
133. Desperate To Miss Shu! Tunmei And Hela Are Fighting!

Natasha Romanoff could only respond with a "kind" smile when she saw the appearance of the two.If she can't see the purpose of the two, she will be an agent for nothing.Thor what rubbish acting.What an exaggerated act by Loki.definitely.Loki didn't want to lie to him directly, he also wanted to find a reason so that he could express his brother's meaning.I want to see Su Yi!Natasha Romanoff knew what he was thinking.So she shook her head and said."Sorry, I can't volunteer someone else's address.Hear this sentence.Thor suddenly went limp.Even Loki's brains suddenly improved.Thor wondered what else to do.Loki was about to say something more.Turns out Natasha Romanoff was gone.Wait until after dinner.Thor and Loki sigh as they sit on the bench outside the base.The two brothers thought about it.Thor thought of the people of Asgard first."Have our people made arrangements.Loki nods."A small town that relies on farming, wine making and fishing, it's beautiful and not bad."Thor nodded, relieved.The Asgards are still there.At least they still have a bit of atmosphere when they go back every year during the festival.Otherwise, when you are alone.When you see other people's thousands of lights and family reunion, you feel really uncomfortable.But that's not the point.Loki smoothed his long hair.Then watch Thor discuss."The puppet behind that person is the same as the one we met before, is it the same pair?"Thor confirms: "It must be the same."Blonde hair, perfect figure, one without a vest, one with a golden horse.Who can't remember such an obvious appearance?Is it true that the blood of God is full of cheese?!But there is the problem.When on Cybertron.The two female puppets and Hela came together.Then Collector has homage to both the female doll and Hela.And when the two female puppets brought Hela over again, they all stood together.So on location.Hela ≈ female doll.And the female puppet just now stood behind the man gracefully and respectfully.So in order it is.Collector< Hela≈female doll x2So that man is the man at the top of the Pyramids.Maybe it's the man who runs Cybertron.And that man must have had something to do with Hela too.So it is very necessary to find out who that man is!It's not bad to get acquainted with it!You can also get to know your sister by the way!That's what they think."So something has to be done," Thor said.Loki nods, correct.But with Thor653's mind, he couldn't figure out what to do."Then how do we know?"Loki thought about it."Do you know Banner?"Thor thinks for a moment."I have a good relationship with Hulk, maybe Banner.That's fine.Loki smiled, and suddenly said mysteriously."Remember the conversation we had when we first met?"Thor:?Watching Thor frown.Loki shook his head and said directly."Banner and he met a year or two ago.""Agent Natasha Romanoff is very vigilant. She has been an agent before, so don't try to ask anything."But Banner, let's do it again?""This time it's real."Thor thought for a moment, his eyes lit up."Can!"So half an hour later.Loki and Thor come out of Banner's room.Once out.Loki's paralyzed face returned to normal.Then he smoothed his hair and raised an eyebrow at Thor, looking at the address of the North Building.snap~The two clapped hands and the plan was agreed.Thor asked looking at the address."What are we going to find this man?""Definitely not tomorrow." Loki shook the paper in his hand, and Thor prepared to turn a corner."The purpose of going tomorrow is too clear. At least we have to go the day after tomorrow, or find a reason.""you…."Snapped!Loki wasn't finished yet.He and Thor just turned the corner.The note was grabbed by Natasha Romanoff standing at the corner.She looked at the address on the note.Then he looked at the two with a blank face and said."I knew you guys were going to lie to Banner."you:...Loki: ...The two looked at each other.I knew it was broken.Isn't this exposed?But when Natasha Romanoff saw the address.She also knew that if the address was exposed, there would be no redemption.So she simply asked."reason.""Uh..." Thor hesitated.Can this reason really be said?Loki recalled the relationship he saw between Su Yi and Natasha Romanoff.Then an analysis.Finally, he nodded to Thor to say yes."All right."See Loki for hints.Thor said simply."We were rescued by shapeshifting King Kong, then went to the mother planet of shapeshifting King Kong, and finally met our sister Hela.""And next to Hela stood the two dolls behind the man just now.""So we wanted to know about Hela's relationship with that man and what the hell it was all about."No, that's it."Thor said it straight away.And the amount of information