
082. Gwen Cosplayer! Asgard Destroyed! RagnaröK!

For shapeshifting King Kong patriarchs.I can be watched by the Creator from a personal perspective.What a great honor!While excited.It starts introducing right away."The development of ecology requires environment and temperature. The normal temperature of cyberspace is around -60 degrees, which is not suitable for ecological survival."So I first used a closed ecology to conduct simulation experiments."Then step by step to transform the cybertron's atmospheric environment, temperature, humidity, soil and other ecological factors."Accompanied by the explanation of the elder.Su Yi nodded slowly.Gwen also listened with great interest.Although she couldn't understand some things the elder said, she could understand many things.And they both noticed.The patriarch is producing a lot of robots.The management of the ecological park is done by these small robots.Otherwise, it will definitely not be able to do fine work if it is so big.Wait until the elder has finished speaking.Su Yi nodded and continued to ask."Then what are you going to do in the first step outside the closed ecological circle?"Facing Su Yi's question.Yuan Yuan immediately replied: "To create an atmospheric environment transmitter, first change the atmospheric environment and increase the temperature of Botan Star."good."Hearing that there is a complete plan, it seems that it is not fishing.Su Yi nodded in satisfaction."Do you have a name?""Name?" The elder was taken aback for a moment, then bowed his head in ecstasy: "No, please give me a gift from the Creator!"Su Yi nodded: "Then you will be called Druid from now on."After being rewarded with a name.The old man was very emotional.The woods above trembled.Su Yi waved his hand, and finally the cpu was a veteran named Druid."Do well, I am very optimistic about you, and I look forward to seeing that the next time I come, there will be a green place on the planet Cybertron, no matter how small it is."After speaking.Su Yi snapped his fingers and took Gwen to another place.Then the two continued to read the introduction of all modules."Which one do you want to see?""This!" Gwen pointed to the war module.snap~After a snap of the fingers.The two continued to change places to interview these elders.After a few hours.The two of them looked at almost all the elders who were interested.At the same time, Su Yi also bestowed titles on veterans who did well.For example: names like Fortress, Furnace, Armory, etc.That's right, Su Yi didn't take those guest ministers who were hanging on the sky either.Mainly those names might look ok.In reality, it would be embarrassing to say a word.After the interview.snap~Su Yi snapped his fingers again.The two returned home.After entering the door.Gwen said suddenly."I figured it out, learn all about biology and mechanics in college!""Oh?" Su Yi could roughly guess the reason, but he still asked, "Why?"Gwen hugged Su Yi."Because you showed me the sea of ​​stars and stars.""I am very interested in the combination of life and machinery in shapeshifting King Kong!""I want to see if I can do something similar!"as expected.It's almost the same as what Su Yi thought.It started with the slaying of the lizardman by the sky fire that night.Gwen should love these things.And after learning about shapeshifting King Kong.Apparently she liked it better.Su Yi patted her on the back and said directly and affirmatively."I support you, just concentrate on doing it."Gwen was instantly overjoyed.She does not need to consider the employment situation or career prospects to learn these things.She is only for the world in her heart.That's why we can be selfless.next.Su Yi is going to make dinner.But what makes him weird is.Why doesn't Hela bark today?"Hela?"Su Yi walked to the living room.Found the console on the carpet with comforters, but just no Hela."Huh~?" Gwen also became curious: "Where's Hela? Going out to play?"should.Su Yi shook his head.Then release Ability to find it directly.next moment.He knew Hela was in a room with French windows.He went to open the door.It turns out that little Hela is sleeping on the bed.Wait until Su Yi closes the door and comes out.Gwen suddenly said in surprise."I haven't seen Hela sleep in so many days!""I haven't seen it either." Su Yi spread his hands, "Maybe she wants to sleep today.But saw Hela asleep.There was a trace of Fire in Gwen's eyes."Su? You still have dinner tonight."Su Yi thought about it."Eat it, it's boring if you don't eat it."So Su Yi made dinner anyway.As for Hela, no more.let her go to sleep.Not to mention starving, even 100 meals will not kill you.The two went to the table.Gwen produced the wine.The two chatted while eating and drinking.Then we talked about fighting during the day.Gwen squeezed her fist