
094. Westview Town! Heavenly Sword Game! Sleep Together!

Heavenly Sword Bureau.The full name is: Intellectual World Observation and Response Bureau.It exists for a simple purpose.If S.H.I.E.L.D is to solve the conflicts of the earth and protect the safety of the earth.Then the Tianjian Bureau is to solve the conflict between the earth and aliens and prevent the invasion of alien civilizations.definitely.This game is useless right now.His main mission - all outside the Earth.and its first occurrence.Still in one of Thor's cut animations.Someone took out the Tianjian Bureau's investigation data on Thor.It shows: cross-reference with Tianjian Bureau database.Therefore, the presence of Tianjian Bureau is very low.There are even fewer agents on the bright side.And Su Yi is not interested in their existence.The four entered Xijing Town.Wanda looked at the surrounding scenery, including buildings, grasslands, people and so on.In the end she kinda liked it."It seems to be okay here, not so many people, but everyone is doing their own thing.Su Yi nodded.Looks like Wanda likes idyllic towns.She loves having a home with her own farm, garden, and backyard.And Gwen looked at the surrounding scenery and said."There is no building, cobweb can't fly."Su Yi:...OK, the angle is novel.Good for you.But compared to Gwen and Wanda who have their own ideas.Little Hela's heart is much simpler.Where to sleep? Where to play? Are you free? Can it be my turn?Cough cough cough.The four walked for a meeting in the small town.On the way, there was no phenomenon of soliciting customers in other places.We are all residents here.So it's normal life."Where do you want to live?" Su Yi looked at everyone and asked, "Anyway, I only plan to stay for two days and one night."The three girls thought about it.Wanda was the first to feel it.Then point in one direction."Let's go there and see, it feels better there.Wanda said.No one else had an opinion.So everyone went there.What happened next was exactly what Wanda felt.Everyone is going here.The scenery here is also a little more natural.Also the plants are better.The neighborhood is also quieter.Obviously this is a better residential area.Su Yi nodded after looking at the scenery."Then take a look around here.The four turned around.Eventually found a decent vacant house.And it happened to have a rental sign posted on the door.There are not many houses here.So the rental is entrusted to one place.So Su Yi rented out the house.Then he moved in with the three daughters.Su Yi went in and looked at the bed first.The bed was found to be fairly large.There are one big and one small two.Su Yi nodded in satisfaction and said."Now we have two choices.""1: Let's sleep together tonight."2: Let's sleep together tonight.""Which one do you choose?"Wanda and Gwen immediately rolled their eyes at Su Yi when they heard it.Wanda didn't speak, just put the luggage in and wanted to clean up.Gwen didn't speak, and wanted to help Wanda.Hela doesn't care about her.Su Yi saw that the two wanted to clean up."Please, we are here to play, not to do housework."Su Yi snapped his fingers.snap~The room was instantly clean.spotless.Wanda and Gwen looked at the floor, which was cleaner than a dog's lick.The two of them could only put down the tools in their hands."Let's go, let's try the delicious food in this small town."Is there something to eat?!" Little Hela heard that there was something to eat.Then she immediately wanted to.What can I say if I have something to eat.elbow!So we put down our luggage, opened the door, and walked out together."Boom~"Then it happened that the neighbor next door came out at the same time.The two sides looked at each other.There are 4 people on Su Yi's side, and she is the only one on her side.It's a black woman with a fluffy afro.He is not short, even taller than Gwen.But it looks young.No, black people don't look very old.And the people over there saw Su Yi and a group of people.She silently put the phone away.Then he nodded to Su Yi."Hi, my name is Gratty, and I'm your neighbor."Su Yi also nodded, and also reported his famous minister.But Gwen and Wanda and Hela did not report.Especially Wanda.She half-hid behind Su Yi, not wanting others to recognize her as Scarlet Witch.Otherwise, the two-day outing will be uneasy.After reporting each other's names.Su Yi sensed Wanda's thoughts.So he waved and said."Then I'll go first."Gratti also waved and said: "Goodbye, I hope you have a good time.After the two parties separated.Wanda came out of Su Yi's arms holding Su Yi's hand.And Su Yi had a smile on the corner of his mouth.After seeing it, Wanda reached out and asked curiously."What's the matter, I've been laughing all the time."Hearing this sentence, Lu Wen also looked over curiously.Su Yi smiled."You