
chapter 24

I went to the undergarments section and brought strapless sticky bra pads and also some beautiful bralette.

And then I asked to victor what should I gave to the Henry on his birthday.

He asked me to buy him a shirt and pants for him..

In reality I don't know his size and not wanted to ask his size..

So I took up a shirt to the size of Victor because his height and health is just like Henry..

I select a light blue shirt for him and also a necktie for him..

Victor went outside and comes with the beautiful set of lengrie and a small rapped things in his hand.

I was so curious to know what's is in this small pack and did he picked up that for me..

Victor replied gift is not mainly for you but comes with it tomorrow and wear it.

My excitement then shift on the lengrie that he handed in my hands.

I took both of them and drop both of them in my clothes beg..

He insisted me to go in his home today but I denied because today is Henry birthday so I should be at home as early as possible..

It's not that I am afraid of uncle to coming home late and Care about Henry it's not like that today ..

I making early only to helps the aunty.

Victor drops me at my request and I gives him a deep kiss .

I know that Henry saw me kissing the victor but it's not that I am afraid that he tell to my mother because I am still angry for what did he told his friend about me like I am a gutter insect.

So I kissed victor again to saw what he will do, if he told it to my mother then I told about his foul words, he was told to his friend.

Henry also ingroned me and went back to home..

And after saying goodbye to victor ,

I came back to my room.

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