is too large, and Natasha Romanoff only reacted after digesting it."shapeshifting King Kong...civilization? mother planet?""Hela picked you up, I know, she told me in advance, but did she go to an alien planet to pick you up?"Thor and Loki nod together.Meaning is right.Natasha Romanoff doesn't quite understand shapeshifting King Kong civilization..., but she's blown away!shapeshifting King Kong has civilization?!And the mother star!?so smart!?Su Yi actually didn't tell anyone at all!?Natasha Romanoff suddenly felt that Su Yi was a little too lazy.Say nothing.Nothing was said.But it's doing great things every time!Inexplicably, I did something that no one else could ever achieve!Natasha Romanoff was lost in thought for a moment.Then he came back and said."Okay, then you can go to him."Heard Natasha Romanoff is fine.Thor and Loki beamed.Natasha Romanoff: "But..."Thor and Loki smile back."You have to tell me the result.Thor and Loki beam again."no Pablonte~! (No problem~)"at the same time.Su Yi who came home was playing games on Wanda.Wanda sat in Su Yi's arms, and the two of them stacked up and played games with the controller.Gwen wasn't here today.She said that the family was celebrating the success of the university in advance.So Su Yi took Wanda out for a walk and then came back.After all, Wanda still misses her garden.But do you know what game Su Yi and Wanda are playing now?Two people are playing Minecraft (my world)!!!Su Yi shot the Ender Dragon to death with the enchanted bow, and also got the dragon egg.Then put down the controller and look at Wanda."Wanda, why don't you plant flowers in reality, but you have to play games like this.""What's the difference between that and coming home from get off work to play overtime games?"And Wanda is working on a ranch.She not only farms, but also raises chickens, calves, coyotes and so on.Anyway, she said happily."Niu Niu is so beautiful, how about we raise a few cows?"Think about it."It's possible, but Niu Niu pulls a lot of shit and thieves.""Forget it."Behold, shallow woman!You just love cute animals!But you don't like it when you think about it slamming shit!shallow!And Wanda after feeding the animals in the game.She put the handle down.Then she ran to the small universe to see how the crops in her reality looked like."Impressed..."Su Yi covered his head.Wanda has changed from a gardener who knows nothing to a grower who knows how to plant.If there are grades for planting flowers.Wanda is an entry-level player to say the least!The next step is to play grafting!After a while.Wanda finished watching the flowers and plants.He came back and curled up in Su Yi's arms and continued to collect her wheat in the game.At the same time for their own sitting comfort.She was still shaking in the socket of Su Yi's leg.hiss~~~Su Yi's head got a little big.She buried herself in Wanda's hair and took a breath, smelling the shampoo and Wang Da's deodorant.Wanda shrank her neck."itch"These words were more like urging in Su Yi's heart.He puts down the handle.One hand is facing upwards.One hand to adjust trajectory.And Wanda also reacted at this time.She blushed and looked around.Neither the dancer nor Hela was there.So she acquiesced.that's all.The two still stacked together to play games.But only Wanda is playing.And Su Yi is manipulating a real character!Although Wanda is controlling the character, she always controls and doesn't know what to do (bbbc).Then leaned against Su Yi tremblingly.But it can't be used here.So Su Yi and Wanda returned to the bedroom in an instant.Then start riding Wang to take office!the next day.With Su Yi waking up.He took a shower, Wu and Ling helped him wash his hair first, and then each of them took a bath ball, and asked the back helper to rub his back, chest, and thighs.Finally dry the body.During this period, Su Yi also thought about whether he was too depraved?Is it too luxurious?Are you too happy to miss leaving?is this happyThis is very happy!Forget it.Go ahead and enjoy.Then wash up.Still the same as before.Except that he brushes his teeth by himself.The rest is done by Wu and Ling, and finally, a comfortable hot towel is applied to the face for three seconds as the final process.Then there is dressing, it doesn't matter what Su Yi wears today!Wu and Lingyi analyze today's weather.After a rough analysis.They will find two sets for Su Yi to choose from.Su Yi chose one of them.The other set will be put back and wait until tomorrow.And finally breakfast.Uh... They don't need to do this, but Su Yi doesn't need to do it himself either.He comes to the kitchen.Nora greeted right away."Dear master~, you finallyHere you go~, I miss you so much~!"Su Yi sighed, looked