
Mission #1 - Complete

ICDS Universe, Earth, Japan, Tokyo. 


{An Event Raid has broken out! C+-Rank 500-man Raid, "Giant Boar." 

-Any Dungeon Explorers from Earth may participate. 

-The moment you express your desire to participate, you will be teleported to the corresponding location. You will then be returned to your current location after completing the Event Raid. 

-Would you like to participate? Y/N} 


{An Event Raid has broken out! C-Rank 1,000-man Raid, "Mini Kraken Wave." 

-Any Dungeon Explorers from Earth may participate. 

-The moment you express your desire to participate, you will be teleported to the corresponding location. You will then be returned to your current location after completing the Event Raid. 

-Would you like to participate? Y/N} 


{An Event Raid has broken out! C+-Rank 300-man Raid, "Giant Sword Tiger." 

-Any Dungeon Explorers from Earth may participate. 

-The moment you express your desire to participate, you will be teleported to the corresponding location. You will then be returned to your current location after completing the Event Raid. 

-Would you like to participate? Y/N} 


"*Sigh* I guess it's almost time for me to go home." Tatsuo muttered to himself after hearing the announcements. "I still haven't decided what I'm going to tell Sumire-San. I don't know if I'll make Yoshikawa-San a Dungeon Explorer before I leave, either. So much to consider, so little time." 


After speaking that thought aloud, Tatsuo turned on the Dungeon Explorer Communication Channel. And the first voice he heard was, unsurprisingly, Hwaya's. 


["Everyone heard, right?"] Hwaya asked in the Channel. 


["Heard and saw."] Edward Walker, an Explorer from Britan, replied. ["It's all over the international news."] 


Hearing that, Tatsuo rushed to turn on the news so he could see the situation. Although he figured that it did not differ too much from the situation in the novel. And he was right. 


On one of the international news channels, the screen was split into four. On three of the screens, there were Raid Bosses rampaging in Chinese cities. Meanwhile, news anchors were reporting about the situations in the three countries on the fourth. 


["This is ridiculous."] Tatsuo muttered while watching so many people die needlessly. ["Couldn't they at least evacuate the civilians before doing something this stupid?"] 


Despite saying that, Tatsuo was not too concerned about the lives of the people frantically running away. And that was bothering him. But he pushed those feelings to the side for now. Instead, he was more upset by the fact that the leaders of the country did not care about their people. 


'I would never let anything that was mine be damaged for such a stupid reason.' Tatsuo thought to himself. 'The people are a nation's treasure. And I'll be damned if I'd ever let any of my treasures be destroyed like that.' 



["Yeah, I really wanna set all those government higher-ups on fire right now."] Hwaya said in response to Tatsuo's statement. 


["Nee-San…"] Sumire said in a concerned tone. 


["Calm down, Mastiford-Ssi."] Shin said calmly. ["China is too big for you to go against alone."] 


["I'm sure the Chinese government must be happy with this situation."] Walker said condescendingly. ["Even if they lose three cities full of people, the rewards will probably make it up for them in their minds. I mean, what if a blue stone appears?"] 


["If they were aiming for the Event Raids in the first place, they should have prepared properly, though."] Hwaya replied. ["Tatsuo was right. Why didn't they evacuate the civilians first?"] 


{Because other countries would have figured out what they were doing if they did."] Walker replied. ["They probably didn't explain to the Ability Users properly, either. Plus, I bet they weren't expecting monsters that big to pop out. I mean, look at how big they are. Even I wasn't expecting such gigantic monsters."] 


["They're nothing but piles of human trash."] Hwaya growled. ["Just what do they consider human lives?] 


["Mastiford, didn't you basically do the same thing in Yeongdeungpo?"] Walker countered. ["Same for the kid at Osaka. What if an A or B+-Rank Raid Boss appeared in Seoul or Osaka? Wouldn't there be large scale destruction like that, too?"] 


["Slap yourself for putting me on the same level as those weaklings in China, Walker."] Tatsuo said in an extremely prideful tone. ["Whether it be a B+-Rank, or an A-Rank Raid Boss, I could kill it in just one strike if I wanted to."] 


Hearing Tatsuo's extremely arrogant tone, Shin, Yungoong, and Walker gasped in surprise. Especially Shin and Yungoong, who had fought alongside Tatsuo in the Spider Den Event Dungeon. Although they would admit he was strong, he never showed a level of power that overwhelming. 


Sumire and Hwaya, on the other hand, had nothing to say. They were there when Tatsuo let loose a little and killed the nine strongest monsters in the General's Honor Event Dungeon with little effort. 


["I agree with Tatsuo."] Hwaya said confidently. ["We're SS-Rankers and Dungeon Explorers. Do you think we would have even chanced it if we weren't confident in dealing with the Event Raid afterwards without causing large amounts of collateral damage?"] 


