
147. Sister Tun Said It Was Delicious! Future Female Hulk!

the next day.Su Yi woke up in the gentle countryside.But this time when he opened his eyes and stood up, there were no limbs on his body.Get up and look around.Wanda was lying on the right side, with her legs stretched out all the time, and her legs were bent into a crossed position when she passed out.The font of LOVE is still there.But the side and legs are full of orthography.But"Where's Gwen?"Su Yi looked around.It turned out that Gwen was lying on her stomach on the thick carpet below.And there is a pillow under the lower abdomen.Only then did Su Yi remember.Gwen seems to have fallen asleep with the last movement.It's just her action...Forehead.…Unsightly.The door is wide open.The damage suffered by this action is the highest and the deepest.So Gwen was directly broken.Just fell asleep with this action.And her forehead, back, and even her face were written with orthographic characters.I can see it.Su Yi targeted Gwen last night.Not for Wanda.Because the "positive" in Gwen is at least twice that of Wanda!All right.Su Yi looked around.The blindfold flew off.The soft rope dangled on the ground.It was as if a world war had been fought in the house."Sin, sin."Su Yi stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers lightly.snap~for a moment.Damp sheets and dry floors, even the ceiling... ahem, no ceiling.But there are on the wall.Dry on the wall.at the same time.All props from last night were also destroyed.This thing Su Yi can change at any time.So it's all one-off.Use once and throw away!After cleaning the bedroom.Su Yi put on his nightgown, opened the door and walked out.The dancer followed after seeing it.Then Su Yi went to wash up.it's 8:50 in the morningIt turned out that he didn't find out until he came out.Tunmei and Hela didn't come home last night.The two are now asleep on the sofa.One fell asleep on the rug.Both of them were covered with quilts, and they looked like they had been taken out of their own bedrooms.how to say.In fact, it's all right.But why can't they bear to look directly at their sleeping positions?Tunmei fell asleep on the sofa.Do you think it was sideways?no!Half of her body was hanging under the sofa, and her head was about to slide down.Then the waist and legs hang on the sofa.So the quilt only covered the place above the sofa.And Tunmei's T-shirt also fell down due to gravity, and piled up on her neck... No, under her neck...Nor is it.In short, the role of T-shirts is already dispensable.As for Hela.The skirt covers the head.Then the quilt covers the skirt.But the problem is...Su Yi remembered that he bought briefs for her.No... Is it because Asgard doesn't have this thing, or Su Yi didn't buy it for her?He obviously bought a lot.Don't like to wear it?never mind.Watching Hela sleep.Su Yi was afraid that she would suffocate to death.So I went forward and prepared to turn the quilt over for her.As a result, he lifted the quilt.He saw a pair of smiling eyes looking at him expectantly.Su Yi stopped.Hela noticed the puzzled look behind him."Why did it stop?"After knowing that I have been tricked.Su Yi smiled with the corners of his mouth pulled, narrowed his eyes, and looked at the time again.8:55 amIt's too late, but it can be in the office.Su Yi "smiled" and stretched out his hand.Hela smiled and reached out.Then.Su Yi hugged Hela up and put it on his shoulders, then said while walking down."Ling, I won't have breakfast today, Gwen and Wanda may not wake up at noon, just ask Nora to make lunch for me."Dance, come with me.""Okay, master."Follow Su Yi downstairs.Hela finally realized Su Yi's unhappiness and the imminent consequences."Whoa! Wait a minute!"Hela patted Su Yi's back on Su Yi's shoulder."Don't call me Wu, or you're too cruel, wait a minute!""Wait?" Su Yi chuckled: "It's late, I want to see how old you are today.So in Hela's eyes of fear and little expectation.Su Yi opened the door of the office, and carried Hela in.Wu followed into the office and locked the door with his backhand.Immediately afterwards, Su Yi's order came from inside."Dance, press her head back and forth".""Okay, master.""Wu, triangular lock her feet and head together to face me."Okay, master.""Wu, hold her down, I'll try to find another way."Okay, countryman."Wooooow~!"An hour or two passed.When approaching noon.A portal opens in Hela's bedroom.Then a girl with her tongue stuck out fell from the air.With the portal closed.The figure between the girl and the loli couldn't even escape a little bit.In the living room.The sleeping Tunmei moved her nose.Then the instinct of the body made her sit up first, walk to Hela's