock: "Learning to raise Pokemon is another way of understanding how to live with him."

(Brock says.)

(Then Misty says.)

Misty: "And Pokemon are always a lot of fun to play with."


Bill: "Meanwhile, I'll stand watch for Dragonite to appear at my lighthouse again."

(Bill says.)

(Mew asks.)

Mew: "Bill do you think we'll ever find all the Pokemon there are?"

Bill: "No, Mew, there are probably as many as we can imagine. Maybe many, many more. Maybe, there's no limit to the Pokemon we can actually find on this planet."

(Bill says.)

Mew: "I guess that even though we took different paths, our goals are kind of the same."

(Mew says.)

(Suddenly, Mew feels her bag bouncing and notices a small glow coming from inside.)

(Mew then opens her bag and takes out one of her Pokemon Eggs.)

Mew: "The egg… its hatching,"

(Mew says.)

(Pikachu, Eevee, Misty, Brock, and Bill watch in amazement to see the Pokemon Egg glows bright and soon begins to hatch.)

(The Egg pops open and a baby Pokemon is soon born.)

(It is a bipedal, ursine Pokémon covered in short, orange-brown fur.)

(Its muzzle is a light tan color with a small black nose and black eyes.)

(There is a slightly paler tan crescent marking on its face, and it has round ears.)

(It has three claws on its forepaws as well as two claws and yellow paw pads on its hind paws.)

(Its tail is short, round, and puffy.)

Misty: "Aww! It's so cute."

(Misty says amazed.)

Bill: "Indeed. It's a Teddiursa. A Pokemon that originated in the Johto Region."

(Bill says.)

(Brock takes out Mew's Pokedex and Dexter says.)

Dexter: "Teddiursa, the Little Bear Pokemon. A Normal Type. Before food becomes scarce in wintertime, its habit is to hoard food in many hidden locations."

(Mew smiles at the baby Pokemon.)

(The little Pokemon looks at Mew with curious eyes, but then smiles, and gives her a hug.)

(Mew hugs it back and says.)

Mew: "Hello Teddiursa. Welcome."

(Pikachu and Eevee climb on Mew's shoulder and greet the new baby Pokemon.)

(Teddiursa is soon a new addition to Mew's Team.)

(Mew and her friends soon leave Bill's lighthouse with memories of the wonderful experience of meeting the giant Pokemon, Dragonite and a new friendship has been born.)

(Now they continue their journey to reach Vermilion City for their next adventure.)

(As the journey continues.)

[To be continued...]


Mew's Files

Pokemon On Hand: Eevee (Female). Pikachu (Male). Pidgeotto (Male). Butterfree (Male). Poliwhirl (Male). Bulbasaur (Male). Charmander (Male). Scorbunny (Female). Ponyta (Female). Squirtle (Male). Teddiursa (Male). 1 Pokemon Eggs

Pokemon in Professor Oak's Ranch: Shellder (Male). Weedle (Female). Sandshrew (Male). Arcanine (Male). Ledyba (Female). Skitty (Male). Roserade (Female). Espurr (Male). Bounsweet (Female)

Items: 3 Heart Scales. 2 Soothe Bells. 1 Amulet Coin. Moon Stone. Moon Ball.

Badges: Boulder Badge. Cascade Badge.

Misty Files

Pokemon: Goldeen (Female). Staryu. Starmie. Oddish (Female). Golduck (Male). Vaporeon (Female). Magikarp (Male). Surskit( Female.) Snover (Male). Sobble (Male).

Items: Fishing Rod

Cerulean Gym: Mantyke (Male). Finneon (Female). Popplio (Female).

Brock Files

Pokemon: Geodude (Male). Onix (Male). Zubat (Male). Rattata (Male), Rhyhorn (Male), Hoppip (Female), Sneasel (Female), Sandile (Male), Dwebble( (Male), Rockruff (Male). Grookey (Male).

stay tuned for next chapter.

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love from odisha ❤️

DragunovYTcreators' thoughts
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