
060. Sorcerer Supreme Godfather! Pick Up Wanda From The Avengers Alliance!

Wang exclaimed.Let all the magicians react suddenly and start to activate the temple barrier."Quick start the barrier!""Activate the barrier!"Quick start the barrier!"Everyone rushed to tell each other.Soon, most of the magicians raised their hands and used their mana to activate the quality of the temple.At the same time, a light shield about the same File size as the Ancient One magician is propped up in Kamar-Taj.This barrier is composed of multiple small shields and a large shield.The golden pattern on it is exactly the same as the light shield in Avengers alliance4.These light shields could theoretically even withstand a nuclear bomb!That is to say, as long as there is no meteorite falling on the earth, these light shields can almost stop it!And the other side.Under the Ancient One magician's imminent enemy.The little phoenix that condensed Su Yi's Phoenix force gradually flew to the light shield of Ancient One.It did not explode directly to release the energy of destruction.But according to Su Yi's will.He flew to the light shield and stood on it.Then he waved his wings and greeted Ancient One.ThenA bright red light then lit up!Ancient One immediately lowered her head, she couldn't look directly at the terrifying explosion light of Phoenix force.What's more, it's still so close!"Keng~~~!!!"At the same time, the song of the phoenix resounded through the heavens and the earth!Sound and light appear at the same time!The terrifying power of destruction also sputtered out!"Boom~~~!!!"The whole world seemed to shake!The whole world seems to be dyed in the blink of an eye!Instantly!Su Yi's burst of energy enveloped the whole world!The time now is sunset.But all of a sudden it's even redder!Red as blood!"Crack ~!"At this time.Ancient One's first light shield shattered.That is the shield of time.It is the defense that can weaken the Phoenix force attack to the greatest extent.Su Yi saw this far away from "540" and felt that the opponent's defense was okay.But the next moment."Crack ~!""Crack ~!""Crack ~!"Without the weakening of the shield of time.The terrifying destructive power of the Phoenix force made the remaining light shield of the Ancient One magician as fragile as paper!The shield of time just disappeared.Her remaining light shields began to break one after another!Ancient One stabilized his mind.Use all the mana in your body to maintain the last shield!But the destructive power of Phoenix force is really terrifying.Even the shield that Ancient One fully maintains!Under the power of destruction, it is as fragile as an eggshell!"Crack ~!"Her last light shield also shattered with a click.It was too late for Ancient One to react.And the remaining destructive power was poured directly on the body of Ancient One magician!"Boom~~~!!!"next moment.A figure in a yellow robe drew a trace on the horizon after the explosion.In the end, it was directly bombarded on a mountain in the Himalayas."Boom!!"The ensuing avalanche buried Ancient One directly.This is simply killing people and burying corpses.And Su Yi also flew over when he saw this.Then stretch out one hand in the air, and pull it.Ancient One was dragged out like a drugged girl under a force.She is wearing a robe.But he drooped his hands and feet completely feebly.And an invisible big hand held her waist directly behind her and picked her up.Final blow.It was Ancient One who used all his strength to defend.Now her whole body is exhausted and weak.Anyone can do whatever they want."Crack~"But Su Yi snapped his fingers.A burst of red energy entered Ancient One's body.Then Ancient One's body emitted the light of the Book of Weishandi.After a while.Ancient One recovered and stood up again.Ancient One let out a long breath, bowed and cupped his hands towards Su Yi and said."Thank you for your mercy.""From now on, you are the godfather of Sorcerer Supreme, and all holy places and magicians around the world follow your orders!"At this point, Yin Yi waved his hand indifferently.A magician is not a magician, nor does he stay in the holy place.But well."Ancient One magician, your plan can still be realized as usual without changing the timeline.""Later, I will let Wanda come to learn magic systematically, please help me to teach systematically when you have time.Wanda is the Scarlet Witch.Ancient One nodded and answered after hearing it."no problem."And the other side.a few minutes ago.After the explosion that resounded through the world.Wang saw a surge of energy sweeping over.Immediately shouted with a serious face."Increase mana!!!"for a while.More people are holding up their shields.But they didn't realize until the energy fluctuations swept through.This fluctuation is not like an attack!Shields are useless!On the contrary, the