say it's a coincidence, the person you met just now has a background.""Huh?"x2Hear this sentence.The first to suffer was Wanda.She was the first to ask: "Is she here for us?""No way." Gwen shook her head against the idea: "We teleported here, it is impossible to be discovered.""Who in this world can know where we want to go in advance."You are right.Su Yi couldn't have been squatted in the grass.So Su Yi shook his head and explained."You're thinking too much, Wanda."Don't forget that there is a dark book in this small town.""So there have always been magicians in this small town who were attracted by the intentionally released news, and finally disappeared mysteriously.""And she is one of the agents who came to investigate the disappearance of this group of demon magicians."agent?!Hear the word agent.Wanda still frowned and said."The agent has a lot of news, so she must have recognized us.""No wonder her expression didn't move much, but her pupils shrank twice.""So they recognized us."Gwen recalled what Wanda had said.And then found out it was!The female agent's expression didn't change much.But when they saw them, people didn't react for a moment.Normal people don't do this.What did she discover.But Gwen remembered one more thing."Isn't S.H.I.E.L.D disbanded? Where's her agent?""Heaven Sword Bureau.""Heavenly Sword Game?!" x2Gwen and Wanda froze for a moment.What game is this again?Never heard of it."It's just a non-existent game, mainly to deal with aliens." Su Yi waved his hand indifferently.Then I found that everyone came to a bakery.So he said as he led people in."Heavenly Sword Bureau is something that can be ignored, it doesn't matter.""They know you're Ms. Spider, Gwen, and Wanda isn't officially out of the Avengers alliance."So they won't come to make trouble, just chat at most."That's what I heard.Wanda breathed a sigh of relief.That's fine.As long as it doesn't disturb the outing time of the four of them.It must be inevitable to have a chat.I understand.Then the four entered the bakery.It turned out that things here are surprisingly good.The toast looked pure, burnt yellow.There is no mix and match of cream and peanuts in the supermarket.The panels here are simple.It's whole wheat toast.On the side there are toppings like jam, pate, and pickles.All in all it looks pretty good.Su Yi took a look.Let the three girls buy it directly."Choose one, buy more, and I'll follow suit."Then Hela jumped over and pointed to the bread and jam in the bar and said."This and this and this."The boss was happy to take it out when he heard the little girl snapping.But Hela's next sentence stunned him."I don't want what I said just now, but I will give you a copy of everything else."The boss was stunned.Gwen and Wanda looked at Hela at the same time.Definitely, it's not too much to eat either.It's just the way Hela talks a little bit.What do you mean this, this, and this, don't want them all, and get a copy of everything else?I knew you were going to say something like this.Then Su Yi thought I could say it myself, cough cough cough.But because it is a child's words.So the boss looked at Su Yi, the only man here.Waiting for Su Yi's reply.And Su Yi definitely waved his hand.Then he took Wanda and Gwen to the chair and said."Do as she says.""Thank you very much for the meal, sir and girl."That's what Su Yi heard.The boss must have had a good laugh.I hurried to prepare.And the bread had to be cut and brought up.As for Su Yi brought people to the table and sat down.Gwen and Wanda sat across from each other.Su Yi and Hela are sitting here.Very reasonable.And the outside seats of this restaurant are all wooden.You can lean on the wooden fence and watch the birds and flowers outside.This New York City feels completely different.Wanda took a deep breath and sighed."It's really nice here, I kind of like it here.""Wanda, which one do you like?" Gwen asked curiously: "I think um... generally up.Wanda looked around, then raised her chin as a gesture."I like the natural atmosphere here."Gwen looked at the natural atmosphere around her.Then he leaned his hands back on the wooden chair and said."In this kind of place, I am afraid that the wooden house will collapse when I stand on the roof."Only now did Wanda react.Gwen is like a straight-up nerf here.That's too bad.And Hela was playing with Su Yi's big hand.It is these hands, especially warm.And Su Yi also rubbed Hela's head.Anyway, he also likes Hela now.Although a bit naughty and juicy, it is much better than mature Hela.That Hela is not easy to deal with, it is too ambitious.And Hela also played with Su Yi's hand on her head.She didn't care that Su Yi's hands would mess up her hair.Instead, turn and play in reverse.But turn and turn.Hela's head paused, then turned to look