and said."This symbiont battle suit is so strong, I feel that I have been getting stronger and more powerful."Ahem." Su Yi was not interested in this.So he brought up the point."Gwen, your symbiote battle suit can change a lot of things, do you want to try other things?""Other?" Gwen was puzzled.cough cough.Su Yi took out his mobile phone and searched for a few people.Then show Gwen what they're wearing.There are many characters here.For example: Hunting Angel Witch, 2B, Tifa cough cough cough."VR..."When Gwen saw it, her drunken face immediately turned redder.These female characters all have one characteristic.That is the leather jacket.But it is different from the serious leather jacket.These body-hugging full-body leather jackets are either dotted or patterned!Or less fabric or something!Gwen blushed.But it's all over.After half a sound.Gwen hesitated for a while, and said in a low voice after buying and eating."I can only try one kind this time..."Su Yi:!!!What else to say.Su Yi picked and chose, and directly chose the usage for Gwen."Then try this!"Gwen didn't even look at it, and replied with a mosquito sound: "Um..."Tifa is good.As the saying goes.The 3D area cannot be without Tifa, just like the West cannot be without Jerusalem!At the moment.What a sacred timeline.What Conqueror Kang.What five gods.Give me all the way!This is the number one factor that makes Su Yi like the earth!All others stand aside!At the moment Su Yi hurriedly picked up the meal.And Gwen went to wash up after eating.But Su Yi who had finished eating immediately held his hand."Elbow, house!""Ah? I need to take a bath!""That was halftime, now it's the first half!""You are bad~!"the next day.With the alarm clock ringing.Gwen was going to school, so when she got up, she kissed Su Yi on the cheek and was about to leave.Su Yi opened his eyes.Looking at Gwen's graceful figure, she smiled with satisfaction.And Gwen fled the scene immediately after seeing Su Yi's smile.She was afraid that if she didn't leave, she would be caught doing morning exercises.Definitely it's not a question of morning workouts either.Well, 1, really.It's because you're going to be late for school after morning exercise, and that's not okay."We are about to take the final exam, are you coming to the graduation ceremony?""I will definitely go."So Gwen went to school happily.After Gwen left.Su Yi put his hands behind his head and lay refreshed.I was so happy last night.Gwen even showed Tifa's shyness.It's the feeling of blushing and biting your fingers, who knows?And Su Yi is like buying [Berserker Gaiters].Do you understand its [Attack Speed ​​+35%] buff?At that time, Su Yi still thought it was impossible.So I bought [Guinsoo's Rage Blade].Let alone the data.You just need to know that the faster this thing is, the faster the attack speed of person A will be.After resting like this for a while.Su Yi also got up and went to take a hot shower.But when he came back, he found something was wrong."Where's little Hela?"It's the second day.There is still no little Hela in the living room."Has she quit her internet addiction?"impossible.Su Yi walked towards the bedroom where Hela fell asleep yesterday.He pushed open the door.It was found that little Hela was still sleeping."?"Su Yi frowned.He sensed something was wrong.Hela is the goddess of death.Even little Hela doesn't need to sleep like this now.Sleep is a form of recovery.But it will not increase the upper limit of divine power.And Hela sleeps like this.She originally followed Su Yi nearby.So originally there is no problem.Then it is very likely that there is a problem with divine power now."Where does Hela's power come from?"Su Yi thought about it."Looks like Asgard."Yes, it is Asgard.Hela has said countless times to take back Asgard and kill Odin.But she never said she would destroy Asgard.Because Hela's divine power comes from Asgard.As long as Asgard is around.Then Hela doesn't have to do anything.Divine power will slowly recover.The supernatural Hela would not be so lethargic.So, something went wrong?Su Yi walked to Hela's side.He didn't choose to wake up Hela, because it's useless to wake up Hela in this state.Su Yi directly put his hand on Hela's head to feel it.Phoenix force works a little bit.Su Yi knew what the problem was."It's really exhausting.""So something happened to Asgard, Ragnarök?"It's really possible.In order for Hela to wake up first.Su Yi injected a little energy into Hela's body.as expected.The next moment, little Hela opened his eyes.And her first words were."Something's wrong with Asgard, Kuk!"Sure enough, perfect predictions.Su Yi didn't say much, he was wearing a bathrobe, sitting by the bed, and gestured with his hand."Tell me what you think."Hela felt his divine power first.In the discovery of divine