room, and then opened her eyes on the way."Smell~~) It smells so good~~!"Tunmei's eyes lit up.She hurried to Hela's bedroom door and opened it.It turned out that there was exactly what she had dreamed of in the bedroom!"Pa-ta~"Tunmei quietly closed it.Then come to Hela.It turned out that Hela Yanyi had fallen asleep."Hela?"Tunmei poked Hela's cheek.As a result, Hela was already unconscious.But Tunmei looked at the corners of Hela's mouth....She teleported back to her lab, and then teleported back again.At the moment she had the test tube in her hand.Then Tunmei quietly collected the excess.And I couldn't help but tasted it with my fingers.for a moment.Tunmei was almost stunned by this super high-energy energy.Is this multi-universe energy?This is too delicious!It was the best thing she had ever eaten in her life!Tunmei At the moment eyes full of love!She stood on tiptoe happily, clenched her fists happily, and narrowed her eyes!After a while.When Tunmei recovered, she looked at little Hela and said slightly sourly."Don't give me any points..."In fact, it doesn't matter to Tunmei that the body shape of a human being is fruitful.Because her body is not human.It is an energy form.So her innate consciousness is not human.It's just that she's human now.At the same time, she didn't know what it meant to be shy.Aren't all people the same?There are two eyes, limbs, a nose, a mouth, and two ears.The biggest difference is.Su is so strong! So strong, so strong!Su is so fragrant! Super super super super fragrant!Important things must be said three times!So Tunmei looked at Hela's stomach.It bulges slightly, there must be a lot of food..."Too bad it's not mine..."Tunmei sighed regretfully.She took out her phone and pointed it at Hela to "click" again.as expected.Under the perspective view of the phone.There are three groups of super high-energy life energy in Hela's belly."Three groups?"Tunmei was puzzled."Aren't there two groups last time?""Where can I install the third regiment?"Tunmei took a good look at the three-dimensional model of the woman.Then oh~~~ I understand."It turns out that you can still pretend like this.""Those three regiments are indeed the most pretentious."Hela is so smart~!"Tunmei praised Hela.According to human beings, the fastest absorption is the top one, followed by the back one, and finally the front one.So Hela's installation method is extremely efficient in Tunmei's eyes!And use them all!Tunmei nodded.But she watched Hela's body grow more and more greedy.Compared to what's inside Hela's body.What's in the Tunmei test tube is just a little bit.But she can't help it."well"Tunmei sighed."Let's find a way to get along well with Su. I hope he will give it to me sooner."In the midst of moaning and sighing.Tunmei teleported back to her underground laboratory.Then began the research of ultra-high energy life energy!She did it secretly!Be sure to research it quickly!Then devour the rest!The screen returns to the office."Crack~"After snapping your fingers to refresh the office.Su Yi sat comfortably on the seat.Wu opened the locked door."Pa-ta~"Then he returned to Su Yi and said."Master, if you need to release the pressure, the dancer and I are always on call.It's not that Su Yi doesn't want to, but that he really can't find the time to try this pen.You can't. I thought about it and tried it.That's too...impulsive.Su Yi thought about it.You can only find a period when you don't get pressure relief.Then only at this time..."Wait for Wanda and Gwen's menstrual period, remember to remind me, and help me remember by the way."Wu nodded."Already in backup, Miss Wanda's and Miss Gwen's menstrual periods will coincide with each other next week, Master.Su Yi was taken aback.Is there such a coincidence?real or fake?Seeing Su Yi's puzzled expression, Wu explained."It has been scientifically proven that the menstrual periods of women who take a man at the same time will gradually become consistent."Research has found that this is the biological synchronization, which is very similar to the principle of the beat effect."Su Yi knows the beat effect.The principle is to put a bunch of metronomes together.Even if you start shaking the scrambled metronome in a different order.But they eventually become consistent at one point.Just never orderly.Then gradually become synchronous.But Su Yi didn't expect that he would be like this physically..."All right."Su Yi nodded."Then next week.Wu nodded, and at the same time, she told Ling upstairs about the matter through the inner connection.Ling definitely has no comments.She was quite happy instead.I can finally serve my master~!So now there is good news and bad