shock after the earthquake caused many people to panic and fall!And energy fluctuations hitting people is like a strong wind blowing you!Can't stand at all!"hold onto!!!"As soon as Wang saw it, he immediately shouted.But he couldn't stand anymore.next moment."Kach~"Accompanied by the first group of people to fall.Kamar-Taj's light shield shattered into pieces.And the remaining fluctuations just drilled in as if they had found a gap!"Crack~"Immediately afterwards, more people were washed down!A large piece of the light shield was also shattered!"Crack!"Finally, in the fall of a large number of people.The barrier above Kamar-Taj was completely shattered.Everyone fell to the ground.And Wang looked into the distance in shock.A figure has been blasted into the mountains.Even avalanches are everywhere!But who is this?To be able to make such a terrifying attack!Who is fighting again?Ancient One magician?If it was really Ancient One magician, Wang didn't even dare to think about it.Who the hell can knock the Ancient One into the mountains?She is Sorcerer Supreme!But not long.Wang then discovered that a portal opened directly at Kamar-Taj.Then Ancient One magician and a young man came out from inside.Afterwards, Ancient One magician introduced to Wang"This is Su, the future Godfather of Sorcerer Supreme.""His mighty power is above mine, afterward the Holy Place and all the magicians obey Su's command."Now only he can guard the world."Hear these three sentences.Wang's eyes widened for a moment.Now he knows who beat Ancient One up.It's the man in front of me!But immediately he also reacted, bent down and said."Su magician!""No, just call me Su, I don't like any suffixes."Su Yi waved his hand, looked at Ancient One again and said."Just get to know the magicians in charge.""The operation of the holy place and the magicians I have no interest in managing."Come to me again if you make any decisions in the future. My identity in New York is a psychiatrist."Okay, I'll go first."finished.Su Yi took out a business card from the void and flew it to Wang.After Wang received the business card.I also saw the name and address in hot gold on the wooden business card.But when it starts to change.Su Yi has turned into a beam of energy and disappeared.Wang was taken aback.Looking at the Ancient One magician again, he asked."He doesn't even need to open the portal?"Ancient One shook his head."He's not using energy-manipulating magic.""It's about manipulating energy directly."king:!!!direct manipulation of energy?It's like you don't need to ignite gasoline in the engine to get power!You don't need to rely on a generator to generate electricity to get electricity!Instead, use the source directly!"How did you do that?" Wang asked in shock.Ancient One didn't answer.Because she can't do it either.She just knows that she has this ability.Level Single Universe, that is simply not the strength that Level God Father can think of.Because as long as Su Yi is willing.He can even wrap the earth with energy, lift it up and smash it in people's faces!Bowling is coming~!finally.Ancient One didn't say much either.She just looked at Wang and said in a serious tone for the first time."If Midgard encounters a catastrophe, you must go to him, only he can save the situation.Wang took the business card and memorized the address on it deeply in his mind.Then nodded heavily and replied to Ancient One."I see."The screen changed.Su Yi has already returned to the northern New York building.He took out his phone again.Message Stephen back."A place called Kamar-Taj, where your future is.Yes.After the battle with Ancient One magician.Su Yi didn't want to bother anymore.Let Stephen go directly.Everything will not be known until Stephen experiences it himself.What is magic and what is reality.next.Su Yi was bored.According to Gwen, she has something going on at school.So no time to come out and play.Wanda's words...Does she seem to be off work?No, does the Avengers have off hours?Never mind, go check it out.Press the phone again.Su Yi got off the elevator and went out the door, just in time to meet Tianhuo who ran out.Sit in the Ferrari, hold the steering wheel, and lightly kick the accelerator.Skyfire headed towards the Avengers base.After a while.After passing through the city and a suburb.Su Yi came to the periphery of the Avengers base.definitely.Actually before he got close.His car was scanned by Tony's satellite.Then Su Yi got out of the car.Leaning on the car door, he took out his phone and contacted Wanda.After a while.A big beauty in a windbreaker with loose hair ran towards him excitedly.The other superheroes in the base were shocked.When has Wanda been so excited?What happened?As a result, they came out and found out.Wanda ran to the door, opened the gate of the base, and jumped into the