
102. Wanda Absorbs Teigu! The Quintessence Of Demons! Humanoid Mutants!

as expected.The result was the same as what Su Yi thought.They ate here for a while.Hela in the distance stopped suddenly, then sniffled.She looked back sharply."Don't call me if you eat it~!!!""Ah~~~!"Hela rushed back with her "Night-sky sword".Su Yi picked up a piece of barbecue.Then dipped in the dipping sauce and threw it to her."Aww~!"Little Hela received an aerial reception."Hot hot hot~ hiss~ oh~"Then he was so hot that he quickly swallowed it.But he still raised his head sharply and said."Delicious!"Su Yi himself was eating barbecue."Then why don't you come and eat."Come here~"that's all.Two people grilled the meat, and 4 mouths ate it.The grill is huge.Su Yi also helped to watch the fire.So the speed can be said to be just right.An hour later.Everyone was lying on rocking chairs full of food.This rocking chair is the ground instead of table legs.But two curved pieces of wood.This allows you to rock back and forth while lying on it.Anyway, very cool.In addition, Su Yi made a cup of milk tea alone."Suck~~~"Su Yi took a deep breath.Just washed away the meaty taste in my mouth."It's so cool~!"That must be cool.The four of them rested on rocking chairs, enjoying the natural breeze.Definitely all three of them were shaking slowly.Only Hela rocks in her rocking chair.Gwen checked the time."Oops! I have to go back!"I found myself going back again.Wanda got up and asked Gwen, who was packing up her things and running outside."Hasn't there been no accidents in New York recently? Why do you still have to go home regularly?""It's time for the entrance exam." Gwen said while putting on her shoes, "The exam is after next week."I'll be free after the exam and the results are out.""Su, bye, see you tomorrow~!"Su Yi also waved his hand."See you tomorrow."After watching Gwen go.Wanda turned around and lay down and sighed."Gwen is going to college soon, really soon."yes."Su Yi sighed, and counted the time.At this point.According to the sacred timeline, it has developed quite a lot.Ragnarök is over.Ant-Man has been locked up for two years.Now he should be rescuing his mother-in-law Wasp with Dr. Pym.If the time is pushed back further.That's who Thanos is going to slaughter half of the Nova Empire.Then get the power gem.After that, find Asgard's spaceship and crush Loki to death.Then Infinity War begins.But it looks like there's a lot going on.But these things have nothing to do with Su Yi.Only when Thanos comes to Earth.Kill him yourself.This is the most.Almost all other things have nothing to do with Su Yi.Does that mean he's getting old?"It's really fast."Su Yi walked comfortably.Wanda thought he was talking about Gwen going to school fast.But what Su Yi meant was that the plot develops quickly.It's all over.correct.Thinking of the end of the story.Su Yi thought of the following plot again.The celestial larvae inside the earth have not yet been resolved.It is better for him to solve this matter in advance.Otherwise, it will explode suddenly.Turning back the entire world in time is still annoying.Think about it.Su Yi had already put his hand on Wanda's leg and began to feel it.Wanda put her legs aside.Let Su Yi touch it better.Gradually.Su Yi wanted to try the efficacy of the Yellow Emperor's Canon of Internal Medicine.Also there is one more thing.That's Wanda's physicality.If you don't improve it.Then Wanda has no ability to parry when facing Huangdi Neijing.Su Yi was reckless.Wanda fell apart directly.So Su Yi stood up and waved to Wanda."Um?"Wanda was taken aback.Then I got a little scared.She checked the time."It's past nine o'clock... let's be later...""It's okay, you come.""But you always stay late at night..."That is.If you go late, you can stick to it.If you go early, you will die.I will definitely faint if I don't persist until the end.And Su Yi smiled."Don't forget that I have a way to remind you of your physique."Oh yes!Su Yi reminded.It was only then that Wanda remembered this incident.So she got up and followed Su Yi to the bedroom.Then asked curiously."What the hell" "?"Su Yi knew that the essence of demons would have deep evil thoughts.So just to be on the safe side.Su Yi asked Wanda first."Did you practice hard will in the Book of Weishandi, or not be immune to the spell of Mental Impact?"Compared with the book of darkness.There should be quite a few spells like this in the Book of Emperor Weishan.as expected."Yes." Wanda nodded for sure: "I was practicing these spells when you said you wanted to get the Dark God Book.""very good.Then Su Yi was relieved.Although even if Wanda can't hold on, I will help Wanda accept the essence of the