outside.0. Ask for flowers...Su Yi put his hand on her headsuperior.Hela looks back.Su Yi also looked back.Then he saw the slightly fat aunt with the oval face.Her hair is brown, with a purple-black coat.And while passing the bakery.She also looked here a few times.Chief among them was a few glances at Wanda.Finally walked away as if nothing had happened.After watching people go away.Hela turned her head and said directly to Su Yi."That fat woman has thoughts about us, I'll go and kill her.""Huh?"x2Gwen and Wanda are still chatting.As a result, she suddenly heard that Hela wanted to kill someone, which shocked her two.They all looked at Hela at the same time.And Su Yi smiled and straightened Hela's hair."Why do you want to kill people?""Because she has malice towards us, really." Hela looked at Su Yi and said seriously."I am the goddess of death, and I clearly feel that she has very serious spying ideas on me and Wanda."oh~~~Su Yi made an understanding expression.It turns out that Hela still has this ability.And Hela also thought of something to explain."When I was fighting, I felt that Odin didn't want me to fight more and more, so he wanted to cut my rights."So I definitely rose up and wanted to get rid of him first, and then I was sealed..."oh~~~Su Yi made another expression of understanding.It turned out to be like this.Is there such a secret in this story?When he was reading the chronicles, he just wrote that Hela was too ambitious, and Odin sealed her for Ade.It turns out that there is such a thing.But think about it.How powerful Hela was at that time depended entirely on Asgard's territory.As long as Asgard is bigger, Hela is stronger.Can even surpass Odin!No wonder.Neither Wanda nor Gwen commented on this.After all, it's someone else's business.And it was many, many years ago.They don't understand either.Su Yi looked back, but he had long since disappeared.As for who she is.Su Yi almost guessed it.That black magic witch Agatha.She's just an old witch who uses black magic to absorb other people's mana to delay her own aging.The old hag had lived a long time.She was also the one who released the news about the Dark God Book.Then trick other magicians into being assassinated by her.I can say that it is very bad.And it's delicious!But now that everyone is gone, Su Yi is too lazy to let Hela chase him.Because the boss has already served up the sliced ​​bread."Kill it next time you see it, Hela.I heard that I can kill next time.Hela nodded happily."That's fine, anyway, I love her to death.For Hela.How dare you spy on my Ability?I f**king kill you!And Su Yi also agreed with Hela's decision.You can picture my body, but you can't picture my Ability!It's like you can lie to me about feelings, but you can't lie to me about money!Because the "ammunition" of the body can be replenished and saved, but if the Ability is gone, it will not come back!The same is true for feelings, if they are gone, they will be gone, but if the money is gone, it is really gone.So you hit my Ability's attention.I have to kill you?The two hit it off.Wanda and Gwen looked at each other and nodded in agreement.Now that Su Yi has decided.Then they would definitely not refute what Su Yi said."Aww~Aww~"And Hela had eaten the bread with jam."Well, not bad."Seeing that Hela gave a good review.Su Yi picked up a piece of bread and dipped it in the sauce and said."Let's start eating, we still have to go out to play in the afternoon, and we'll get down to business tomorrow."Um."Everyone nodded and began to eat bread.at the same time.Grady, the black female neighbor just now, found Jimmy, another Tianjian Bureau agent in West View Town.Grady said with a nervous expression."Scarlet Witch, Ms. Spider, and an Asgard girl all showed up in West Island this afternoon!""They lived with a man who is now my neighbor!""What are they doing here? Are they also investigating the disappearance of the magician? But what does this have to do with them?"to be honest.Gratti is really nervous right now.Because the three women she reported were all very strong.None are weak!Especially Scarlet Witch, she thinks she can crush herself to death in the air!And Jimmy opposite her is also very nervous.He is a former S.H.I.E.L.D agent.Then S.H.I.E.L.D went bankrupt and he came to Tianjian Bureau.As a result, now meet the people of Avengers.It's not that he's guilty.Rather he knew where the Avengers would pop up.That would definitely not be safe.So Jimmy thought about it, and without any hesitation, he took out the agent phone and said."This matter must be reported to the captain and let them handle it."Gladys agrees with this.Treat superhero this kind of super combat power.Beggars must be treated with care and rigor!.
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