Shin and Yungoong had nothing to say about Hwaya's confidence, as they had seen what she was capable of in the Spider Den. And since she did not object to Tatsuo's statement, they decided to believe in the people they fought shoulder to shoulder with in the past. 


["Hmph! You little brat."] Walker said in an irritated tone after he broke out of his daze from Tatsuo's scolding. ["That arrogance will get you killed some day."] 


["If you saw how strong Tatsuo-Kun was, you wouldn't say that, Walker-San."] Sumire said, defending Tatsuo. ["he's even stronger than Nee-San."] 


["Although I can't deny that, Sumire."] Hwaya said inn aggrieved tone. ["Did you have to say it so straightforwardly? Didn't you think about my feelings, at all?"] 


["Oh… Um… Sorry, Nee-San."] Sumire replied, sounding a bit embarrassed. ["You're really strong, too."] 


For the next few minutes, the Communication Channel was filled with the sounds of Sumire trying to console Hwaya after damaging her pride. 


["Anyway, what are we gonna do about these Event Raids."] Yungoong said, bringing the conversation back on track. ["Are any of you going?"] 


["*Sigh* I talked to Britan's Guardian."] Hwaya said as she got her head back in the game. ["China is refusing any help. They're saying it would be a violation of China's right to monster subjugation."] 


["So, you're saying we can only wait?"] Walker asked. 


That caused the Channel to fall silent. Though, Tatsuo began to sneer as he donned his weapons and gear. 


["But China has a lot of strong Ability Users, right?"] Shin asked, breaking the moment of silence with his question. ["They even have an SS-Ranker, right? So, they should be fine."] 


["You guys can discuss what you'll do, I've got a big kitty to kill."] Tatsuo said with a grin. 


["Tatsuo-Kun, are you going to help the people in Beijing?"] Sumire asked in a hopeful tone. 


["Why should I care about the people of a country if their government doesn't care for them in the slightest?"] Tatsuo asked while directing a huge amount of disdain at the Chinese government for how they handled this situation. ["I'm only going to kill a monster. I should be able to make some pretty good stuff out of its fangs, bones, hide, and fur, as a bonus."] 


["But if you do that, China will definitely have some complaints for Japan." Hwaya said worriedly. 


["And?"] Tatsuo asked coldly. ["Those Bastards already attacked me once for no reason. Why should I care if they get shit from China's government?"] 


With that, Tatsuo turned off the Communication Channel. Then, he checked over his equipment one more time. After that, he spoke into the empty space in front of him. 


"I'll participate in the C+-Rank Raid, 'Giant Sword Tiger'." Tatsuo said. 


In the next instant, Tatsuo vanished from his bedroom. 


ICDS Universe, China, Beijing. 


A moment later, Tatsuo appeared beside a building that had already been destroyed. And from where he stood, he could see the Giant Sword Tiger rampaging, civilians scurrying away, and Ability Users pouring down magical attacks on it. However, instead of taking damage, the tiger was getting bigger with every long ranged attack that landed on it. 


"So, this thing is a mana eater, too, huh?" Tatsuo asked himself. "I guess that shouldn't be a surprise. The Mini Krakens and the Giant Boar were mana eaters in the novel, too." 


As the term would suggest, a mana eater is a type of monster that absorbs purely magical attacks. The only way to do any substantial damage to a monster like that is to use melee attacks imbued with mana to fight it. 


Unless you can completely overwhelm its absorption ability, that is. 


"Part of me wants to let it evolve to the next level." Tatsuo muttered. "But if I wait too long, they might figure out the trick to putting this thing down. I mean, other than that old lady, Xin ShaoMei, all of China's most elite Awakened are here. Screw it, I'm going in." 


With the decision made, Tatsuo activated [Stealth]. Then, he started running towards the battlefield. While he was running, Tatsuo started channeling [Energy] into his [Thunderclap Daggers], which started sparking with electricity while glowing with a purple-tinted black light. 


Around the time the [Thunderclap Daggers] were charged to their limits, Tatsuo [Blinked] into the air, above the Giant Sword Tiger]. 


"Let's see if you can absorb this." Tatsuo muttered as he swung his weapons down at the Giant Sword Tiger while cutting through the fabric of space as it traveled through the air. 


In the next instant, Tatsuo's [Stealth] was disengaged and a large, black and purple energy slash flew towards the Giant Sword Tiger. 


At the same time that Tatsuo's [Stealth] was disengaged, the entire battlefield noticed Tatsuo's presence, and that included the Giant Sword Tiger. So, they all looked up. And when they did, they were completely dumbfounded to see such a large energy slash flying down at the monster. 


"Isn't that…?" One of the Chinese S-Rank Awakened asked in a dumbfounded tone. 


"It's Void, Japan's SS-Ranker!" Another Awakened shouted. "Stop him! He's going to steal our prey!" 