devil.But the benefits of being able to survive on your own are definitely better than others helping you.So Su Yi took out the Teigu, which is the quintessence of demons.It looks like a jug of wine.The color is light blue.But in fact it is blood, and if you observe it at a spiritual level, you will find it.There seemed to be great resentment roaring inside.Ordinary people will become manic and go berserk when they get close.Then don't talk about drinking.Someone else said it before Queen Estes drank this Teigu.previous tryers.Without exception, they are all insane!So when Su Yi took out the blood of the essence of the devil, he said to Wanda."You can cast those spiritual spells.""When you're done casting it, take it from me and drink it up."Wanda nodded nervously.Then pinch your hands.The scarlet magic immediately began to flow out.Then Wanda crossed her legs in the air.Immediately afterwards, Wanda's form changed.Her clothes changed.It has become a witch costume with a large skirt at the waist and a red crown on the head.At the same time the spell is being cast.The Book of Emperor Weishan appeared in her hand.Spells began to cast on her body one by one.Wait until Wanda is ready.She opened her eyes and looked at Su Yi.Su Yi handed the essence of the devil to Wanda.Wanda picked it up and drank it in a few sips without any hesitation.Fortunately, she had practiced under Su Yi.Otherwise, it's really hard to say whether I can finish drinking it.But after drinking.Wanda just returned the bottle of Essence of Devil to Su Yi.Her brow wrinkled immediately.Su Yi knew it when he saw it.The resistance of the devil's essence appeared.Next comes the fight.Wanda held spells in both hands.Close your eyes and stick to your heart.Although her brows frown a few times from time to time, she is generally not bad.Su Yi waited and waited.He pointed his index finger at Wanda and continued.The zipper on Wanda's front opens.One half of the grapefruit beauty is exposed.But what Su Yi observed was not this.But the imprint on Wanda's heart is slowly appearing.This is the symbol of Teigu, the quintessence of demons.Also the logo of Ability!Other Teigu are items.But the essence of demons is an Ability!So its body is different!And over time.After only a few seconds.The imprint of this Ability is basically fixed like a tattoo.But right now.It's also the last step.The imprint of the essence of demons on Wanda's heart suddenly changed color.Originally it was black.But it was changed to scarlet in an instant.And Wanda's hair started to change color too.Originally Wanda had long dark red hair.That kind of hair is still black if you don't look at it.But now it's quickly turning wine red.Much better looking than before!Now Wanda looks even more attractive than before!No wonder Queen Esdes became even more beautiful after having Tegu, the essence of demons.It turns out that this Teigu also has a beauty ability!"Su~!"With the essence of the devil absorbed.Wanda opened her eyes and looked at Su Yi with surprise.She lowered her legs and landed on the floor again.Then he flew into Su Yi's arms."This Ability is so strong!""It complements my Origin Magic Power!""The time to use this Ability is to bless it with Origin Magic Power!"So this is ah.Su Yi flicked Wanda's color-changed hair and smelled it.It smells so good."No wonder the logo of this Ability turned scarlet.""You're getting prettier too, Wanda.""Look at your hair."Su Yi brought her hair to the front.Wanda looked down.The burgundy hair goes especially well with Wanda herself.And in this shade.Wanda's skin is as white as milk.when the two are combined.You can feel very strong color contrast.Wanda also fell in love with this hair.She looked up.Looking into Su Yi's eyes."Then I didn't look good before?"Su Yi smiled.Do you want to use this kind of question?"No, you were beautiful before, and you are even more beautiful now."Wanda listened.Both legs can't help but close together.She stood on tiptoe.Immediately became active.Su Yi pinched her lightly."It seems that someone can't wait?""Yes, please, Sue.""Speak better.""What do you call it...""What is the object of the wife?""Husband~~~ah~!"the next day.Su Yi woke up refreshed.After working hard last night.Wanda is indeed much, much better.And it feels the same.It's just that Wanda's recovery speed has become more than 10 times faster!This should be related to the essence of demons!Or the quintessence of demons transformed by Origin Magic Power!The current Wanda is when physical strength and energy are exhausted.She can use mana to restore!So weak is still weak.I smoke every now and then.But battery life has improved too much!Going dizzy, right?Krypton mana fully