news.The bad news: Wanda and Gwen have their period next Monday.The good news: he has two pens to replace.ah...Fine.It is impossible to fight bloody battles.Su Yi absolutely didn't have such an idea.Instead he felt sick.So think about the good news...That's a little exciting~Cough cough cough.until noon.Ling Duan brought Nora's lunch."It's lunch, my lord.""Put it down. 17Then Su Yi had a hearty meal.Then when he wiped his mouth and drank water, Su Yi remembered."Ah, by the way, I didn't watch the news today."Su Yi turned on the TV and looked for news.The result is a video.The video counts as a street shot video.It's night in the video.A man is running like crazy.But the cars around him will be suddenly attacked and rolled aside.Well, another sad ordinary person is born.Immediately afterwards, the man was violently beaten by an invisible creature that didn't seem to exist.Then a woman came out to help the man.But women were also beaten.The two seemed to be fighting wits with the air.Then after a while.The man transforms.His head was covered with white cloth.The whole body also changed a set of clothes.The eyes glowed white.Holding a white hood.The white crescent on his chest just formed a sharp contrast with the moon above his head.He is Moonlight Knight.Immediately afterwards.The man who was beaten up just now seemed to be a different person.Suddenly he started beating invisible creatures.The Moonlight Knight wields a curved crescent blade.Then he grabbed the "air" and beat him violently.Finally the battle is over.The man walks away with the woman."Air" didn't know whether to die or run.Isn't this the plot of Moonlight Knight?After a while.This man will go to Egypt.Then take part in the battle between the angels.To put it simply, the crocodile god and the moon god of Egypt f**ked each other.Then the man who is the envoy of God will fight another envoy of God.In the end the hero won.The two souls in his head also coexisted.Like Hulk.Look at the news presentation again.[New superhero? Who is he? Why is it not registered? New York is in crisis again?]After reading it, Su Yi shook his head helplessly.Still in crisis.Barring multi-universe chaos, the crisis of this universe is almost over.Definitely, the end is for ordinary people.Like now Loki is fine.That only takes a while.The Time Administration will surely find that this sacred timeline is abnormal.Then someone will travel over and make adjustments.At that time, Su Yi will still intervene.But not necessarily.Wanda might be able to drive them away by then.So before Kang the Conqueror comes out.He doesn't seem to use his hands. (good king good)So for ordinary people, the only big crisis is the ineffective Thanos.Now Thanos is not a threat to the earth.It's hard to say whether he can enter the solar system.So what kind of crisis is the Moonlight Knight crisis..."It doesn't matter, just go and play by yourself."Su Yi went back to the chair and continued to fish."Wait a minute." At this moment, Su Yi remembered: "If Gwen killed that crocodile god in Egypt.""Will Gwen start to have powers?"Su Yi thought about it, there is still a possibility!Divine power is a good thing to increase Ability."Then when the crocodile god recovers, I'll throw Gwen over there to kill a god."After such a decision.Su Yi started fishing happily again.Today is Friday.After finishing this writing class today, I can rest tomorrow and the day after tomorrowWith this joyful mood.in the afternoon.Su Yi also received an ordinary female client.It's just that Su Yi felt that she might not be ordinary."Button~~"end.With the door being opened.An urban beauty with long wavy hair walked in holding a document.She was wearing a lady's suit and her hair was tied up.She looks polite and very ladylike.Overall score.The full score is 100, and Su Yi gives: 81-85 Marvel's appearance is average or above average.After coming in.Su Yi stretched out his hand to signal her to sit down.At the same time he checked the time.TF2:10Fortunately, there are nearly 3 hours before get off work.Look at her good looks.Su Yi can chat with her until after get off work to pass the time.Immediately afterwards, the other party began to introduce himself."Hello, Dr. Sue, my name is Jennifer Susan Walters, and I am a lawyer by profession.""I want to know about the victim of a gangster case in my hand through you. The case will be in court next Monday.""So I need to understand the victim's psychological damage to get more favorable evidence against the gang."wait, what's her name?Su Yi was a little familiar after hearing the name.Isn't this... the future female Hulk?.
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