Unfortunately, they were too late. By the time the Chinese Awakened aimed their attacks at Tatsuo', his [spatial Rend] had already cut through the Giant Sword Tiger, cutting it in half from head to tail, and leaving a deep fissure in the destroyed street.. 


{Low-Rank Spatial Rend has leveled up to Lv. 4.} 



[Skill], [Spatial Rend], has increased in rank from D to D+.} 


Receiving those notifications, Tatsuo could not help but smile. Then, before the bisected monster could even fall apart, he [Blinked] away from his spot in the sky and landed on its back. 


At the same time, a Dungeon fanfare rang out in Tatsuo's ears. 


{Event Raid complete! With only one member, you succeeded in the Event Raid! This grand achievement increases the rewards by an enormous amount. However, your vastly superior rank over the Raid Boss decreases the rewards by an enormous amount.} 


'Was there even a reason to say all that, then?' Tatsuo asked himself. 


{You succeeded in the Event Raid, granting you 1 Bonus Stat.} 


{You are the first to succeed in an Event Raid on Earth. You receive 1 Skill Point. Current Skill Points: 1} 


{The Raid rewards will be distributed in order of contribution.} 


[Soramoto Tatsuo-Sama's contribution is the highest. Please choose a reward.} 

[Giant Sword Ring]} 


[You can return to your previous location at any time. Would you like to return? Y/N} 




Objective 5 – Complete} 




[Mission #1] has been completed successfully. 

-Rewards will be granted after returning to your home world. 

-You may return to your world immediately should you wish. 

-Should you wish to delay your return, you will be forcefully returned in 71 Hours 59 Minutes 57 Seconds.} 


A moment later, an innumerable number of magical attacks flew through the spot in the sky where Tatsuo had attacked from. And when the Chinese Awakened noticed that Tatsuo was no longer there, they focused on the Giant Sword Tiger again. And they were just in time to see it disappear into Tatsuo's [Inventory]. 


"Bastard! Give back our resources!" An S-Ranker shouted angrily. 


"Kill him!" Another S-Ranker shouted. "His ability is to manipulate space. If he dies, the monster's body will surely reappear from wherever he hid it." 


Agreeing with what the second Awakened said, the Chinese Awakened once again aimed their attacks at Tatsuo. 


"This is the definition of insanity, isn't it?" Tatsuo asked in fluent Mandarin with a sneer on his face. "Doing the same thing over and over while expecting a different result. If that's not insanity, I don't' know what is." 


After saying that, Tatsuo once again [Blinked] away from the Chinese Awakened's attacks. Then, he reappeared behind the S-Ranker who seemed to be the strongest and had the most authority. 


"You know, I wouldn't have done this if you had showed some care for your people before clearing those Gates." Tatsuo said while patting the S-Ranker on his shoulder. 


The S-Ranker immediately jumped in surprise. However, he turned around and swung his sword at Tatsuo in the next moment. 


Unfortunately for him, by the time he completed his action, Tatsuo had [Blinked] away once again, reappearing behind another one of China's S-Rankers. And that process would repeat itself several times, with no one among the Chinese able to even graze Tatsuo before he could teleport away again. 


"Yup, you guys really must be insane." Tatsuo said in a teasing tone. "You've tried this so many times, and it's never worked. Yet, you keep trying. You even almost hit the last guy I was talking to. *Sigh* I'd better go home before you guys really hurt someone." 


With that, Tatsuo mentally declared his intention to return. Then, he vanished from the spot before another wave of magical attacks flew through his previous location. 


Meanwhile, the Chinese Ability Users looked around vigilantly. But when they finally realized that Tatsuo was gone for good, the destroyed city of Beijing was filled with the wails and howls of disgruntled Chinese superhumans cursing Void and his eighteen generations. 


At the same time, the other five Earth Dungeon Explorers had fallen silent. They all saw Tatsuo insta-kill the Giant Sword Tiger on the news and start toying with the Chinese Awakened, angering them to no end, before disappearing for good. 


["What the hell…"] Walker muttered into the Communication Channel. ["He's probably the strongest Awakened alive…. Are we sure he's even human?"] 


Meanwhile, the Void Empress was watching the entire situation from the higher dimension. And when she heard Walker's question, she cracked a small smile. 


"If you only knew the half of it." The Void Empress said as she watched Tatsuo reappear in his apartment with a loving smile on her face. Then, her line of sight landed on Tatsuo's apartment in Sasazuka as her smile widened. "Good work, my son. You've taken the first step to taking your rightful place in the Omniverse." 

Thanks for reading, I hope you're enjoying the story so far.

Comments, Reviews, and Power Stones are alway;s appreciated.

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The fifth advanced chapter will be up after I get home from work.

SixthSense1029creators' thoughts
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