at the ingredients, and then said."How much do you think?"Nora froze.She didn't expect Su Yi to respond like this today.So she immediately replied excitedly."Definitely miss you, master~! Thinking of me leaking lube at night~""Yes, then I think you are broken.""That's right! I want Master to fix me severely~!"Su Yi pinched his ears.He finished the ingredients and finally finalized what he should eat."Get a bowl of noodle soup, I haven't eaten noodles for a long time."Okay master~, I will... Hey master, why are you leaving?""Ling, help me take it down when it's done."Ling: "Okay, master."went downstairs.Su Yi waited for a while.Finally, I waited for my face.But he hasn't eaten two bites yet.Hela changed her clothes and jumped down and said."I'm going to play with the big guys, bye~"Su Yi sucked his face and waved her to go.After obtaining Su Yi's consent.Hela pressed the transmitter directly.Then came to the surface of the Pacific Ocean.definitely.To prevent drowning.Hela summoned the cloak she hadn't used for a long time to Flight.Then start unleashing a little divine power to summon Godzilla.Godzilla is also familiar with Hela's divine power.So after a while.Godzilla emerged from the sea near Hela."Wow~~~!"Godzilla poked his head out and looked.It turned out that only Hela passed by.Its eyes suddenly raised doubts.It's like talking again.What are you doing alone?"Wow~~~!"And Hela was shocked when he saw the big guy's skin."You're handsome again, big guy!"She flew forward and touched Godzilla's skin.Then he patted and said."It's black, it looks so strong and big!"Pfft~!Godzilla snorted.Kudos to Hela.It's kind of happy, but not much.More importantly for it, why didn't Su Yi tie up?Godzilla looked around.Hela flew to it and explained."Su is very busy, he has to work, so I will play with you, how about we go to create a ship?"Create a ship?Godzilla looked disdainful.It has created dozens of whaling ships in the small days!All of them are tens of meters long whalers!As long as there is a whaling ship, it will always be there!Don't say anything else.Offshore parts are larger than 2 square meters, even if it is a business omission!See Godzilla dismissively.After thinking about it, Hela doesn't know what it likes to play.So say it."Then you choose, I'll go play with you, it's better to have me than not to have me?"Godzilla thought.Too.Playing with two should be better than playing with one.And this person is also the wife of the master, so it is worth playing together!Thinking of this, Godzilla roared softly."Roar..."Hela probably understood what it meant.So on Godzilla's head.immediately.Godzilla started to swim far away!Hela was taken aback.She quickly wrapped herself with divine power!that's all.Brother always took Hela to play all morning.until after noon.They just came to rest on an island in the high seas.Hela stands on the reef of the island.Godzilla dives into the water, only showing his head."How?" Hela smiled slightly: "You are familiar with playing with me, when the time comes, Su Yihua Tan will ask you to play too.Godzilla nodded, saying it was fine.Hela smiled.She just wanted to be proud.As a result, a purple girl flew over in an instant from afar!After she got here, she immediately changed her purple battle suit into a normal denim jacket and put on brown sunglasses.Both Hela and Godzilla looked at her immediately.Godzilla's eyes became fiercer, and he opened his mouth slightly."Who are you?" Hela saw that the other party could fly, so fast.She knew that the other party was definitely not a simple person.And Ganata's eyes lit up after seeing Godzilla."I finally found you!"She was about to say something.As a result, a strange fragrance, a fragrance that normal people can't smell, passed into her nasal cavity!It's also because of her weird nose.Can directly smell the huge flavor of life energy!"Sniff~~!"Nata sniffed.Then he immediately looked at Hela and asked."Why is there such a huge amount of energy in your body?""Energy?" Hela was taken aback.Then he came back to his senses: "Tell me who you are first!"Seeing Hela didn't answer himself.Nata was a little impatient.She directly took a picture of Hela with a mobile phone-like device.Kacha~Hela wants to attack herself because of Kanata."Night-sky sword!"She flicked the Night-sky sword directly."Pingping~!"As a result, the Night-sky sword bounced off Nata's skin immediately!"Huh?" Hela was stunned.And Ganata took the mobile phone and went to Hela in an instant.Then pointing to a perspective view of her stomach and abdomen."Quickly tell me! Where does the enormous energy here come from!?"Hela took a look."ah!?".
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