power is still relatively abundant.She was relieved to be able to go without sleep for a few days.Then he told Su Yi from the beginning."When you left yesterday, I suddenly felt a palpitation.""Then when I was halfway through the game, I felt that the supplement of divine power was rapidly disappearing, and after a while, I lost my divine power!""Time is too fast, I don't even know what happened, I feel very sleepy, and then I came here to sleep until now.After listening to Hela's narration.Su Yi was also sure that there was something wrong with Asgard.If nothing unexpected happens.That's when Ragnarök came.Su Yi wanted to ask Hela what she thinks now.After all, the home is gone.should be...Ya~!"At this time, Hela jumped up on the bed remorsefully and said."Yesterday I was so sleepy that I fell asleep, so my teammate was cheated by me!"Su Yi: 0.0?"You still think you're cheating on your teammates?" Su Yi said with a look of disbelief, "Your family is gone!"This home is not a fake home.But real home!Let alone home, your father may be gone too!But Hela's remorse turned out to be real."We fought side by side, killed a lot of orcs and Zerg, and finally almost conquered the galaxy, she must think I'm a fool..."Well, Su Yi listened to what Hela said.She should be playing Warhammer 40k.But that's not the point."Your family really doesn't care? Are you not curious?" Su Yi asked."How can I not care, that is the source of my divine power!" Hela groaned, but immediately became depressed and said: "But it's all like this, and the divine power will definitely not come back."Besides, with my current state, I don't know how long it will take to accumulate the power to go to Asgard once. What can I do..."Right.Hela's current upper limit of divine power has been reduced to the lowest level.She's not like Thor, who has energy in her body.Hela's divine power comes from the goddess of death, who is in charge of Asgard's death.And now Asgard is gone.Her divine power body is also gone.So it's like...Hela hasn't changed anything, but the level has been reset to zero.Need to re-level!And her current level can't take the portal yet.You have to be high enough!It's miserable.Su Yi bit his head helplessly, got up and said while walking out."You put on your shoes, I'll change your clothes, Congress will take you to Asgard.After speaking, Su Yi went back to the bedroom to change clothes.And the little Hela on the bed was stunned.After half a sound.She sniffled, lowered her head and wiped her eyes.Then go out and change your shoes right away.After a while.Su Yi changed his clothes, and when he came out, he was already looking at Hela waiting for him in the most beautiful dress he bought for her.To tell you the truth.Su Yi bought her a lot of clothes that day.But small skirts, big skirts and Lolita accounted for more than 80%.Among them, Lolita is the most expensive.But it's also the best (Wang Wang's) to watch.Little Hela was reluctant to wear it at first.She yelled in the street."You beast, I, Hela, will not please you!"Then Jen was finally willing to wear it."Not bad, very sincere."Seeing this, Su Yi smiled and nodded in satisfaction.Isn't that right."Huh~" Little Hela curled her mouth, "I think it looks good again. "I didn't send it for you to see.""It's okay." Su Yi said nothing, "Anyway, I can see it.This is equivalent to whether you care whether she loves you or not.You can do it every day for a reason.Some people are not worthy of your love, understand.After both are ready.Su Yi snapped his fingers.snap~next moment.The two traveled through the Nine Realms and appeared in Asgard.As soon as the result came here.Su Yi and Hela saw a ruin at the same time.Yes.It is a real ruin.There is not a single building, all broken stones with different file sizes!And the Asgard that originally floated here is gone.Turned into the ruins here now!The whole space is full of ruins!Only remnants of the original magnificent golden palace can be seen in the ruins.The once beautiful Bifrost is now only visible in fragments.7.Nothing."No..." Hela couldn't bear to look directly.She turned her head and hugged Su Yi tightly, and buried her face in Su Yi's abdominal muscles.Although Hela has already guessed this ending, when it really appears in front of your eyes, most people will be overwhelmed.It's like when your loved one dies.You probably won't cry when you hear the news.But it's hard not to cry when you see items that hold memories.Unless you really have no feelings.And how many years has Hela fought on this land?Now there is nothing.Even the fallen leaves no longer exist.Gradually.Su Yi felt tears coming from his stomach.He reached out his hand helplessly, stroking little Hela's green hair."So you can cry too.",
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