arms of a man excitedly.And it's not just a normal flutter.It's the legs that are raised up and clamped around the waist!"who is he?"FalconLooking into the distance, he asked."Su." Natasha Romanoff helped him introduce and said: "The real identity is the top psychiatrist in the United States.After Falcon heard it, he asked again thoughtfully."in reality?""Yes, in reality." Natasha Romanoff nodded: "No one knows how much ability he has behind him, maybe only Wanda knows."Obviously, Wanda doesn't know yet.Precisely.The one who knows the most is the Ancient One magician whom I met not long ago.All the others know is just scratching the surface.However, Falcon obviously doesn't know how big the Ability behind this is.He thought it was just more powerful.So he kept asking."Why doesn't he join the Avengers?"Natasha Romanoff: ...this question.Ask other Avengers alliance members out of curiosity.But asked Natasha Romanoff speechless.It's not Falcon's fault either.Falcon was a soldier and was influenced by Captain America, so he obviously has a sense of honor and obsession with superhero.That's why he felt that becoming a superhero was an honor.Everyone should like it.But Natasha Romanoff knows.People don't bother to be a superhero!And if Wanda wasn't responsible, she wouldn't like being a superhero either!Plus that lady spider!So Su Yi's family doesn't like being a superhero.Or a professional superhero!But how to explain this?Natasha Romanoff thought about it, and just wanted to explain a little bit.Hawkeye said from the side."They're gone."Yes.The screen changed.Su Yi has already left with Wanda.See here.Many male superheroes have mixed feelings in their hearts.It's like the guy from the class next door taking the girls from your class.If it is more ruthless.It was the men outside the school who took the girls from your class away.Although this girl has nothing to do with you.But just say that you are suffering."call…."as expected.Many superheroes sighed.Hawkeye looked up to the sky."Today's sunset is the reddest of all previous sunsets."Hear Hawkeye change the subject.Everyone superhero nodded."It's quite red.""I've never seen such a red sky in my life.""Oh, I want to go for a walk.In the reddest sunset in history.A Ferrari was driving along the beach at a constant speed.While blowing the sea breeze, Wanda watched the sunset in the distance."What a beauty."Su Yi held the steering wheel with one hand, and rested on the car window with the other."Such a sunset, as long as you send a lot of energy to the sky, you will have it."Wanda blinked and asked inexplicably."Why?""Because that's what I do."Wanda didn't have any doubts at all, instead she happily asked Su Yi: "Then you took the initiative to pick me up because you did this for me?""Hmm..." Adhering to the idea of ​​not lying to 3.9 people, Su Yi nodded and shook his head: "At least half of it is for you.""That's enough!"Wanda hummed happily.Su Yi looked at this sensible and enthusiastic girl.Also humming happily.This is the life he likes.The days of fighting and killing are just decoration.The two hummed for a while.Wanda started talking about what she had encountered in Avengers.For example, Captain America and Tony are fighting again.For example, Falcon and Hawkeye compete who can shoot more accurately.For example, what mission did Natasha Romanoff go to perform again.besides..."Su, the Sokovy Agreement has been officially issued."We seem to be going to Germany to sign this agreement.""But Captain America has gone missing with a few guys, and Natasha Romanoff said trouble might be coming.Hear here.Su Yi knew that the civil war was about to start.Captain America is recruiting and going to Germany to oppose the award of this agreement.But also to save his friend Winter Soldier.Su Yi knew.Even if someone is influenced by him.But the end of the timeline still tries to bring the plot back to the normal line as much as possible.Even if the process is different.But some points still trigger.Just like some decisive battles.Unless he stands up and destroys the timeline at these time nodes, the timeline can be disturbed.But at that time, people from the Time Management Bureau came to him.The people of the Time Management Bureau are not scary.But the people behind it are still a bit tricky.Su Yi wants to do whatever he wants on the timeline.The best thing is to go beyond the Level Single Universe and reach the multi-universe level.Let alone the timeline by then.He can even completely modify the timeline!That is to say, if he wants something not to happen, he doesn't have to, and if he wants it to happen, it can happen, no matter what process is in between!But until then.It wasn't the Time Administration that came looking for him.But the court of life!.
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