recharged!Not enough mana?I will make up for you with Phoenix force!Wait until Su Yi comes out of the shower."Huh? Where's Hela?"He also wondered why Hela didn't come today.In the past, Hela always picked this time to pack milk.He didn't come now.But it doesn't matter.Su Yi snapped his fingers."Snapped"His whole body dries up.Clothes are also put on automatically.look at the time.8:15"Can also make breakfast."So Su Yi went into the kitchen and fried a steak for himself.By the way, I made a breakfast for Wanda.Then put it in the heat preservation furnace to keep warm.Finally, put a reminder sign.Just wait for Wanda to wake up and eat.Finish the steak.Finished the steak.Su Yi wiped his mouth.Then go to work.18:55Su Yi entered the office and sat down.It was neither too early nor too late for him.He usually arrives at the office between 8:50-8:59.As for the beginning of more than 40.That is absolutely impossible.It can only be as early as 50 at the earliest.It is absolutely impossible to start with 40.Even if it is 49.`々bang~'Legs turned up on the table.Su Yi leaned on the chair cushion and began to fish.Then open the news to see as usual.But the first TV station he watched.What pops up is the emergency live broadcast.On TV live.Playback is placed in the upper left corner.The theme live is in a state park in New York.That is near the TV station building.Three monsters jumped out of the river first.Two of them are beast-like in size.But one is humanoid.As soon as the three monsters came out, they immediately started looking for something.Su Yi saw this.Just know that they are mutant races that have been seen once before!They seem to have a purpose.Just start wreaking havoc and hunting targets in the garden and surrounding roads!After a while.A middle-aged woman ran wildly on the road with a little girl.And the three-headed mutants also spotted the two of them in an instant!Two women confront the three-headed mutant race.Where did they run monsters."Ahhh~~~!!!"People around are panicking and running away.The three-headed mutant race chased after them fiercely."Toot~~~!"A school bus full of students passed by them.A mutant race took a look.It grabs the front of the car.Throw it directly at the two fleeing women."Ah~~~!"xNThe students in the car were screaming in terror."Water spirit, run!"The middle-aged woman pushed away the woman who looked like a child beside her."Cersi!"And the little girl didn't know what to do in a hurry.But say something fun.They are also Eternals.That is, the race created by the Celestial Group to incubate the seeds of the Celestial Group and eliminate the mutant race.Every time a Celestial group seed is about to hatch.They will be sent out to use.Wait until the Celestial Group hatches.They will be recycled (well) to clear the memory, and then wait for the next use.This is the Eternal Race.Immediately afterwards.Facing the flying school bus.Circe stood up and held out her hand towards the school bus.Just at the moment where the two meet."Boom~~~"The school bus exploded into a sea of ​​petals.Paji~poof~rolling~And the students inside rolled out like bowling balls or billiard balls.even piled together.They're kind of scratched or something.But fortunately, I kept the Name.But how to escape next?"Roar~~~!"The three mutants charged up again.And Circe has no fighting power.How do you make her fight?Similarly, the water elves beside her can only do illusions.She uses Ability by Circe's side.for a moment.There are hundreds of similar people here.But the mutant race can smell the breath of life.So what's the use of your illusion?So even in a crowd of hundreds of people.The three mutants still rushed towards them without any hesitation.Circe and the water sprites to be exact!"Run water elf!"Circe knew it was impossible.She pushed the water sprite to make her go away."Tell the news to others! Mutants are back!""No!" The water elf shook his head immediately.She appeared in classic movie plots.I don't want to leave until Circe dies.I have to watch you die to react."Puff~! Puff~!"And the mutant race is getting closer.There was nothing Circe could do. She conjured up a long sword and waited for a counterattack.But the next moment.A black and white pink figure flashed past.She flew from Circe's right to left in an instant, leaving only an afterimage in the air."Psst~!"Then came the sound of meat piercing.The three mutants who were running suddenly fell down and lost their heads.Its blood was drawn into the Executioner's body in the air.At the same time, the pleasant voice of the Slayer also came."Please hurry up, I'm going to be late for school."It's Gwenda. .
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